THE RED Pubi : VO L 1. N»t. 6 AFFAIRS I CLEARING D .I.& P .C o. May Be j Able to Resume Operations NKW CAPITAL MAY TAKE OVER PROJECT Jteo rganization uf Company Said To Have Been Agreed Upon RKÍ ------------------------------------ 1 840 for the entire state, an in crease for 1010 o f 6003. The rate apportioned a year ago was $ I. XT for each child of school age withuj in the state, us against $1.015 thin year. Crook county's uiiisirtionment is: Number o f children, 2,1530; amount pro|iortioned, $1,0X0.00. MISTERS K I w ih m I sm l T o m K»>M*rU w r n t t<-gm aaw lo g lu m b e r in ab o u t tw o w ee ka. Th h a ve a la rg e am o u n t o f lu m U -r c o n tra c t eil fo r aheaii. 5 Krank Mrl'alfery ami a party o f |:i> were over from Redmond Sunday amf hail a rhlrken dinner at Uni Slab ra Ho­ tel. John Dvnnla, the real eatate man thia plaev, report" receiving a numb« o f mi|Uirie" from outanle |>artiea re ganllng lamia In thla aartkm. in-» /.umwalt ami wife o f Kmtmoml. a r.- v i a . l i n g f r i e n d . h e r e t i n " w eek iioh Jordan ami wife, who live on the Iniwer Dcaert, vialta-d in Redmond Sat unlay ami Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Krank /.umwall. K H. Home, after vlalUng in tin» aerUun for a few daya returned to «•-.I lied mond. Mr. Carlaun. a recent arrival, hi Indications an* now favorable taken a contract to clear It acre* for an «•iirlv adjustment of the the Cary place for Krank McCalTery of if airs o f tiie I Letichili«* Irriga- Keilmoml. lion & Power ( ’<*. which is now |n th** hands o f a receiver. For some time |»ast a rtorgan- S P E C I M E N S l/ation o f the company has been ARE W ANTED I i I hiuks I on lines that would Is- itisfactory to all parties inter* t*sted. and at the present time the details o f the ivorgani ration Redmond Commercial Club %cheme are being worked out. Desires to Makes Cred­ It is stated that the money nec­ essary to cum píete the company’s itable Exhibit prrigation project can Is* secur­ 'd from J. (i. White JSt Co., well mown engineers and construc­ The Redmond Commercial CluH tion contractors o f New York rity. who are thoroughly conver­ is desirous o f getting samples oj ti with the project and who grains, grasses, vegetables am iill have charge of the work if other omducts grown in the Rod the deal as now contemplated mond District for exhibition pur­ poses at the moms o f the cluo on roes through. It is understock that the east- E street. Fanners and ranchers m bond holders of the com|ian i»anv are requested to bring in samples in favor o f any plan that will o f anything they have grown that put the company on a sound fi- will make a creditable exhibit, annul liasis, and the proposition ¡ These samples can be left at Th» rv v - at the Oregon f the White penult* sesma to Spokesman «"»• office, Huh office or with K. R. Ticiie-j eet their approv a|ipmvaf. From information gain«*»! from nor. secretary of the Commercia' vliahle sources it now looks cer- Club. Arrangements have been madt i ain that within a short time the angled affairs o f the company to take the samples that nr« . sill be adju*t«*d and active work brought in and make • creditahk resumed on the irrigation project display o f them at the Club lo as to have the lands o f the rooms so that strangers coming *ompany in condition to sell by to Redmond can sec what is rais- V The lime the railroads get into ed in this district F.xhihits should he Lagged »*•, this section next spring. ...... - mg the kind and variety of th4 product, tne approximate yieli lad a Pleasant l»er am*, name of producer am rial Time where farm is located. | It ia desired that early attenj V The Christian Endeavor o f thia fity last Thursday night had a lion he given this matter by thJ 1 leasant social gathering at the j farmers. herwood place, a mile and a uarter from R»*dmond. Thai HILLM AN MEN oung folks went out to the place arly in the evening and enjoyed IN THE T O IIi hemselves for several hours, dr. and Mrs. Sherwood are roy - 1 J entertainers, and all present ■arried away a happy remem-1 District Attorney After th jrance of the occasion. Townsite Promoter« On THIS COUNTY GETS $4,089.60 est Apportionment o f Funds in His­ tory o f State |u£ School State Treasurer Steele made he largest annual apportionment f. the income o f tne common chool fund to the several eoun- ies that has ever been made in he state °J * Oregon The amount vas $329,744.64, which was so ^portioned that every county re- eived $1.92 for every child with- n its boundaries o f school age; hat is, lietween the ages o f 4 ,nd 20 years. The total numlier * f school children in the state as »•ported by the county superin- endenta of the different coun- ies was found to he 171,742. On August ffrnt last year the mount apportioned was $308.- 00.66, which was the larg»*st um up to that time ever appor- ioned. The number o f school diildren a year ago, according to he school census taken by the ounty superintendents, was 166,- Fraud Charges District Attorney Cameron a Portland is trying to fasten frani charges on Cooper & Taylor, the promoters o f the townsite o f Hill­ man, claiming fraud in the sell­ ing o f lots in that town. Attor­ ney Cenerai Crawford has taken the matter up and called the dis­ trict attorney’s personal atten­ tion to the grow misrepreaenta- tions made by the promoters When the district attorney en­ deavored to locate the promoters they could not bs found. It is said the base o f operations o f the company have been changed from Portland to Spokane ~ — Between $50,000 and $60,000 is said to have been cleaned up by Cooper & Taylor in selling lots in the fake town of Hillman where there is nothing but a shanty built The promoters would sell lots to any one who had at least $10 to invest Victims continue to bite at the alluring bait thrown out by the promoters in their literature o f the town of Hillman. Mr. Phillip« o f thia city, h»« the con­ tract for in« tailing tho fixture» in the «tore room in the Jarkaon building *<«>n to he occupied by K. L. Rupp with a atock o f clothing. G e n e ra l merchant! Clothing «tore«, confectionery, fruit or notion »tore« .......... Ice cream parlor« ................ Livery and feed »table« lardward »tore» ..................... feed or hay atorea............ yard« ........................... lUnka ...... Ncwanaprr office», harneaa »hop, barber »hop», jewelry atorea, garage Furniture »tore» ...................... All other «tore» not otherwi»e provided for Annual Tax Real eatate agent» ................... $ Auctioneer« ............................... Draymen anti tran»fer men We have recently received a new stock in the above line and you are invited to inspect the stock—it will please you. 2.50 5.00 5.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 Additional Local. Mr». E. R. Tivhenor, the milliner, laat week received her long delayed »hipment o f McCall pattern«. Meadamea A. D. Parka and Albert llnr|M-r who live near I null«», were in Redmond Monday doing »ome »hopping. I I. L. Oaborne ha» the contract for the j interior wood work flniahing o f the Red­ mond Hank o f Commerce new building. I Nothing but the beat o f everything en­ ter» into the conatruction o f this work, Q T ) til/^IT A T r J J 1 r\ 1 J Lemon Cling, Solid Pack Peaches. These rt are a big bargain at per can o n ly ........... New arrival of a line of General Merchandise. Everything to meet your wants at right prices. Highest Market Price for Batter, Eggs and Cream EH RET BROS. Redmond