The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, August 04, 1910, Image 1

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Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon
V O L 1.
No. 4
country over with a view to in­
vesting, und the (iarlinghouse
' place was just w hat he wanted.
W IL L PREVAIL Mr. Early is an experlenred far­
mer and raneher and will I h < a
welcome addition to this section
U lm nt and Ranchers Art* ¡ of the county.
Assured of Returns
H uh Season
$1.50 PER YEAR
Enjoying Good
ItllH in C H H
Redmond Business Men Having Plans and Specifica­
Since tuking charge o f the
tions Made and About to Enter Upon An Era O f
Royal Cafo in this city Stairs &
Hrick Buildings In the Business District— Brick
All kinds o f crops in the Hcd- Finn have established a nice
the l*>cal Plant, Which Manufactures a Su­
Hl<i District will yield a Itounti-
faurvcst this sciuion. and the increasing. Roth o f the proprie­
perior Article, to Be Used— Continued Activity In
H>* for same promise to go far tors ure experienced restaurant
I of former years. The huy
All Branches of the Building Line
that is L*ing gathered now "Nothing is too good for our pat­
largest ever harvested in rons." The Royal Cafe is locat­
|section, and the second cut ed ut the corner o f Sixth and F
ost place* will go, it is said, ¡ street*.
ns large as the first. Some
If present calculation* and plans of Redmond property owners
Ihf umchers will cut three
do not fail the coming fall month* will witness a brick building
ilow high the price of
boom that will put thi* city in the lead o f any other town in Cen­
will go before the winter is
tral Oregon for handsome, *ub*tantial brick busine** building*,
is problematical, hut it is an
erected w ith brick from the local plant, which ha* the reputation of
making the be*t brick in thi* section o f the state.
|rcd fact that the price will
below $20 j>er ton, and
Ehret Hn>*.. pioneer general merchants, are having plans made
MP- predict the nrice will reach Dairy nnd Chicken Ranchea for the erection o f a two story brick on the site of their present lo­
• $10 mark.
As nearly every
cation. The details are not yet worked out, but it is stated the new
Would Make Money
■^cr and rancher In this dis
building will probably be 100 feet deep with a 50 foot frontage on
In This Diatrict
Sixth street
will have hay to sell this fall
Norwood & Mendenhall, next door to Ehret Pros., are figuring
winter, the outlook is that
on a 25x75 foot building to conform in architectural design with the
will get a good piece of moil
I Ehret building.
from this crop alone.
One of the l***t paying projto-
The Redmond State Hank contemplates building on the com er
ie |Mitato crop is another
¡ailioiiM that could I** instituted across Sixth street from their present location. Whether they will
i*e o f revenue this year that
right now In tlii* aection i* the
help put the farmers and
build a brick or wooden building has not yet been determined, but
establishing of *mall dairy and presumably they will use brick.
pliers on Easy street.
chicken rancho*.
There i* a
stated that the potato acre-
Several other brick business buildings are contemplated, but
woeful scarcity o f butter and the plans are not yet ready to Is* given the public.
not I inch larger than last egg* in thi* aection. The Pio­
The trustees o f the Methodist church have nearly all the ma­
Hon the yield is exjiected to Is-
neer Creamery at Prinoville ia
Inter, and the price higher. supplying mo*t o f the butter Hold terial on the ground for their new church, and expect to begin op­
erations next week.
#e rancher* in this aection
It is understood that the Presbyterian church people are con­
!«• ulromi. lM*en offered 7f»c |H*r hen*, and even then there i* a
call for more. Eggs are lieing sidering the advisability o f building a church at no distant date.
pounds for their crop* as they
I in the ground. Hut these o f.
The Snider building on Seventh street and the Iaimb Feed Co.
some o f the merchant*, aa the Imilding on *outh Sixth street ar»* nearing completion.
W. W.
have been refused, for the
, local supply fall* far nhort of Caughy is putting up a new residence in the southern part o f the
Jvvers confidently ¡»redict
the demand.
I city, and n number o f other buildings and improvements in different
price will go to between
The demand for the above ! parts o f the city are lieing started or are under way.
snd three cents s pound at
commodities ia constantly in-
>t. I k *fore the first o f the year
The price for tsith
Additional Local.
