BIG LAND WANT E X OUR HIBITS DEAL MADE Now Open Great Northern Road Asks For Exhibits From This Section Local People Pay $20,000 for 80 Acres At the meeting of the Redmond Commercial Club Monday night a letter was received from the Great Northern railroad asking 33 i o 15 24 19 23 the club to take means to secure S T R E E T C L C V E N T TRACT WILL BE agricultural and fruit exhibits 2 2. 25 PLATTED INTO LOTS from the Redmond District to be 18 14 32 used by the Great Northern peo­ ple in their demonstration car A V /E P A P? K Portland Real Estate Firm that will travel all through the east, and also for their exhibits To Exploit the New at St. Paul and Chicago. H. F. 26 13 31 Property Jones, G. E. Dobson and F. M. White were appointed a commit­ M A D I S O N /v v er tee to secure the exhibits. 2 I A company composed of Guy The question of holding a Har­ 30 E. Dobson, G. M. Slocum, J. A. vest Home Festival in Redmond 27 Norwood, J. A. Wilcox, Chad Ir­ this fall was taken up and dis­ win, J. Howard Leist and Mr. cussed at some length, and Wm. LENOX AVE. Meith. all of Redmond, last week G. Phoenix, J. A. Wilcox and H. bought 80 acres of valuable prop­ F. Jones were appointed a com 29 28 20 erty adjoining the original town- mittee to interview the business site of Redmond on the west. , men of Redmond to ascertain W E S T - E N D A V E . The consideration was $20,000. | their \iews regarding the hold- The property will be platted ing 0f a Festival, and placed on the market at an Full line of stationery, new early date. Williams & Kanzler, a well clean stock, at the Buckley Drug ltf known Portland real estate firm, Co. have entered into a contract with Killed By a the company and been appointed *-> T I ELECT YOUR LOTS NOW AND GET A GOOD JO N E S selling agents. They will estab- * aU in£ 1 Tee CHOICE. The only addition with a public lish offices in Seattle and Spokane I Levi and Frank Zumwalt of park within the corporate limits of Redmond. Lots to give the exploitation of the Redmond, received the news last property widespread publicity week Friday that their brother 50x125. Wide streets and alleys. Located on the O w n ers through newspaper advertising Henry had been killed at Wamic highest ground in the City. and otherwise. It is stated by a tree falling on him. The the above firm will establish an brothers left for Wamic imme- office here to handle the property diately upon receipt of the news, Additional Local. Ready to Burn of the Redmond Townsite Co. but owing to an accident could First Kiln Men with teams wanted at and also exploit this property not reach the place before the Melrose Park to work on streets. The brick yard located 3 miles through their other offices. funeral, which took place Sun- Call at office of Jones Land Co. north of Redmond is nearly ready • It is understood that a club is day. Redmond. ltf being organized in Redmond to The dead man was helping to L. Osborne Locates Wood The pumping rod of the pump to burn its first kiln of brick. It is stated that something in the take over 8 or 10 acres in the fall a tree on a hillside, and as Working Industry at at the city water works broke neighborhuod of 200,000 brick tract to be used for club house the tree began to fall he attempt­ the Hub City Tuesday afternoon and the plant are in the kiln. The brick made purposes, build an artificial lake, ed to jump to one side but stum­ is temporairly out of commission at the plant are of a superior lay out tennis courts, a ball park bled and fell, and the big tree fell across his body killing him Christian Science services at quality—the beat made in Cen- etc. instantly. Mr. Zumwalt leaves I An important industry that has the home of Mr. Macpherson tral Oregon. Delicious ice cream, and ice a father, sister and brother at recently located at Redmond is Sunday at 11 o’clock. Subject — ■ cold soda water at the Buckley Wamic, and two brothers here, the wood working establishment for July 17th, "Life". All are Redmond To Drug Co. ltf Levi and Frank. of I. L. Osborne located on Sev- welcome. Organize Band 1 enth street between C and D Wm. Buckley, wife and son streets. Mr. Osborne is a prac Blight, arrived in Redmond Sun­ Preparations are being made THE j tical man and thoroughly un- day from Couer d* Alene and will to organize a band in Redmond. | derstands all branches of the make this their future home. There are a number of old mu­ business. As soon as he can get Mr. Buckley is an agricultural sicians in the city, and with a necessary materia] to finish his expert and predicts a great fu­ little pratice it is stated a credit­ able musical organization could building he will put in the neces­ ture for this section. 