THE REDMOND SPOKESMAN Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon SI $1.50 PER YEAR REDMOND, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1910 VOI. 1. No. « Activity in the Realty Market Phoenix. "We have the country der construction from u Junction and opportunities here and out­ with the main line of the (). It. side people are going to take ail- A N. near the mouth of the Des­ vantage of them." he concluded. chutes river, up the Deschutes river to Madras and thence to Getting Ready to Redmond, a distance of ateut IliTi miles. The extension southward Put On Water would he approximately HO miles J. J. Ellinger has had survey­ in length, and form a junction ors at work in Ellinger’s Addi­ with the Southern Pacific prolia- tion running lines to bring in wa­ bly at or near Odell, or Crescent. ter from the weatof the addition The Southern Pacific has con­ for irrigation purposes. As soon struction forces at both the Kla­ as the necessary later can be se­ math and Natron ends of the cured irrigation ditches will be I cut-off. hut the middle section is run through the whole tract | not yet covered, land Prim 111*1» Except in the Is Pleased With Krdmond District WORK SOUTHWARD Redmond JUDGE I j OVKTT SAYS "One drawback to railroad de­ IS TO BE RESUMED LAND PRICKS If Hill velopment that I noticed." said Charles S. Hoffman of Ruston, one mile west of Hillman, known Fifth and D streets of F. G. During the past week move­ Louisania, was in Redmond last Judge I/ivett, "was the high ment of Redmond realty has been as the Lucien M. Lewis ranch. Bancroft. week and invested in city prop­ : price which some of the large quite active and a number of This sale wax made by Mr. Ellin- C. H. Brown bought 25 feet on erty on C street tetween Fifth land owners in Central Oregon sales were made to residents and ger. Mr. McMickle and wife the east side of Sixth near C and Sixth streets. The deal was Expeeted Grade to Be Com- lie Says Settlement Is Re* I have placed on their holdings. residents. The prices, while were in Redmond several days street. made through the Deschutes Val­ pleted to Madras by Urded Owing To Ex- | Except in the Redmond District, non Chad Irvin bought a 50-foot last week and were so well pleas­ not high, show a steady and ley Realty Co. of thia city. September 15 where land prices are reasonable healthy growth. ceuive Valuation business lot on the corner of ed with the city that he contem­ Mr. Hoffman was well pleased ' considering the conditions of that . One of the non residents to in­ plates locating here in' business Sixth and B streets of J. J. Ellin- with Redmond and surrounding section. WhCeinosi hi the tend vest in busihea». property wjis next spring. ger. ^ country. One condition that ap­ is under irrigation, prices are be­ Charles S. Hoffman of Kusum, Dig of the important and sig­ .Margaret S. Golden of Colville, pealed to him, he said, was that* Confirmation of the reports Extension of the DciehutM ing held too high. Wash., bought two residence Louisiana. He liought 100 feet nifies..? buy*was t the agricultural country around frequently published that it is Railroad from Redmond, to which "My info—ration on this point square on the comer of Fifth Bros. They bought a 50-foot lot Hot* m ElTIiTffPr’ x AdùRàffi Bedmopd was so well settled up the plan to extend the Oregon l»int it ia now under ronatrue- | was gained from inquiries as to and C streets. Mr. Hoffman has on the comer of Sixth and C corner of Seventh and Alder and showed tkm, to a connection with the ¡prices at which certain lands Line across the Cascade confidence in the future of streets from E. B. Applegate, a streets, and will soon begin the growth. He also realizedPtfili Trunk Klamath Natron cut off ia the in* were held, and I may have been every tfoahPxtfW. of a comfortable home Redmond was a city with a bright Rogue River to Valley was jp given trillion of the Hamm an line»», ac­ misinfoitned," continued Mr. Redmond and is well pleased recent arrival. It is rumored erection his buy. that the Ehretswil) build on this there. future, and congratulated the recently by John F. Stevens, cording to Judge Rotert S. Lov- l»vett "Rut I was told that in with Judge J. A. Wilcox bought two property owners on their conser­ ett. president of the Hurrimun the high, dry farming country H. H. Me.Mickle, a Northern property, though nothing definite residence lots on the comer of of the road. system, in an interview in Port­ east of the Deschutes one com­ Pacific conductor from Tacoma, can be learned in the matter. Seventh and Ash streets in El- vatism in keeping the price of president In building into Medford, the an old friend of J. J. Ellin- Mayor