Redmond and Vicinity ... T H E ... State Bank of Redmond REDMOND, the Haystack country last Satur­ day after supplies, und stated t.u* people in that section would harvest a good crop o f all kinds. KKDMOND CITY OFFICIALS An assortment o f the best made team lines at the harness OREGON Mayor K. M. White. Stf Counetlnw*n J. F. l(ii«M“h, Frank W. •hop. Mr»'aff«ry, M. K. Lynch, It. K. June«, The Redmond Grill people and <; W Wwla, (Juy K . hotaMMi. Kendall A Chapman last week Kfcnrilrr W. (J. Walker. put up awnings in front o f their Trt>a»uri*r Carl Neilaon. City Attnrrn'y T T IS recording your history and telling * a truthful stnry of your mirerà* in thi* now country to do a hanking huai nona from the la-ginning. Open un account with u* ujm > m your arrivai in Kialmund and receive one of our neat little hank liook*. The ch'H'k Hy*tein i* suited to all kind* o f hu*ine*M, und w ill uM*i*t you in holding onto the dollura. We have ample safe und vault room for the ■utfe keeping o f your commercial pa liera, and invite you to open an account with ua. K d w . J o h n s o n . Prea. G. L. K iilkks , Cashier. N. K mkk T. Vice Pria. C. E. NlKLSKN, Aust. ('ush’ r R oyal B akery and Restaurant Opened under new management STAIRS & FINN, Proprietors Table Service the Best Market Affords We Sell All Kinds of Bakery Goods Nothing Too Good for our Patrons Fish and Oysters Come in and see us—we will treat you right B illiard and Pool •••• 11 1 1 j j •••• SNELL & GREEN. Proprietors Comer o f Seventh and K St*., KKDMOND, ORE. CIGARS, TOBACCOS and SOFT DRINKS Try a MONOGRAM f» cent Cigar, or an AQIIILA, 2 for 25 cent* they are »rood goods and will certainly pleas»“ you. A Good Line o f Lunch Goods Carried in Stock Everything of the Best J A. Wilcox. places o f business, and now these Marnhul F. F Mill. people will keep oli some of the Council rrwvU mm - oiii I ami fourth hot sunshine. Tuciwlay o f each month. Full line o f stationery, new* clean stock, at the Buckley Drug, | Co. Itf U t/ J L. E. Garlinghouse last week sold his farm five miles north o f the city and has moved into Red­ Wanted Sign painter to paint mond. He has rented the Court- sign for The Redmond Sjaikes- right house on west E street. mun. Large stock o f hale ties at Kd McGuire, the merchant tail­ Kendall & Chapman’s. Itf or. made a business trip to Bend Ijist Saturday G. M. Huffman luat Saturday. sold a lot on Eighth street be­ W. W. Cuughey o f thi* city, tween C and D streets to Mr. ha* the luintier on the ground Houston, a contractor and build­ for the new residence he i* going er who has come here to locate. I to build on tuitith Seventh atreet. Mr. Houston has put up a tent Delicious ice cream, and ice house on his property. cold *<>da water ut the Buckley, For your candies and confec­ D m Ch i t f ' tions. fresh and dean, go to the Itf The families of A. J. Morse and Buckley Drug > <>. Del Sturdeivan o f thi* city, ar -1 C. M. Redfield, chief engineer rived home last week after a o f the Deschutes Irrigation & pleasant outing o f ulrout two Power (k>., was in Kedmond last week* on the upper Ochoco. week Thursday on business con­ Faultless Stump Pulling M a-' nected with the company. He chines, the t>e*t made, at Ken­ complimented the business men o f Redmond on the rapid prog- dall & Chapman's. Itf ress the city is making. F. I. Phoenix & Co., civil en-j gineers o f this city, had a crew o f men out last week running the lines on the R. K. & B. W. Harper home*lead on the West ('line Butte. John l*amh, of the Lamb Feed C-o., o f thi* city, has finished the construction of an addition to his ! commodious residence on the cor­ ner o f Seventh and (1 s t r e e t s , I am selling my entire stock of MILLINERY Box Writing Papers We are showing a nice line o f these goods in all styles, from the 25c a box kind up. The ladies are especially invited to inspect this stock. Nothing gives more character to your correspondence than the right kind o f stationery. ]>et us show you these goods STATIONERY We carry a complete stock o f the above. Single and Double Entry Ledgers, 100-page size, just the thing for ranchers and farm­ ers; all sizes and kinds o f Pocket and Vest Pocket Memo Books, Shelf