Î thoorand l U U r t i t t etaimeta far lbs develop- 'aa e>rUri! e iu ii u i :---------------------- --- -------------- for C » y j to help population U «malt; tba k • • » » » D A T . AVO. «., »212. ilabla for taxation is and the onua'ty baa vsled 4u for toad twude. I t «teat have aid. This moat cniun fro« tbs stats or federal gorerumeul. I No other eoqnt, in Oregon would t o more pl-ao-d t«y itts K ...... s e l l highway than Corry county. Mean It m ay be that capital punM iroent is a' relic of barbs - iaaa ft2“* all wrong, and i t may be that th e murderer -or w hilr, lb * coast highway »u the murderers of Lillian Lent hold, of Bandon, would not h a v e '•*•*« raod u i.p ¡nelndee the « m a been deterred from the dastardly a-t by the shadow o f t h e / / . » ’. .«"»»••»* * • •«» I'” • ' flays Any Disc Record Made c u t s THE PROFITEER. At last th e adm iuistratiou has oom me rifted to in vesti gate the high cost of livin g, and it is pronfised th at there will soon ba a general reduction ¡9 prices. That profiteering is going on now even m ore generally than during the war, there can be no doubt. Kvery few days evid en of is bobbing up that show s the public is being exploited by the big interests Upon this com m odity or that. A nd.w hile farm produce brings a good price and wages are high, yet them are m any fam ilies that cannot kpep up with the soaring coet o f living. The growing unreel and dissat- isfaci^ n thia condition is causin g is responsible for th e gov ernment investigation. The oonfcienoeless profiteer* is responsible for social unrest in eTfery country where he exists, and h is breed is alm ost universal. I t is such as he that furnish food fot growth to t h i Anarchist, the I, W. W- and the B olsh evik i, May his days be numbered. r i. T, i «'•’ j TOOT TOUR HORN. Each year sees an Increased am ount of auto travel? on th e roads through Gurry county. In many plaoea there are sharp turns in these roads, and there are m any drivers who persist in running fast around these turns; and thia w ithout th« UM^of a horn. Som e car ownerrdw wot nveu m ake a pretense at haviug a horn, notw ith stand ing the law that oalls fot1 them o n all cars and fur their use on turns. A s things are now going it is on ly a m a tte ro f tim e until there w ill be some bad accidents as a result. Two cars jn tttid g are less liable to result In loss of life , tb su whom a car meet« a team, but either may be bad enough. A few'aÎrests for violating thia burn b w m ight prove a tim ely training. But, toftt your horn and drive slow on the turns. It w ill do nobarua and may save m any after regrets. Ont» ids road through the oouaty. Curry county’« oaa, Iona road skirts alopg theouaat. In land there G R A N T S RASH, Ur., July 25 — ia nothing but foreala, mouuta ina {Special )— BHber the »tai* highway and wild gam«. Ill*estim ated that ooiniBi-aion iquat »pen J • big ' aum 25 per oent of the wild game of the Paoific ooaat| auch a» bear, cougar of money to ifupruve the on« itU u and deer, are ia» Curry oounly. uatail road InO urry oounly, or it should not aptnd a ueat and leava Cougar are aueh raiders llia l see that oounly % it* fata. Curry eral sheepmen bare q « it the hu»i oounly ia a poor member of the lies* because of lbs depletion of fam ily of Oregon counlie*. Hare flock*. This road begins at tba Cnoa for tbe ane road, which connects j »*o'»ty lin ein the north,sad thread« , ia Coos oounly, C u r .