of the business. Mr. and Mrs. this week and received a bad W«»ston, the former owners, will shaking up Insides suffering a ... T II K ... return to their old home ut broken leg at the right ankle. II«» is now resting quietly, and Hremcrton, Wash. upon recovery will go to Red- WANTKD-To contract to clear inond and take charge of a bar­ »age brush luml by the acre in bershop just established at that any «piuntity. place, REDMOND, OREGON C. F. B aiitlk nr. ¡ltf Redmond, Ore. Delicious ice cr«*am, and ice c«»l< l s««la water at the Buckley Market /anb»ners in the vicin­ I HrUg ( ltf IS rtH'unlintr your hintory and t<»lling ity of Redmond find a ready sale for all of their gardvn truck, and * a truth fill Htory of your *um*N* in thin The machin«»ry for the Red­ at good prices. mond electric light plant, dyna­ n«»w country to do a hanking huHim»** from Mrs. J. K. M.'wl'herson left mo, generator, etc., is at Shani- th«* beginning. last Thurstlay for Davi«»s, Cal., ko, and is expected in here in a <>|K*n an account with us u | h > m your arrival in called there by the sickness o f ; few «lays. As soon as it arrives Kiaitnond ami receive one of our neat little her aunt, Mrs. Robinson. She it is understood work «»n wiring hank Imoks. The check Hyntem is suited to went out on an unto via Klamath the city will immediately Iwgin. all kinds of business, and will assist you in Palls. James McCoy of Trail Cross­ holding onto the dollurs. Old tyjs* make* the best bab­ ing was visiting friends here Sun­ We have ample safe and vault nxmi for the bitt metal. This office has u day. Mr. Mcifoy is one of the , lot of old type for this pur|x»se. «»Id timers in that section, and safe keeping of your commercial papers, ami J. K. .MacPh«*rson this week says the crops are all looking invite you to o|»en an urcount with us. began making improvement* on fine. the int«*ri«»r of his store building Wm. Buckley, wife and son recently occupie«! as a furniture Blight, who had been visiting Kl»w. J ohnson , I’res. (ì. L. Elll.KRS. C a sh ier, st«>re. her«», left last Thursilay for their (’. K. N ik I- skn , Asst. Cash’r t ’. N. K h HET, Vice Pres, Charley Hoy Ian and family l«*ft home at Couer ’<1 Alene. They lust Friday morning for Portland. will visit in Portland for a while Mr. Boy I an ha* been in Redmond Iwfore going home. They were for several months, having been 1 «lelighte«! with their visit in Red­ employed at the Hotel K«»dm<»nd mond, and Mr. Buckley noted Faultless Stump Pulling Ma- great changes from what obtain­ IM IV S iriX N RKDMONI) CITY OFFICIALS ‘ hines. the last made, at Ken­ ed at the time of his first trip in­ to this section five years ago. dall & Chapman’s. Iff miti S t K O K O N Mnyor F. M. White. G. M. Slocum, cashier of the Spokesman for job printing. (ounrllRMm J K. Hunch. Krank W. Mr«»(T*ry. M K. I.ytirh, Il F. Jonc», Redmond Bank of Commerce, Office in Redmond & Phamix W Well», Guy L Doiwon. came in last Wednesday with his i:., i . r ,v « V Walker. Ifuildinir. ; wife and daughter, and they are Trca»ur< r Curt NciUon. t'lly Attorney J A. Wilcox. R e d m o n d , O re. now comfortably domiciled in . . . K. . . Mill». .— . , . “ Marshal K. State Bank of Redmond J.F.HOSCH.M.D. Edmond and Vicinity Council nx-rta »rrund an.J fourth th e B en .Met a tfe r y re sid e n c e . Tu«’»(lay of r*uh month. jlld ïcS Hats and Flowers Waists and Skirts Corsets, Ribbons Hosiery, Lingerie Notions, Etc. lowcgon Real Estate This Hot Weather ....and get your.... Ice Cream, Soda Water and Other Soft Drinks 2tf • •»•Ulaaaa Norwood & Mendenhall’s Postoffice Building Over 100 different views ot Redmond and vicinity. Complete line of Hooks, Magazines and Stationery. MILLINERY FILTER Drinking Water at Cost Last Thursday was a very dis- | agreeable day in this section. ‘ There was considerable wind, I am selling my entire stock of and the dust arose in clouds. Another argurmnt that a street f^ERCHSNT; JilLOR i City Marshal Mills returned ! 9l‘rinkl‘,r ta needed here this week from atrip to Crescent ant^ ntH‘ded at once, Suits Mad«» to Order and'other joints nouth of here. Complete line of postcards of Cleaning and Repairing h ¡ 1 .. , • . . . local views and of the R«*dmond PRICKS RIGHT .Manila binding twine at Ken­ country on sale at the Buckley Pit iruaninteed or no sale dall & Chapman’s. ltf Confectionery Store. 2tf W. G. Stiles, former jiostniast- Smith Rid/. RKDMONI) Surveyors last week began «•r nt Luidlaw, carne over last ! Friday and sj»ent a few hours in platting the SO acres in the west­ at COST. Here is a chance ern j»art of the city that was re­ for Splendid Bargains. the Hub City. cently b«»ught by a local syndi­ Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Menden- cate. ; hall this week moved into the The oh'ctric machinery for the Mrs. Loudcrbeck residence. Agency So. Sixth St. REDMOND Bend lighting plant went through Men with teams wanted nt here last Wednesday afternoon. Melrone Park to work on streets. There was two loads of it. | Call at office of Jones Land Co. U N * I I H W iT T lM 1s t us «io your next order of nVUMHK D I A L ! Redmond. ltf commercial job printing. High Writ«» for litrrnturr. Wm. Phoenix made a business grade work and prices