papers. Type­ writer papers and Carbon Papers, Box Let­ ter Files, and anything you may need in the Stationery line. Norwood & Mendenhall’s Postoffice Building Over 100 different views o f Redmond and vicinity. Complete line o f Books, Magazines and Stationery. FILTER at Cost Hats and Flowers Waists and Skirts Corsets, Ribbons Hosiery, Lingerie Notions, Etc. (). C. McDowell, proprietor of the Karate and machine shop on south Sixth street, reports busi- neaa in his line better than he had expected it to be when he opened up. J. W. May and family, who have been visiting Mr. May’» j sister. Mrs. John Washington south o f the city, left last Thurs­ day for their home at Glenmore, ; at COST. Here is a chance Idk for Splendid Bargains. Kendall & Chapman, the hard­ ware men and lumber dealers o f 1 this city, are building a lumber she»! to house their dry lumber. So. Sixth St. REDMOND Business in the luml>er line with the above firm has greatly in­ creased the past few months. Complete line of postcards o f local view s am i o f th e R e d m o n d 1 country on sale ut the Buckley; Confectionery Store. 2tf 1rs. E. R. TICHENOR Shoe Work J. A. Fullgatter and wife left last week Friday for a trip of two months in the northern part of the county where they will take views o f haying and har­ vest work. K. M. Kby and family. Florin 1 Weston and family and Mr. Stin­ son and family an* contemplating making an overland trip to P ort-! land sometime this month. The Ehy family may continue their I trip up to Seattle in company | with the Westons. | Fresh lot o f oranges and lem­ ons ut the Buckley Drug Co. ston*. Itf Take your laundry work to the Beers' laundry on Eighth street near the water works. Prompt service and satisfaction guaran­ teed. James Griftin o f Powell Buttes, was in Redmond last Saturday and reported good crops in the dry fanning belt this season. List your property with J. J. j Ellinger. Charles Loring was up from Halt Soles Repairing o f all kinds done in a workmanlike manner. Prices reasonable. A. L. DA VIES West E St. Drinking Water and avoid the sickness which may occur by the use o f impure water. The SENECA STONE FILTER is the one adopted by the Missouri State Board of Health, and it has proven to be a Germ Proof Filter. Price, No. 1, 3-gal. per hour, $2.25 FLY R E P E LL A N T Drives away Mosquitoes, Flies and Gnats. No rancher should be without this excellent prepara­ tion which will protect stock from the flies and insects that cause the animals much annoyance and prevent them from having any rest Price per Quart, 50 cents DRUGS Our line o f Drugs has been increased materially recently, and a call from you will receive our careful attention. Lynch & Roberts, Redmond BRING US YOUR PRODUCE Redmond, Ore. BUCKLEY EXP CO. Deschutes Valley Realty Co. * * FOR BARGAINS BETWEEN HEADQUARTERS Two Stages Each Way Every Week I .rave Redmond every Monday and Wednesday. ! e » v f Shaniko Wednesday and Friday. Arrive at Redmond Friday and ! Sunday. Passenger and Express Fast Freight and Express a Specialty ELLIN G ER ’S IN FA R M LA N D S and T O W N PROPERTY If you want the very best property that money will buy, give us a chance and we will treat you righ t All property sold at owner’ s price , H. M. Huffman M g’ r.t Redmond ADDITION ELLINGER’S ADDITION is sure to be the VERY CHOICEST RE8IDENC& PORTION oV REDMOND If you huy Iota in Ellinger’ s Addition you will always congratulate yourself. You will be .surrounded by beautiful homes. Reasonable building restrictions will protect the beauty, quiet and cleanliness o f your home. This addition is only three blocks from the new bank on Sixth St. Ixxts are long and wide, with plenty o f room for gardens and lawns, and a perpet­ ual water right is appurtenant. Think o f all these many advantages over any other portion o f the City o f Redmond. Nothing else can compare with it. Terms and prices that will suit you. Select your lots now and get choice o f location. We will have a new county soon. Redmond will be the County Seat, and then a lot in Ellinger’s Addition will be a valuable asset. Let us Show you this Property— You will Like It. J. J. E L L I N G E R , Exclusive Selling REDMOND, OREGON