O r f in ) 3 r it w V - — :— - - R » a * U atm 'A.-» - ........... „ - j r r ? : r«MHM «.taw.»*. * * « r y tÿ e .ln » *la y , by M r , W . li. Murai uf Pori Oefwrd t i Ha» in Bandoli Satuiday. Bhe w m t ; . tu ,(ìarslifi«l t »U r » w » iik iuK I «h ow a lia«dal« U iK IH T . HTKW ÄKT. i.o l>aiiRÌ<'i» tu vii-it ' p a ffu ta . Boa-m*« j “ | Io variuua biiatnesrs matter». A lly . C ollier H . Buffington of G old Beach and M r*. H T H . Buffing. Ion o f Denver, THÏ TEXT BOOK GRAFT. Co'otado, were in ' Bandon Thursday. , K V. I .rap and baby am ra­ ^ n(|By frtini . tM1 pniaaioii has just com plied the work of selecting a set of wi, u j,er p»rellU( >ir. BUa Mr«. J. 8. text book« for the ensuing six years. It is also ani|ounced.^ittthea at S u e» , > that these books will be 10 per cent higher than tho books jue-ars. E H .'» tra in , W m Strain W * in use, although In some instances the old books can j«Ciib Whits and J. T. Bowman of be exchanged as part payment. ’ L an g ld » w ire among northern Cur Oregon’s school resources have been mis-msnaged and rJ »W tora in Bandon Saturday. •quAndered until her finances for the education of her child- j Mr«. Baacbar J« m of Port O rfo rd ren are in a shameful condition. It is a mere pittance that briMight her iU«gl»(ert<» Bandon for («doled out each year to the various districts for the main- ,,“id,tnl treatment tins week. 8ha tauanee of their schools. Hor instance, Port Orford with .,» . , u . oa .... . . « and the Istterw I iu h I m iih U M r. and >bout 80 children, receives approximately $12> antaually of M<- B u ChafWt, of A ni Ih« i.in gio ia dii*, liia t, i» In ih» ufi» imi -y1 altnndlng . We are Specialists • Mia» Or*s«f H'*w*o and M ia- Dry» j la i Uydell, l«>lh <*f E : k l» u , U irg o n , | >*rrp(U«t>ta paid j nere in u»wi» Thar»>lay . . . . Mr». move from tha geological aurvi-y liaa barn ««cured th ru tha tfforla of Saiialor M cN ary at request o f North B IG D A N C E At Euchre Greek Saturday Night, June 21st, Supper and refreshment will be served in th e halj Pipnic Dinner on Euchre (Aeek beach Sunday Everybody come aij^ Dig Clans ra p h y, M rclianicsl D raw ing, 9,1 mestic A r t, Course o f Btudy for t Domestic A rt. T hu rsday Afternoon G ra n m a r.G e o g ra p h y , Stenogra­ phy, Am erican L ite ratu re , Physio«, i T y p e w ritin g , Methods in Language, Tb*»is for P rim ary Carp (jo*te. F rid a y Foresioon Theory and Practloe, Orlbogra phy (S p e llin g ), Physical Geography English L ite ratu re , Chem istry Physical Culture.' F rid a y Afternoon Sch.M.I U w , Geology, Algebra, O ig il G overnm ent. Saturday Forenoon ,-J Gapqietry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon General H isto ry , Bookkeeping. V ary tru ly yoara, W. M. K f . mt , County Superintendent of School«. We take th a t hroken-down, crippled Car a n d restore it to health a n d strength a n d use­ fulness, <~ These days you ju s t can’t afford to lose the service th a t your car should give, a n d which it W IL L give i f you keep it in health. I f your Car lacks efficiency, is weak or fa u lty in any action, bring it in a n d let us give it the “once over” before the busy sum m er m onths come. We never fa it to diagnose the ailm ent, a n d then we apply the proper rem edy to the seat of trouble a t a moderate charge. Let ns help you increase your efficiency by keeping your oar in P E R F E C T CONDITION. C E L E B R A T IO N GOLD BEACH 4 & 5 JULY 4 & 5 Under the auspices (if the Fishermens Union In Honor of our returned Sohliefs ; picnic THE PORT ORFORD GARAGE w . K A.1 indbergf ,Pr<}pr’ i wî’w'iw,îirtV~i» i» r' i iMr) »Sa iîw fw ««i«» iu a . r .M í á a á Wúa^'r ^a r t w —»- -y- Foot Races , Boat Races RIDING CONTEST Net K nitting Contest Greased Pig Greased Pole Tug of W ar on land & water DANCING EACH NIGHT «• Soldiers In Uniform Free General Merchandise Fresh Groceries Always on Hand Mens* Furnishings, Etc. Announcement Orders Taken for Articles Not in Stock. Bend cham ber of Commerça. The,edjtot of the Gold Beach Reporter attemoted last K. W . M o rio n was in Bandon this freak to iustifjrjiie treacherous attempt to defeat the Port ! week e n ro u tr to BenttU lr«.m Six«» p f Port OfTord, and in doing so oujy made bad matters ri var where iw gué« to porchaM prorse. In claiming that he rought only to enlighten the n,'nio* «»achinary. M r. .Morton people op certain phases of the matter as they appealed to *,utM l,,,‘ ‘he 8,lM rive r m ining fr m , and that he did so fairly and squarely, he states what ^ ’^ Î well knows is untrüe. J he Port of 1 ort (hrford