* iw w*y »round over the mmmtaiaa. with ry ia isolated so far aa Oregon is aimoet always wiibrn eight of the concerned. Also it ia just as isulet« Pacifle cesan, U ntil it strikes Del Norte county, in California. Moat cd aa regarda California. Thera ia one department alore in o f the population of Curry ia la tba Portland which baa on its payroll north and sooth and«, and these are more peupla ttht lhare aro ia ell th in ly settled, so t i n paucity of 1468 square miles of Curry .county, ‘ pwipla between the euda can be im. Merchandise in this same deport. »<’■•*!. '* •a n t store ia “Valued more highly | A1 p r» » n l Coos county is mektoj than tba total aasesed valuation of » lf,*w', ro-d 1|** Currv county line of the taxable property in C urrj • <•* «cr.ns the line in Curry areeome county. Two thindt of Curry county ,,f '*»• rtuMl d»*m c to tba stafe, and Is in the forest rw+yve, and t(h ih ., uf tbe,|l»Wfo« •» L « » r, thia wakes the ¿county poverty M * . Uen«u»{^ satL'Zum walt» are Stricken now, the jlim e w ill come freighted ont »« B a n ta m .. Curry Rend Work Ia .Carry C AW. ad to build a standing and stale road through Curry, and that would pntvtde.oiily for grading.* <* *' i? Port P rfo td cudar, which Appears tike cheese and uttiS’as easily, groe* no whept elau on m Ah except ill the Port Orford quadrangle. Thia 6» dar, some of which* wAk u*ed for airpUCA slock id'lietf'hf* Spruce, is out into* im tuanii railroad lias, gome ufábase tins aeentuaily 'Bra usad oa-«oadbed», but many of the ties chopped out-by lita settlers aw worked up into fornitura. W ith a gnod road, these ties ouuld ha truck ed out to Baadon, Coquille or Myr tie Point, but now tb«y ara slang ia a cradle and shot down over a cable which runs Irum f high cliff to a rack in tba open harbor. Vessels anchor under the steal trend and pick off tba cradle« of ties. A port has bean organised at Port Orford and a 120,000 wharf p ill be built, bat thia only emphasiges the need u fa auita&le land highway. At Oold Hanoi), the only oouaty tout in the state that is not incupuratad-—there lauTt an incorpor ated town in Curry—.Judge W . A. Wood coa fe red with pomukiaeñtncr Booth and Engineer Nunn. Time was when there were 20uO a t UoM Beach, wheat chief tion was trying to exlragt gold from the black sands, but now them ate but a bandfhl of residents, ostwt of whom make n li viB <fl«W w f for or against the W adder burn company which owns a jl the land on both sidas of the lower raaohaa of the ttogpa river. Jhia «ream ia like soma ..women— beautiful, btu whose beauty is spoileS by a bad Port Orford Fresh G roceries Always ®n Hand a. H ens’ Furnishings, Etc. Orders Taken for A rticles Not in Wiigp’vtm want a tractor that trill 4<) Jfpur work so d e c °poniicd*Iv‘ »pv«',t>ga^e tbe TTATKRMiU BOY. None , better < mb the m a r k e t.» * .';. . S tock , W e Aim to P lease. .-j- .r.MW « vi .•> - Give Us a Trial. V .nth t i t ’ll Wh>n you waut a m ilking tnaebitta that . ' has no,g«p«riQr,.investigate the TA'^kEG- . •^ 1 It — ||£ | l M i TION M ILKING M A C H IN E ., Gs«>’t be beaten and the prices right.* • ' i . J • Port Orfcrd, Oregon VÏ;' We eell lh e ’‘01d R d ia h l^ ’ JO H N .D E E R E FARM M A C H IN E R Y of all kinds that has ...the quality and guarantee behind it. W hile higher in prids, it is the cheapest in th e long run. We Cure Cripples BANDON HARDWARE COMP’Y. BA N D O N . « i t O REG O N , * We are Specialists WE CUKE CRIPPLES --- - V i .. . . . . Fid - i* "¿ 7 We take-that broken-down, crippled Car and reetoreii to health and strength, a n d use fulness. These days you ju s t ca n’t a fford to lose the service th at your car should give, and which it W ILL give if you keep it in health. I f your Car laeks efficiency, is weak or ; fa u lty In any action, bring it in a n d let us give ' * it the “once over“ before the busy sum mer months come. IT « neber fa il to diagnose the ailm ent, and then we apply the proper remedy to the seat of troub^'av'd moderate 'charge. ' Let us.