I butter and egg* is way up. and COUNCIL PUTS
Robert Immclle it baling bay on the
uishing the Redmond market
Milo Covert ranch Uiree miles north­
these two necessities would
west o f the city.
lye sure o f making n satisfactory
Mrs. J. A. Norwood haa liven confined
, return on their investment
to her home this week with a severe at­
•ioide of I*rineville Salea- Property Valued
! Show IncrenNe
m a n ’ » Wife With Acid
lA*t Thursday G. M. HutTmun
Is Unaccountable
tack o f the measles.
Mr. Gentry, Ore •gon Trunk Line resi­
niate. has been
dent engineer at this PM
transferred to Tillamook.
Thro. M. Past of I.auiiaw, who has
property here, was shaking hands with
nis Redmond friends Monday.
T. E. Simpson is having lumber haul­
ed (o his place near the city where he
intends to start a dairy and chicken
Christian Science services at the res­
idence o f J. K. Macphersor. Everyone
interested, welcome. Subject for Aug.
7th, "Spirit” .
G. W. Reynolds wa* over from Pow.
ell Buttes Tuesday, and stated that he
« m e t e d a good yield from bis farm
this season.
R. M. Bishop, who has a farm near
Cline Falls, came home thi* week from
the Bend country where he had charge
o f a crew of men on tue Arnold ditch.
That Many Near Beer Es-
tablishments Allowed
To Operate
sold the F. E. Mills resilience and
a 50- foot lot to T. M. Munder-
scheid for $1800.
A month ago
At the several meeting* o f the city
this property was liought by Mr. council held since the last regular meet-
Mill* for $1200. and while the ; mg ronskic rabie business has (wen traii-
$100 advance it *old for in thirty sacted.
i I hvm is not of great magnitude I. The number o f near lieer places al­
lowed tb V busine;* in the city was
still it shows that Redmond prop limited
lo five, the number now in oper­
erty is having a s t udy and sane ation. t
growth. I t ' is understood that
The marshal wa* instructed to strict­
Mr. Manderscheid will reside in ly enforce the 11 o ’clock closing provis­
ion o f the ordinance regulating near
j beer place*.
favor o f county division as the present
aiz* o f Crook county i* too large for
the authorities to keep the bridge* in
proper repair.
It ia understood that Webber A Wil­
liams o f this city, think of putting in a
moving picture show here three nights
iri the week, to work in conjunction
with the Bend, Madras arid Shaniko
Her.ry Gaddie o f Seattle this week
leiught, through the Deschutes Realty
Co., a 2V foot front business lot on
| Sixth street next to J. W. Woodruff’*
spire for tl.T7f>, and G. M. Huffman
leiught the adjoining 27 feet on the
north for the same price.
Mra. Geo. Khlers and two children
left recently
an extended eastern
ly for
rip. s She left Portland
over the C. P.
t il
i ml w ill return by
y the S. P. route.
While away ahe will visit her mother in
Wisconsin and Mr. Elder's relative* in
Voter« Must Register in Or­
der to Vote at Novem­
ber Election
The Redmond Realty Co., successors
to Kllinger A Taliaferro, with Z. Talia­
ferro, manager, is the name o f a new
business enterprise here. Mr. Talia­
ferro ¡ h well and favorably known in
Redmond and vicinity and will conduct
a general real estate busineaa.
All voters qualified to vote at
the coming election in November
should register their names at
once. No one can vote unless reg­
Registration books for
the City o f Redmond and the
Redmond Precinct are now open
at Judge W ilcox’8 office, and
will remain open until Sept. 14.
After that date it will be too late
to register. It is the duty o f ev­
ery citizen to see that all voters
are registered.
