THE REDMOND SPOKESMAN Published at the “ Hub C ity99 of Central Oregon No. 2 REDMOND, CROOK CO UN TY, OREGON. T H U R S D A Y, J U L Y 21, 1910 m UNDER to th«* acre for the first crop. 11«* expects the second cn»p to yield better. Sherwood HroH. have 135 acre« o f clover and oat hay which they will cut in Septeml>er, and the ^ yield will I m * ho heavy that they are li«curing on buying an outfit o f machinery to «rather the crop with. C. It. Meljtllin, 2 mile« north o f the city, ha« 16 acre« o f clover land timothy hay which he ex* |H«cta will go 3 tone to the acre. He tiegun cuttintr last week. W. B. Chapman of thin city, M A C H IN E R Y IS saya he will get more than he ex* N N IN O SMOOTHLY l»ectod from hi« crop, and all ov­ er the dintrict the yield in better thin neason than last, and Home Ivor Appoints Standing of the ranchers ex|N>ct to harveHt 3 crops, (lathering o f the crop C o m m it t e e « — N e w * is now in full swing. O rd in a n ce»« CITY GOVT. ledmond’s Muni­ cipal Organiza­ tion Perfected nr At the adjourned meeting of FUTURE OF REDMOND to lx; given in Redmond Satur­ day, July 23d. Pat I-awler is promoting the affair, and prom­ ises the public a high-class exhi­ bition o f the manly art. $1.50 PER Y E A R «0 ACRES BRING $5000 t a r g e Specim en« Of Onion»« A t the office o f the Deschutes Valley Realty Co. there is on ex­ hibition some onions grown on the T. M. Manderscheid ranch near Redmond, the tops o f which T.M.Manderschied Property Sold Last Week The “ Hub City” of Central Oregon • I *, fi . * . | T Has Its future Assured and Is On measure over 4« feet high. This L A N D IS LOCATED the High Hoad to Become the Most M ILE W E ST OF CITY Important City in Central Oregon-. * — Prosperous Agricultural Section and ADDITION a Rapidly Growing City. GAINS FAVOR w.„ wh. Bough, th. Number Buying Residence MELROSE PARK Redmond people can see the future o f their city. There are ON MARKET | no wheels under the city to be in readiness to move it to a point Land Is Well Pleased With His Buy Property in Ellinger’s New Addition Last week Friday the Des­ • city council last Wednesday where the Oregon Trunk Line Railroad and the Deschutes Railroad chutes Valley Realty Co. o f this |ht Mayor White appointed city, G. M. Huffman, manager. will locate their lines and depots. • following Blanding commit- One o f the residence districts sold the T. M. Manderscheid U U in Thin Beautiful ¡voca­ Both o f these roads have their lines permanently located, and ■: in Redmond that is attracting ranch o f 40 acres 1 mile west o f tion Are Now Being they pass right through Redmond. The Deschutes road has made Streets and Alleyn Dolwon, more than passing attention is Redmond, to W. H. Gilett o f Redmond its present southern terminus. Bes and Lynch. Offered the Public Ellinger’s Addition, recently put Echo, Oregon. The consider- fir e Dept. Wells, Lynch and Redmond HAS two north and south trunk lines no getting on the market. This addition ation was $5000, or $125 per acre pch. away from this fact. i consists o f 40 acres in the north- \ The purchase price included the :e h Licenses — Lynch, Mct'affery l>nts in Melruse Park in this An east and west trunk line across the state, in all probability west part o f the city, all in the crop on the place which consists midi* w a ry 4 - Wells. city were put on Kale last Friday, ' will I k * built and connect at Redmond with either the Deschutes « t y limits, and only two blocks principally o f 30 acres o f clover 'fin a n c e Mei affery. Jones and lh,. 15lh> and thv buying since , .. ri T . .. ... .. .. from the school house. and alfalfa hay which will pro- Kailmad or the Oregon Trunk Line, thus givin g this section a rail 1 . . . . . . . . . j . Ilia. then has been very gratifying toj The sale o f lots in this tract so duce a good yield, Ordinances Hosch, Dobson the owners. Melrose Park is lo­ outlet in all directions. far has been quite extensive, Mr. Gilett is an experienced ** *6 McCaffery. f • * Redmond is situated in the heart o f the best irrigated farming cated in the southwest corner o f fublic Utilities Jone Dobson section in Central Oregon where abundant crops are grown by an the original tnwnsite and is with­ Hosch. in the present limits o f the City intelligent and progressive class o f farmers and ranchers. hree ordinances were intro- o f Redmond. There are 80 acres The Redmond District is attracting widespread attention all Ci d. Ordinance No. 1 pro- in the tract, and 5 acres have over the United States as being a country with a prosperous future d--s for the organization o f the been deeded to the city for pub­ t) government. Ordinance No lic park purjioaes. assured i t £ a measure defining misde- And Redmond is situated in the heart o f this country. It is Ix>ts in Melrose Park run from tnnors within the city limits, 50x100 feet to 50x125 feet. The and will be the sbfpping and distributing point for a vast territory. jp Ordinance No. 3 is to regu streets an1 50 and 70 feet wide, There is nothing short o f an unforseen calamity that will pre­ tt near licer places, provides with 16 foot alleys. It is the in­ vent Redmond from becoming one o f the most important cities in ff a liond to be given by the tention o f the owners, tho Jones Central Oregon. •o|irietors o f such places, and I-and Co. o f Redmond, to make If:; the license which will be The people o f Redmond work as a unit for the upbuilding and this the ideal residence section o f iftlly determined at the next the city. The land is on the high- futur»* betterment o f their city, and the rapid and prosperous fa tin g o f the council. est elevation in the city, and cv- growth o f the city within the past few months attests the fact that A number o f important meas- ery foot o f it is tillable. ; the efforts o f the citizens have produced results. • ch will come up at the next The owners state they inte-d, To th. p « * * , h location there is but one piece o f ad- •fui leeting, Tuesday night, " '» k m , • -um b-r o f .