^elpyou increase your efficiency by ' keeping yourear4n PERFECT CONDITIO#. Account IB b Solicited TOURCHKKBOOK«TOUR RECEIPT „ SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO JTROIGTH AND CONSERVATION IS OUR STANDARD CAREFUL ATTENTION TO ALL MATTEN s oLBandon THE POET 0KF0ED GAKAGE E. k. Lindberg, fropr’ . diti ftvp L cä iti*« ktawladaÀrîwfrrtohrfiiefoîoftiMnei n« takO O aO ò tatan fo n d tataM M l SAMOOM. 0 U Ü M V MM aiC not ibore eecidaota ■ Under the re s i .*•*) a * r, ««»A most favorable gondiliens it is a 10- milea an hour road hgt.top speed for safety is five in ilea. Wî Booth o f Brookings, a sawa^II town, the)c are good made To tjkh I F Orante Pase. The «400.000 ¡a ha tended for the Grants Pass Crescent City road, Caflfernin end, but there it considerable sentiment in Creé cent C ity to have the aaoney pot ‘ into the development ef the rand to the Curry oounly line Where more business oaa ba originasad. On tba Grants PanasGraseeat City road a (nouslain affairjlsbarp and curve, narrow andv* oeskasitnting constant vlgilanoe, th% ' grade ia Within reatos, oonsiderfng ' that ’ an wlan Curry ’= uni«ppad| timber will t»'tu'y »«ted a >98,000 »«ad fabud elevation of about >000 feet * is s t. richest oi.untles if»ue, « liioh is h i Hurtt. H a lf of tained it oua of t The entire >400,000 of ! • t. 1 tb i- sum is to ha expended north of Cali fur ni» money can he need lo a d , to Oregon. Thera i ia is in b q rrj y county one j R’WU« n W , near Corbin ridge vantage an it. In Oregon the read of tbe (A ria .a* In n ), on a location to ha runs in post through a- reserve and road job, », under 0 i | direction d "•« the slats highway oommis- the govarnmaot w ill toon let a con- highway y ooinmiui|h. which cover* a stretch h o of f t ttj t i milk», iiiiD». and the con ei«Hi, and inooey from tho romain- traot for regradlag Hsyaa bill for a tracts anile for >151,000... When a iug hall of the bunds will go on tba distance of two miles. Josephine road grading job ousts some >24,000 mad lietween Pistol river and Brook county, on its own aooownt, is also a mile it give* an Man of the dittl. tugs, «here the tend at limes attains improving a ssctiuW wf tha rand, an cutties of oonstruetton, T o inspect »11 altitude of 2500 feet. The eat that there is hope for tba develop, this work and gain • detailed idea tl-in ra ta a t Klk creak, Sines and roant of lbs 9ft miles between Urea- nf tba road needs of Curry county, Eucbra creak w ill heeepeoially bane ora t C ity and the pane within a few R. A. Booth, highway <jt»«n»iseiuo«r, tiled by thia southaro development. years. But lhat doesn't help Carry Mr. Uuoth, after bis inspection, county. and Btata Highway Rngfuasr Nunn •' have travaiad through tho district expressed hisseslf ae favoriag 1m The abose was Wrilteq by. by - Joña from and to end. This particular provemaut of the road from the Quoa W . K elly, speoial Curraepondant for ooalracl is fro « Hubbard oraek— «>untv line to Hold Beach, but scat tha Oragonian, and wbile tt evrs in Shunt 11 miles south o R fo rt Orford [•<* ‘ hat to develop propsHy it would piaos«, yat wtthal ia a gnod descrip — to Brush creek. • I t is considered ( require such a large au lion of oonditions ae tbey exiet in •hunt the mtasaat p a r lili tbe one couatiea would probabl/ mmplaln Corry woanty. General Merchandise E. A. LINDBERG mouth. Between Gold. Beach and Brook ings tbe looe roed ventures along the edgeyof tha aseap apib nolA Iqul to ep atn j The woodet.