1 l>e perfected. sary machinery for the manu- | facture of kitchen cabinets, fur­ Will Open New niture, sash, doors etc. .Spokesman for job printing. Already Mr. Osborne has ad­ Restaurant [ A —----- vance orders for a considerable P. L. Smith expects to open More Boxes At amount of furniture, screen his new restaurant in his build­ Postoffice doors, and other articles in his ing he recently built on the cor­ line. ner of 6th and F streets the first Postmaster Norwood is daily of next week. He intends to expecting a consignment of new For your candies and confec- conduct an up-to-date day and postoffice boxes for the Redmond G uy E. D obson , Pres. W. A. S tevens , Vice-Pres. Itions, fresh and clean, go to the night restaurant with prices at a office. But a short time ago he Buckley Drug Co. ltf reasonable figure. put in a number of new boxes. G. M. S locum , Cashier 38 37 36 8 35 34 Redmond’s Addition of Gharacter See L A N D CO. ji/UUciofmL NEW PLANT AT REDMOND Redmond Bank of Commerce but the business of the office has. increased so rapidly that addi-i tional equipment is neCMMmt Old type makes the best bab-. bitt metal. This office has a^ lot of old type for this purpose. 1 STEVENS; - Aa L ln .lH u l StaaJwJ t , «»W . m SHOTGUN T k . l a b « tifo » ..» * t * ,a .c U m Shot». 11ml rr ln li’aa I k a r a i M l i m l a . . . » ! k a ^ a a 1 i 4 a la Man»)« la Taka Mava V a»-Ur aa Cal T a |,lU f. t l a p U M n a c k a a la a » la I ta t a l l If you want a good dish of Ice Cream made from pure cream, a Milk Shake, a cold glass of Soda Water, Fresh Fruit, or some of the best Confectionery made, call and see us. Nothing but the BEST Full line of Stationery Buckley Drug Co., Prop’rs. Agents for Three Automobile Lines ( mVDIJ shotguns , ttru i. riSTOU a a « f tp « aJtahrd Ml ikm • ft*. « *~«rrvr T-* ft* r -*. « . i * . m 2 1»»* r*v «. '.err- T ~ # C m M »* » • •*-« I« • I r— ***»« » * > . • wa I f ta« k «a« I , « *« •« » I I I Commenced Business Feb. 19,1910 Deposits larch 29,1910, - $18,000.00 Deposits Jane 30, 1910, - $68,000.00 PALM ICE CREAM PARLORS W a§ ja <|W . HAMMEKLPSS R tP LA TTN G Redmond, Oregon A progressive bank—a bank that is grow­ ing with the country. We are looking for new business, and can take care of it. We have several hundred accounts on our books and they get the service—that is why we have them. ^ «I I J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO., r 0 I n M l. CUaaÿaa Falla. ill Installing Fine New Fountain This week Norwood & Men­ denhall installed one of the fi­ nest soda fountains in Crook county. The counter and all the wood work is mascive and of highly polished oak. The foun­ tain is a beautiful one. very large and with all the modern appli­ ances and cost over $600, Nor­ wood & Mendenhall will now be in position to cater to the wants of all the thirsty people in this section of Crook county. Fresh lot of oranges and lem­ ons at the Buckley Drug Co. store. ltf The Redmond Public Library One of the valuable assets of Redmond is the public library lo­ cated in the Redmond Commer­ cial Club building on E street between Fifth and Sixth. The library contains a large number of books of all kinds, and the li­ brarian, Miss M. E. Simmons, always has a cordial welcome for patrons and visitors every Satur­ day afternoon from 1 to 5 o’clock, the hours when the library is open to the public. READ THE o, Redmond Spokesman If you want to keep posted on what is doing in Redmond and vicinity. Bring or Send in Your Name Today. $1.50 per Year TO ADVERTISERS The Spokesman has a circulation that will bring results to those using the paper for their publicity. fro JOB PRINTING The Spokesman office is equipped to do all kinds o f Commercial Printing in a satisfactory manner. rt