„rt that i,. COME TO REDM OND, the city with , lly 25th. one o f which will In» a rnents in the city park. and 0 v walk ordinance which will set out shade trees along the 1 future, the city o f prosperty. '•scrilie th«- width o f sidewalks str«*ets in the residence district the business (mrtion o f the The streets an* all cleared and compslleu to buy o f th« local 110-Round Contest ty. An ordinance to provide leveled to full width, and aii th e 1 merchants. The Rednawid mer- Next Saturday f 7-foot sidewalks on 5th street sightly trees have been preserv- ^ « n t t *re amply able to supply Bills art* out announcing a 10 ill probably In- introduced at ed. The Jones Ijind Co. invite all the needs o f the people com­ round boxing contest between next meeting. prospective buyers o f Redmond ing into this section and at rea­ Mr. Ed Cuff the Calgary Wonder, A t a meeting o f the council property to look over Melrose sonable prices. and Mr. K ing the Texas Cyclone, BCsday night, July 19th. Ordi­ Bark. s c e No. 3. fixing the license on Need of Street |r beer at $400 per an­ Opening of Jark’a Sprinkler ti, payable quarterly in ad- New Restaurant Arrangements arc being made tee, was passed. ( km side r a to get a street sprinkler in oper­ o f an occupation tax ortli-1 This week Monday Jack Fahey tee. placing an annual tax on opened his new restaurant in the ation in Redmond at an early classes o f business in the city, Smith building on 6th street cor- date. There is so much travel resumed at this meeting.but ner o f F street Jack threw the on the streets in the city that t is a measure that requires key to the door away and the the dust is getting deep, and the iderahle figuring on. no deft- place will he run day and night least wind raises it in clouds, action was taken at this time, and meals served at all hours. ---- -- -------- Everything is new. neat and U f t f o r S 1C 4 . — I k IS OL and a large number have been rancher and stockman, and will reserved by resident and outside bring in a herd o f high grade buyers. There are 168 lots in dairy cows which he will sell to the addition. The size o f lots the farmers and ranchers o f this are 44x125. There are plenty o f section. He expects to take pos- trees on the property, which session o f his new property in a lends much to the beautiful ap- few days. pearance o f the locality, and the 1 The purchase price o f this addition has a perpetual water property, which is considered right. high by some, is only a demon- The owners o f the addition, stration o f what well cultivated Ellinger & Taliaferro, have plac- ranches and farms in the Red- a building restriction in the ad- mond district are beginning to be dition. No building costing less worth. Mr. Gilett saw the prop- than $700 can be erected on the erty, knew its worth to him. and front o f any o f the lots except was willing to pay the price, the rear lots. This has been Mr. Mandercheid is looking done 10 Prevent the locating o f around for other property in this ah“ .k8 and J “ « * « » bu,ildi" KS on the ground. This restriction does not prevent buyers from putting up tent houses on the rear o f their lots until such time as the lumber situation is re- lieved and they can get material to build with. Spokesman for job printing. f f tian . He i. well » t U fie d with the Redmond District and does not intend to remove from here but will soon find another piece o f land that suits him- -------- ----------- A large stock o f rockers and dining room chairs at reasonable prices at W oodruff’ s furniture store. The Store That Cam »er ve Your W ants ¡A Y HARVEST IN tZ will I k * conducted, and Jackin-! vites the eating public to drop in and see him and get a good square eat when they art* hungry. •porta of Yield in Red­ He sells bread, cakes and pies to those desiring same. mond Diatrirt Are Encouraging Wrong Impression Rfen Created Extended Trip Councilman H. F. Jones and w jfe o f this city, left Tuesday I for an extended eastern trip. They went to Seattle and from there went to Vancouver, B. C., by water. Their route from there was to Winnipeg and Mon­ treal. They will visit the large eastern cities before their return and expect to be gone about six weeks or two months. Mr. Jones said it was a pleasure and business trip combined, and they would spend several days at the Thousand Isles in the S t I j iw - rence river after leaving Mont- real. _ Jrom reports received so far Some settlers recently arrived hay crop in the Redmond in Redmond on their way to their _ rict promise's to be an abun- land near this city, and in con­ t one this season, and as the versation with a business man e is expected to range from here stated they had bought all to $30 per ton this winter their groceries to do them for [ranchers and farmers are to a year in Portland before leaving mgratulated on their good as they understood that they You will save money on your km*- I could not get supplies in this sec- A. Kendall is cutting his 36 tion. When these people arriv- furniture and groceries by buy­ Ds o f clover and alfalfa hay ed here their groceries had not ing your goods at Woodruff's states it will go over 2 tons' yet reached here and they w e re 1 store—the strictly cash store. B A T OUR STORE we carry a complete * * and well selected stock of GEN­ ERAL MERCHANDISE that fills the wants of the people in this, section. Our prices are always as low as possi­ ble consistent with good goods, the only kind we sell. We want your trade and invite you to come in and place your next order with us, feeling assured we can satisfy you with goods and prices. Highest Market Price for Butter, Eggs and Cream EHRET BROS. Redmond