|s that there California tin«. In this section arc tbc only redwoods in Oregon. I t is a good'road on to Crescent City Cal., which ia the southern market far Curry ootinty, Just as Bandon In C«oa aounty, la in the n o rth / • I l i a object of Commtasione r Booth in crossing the lias was to confer with California highway represan tali vas. In the rtoenl road bond election in California >400,000 was act aside for rand work north" of Crescent city to the Oregon line. The tourist roots is from Crescent c u , i Bto Jowphina onnnty, Oregon BBg thence over the mountains to D e a le r s lo Before you buy, or even if you havft a pho nograph, heaf The Brunswick. P ot it to any test you wish? Ask that the most difficult records be played. Make com parisons, then let sheer merit decide, Ajeme in and hear the m achine, 1 ec ords and needles also for sale. bangsm an s noose, nevertheless, there is no place in society, Cufry eoUll,r A for th e man who, in cold blood, w ill brutally shoot down a mlUjuB «toller« w ill 6s »pent f u r , defaaseless lt)-year-old girl.' No environm ent in w hich t>*j paving paoi&c highway through • ogn ba plaeed, nor any am ount o f training, can m ake o f : Marion rounty. Tw o T h ird * , of , him anything other than a degenerate brute that will men-1 that s u - would probably be requk 1 ace hum ankind whenever at large. To the T b i b u x e it seem s that it is a m istake to tax tho public with the keep of sueh A being, once h is g u ilt ha* been esta b lish ed ,, and by so doing uotify others of h ie k in d that they can com m it such acts without lOUt endangering their own lives. The better way to m ete out Justice a u d io protect th e future genera- ations, it seem s to us, W » to take such criminals; when they «an bo found, and hang them by th e neck AMitfl dead, Sidwell ® Sabin The ^ K o z f i • ' ■•‘¡t /. , / •>' '• •* ■' < - < V ’. v , tfo e * I • .e' J ’ 9 HOTEL SEASIDE -t x - i - Open Under New Management V H o m p -m itd e C a n d y Board by Day, Week or Month Ic e C ream a n d S o ft D t In k s F r u its in L ig h t S eason L unch«* Your Patronage Solicited W. B. JOHNSON, Prop. THE ,,K 0 Z Y i> Opposite Skheell A Sabin Store POST ORFORD, OREGON. M O T IC E F O B P U B L IC A T IO N N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N t h e IyrcaLoa, D tH IT V B O or tbx IgTaaioa, United 8tatoa Land Offioe, U. S. la n d Office at Boaeburg, Oregon. Boaebnrg, Oregon. July 18. lii» . , July 20, t»l». Noti«» la hereby given that Notira ie hereby given Stmt i W IL L IA M F. ¿OOS ♦E L IJA H S . W ARD Ang. Serial No. O067S, for the W U of 8 W i of 8« Sec- tion IS, and the E X Of SE( of Sec Sec- M, Townahip Si S., Kanab 1» W.. Willamette Marxian, haa «led «ollee tion to make Final of Intention to make flea! Hrtw y c r Proof, to eetahligh olgiin £ q proof, to establish elalm to tha bod daaoribed, before Hardy T j£ove described, before Hard7 T. 8mW,rt’ y bk c<>',»tBl»«noner, at Me Stewart, U. S. Commissioner, at his of- lif*? ^ rfu,d4 Oregon on the flee, at Port Orford, Oregon, on the 16th «th day of September,1819 toy of September, I « » Claimant names ad -pTcanm ’ • “ “¡I* tomes as witneaaaa: t t . w S ;^ UeT on' Ä S S h H ; < £ Ä 011* DF * ^ « on’ D ipahtmbit or W HEN Y O U D o n ’t m e r e l y E a t b e c a u s e y o n h a v e t o —E a t b e c a u s e y o n e n j o y I L C o o k ie s , e t c ., C ak ee, a lw a y s R e g u la r David E. Bowman/of " ‘ « Charlee H Smith, of •’ W. H . Canon, - ______ 't I i Begmter. D o u g h n u ts, on hand. HARDY T. 8TEWART v. a . I D in n e r s E x p e r ie n c e E .H .P IT N E R P o r tQ r fo r d abaStaadtab J. J. ST A N L E Y - to js. c o m m is s io n e r n o t a r y t ft n u h • < J Q « U IL L B , - . . OREGON P o r t O rfb r ^ O regon J» w. JB., Hep. 0 .8 . Mineral Surveyor D E N N IS C U N N IF P , WOOD ■f •»•*,* A ta «««Se«e ’’ •• ” ” W. H. C axom Begister. ■ 1,111 1 '"WT' and S h o r t O r d e r s n S p e c ia lty T h ir ty Y ea rs Edward Bowman, r f John Mole«, of ATTOBVBV AT . rw ; LAW Surveyor for tha D is tric t f O r GOLD B e a c h . OBKSOg Gold Ite o c ii, egon. , . . Oregon