wasagitat- t(l tU ,„ucll developlueill Wllik. Od weeks, and even months, before .election-, and the Renor- „ .,, (er editor knows, and everybody else knows, that if he had U r. H » came to > fair and honest criticism to make he would not wait un- meet his daughter who was re tu rn , (il the last issue before election whert it could not be ex-'ing from M t. Angel where she had plained or answered. These eleventh-hour attacks is som e-! bee" »««»dtng «oimol the past year, thing the T hib V rb and all other self-respocting newspapers Other C u rry county .m d em » return yefose to countenance. Furthermore, the Reporter resorted „ ““' / î r . / ' w 1 T 1 « 1? i l U " d (o falsehoods in its fair and honest attack upon the Port, ^».Gknna Turner of G old Bead, pnd, if its editor denies this, we will explain them in full, and two «m s of Judge Bailey’« J»ut we opine this explanation will not be demanded. of G old Beach. The Reporter says a reoent editorial in the T hibunk Netice »1 Teachers Exastaatisa. entitled “Jack In The Box’’ touching upon the reason why ,the Gold Beach paper made the attack upon the Port, was Notice is hereby given lh a l the Jilth, but from the number of congratulations we have re- C ounty Superintendent of C u rry /seived for hitting the nail on the head, we are quite 8ure U ounl)’ > Gcegon, w ill hold lb« regu- : lar exam ination of applicants for general public does not agree with him. StsteCertificates at U olJ Beach, as In beginning his article the Reporter editor takes a follow»; jlap at those who voted the Port by saying of them, “which .1 Commencing Wednesday, June goes to show they are progressive in the extreme if not ov- 25. »919 at 9 o’clock a. m , and eF tha w ell-1 T h u itd a y Forenoon wishes and ujd of ohe who wh.lo fawning upon the Port yet A rith m etic, H ieto ry uf Educa­ is seeking opportunity to kuifo it in the back. tion, Psychology, M ethod* in Geog- - Everybody Invited. Ì Ou. Copy Un» Your ...............Sl.^l 7 l' C . V . W i N m I i i i IT m Ì Langloi* w a *¡« On» Uo|>> Hix M o u th « .'................ ‘h»« U-ipy (bow ¡fomt-a. ....... 1 town un bwit»««* Tu»»«lay. -y ; FgPXEBfUT Juna I«, 1*4- „kF *••* w U'i « J R â C R ÎP T ÎO S n ATI'S- On a n d after M a y 1st, 1910, we will aUow a cash discount of 5 per cent on all purchases am ounting to over ONE DOL­ L A R excepting on paints, oils, fa r m m a ­ chinery, implements, am m unition a n d stoves, a n d all accounts paid on or before the 10th of the m onth following'the p ur­ chase, we will allow a cash discount o f S per ceng,. • This should be an inducem ent fo r you to trade where you can save money a n d furtherm ore, m ake it a n object fo r our customers to pay cash, which m eans a saving to us as well as to our customers. We Aim to Please. Give Us a Trial. Port Orfcrd, Oregon ww v a j a a t » . ysq RESTAURANT FEAST BANDON H A R D W A R E COM RY. WHEN YOU * EAT D o n ’t m e r e l y E a t b e c a u s e y o u h a v e t o —E a t b e c a u s e y o u e n j o y It. Your Account : P ie s , C a k e s , D o u g h n u ts, f C o o k ie s , c e t ., a l w a y s o n hi»n«o ------ fatherand heir of John G. Braden da. Suits Cleaned and Pressed u ’ iflin le.kr* * ll-(>reKon, who.on Oct. ilA m r a iS ^ * Ho°JST£tead L n try, Serial HPU i ° ^ 8 W I rf NEW, W M of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ftiid NEJ 01 SEJ^of Section 15 ette M ^iV o 1 8,. Railk:<’ 14 w -j W illam ­ D xpartwbmt or t u b I n t ib io r etteM eridian, has filed notice of In- U. 8. Land Office at Koaeburg, Oragon £2A!?n, to„ . ,n,a,lfe Final Three-year 1, 1919. ' V5 •*’ .*,’**8h «’»Ira to the land Notloe la hereby given that above described, before the Register JO8EPH W . W H IT E $ the UDited Ktotos of Langlota. Oregon, who on July 27, ttt Roseburg, Oregon, on the l«th day of J„ly, ,919. “ ' “ 191«, made Homeek-ad Entry. Serial Claimant names as witnesses: m i / ™ lb:AEt ut NET »• •"<« A C O STRANDER, P R O P ’R south, M p r?irRCT ot 89 Ma*on 8t • Ban«e 1« W ., Willamette Meridian d Po,r,4 l‘«d’ Orpv"n. 5« ° f intention to make * a yi?i-r m*1' of L»nRtol», Oregon. final Three year proof to eatablmh “ “»¿'Aarmer. of McMInnvillaTOregon O W . Carroll, of Rickreall, Oregon. claim to the land nhove described bi- to r. H«rdy T. Stewart, D. S - W. H . C anon , aioner, a t F o rt Orford, Oregon on th e . Register. 28th day of June, 1919, ’ Claimant names aa witnesses ■ s ™ o £ r ' ° f ^ " gloU- Or^ n Swan Oberg, of Sara Russell, of Ralph Oope, of W, H . C anon , | J. J. STANLEY ^" Lawyer, Heglator, <^ o q u ii . j . k , - . . okegom