A Popular Place
For the “ Eats”
Grandma McClay 110
Years Old
Mrs. Elizabeth McClay o f In­
"Jack’ s Place," the day and
night restaurant on the com er o f dianapolis. Ind., grandmother o f
Sixth and F streets, is the mecca Z. T. McClay o f this city, is in
for the hungry, for when a per- j her 110th year. She was bom
son is hungry, no matter what among the hills o f Eastern Tenn­
hour o f the day or night, they essee in 1799. and is the fifth o f
want something to eat and i fifteen children. A few years
"Jack’ s Place" delivers the goods ago in talking about her life in a
newspaper interview she said
in a satisfactory manner.
she had walked from Tennessee
to Indiana and back five times in
Jack Stedamen has a contract for her early life, in company with
clearing the land on Frank McCaffvry’s her husband and four children.
farm known as the Cary Place, three Up to the age o f 101 years she
miles from here.
had never worn glasses as her
Clarence Adams of Redmond, wa* ov­ eyesight was almost perfect, and
er here last Friday with a load o f sup­
she had never been in need o f
plies for W. F. Stevens.
Traffic through this place over the any false teeth. She spends the
mountains this season has been much most o f her time making quilts,
heavier than formerly.
Sisters is the and the year she was 101 made
junction point for all travel over the twenty one quilts. Two o f her
mountains on the McKenzie and Santi - '
children are still living.
am route*.
Glenn Cox of Redmond, was over here
last Friday looking after some clearing Mail Schedule Changed
work that is being done for Frank Me- \ A change has been made in the mail
Caffery on his farm south o f here.
schedule at this place. The mail leave*
M. L. Job and son. who have a nice here now at 6 a. m. instead o f 7 a. m.
farm three miles east o f here, went to and leaves Prineville at 12 o’clock now
Redmond last Saturday and bought a instead o f 2 d . m. This should make
They say they will have a the arrival o f the mail two hour* ear­
large oat crop this year.
lier here.
jkr*. J. W Stewart. 19 year ot<l wife
Dr. Gorav o f Portland, is a licensed physician and
f S ‘Py kui »U uli'iiuaii at I’rimvilU-
o f the State o f Oregon, but limits his practice
n k three uunrra of rarbulie arul at
for the past twelve years to the specialty o f Eye, Ear,
• home in that city last Wednesday
fermion at thrra o ’ clock, ami died an
Nose and Throat, and the Fitting o f Glasses.
A ntin g <Wath three hour* later,
Dr. Goray graduated 19 years ago from Harvard
tpra. Stewart went to Pnnrvllle a
University Medical School, and in 1898 from the Massa­
■nth ago with her huaband amt 2-
chusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary o f Boston,
SSr old daughter fmm S|»kane. Mr.
and settled in Portland in January. 1904.
Igwnrt l*>ught lot* and built a little
City Recorder Walker tendered hi*
B a i(r In one o f the best rraldrncr ItuNineM* C h a n g e *
I resignation, which was accepted and
This is a rare opportunity to receive the
IgtuMi- of the city.
lout Saturday Frank /uniwait pur­ Wm. Phoenix was appointed to fill the
wrnl to work laat Wednesday at chased hia brother D f ' i intercat in the | vacancy.
services of a Specialist on the Eye, Ear,
The L’slO 1 Kinds o f proprietors o f near
A n a* usual and alxsit 3 o ‘clerk Mr*, pool and bdliard hall un the corner of beer places have been received and ac­
Nose and Throat, o f one who is a grad­
W. J. Buckley arrived home vester-
Seventh nnd K street*, and Monday
fev a rt and the little girl went to the sold the ulare to Snell A Green. Mr. cepted.
dav from an overland trip to Klamath
uate in medicine.
Falla, having taken down a load of
i of a neighbor for a visit as was Snell i* from Arlington and Mr. Green
supplies for the Oregon Trunk people.
1 custom. Mrs. Stewart asked to haa been a resident of thia county for Business Demands
You can be examined and treated by
trow a little rarholir arid and was several year*. Mr. Zumwall ia yet un­
Frank McCaffory and Florin Weston
decided aa to what business he will en­ More Room
him HERE just as thoroughly and
took E. C. Roby to the Bend hospital
|en a four ounce liottle about three gage in. Monday for treatment. Mr. Roby
krth* full. She ki*n-it the little girl
scientifically as in Portland.
Since engaging in business in ia suffering from a general break down.
J. A. Webber o f Madras, and J. K.
I aaid ahe would let her play awhile Williams o f Rend, last week bought
f» the Redmond nearly two year* a g o |
EYE —Poor Sight, Headaches. Tumors o f Eye. Inflam­
the soft drink establishment and barber the Limb Feed Co. has enjoyed a
went home alone.
tending the Willamette University at
I shop and bath room on south Sixth St.
ed Eyes, Crossed Eyes.
fwo hour* later the little girl went j of C. Stmud.
