the boundary lines of the pro­ posed new county of Deschutes, the lines of the U. S. land dis­ tricts in the southern and eastern Good bright boy wanted at The part of the county, and many Spokesman office to learn the Roberts Bros, at Sisters to new postofhces and wagon roads printing business. not heretofore shown in any map Have Mill in Oper- published in the county. The Old type makes the best bab­ tion Shortly map is well worth the price ask­ bitt metal. This office has a ed for it, $1.00. The Crook County Abstract Co. lot of old type for this purpose. While in Remond Monday fore­ is composed of John T. Ross. D. noon El wood Roberta of Sisters. L. Wylde and B. F. Wylde. who E. B. Borne jr., of Ritzville, Rave out the information that recently came to this state from Wash., who is interested in prop­ the saw mill he and his brother . Colorado. The company has just erty in Redmond and vicinity, after a sojourn hereof some time were going to put in at Sisters completed a set of up to date ab­ left for bis home last week. He would be in operation in about stract books of this county. will try to induce a number from two week8. his part of Washington to locate Cheap Prices for When questioned as regards in Redmond and the Redmond a large tie contract it was report­ the Consumer District. ed they had from the Oregon Lynch & Roberts, general mer­ Trunk Line. Mr. Roberts stated chandise and drugs, are offering George H. Herbert, a deputy there was no truth in the report, some attractive prices on fresh sheriff of Baker City and an old but said they had a contract with groceries and canned goods that friend of City Marshal Mills, was t ’le Oregon Trunk people to furn­ it will pay economical buyers to in Redmond for a few days last ish bridge timbers for the Crook­ investigate. They are also mak­ week. Mr. Herbert is well known ed River bridge. As soon as the ing attractive prices on their line in this section, and was agreeably mill starts up they expect to cut ! of gloves. surprised to see the building ac­ from ten to fifteen thousand feet tivity and well founded eviden­ daily of bridge timber until the Excursion Rates ces of prosperity in Redmond. contract is completed. Soon Be On Mr. Roberts furtherstated they It is expected that the fall Sheriff Elkins was over from would run their mill to capacity schedule of colonists rates from the county seat last Thursday on and would be in a position to sup­ the east to the coast will soon be official business. ply the Redmond market with put in effect by the Great North­ lumber. ern and 0. R. & N. roads. These The thanks of the editors of reduced rates will have the effect The Spokesman are due Mr. Kirk New Map of of bringing a large number of Whited for some excellent roast­ the County people into Redmond and this ing ears of corn he left at the of­ The Crook County Abstract Co. section of the state. fice last week. of Prineville, has just issued a new and comprehensive map of Manila binding twine at Ken General Traffic Manager Clark Crook county. The map shows dall & Chapman's. J tf— G r«* Nefifcer*: was here yesterday looking up tonnage for his road. From here he went to Bend and from there goes to Klamath Falls. WILL SOON BE SAWING Redmond and Vicinity 1 1 K <0 Buckley Drug Co., Cecil Kenoyer, wife and child­ ren and the Misses Elliott of Hillman, are spending a week or ten days camping on the Metolis. Snider’s S. R. SNIDER, Proprietor Recently Opened. Everything New and First-Class . Regular and Short Order Meals Open From 5:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Regular Table Board, $5.00 per Week. Commutation Tickets at Reasonable Rates . PA R K 13 DEALERS IN Soft Drinks We carry the Finest Line of All Kinds of Soft Drinks in the City Come in and see us when you want anything in the above line Redmond, =r — Oregon 32 37 26 31 36 30 35 29 34 AVE. 27 AVE. 28 I I W E S T - E N D A\/E. Redmond’s Addition of Character ELECT YOUR LOTS NOW AND GET A GOOD CHOICE^ The only addition with a public park within the corporate iimita uMUuffluii(i. Lota 50x125. Wide streets and alleys. Located on the highest ground in the City. S See Owner14 Blast Puts Out Laborer’s Eye Steve Uoltzos, a laborer em­ ployed at Nelsan Bras. Camp No. 1. had the sight of his right eye destroyed the 15th by a piece o f , rock the size of a large nut being blown into it, Uoltzos and a fellow laborer had gone to see why a blast hnd not exploded, and as they ap- j proached the place the charge exploded with