F. M. White bought two linger’s addition and will build real estate within reasonable fig­ Pacific & Eastern, land last week. pany having large holdings has and now owned Judge lxivett was otherwise placed a price of $100 and up­ g»-r of this city, bought HO acres business lots on the corner of an attractive residence at once. ures so that persons of limited by the same interests that are means could invest nnn-commita! an to the (wilding ward on every acre that can be I building the Oregon Trunk Line, the ground for «commodiousres­ intentions of the liariiman linen plowed. In the Palouse country Pleased With the will te utilized. The Pacific & idence and barn he will build on in interior Oregon. Neither was and in Idaho lands, concerning Redmond Booklet Eastern is now in operation in an his place west of the city. he prepared to outline the route the productive quality of which City Recorder Phoenix is in re­ easterly direction from Medford John Tinner will build a 32x50 or indicate what Jxiinta would be there is no uncertainty, mny be ceipt of a letter from Ixjuis W. for a distance of 15 miles, and an barn on his place north of the touched. purchased for $70 and upward. Hill, president of th« Great North­ extension of 16 miles to Butte city. He has the lumber now on "I am not suggesting any so­ ern railroad, in which he expres- Previous Relief Confirmed Falls is rapidly nearing comple­ the ground. lution for these problems, but es his pleasure at receiving one tion. The statement concerning the merely referring to them as con­ of the Redmond illustrated book­ Musical and Literary Pro­ "It is a part of our general extension south from this city ditions Improvements in gram to Be Presented construction plans in Oregon to must be considered lets. Mr. Hill requested that the gives confirmation to a general liefore that Their Store we decide to build rail­ Redmond Commercial Club send August 26th build the Oregon Trunk railway lielief that has existed that the into that country." him all the booklets they could through to a connection with the Lynch & Roberts. general mer- Deschutes road would not stop roads Taken all the way through spare and he would see that the Pacific & Eastern,” said Mr. [ chants on the southeast corner of here, but would be continued Judge expressed himself literature was placed where it Stevens. We would hare no use ' Sixth and E streets, have recent- southward to a junction with the as well Isivett The Ladies Aid of the M. E. satisfied with his trip in­ would bring good returns. ' ly been making some decided im- for a short, detached railway in church of Redmond have made line building northward from to Central Oregon, and saw a 1 provements on the interior of Southern Oregon, such as the arrangements to give an enter­ Klamath Falla. great future for this section of their store that greatly improve tainment in the school house Fri­ Pacific & Eastern. The Spokesman for job printing. The Deschutes road is now un­ the state. the looks of the place and also day evening, August 26th begin- Trunk will probably absorb SCARCITY OF LUMBER work to the convenience of the ning at 8 o’clock sharp. An int­ Medford railway and eresting and varied program has road be known as RETARDS PROGRESS i proprietors. The partition that ran through E>een prepared, consisting of lit­ Trunk.” the center of the store has been erary and musical numbers. Dur­ Mr. Stevens aAtfstated removed, thus making one large ing the evening lemonade and grading is not in progress west room. This gives about 30 feet cake will te served. The price of Butte Falls on the Pacific & A Number of Substantial additional space at the rear of of admission is 25 cents, children Eastern, and that the resump­ Buildings Will Be fie store for the display of goods. under 10 years free, and the pub- tion of construction south of ! The grocery department has teen lic generally is invited. Follow­ Bend would probably begin be­ Built Here removed to the rear, and a com­ ing is the program: fore further work was undertak­ plete rearrangement of the goods Prayer—Rev. Fox. en on the western end of the in other departments will be Music -Orchestra. route. On the Oregon Trunk Line the There is no let up in building made. Reading—Mrs. Colgrove. operations in Redmond, and the Vocal Duet Misses Smith and grade, it is expected, will be ful­ ly completed to Madras by Sep­ only reason there is not more of Brown. tember 15. Between September it being done at the present time Reading Miss Harader. is on account of scarcity of lum­ Instrumental Duet — Messrs. 