The new proprietor*
and failing to get into the house I state thev have engaged two !lr*t class the company outgrew their old week with 2l Jersey cow* which he will
E A R —Deafness, Noises, Catarrh.
led the assistance o f a neighbor, | barber* from Portland to take charge quarters and art» building a 22x | offer for sale.
N OSE- Catarrh. Obstruction to Breathing. Adenoids,
A party of three from this city drove
neightmr found the door lorked and I o f the barber «hop and hath room*.
:t0ft. addition which will fronton
tied thorugh the window.
Sixth street
A roller mill will
valuable driving team. On the trip the
THROAT—Diseased Tonsils. Inflammation, Catarrh.
i-wart was sitting propped up on her The First Lmd o f Rrick
lie put in and a gasoline engine tcum broke through two bridges near
The first load o f brick from the brick installed to operate the machin­
The acid bottle was found by the
Prineville. This is another argument in
yard near thl* city wa* brought Into
ttfide. Physicians could do nothing Redmond last Sat unlay forenoon. The ery. The company does all kinds!
|save her.
tlrst kiln burned contained HW.OOd brick o f grinding and manufactures
note was found clasped to Mrs. of n nparior quality. Export* pro a superior grade o f graham flour.
pwart's hreaat addressed to her nounce the brick manufactured here as They draw custom from a large
, su|M-riur to any made in I rntral Ore-
►•her. It re»d a* follows: “ I am gon.
; territory.
- *■» -
111 pleased with Mr. Stewart and hia
girl ia a darling. I have told you Started Lumber Yard
A Little Notice
#f»ral time* I wa* going to leave this
lien Gutter, the rontraclor and build­
I & you want to know what is
Arid and now I have decided to go. I er o f thi* city, ho* put In a lumber
| yanl east o f Jarkson'a hardware »tore, going on in Redmond or around I
W e have recently received a new stock in the above line and
A l ni-Hit you aoun."
and rarriea a stork o f rough anil dress- the country while it is news to I
Another note wa* found which read; ed lumber, and kiln dried lumber.
are invited to inspect the stock—it will please you.
f w t let |ne* know anything like is figuring on getting the output o f an­ you, subscribe for The Redmond
Spokesman. It will tell it to you
■ s ever happened." Inea ia Mr. Stew- other mill s m i
• 4-»
as the publishers aro hustlers for
Lemon Cling, Solid Pack Peaches. These
4C* little girl.
news o f the city and country, a s 1
\t the foot o f the lied wa* found a
are a big bargain at per can o n ly ............
Aa anon a* the necessary material ar well a* boosters for Redmond.
sled pistol. Mr. Stewart »ay* that
rivea The Redmond Spokesman will be
| ha* owned it for a long time but enlarged to a 7 column folio siie. This
It it hadn't had a load it it for ycara, will give 134 inches o f »pace for read­
ing and advertising matter.
The new Will Have Fish
| far as he knew.
material ia expected here »o the change
and Oysters
can he made week after next.
New Dishes and Crockery
Pleaded With the
edmond Diatrict
Moving Pictures, Etc.
S. S. Early o f Couer d ’ Alene,
it week bought the la E. Gar-
ghmiHc farm o f 80 acre* five
ie* north o f the dty, and ha*
oved onto the place. Mr. Ear-
ha* been in the Redmond Dis
ct for some time looking the
R. K. Potter and wife arrived here
from Shaniko laat week and are making
arrangements to nut in a moving pic­
ture show, roller skating rink and bowl­
ing alley here.
These people are ex­
perienced in the above lines and if the
nerraaary arrangement* can be made
they will give the Redmond people some
varied amusements.
Stairs & Finn, proprietors of
the Royal Bakery and Restau­
rant in this city, nave made ar­
rangements to receive Thursday
o f each week a shipment o f fresh
fish and eastern canned oysters. \
They received a shipment this
week and disposed of it in short
New arrival of a line of General Merchandise.
Everything to meet your wants at right prices.
Highest Market Price for Butter, Eggs and Cream