satisfac­ HARMON COOK. trip to the county seat last Fri­ tory. The Redmond Spokesman. Managi-r. l.uillnw, Orvgon day. Large sUx»k of bale ties at Repairing of all kinds done F. R. Applegate, who recently Kendall A» Chapman’s. ltf in a workmanlike manner. arrived here, went over to Prine- Prices reasonable. Musicians desiring to join the NOTICE FOR PirilUCATION ville bust Friday to take a lo«»k ut new band that is being formed (»•-partim-nt of the Interior, U. S. . I »ixl ulYii-e a t T h e (lalle* , OirKon, June T » )0 COUIlty Seat town. in Redmond are requested to e. mo. ... _ __ t# Not ire 1» hereby {Ivon that trill» A. WANTED I f >'Otl w a n t S a g e leave their names at The Spokes­ West E St. R«»dmond, Ore. tiriftUh. whime piMtuihre »Hrru 1 » Si» brush land cleared by the acre man office or with K. R. Tichc- ter», Oreiron. did, on the 2Sth day of ,, , . April, 1910, file in thin «iftlre »worn rail °)' a d d ress, nor, secretary of the Commercial »Ulement and appliration No. lIBbia. to B a UTI.ETT. Club. purrhaae the »wt »ertum S. lownnhip M . . . . „ . . south, range II r u t , Willamette meri- ¡»"‘ K n lm o n d , O re. J. W. May, wife and daughter j dian. and the timber thereon. un-Wr the \ t , . n in tk ia se c tio n w h o h a v e provision» »f the »ct ..f June :», lsTs. 1 n ,n se c tio n w no n a v e «if Gienmore, La., are visiting at BETWEEN and aria amendatory, known nx the W«ssl to s«»ll are already making Mrs John Washington's near »»Timber and.St«,ne l.»w.” .t«.rhvalue con(nu,u for de|ivery for .here. Mr. May is a brother of •n adgitl b t t u d bj apprai eini il. and thai, purauaat to «urti app'i-»ti.m. thè a m i w in t e r fu e l. Mrs. Washington. They are lan d an i t min i thwrwnn MVI I n ap- ' S. R. Snider’s new building on very much pleased with the ■ iiraiai-d. (hi- timlMT eatimatod M0.MÙ0 Two Stages Each Way ■ iman! M at 7¡i renta per M. an f Ihr Seventh street between K and F country. Every Week I land yi2fi.0tl; that *uit applicant will o f - . . . . , , . . ... I f. r final p ro o f in au|>|nrt»f hi» applir» stre«»ts IS going tip fast, and Will Tom Sharp, the well known I»-ave Redmond every Monday tion and awom atatrnivnt «m the loth mam I k » readv for occupancy. Crooked River rancher, was in and Wednesday. «lay of August, Will, liefur«» the regir 1 Leave Shaniko WWnesday and ler and receiver o f the U. s. lami of j Good bright lx»y wanted at The the city for a few hours last Fri- lice at The |>allea. Ore. Friday. Spokesman office to learn the day. He rejiorts un abundant Any person 1 « itt liberty to protest . Arrive at Redmond Friday and this purcha»«. before entry, or initiate printing business. yield of hay on his place this sea- Sunday. a content at any time before patent ia- . ... . . . , . ... »urn, by tiling a corroborated atlidavit I I he Pioneer Meat Market this * " '• Passenger and Express I offlce. alh gmgfaru which w«»uW week was sold to J. F. Hendrix Prineville Review: William Fast Irci*ht and Express a Specialty I ' " "r.'W. Moore. Itrgiater. of The Dalles, who will place a Stroud fell to the sidewalk from flrat publication pm is-aug ii I couple of firstclass men in charge a second-story window one night Ed McGuire KEEP COOL Mrs. E. R. TICHENOR and avoid the sickness which may occur by the use of impure water. The SENECA STONE FILTER is the one adopted by the Missouri State Board of Health, and it has proven to be a Germ Proof Filter. Price, No. 1, 3-gal. per hour, $2.25 FLY REPELLANT Drives away Mosquitoes, Flies and Gnats. No rancher should be without this excellent prepara­ tion which will protect stock from the flies and insects that cause the animals much annoyance and prevent »hem from having any re s t Price per Quart, 50 cents On the Ground Floor S h o e W o rk H alt S o le s A. L. DA VIES DRUGS Our line of Drugs has been increased materially recently, and a call from you will receive our careful attention. Lynch & Roberts, Redmond BRING US YOUR PRODUCE BUCKLEY EXP CO. Deschutes Valley Realty Co. E L L I N G E R ’S HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS IN FARM LANDS and TOWN PROPERTY If you want the very best property that money will buy, give us a chance and we will treat you right. All property sold at owner’s price H. M. Huffman , Mg’r., Redmond ADDITION ELLINGER’S ADDITION is sure to be the VERY CHOICEST RESIDENCE PORTION o f REDMOND If yuu buy lots in Fllingcr’s Addition you will always congratulate yourself. You will be surrounded by beautiful homes. Reasonable huilding restrictions will protect the beauty, quiet and cleanliness of your home. This addition is only three blocks from the new bank on Sixth St. IiOts are long and wide, with plenty of room for gardens and lawns, and a perpet­ ual water right is appurtenant. Think of all these many advantages over any other portion of the City of Redmond. Nothing else can compare with it. Terms and prices that w ill suit you. Select your lots now and get choice of location. We w ill have a new county soon. Redmond will be the County Seat, and then a lot in Ellingcr's Addition will be a valuable asset. Let us Show you this Property— You will Like It. J. J. E L L I N G E R , E x clu sive S ellin g A gent, REDM OND, OREGON