the above result. His companion was slightly in-, jured. Redmond Realty Co. Sueremors to Kllingrr ft Taliaferro Jackson Lumber Everything in Real Estate Irrigated Farm Lands GO M P A N Y Sells /** JONES LAND CO. Doors, Windows, Glass, Ranges, Heating and Cook Stoves, Builders’ Hardware, John Deere, Canton Clipper and Oliver Plows, Wagons, Buggiesand Hacks, Improved and Unimproved Redmond City Property Homestead and Desert Claims Located 'V Come and see us if you want any kind Of Real Estate in Crook county. We have a large list ot choice buys. Ray Osborne left this week for Medford. and all the other goods that goes in the Hardware trade. Come and see us. Subscribe for The Spoksman Farm lands and city property for sale by J. J. Ellinger. Satisfaction Guaranteed $1.50 per year in advance Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, and Miss Jackson had Sunday dinner at the Eby ranch. Jackson Lumber Co. Redmond The Presbyterian building so­ ciety meets with Mrs. Norwood this afternoon. Dr. Cline, wife and little son Harold of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jordan and Mrs. Jordan, sr. of Prineville, left today for the mountains on a hunting and fishing trip of several weeks dur-! ation. E. L. Rapp, the clothier, is ex- i pected to arrive here this week with his stock of goods. Let us do your next order of job printing. High class work.1 NORTH BEACH Queen of the Northwest Resorts THE KEY HAS BEEN THROWN AWAY AT Full line of stationery, new clean stock, at the Buckley Drug Co. ltf Rev, G. A. M. Lilley and fam­ ily returned the latter part of last week from a trip across the mountains where they had been attending Chautauqua. AND 25 2 I X Mr. and Mrs. McLallin enter­ tained a few friends at an old fashioned com roast under the junipers Wednesday evening. Welter & Williams, /X V/ E . LENOX Mr. and Mrs. Holder and Mr. and Mrs.G. Ruark of Melrose, la., are visiting at the M. E. Landis home. The ladies are sisters of Mrs. Landis. The party ¡scamp­ ing, hunting and fishing at Cres­ cent Lake this week. Sunday evening hours at the local telephone exchange are now iroiii 7 to 9 Tne'morning hours « ' are the same as formerly. Q I 2 B. A. Kendall and family made a business trip to Bend Tuesday. Restaurant and Chop House 18 f? Miss Opal Munkers of Port­ F. S. Forest, sales manager of land. who has been visiting her the Inland Empire of Portland, sister, Mrs. Hosch. returned to was interviewing the business her home Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. men here yesterday. Hosch accompanying her as far Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pratt and as Madras. son. Miss Pratt and Mr. Wright. Born. August 10th. to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ogg and son, Mrs. Vandyke, 4 miles north of and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kennard Redmond, a son. recently drove to Hillman, Trail Crossing and down the river to Frank Jenkins and O. A. Camp­ the railroad grade where the bell and family of Eugene, visit­ ed here this week with J. W. bridge is to be built. Woodruff and family. An assortment of the best made team lines at the harness shop. 3tf Prop’rs. 14 MADI SON PALSUCE CREAM PARLORS Nothing but the BEST Full line of Stationery STB E C T 2 2 P A R K l* s t L C VE N T H 1 $ 1 i If you want a good dish of Ice Cream made from pure cream, a Milk Shake, a cold glass of Soda Water, Fresh Fruit, or some of the best Confectionery made, call and see us. ] DEI (HE Q E GEO CIE I IS “ Jack’s” Place DAY AND NIGHT RESTAURANT JACK FAHEY, Proprietor Corner Sixth and F Sts., REDMOND Near the Mouth of the Columbia River, on Washington Coast The Place to 8pend Your Summer Vacation Twenty-five miles of Magnificent Beach la*vel, Compact and Smooth Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful hotel tent and camp hfe. All th^ 1 *■ noiei, healthful (* "f home healthful,, invigorating recreation of the"sesusirVó' '"'mi ing, ng, fishing, fishing, clam digging beach hr,nfl£í ■ i- hunting, .tro si ll. huntjn», headlands. W . 1IV U M U V O M I}. R H ucri . from .11 Ptrt. of o * * . >nd w „ hi„ VIA------- v e r y t h in g n e w , c l e a n E and First-class. When you want a good appetizing meal come and see me, I will deliver the goods. Meals served at all hours day and night. OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION C01PAI sss * N' t » ‘ «l«»h«rrVSX.^n,Ulr' BREAD, CAKES AND PIES FOR SALE WM. Me MURRAY. G ksmal p am knobs Aomin-, P oktlanu . O reqoj ».