1 and September 5 the car ferry at the mouth of the Deschutes, ber. With the completion of the Wright Roberts Bros, saw mill at Sisters Instrumental Music - Miss which will be operated pending the situation will be somewhat Many People Preparing to Brown. the completion of the bridge across the Columbia at Celilo, relieved. Reading—Mrs. Huffman. Come to This Section will te ready to begin transport­ Vocal Solo—Miss Kemp. G. W. Ferris has commenced in Short Time Dialogue - "Woman's Rights ing rails across the river. the erection of a 25x50 foot build­ Convention" Mrs. Sherwood, The first 70 miles of grade are ing on Seventh between D and E Misses Covert Brown and Whit­ now ready for the rails. One streets, that will be occupied as hundred miles of steel are now a feed store. Ben Gotter has the City Recorder Wm. G. Phoenix i ney. on the way and there are on hand Vocal Solo, guitar accompani­ contract. who recently returned from an ties sufficient to lay 65 miles of The M. E. church building is extended trip in the eastern part ment—Miss Pratt track. Track laying will begin getting well under way under the of the state, was greatly pleased Reading—Mrs. Harader. early in September, and will pro­ supervision of Contractor Ben at the favorable expressions he Guitar Solo Mrs. Adams. Gotter. The auditorium will be heard in that section regarding Vocal Duet- Messrs. McEwing ceed at the rate of 1 j miles a day. The distance to Madras is about 32x50 feet, lecture room 15x24. Redmond and the Redmond Dis­ and Aldredge. Reading—Mrs. Sherwood. 110 miles, so more than 2 months and an octagon alcove back of trict will be consumed in laying rails the pulpit 4x18 feet. The belfry The people in the eastern part Instrumental Miss Smith. before Madras is reached. will be nearly 50 feet high. of the state, said Mr. Phoenix, Reading—Mr. Hunt Music—Orchestra. Grading south of Madras is H. M. Smith has nearly com­ are well posted as to the progress Mixed Quartet proceeding rapidly, and it is plan­ pleted a comfortable four room and resources of this section, and ned to have the grade to Crooked cottage on Seventh between C a large number of representative Pleasant Trip River ready for the rails by the men with whom he talked stated Over Mountains and D streets. time the track is completed to were much impressed wilh The new building on south they Madras. Steel will then be haul­ future possibilities of Red­ Guy E. Dobson, president of Sixth street for the Lamb Feed the ed in for the big bridge across and would visit the city the Redmond Bank of Commerce, Co. will E>e completed and ready mond the Crooked River canyon and this fall if possible, and if they who was married in Portland on for occupancy this week. the work pushed on toward Red­ not come then they certainly August 4th, arrived home last It is understood that Mr. Shu- | did would come when the railroad Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dobson mond, wh®re grading also is in holm has plans drawn for a 24x24 was completed this point. came in over the mountains, and progress. brick residence in the eastern Mr. Phoenix to said Highest Market Price for Butter, Eggs and Cream that the the trip consumed five days. Mr.' part cf the city. widespread and convincing pub­ Dobson states that both he and Going to the J. A. Wilcox contemplates the that Redmond has had his wife enjoyed the trio immen- Mountain« erection of a residence in Ellin- licity through bookUt ant G. L. Ehlers, cashier of the ger’s Addition at an early date. circulationwxs begi Redmondi Mrs. M. S. Golden also has in I plans for the building of a resi­ of V dence on her .»roperty she lately now before the rush\ bought in Ellinger’s Addition. for Remond. The addition to Norwood & "Investor« and 1«| Mendenhall’« store on Sixth just as sure to flock S REDMOND, O R E G O N street was completed this week. ere many month« go F. G. Bancroft has lumber on will run-down nil'. DESCHUTESR.R. TO BE EXTENDED Line Is to Join the Klamath-Nat*x>n Cut-O ff Pacific/& Eastern Une Will Be Utilized Number of Sales and Transfers Made During the Past week and the Market Shows Healthy Tone—Favorable Business Sites Selling Well iff. THE BUILDING DOOM STILL ON M. E. LADIES TO ENTERTAIN Buildings GoingUp in Different Parts of the City NEW ARRIVAL OF SEASONABLE- GOODS We have lately received and put on sale the most complete and up to date line of Men’s Clothing and Furnishings Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Men’s and Women’s Shoes Wool and Cotton Blankets Ladies’ Auto Veils and a number of other articles in the General Merchandise line ever brought to Redmond. We invite you to come in and inspect this stock for we feel assured we can please you both with goods and prices. E H R E T B R O S. Everything in General Merchandise REDMOND IS ! DESTINATION