■aanMrae»'bdea. 7 ap* *w5 j a A' a M m u s /. ii A i Bev. J. 8. Van W inkle preached a sermon in Port Or­ ¿ X I ' S : J T * “ T T ""' ford last Sunday in which he dwell upon the text ‘"Let Hot ■---------. ,. . . . , | Tfc* three great aeed i constantly Thy Lipa Speak E v il.” How m uebj there ia in this text iw « wae a a d . gad bar teetiaooy th a t1 put forth from WM hIneton «y .: <1> of Scripture, few of ns stop to realise. Applied to oom ina­ b a te d worked faithfully erory d a y ; * * w ow rrattan to old our Antes; nity and home life, and it would prevent or event oonnth countless crimes ____ _ and sorrows and let the sunshine into many a lonely lieart. U e ,, w ttb tb a a *a e p . M W W d g a d o i d s h * 4 H * U th e w arb * * * * * 10 « * dsteat ef about ewe- at the effect that some of (be aUries gorhg r o i l r if f w o u l d ti«o uf H e n ry S tra ta , o f Langlois, * t t e p U o a ^ C o q o U la -S r a tin l. S T S r W g n r ^ t ” £ have npoothe lives of the boya of tender years that warn “ * “*— ® 'a -----" " ; * ........................... . provided not by voluntary ptft, but by wablaentrawv listening t o them? Jt ia not a stretch of imagination to '“ t ’ , b ; »¡•■ m ä - ^a say that the downfall of your or yonr neighbor's daughter and the crime of your son is the direct result of just such things. And yet, how many otherwise good citizens are guilty o f this corrupting infinence of letting their tongue speak evil where it sears it’s scar forever. “Let Not Thy Lipa Speak E v il.” I f you are a woman, have yotl aver paused to think of how easy it ia when you have met with a few friends, to talk of the shortcomings of an absent neighbor or to repeat the gossip about some un­ fortunate girl? And sometimes you know, and we all know, 'hat these things which yon surmise or repeat _ ... Ä.ns 1 /v ^ -- ‘ A C u rry eoaoty u n it u f the O re- K i m V e tu n fa rr G s a rd wee erga airad i» G e ld Borah l is t week, at which W a lte r O éw wirt elected C aptain , B o rtL . Jbw ell, L ir a tr a a n t, aad H . äärten — » * T ^ r «emoei * ^ T Baekoaate/lfeprraentatiT«. F a ra o n Diamond” Ford Auto Tires ~ WM. GILLINGS, PROP , eoraraiaeioned a fe a re , c . « . H u ff. i iagtwn w M named top rargeant, and A W . B r a t t i dfifi P. M . U t if a r d u t y owgraalo. ' '• ka nm rteoy C api. H ew te a Man considerable * * * ** servine in (fra U . 8 . arra y, L ie u t I m n ^ Jewell baa had experience in d r ill hraeet. w erk , being a rates t e r of tb rO regou ? , * * * C U y H r a o e ü a a td , w hile Hepreaan-1 »alle« Baekensto raw aarvioe la t h e ' m rat thus fo rtu nate ia being ÚM eervirae of oom- Hardware of all Kinds C a rl J Beiarat Owen W . Sraitb, Bandun W e ila r LeCfaSr, W ad d w b u rn Everywhere on the western front the H im army is giv­ H e rb e rt Payna, H e tb e r ing ground. The fourth German drive, heralded as the Oeorge Beuaett, Langiuia George R T ie rw ty biggest one of all, baa turned into a sweeping allied victory. S o bayier Cook, F o r t O rfard Decisive though .the victory has been, yet - Germany still N athan Bpergeoa, P o rt O rfard has a mighty fighting force, aud contesting the advance of Fred M cC lang, Power« ’ the allies bravely from behind a network of defenees the Riohard Moore, Brookinge fall of Berlin Wbuld eeem a thing of the far distant future. H a rv e y Badfleld, W ad darb urn But, how long w ill that army into which has been instilled H a rw a o a W illiaaea Waaiey F a m a , W edderbnra * the thoughts of4tbe capture of Faris and the channel porta Jueeph L X rares*. fight bravely on the defence, and how long will the under Allen W. H a li, Wedderbnra fed and poorly clothed populace of Qermany support a wgr in which a few months ago they were promised early vic­ tory and in which they munt now- see inevitable defeat? Tim e alone will toll; but it is not improbable that with the Italian victory and a little more crowding on the western I * * , W Mod fa* front, the morale of the German army and nation wiH *‘x1**® *T* il* w* ■ break and thp end w ill come swiftly and suddenly. Jndg- X * ^ d ^ S ing from the past, it takes a brave foe, backed by a right- are: T sous cause to stick to the end in a losing fight. C arl W ood, Agunra -------- * * * --------- ' ’ J Wil* * Fr" * “ ’ Harter Since the rain of the past week it is not believed it w ill ’ ? T rw be neoessary to dose the hunting season on aooount of for- | John c . V a n P «l7 H a rb o r est fires 1 he opening of the season means considerable to Paul Moore, Agnew many Carry oounty families wbo can venison to help in Rfateid H o w e , Brookings G a a rd , although by laet waek’e Re- porur but 24 bad eigned the M u a i ter B M I an d ta |e n »ba oath adm in The fallow ing oath ia required: ia tbo C u rry Co. G uarda for the per­ iod of tb e w o r w ith G e rn a n y , unlew diaebargad frate terrine by oorapatan t a o tb a rity , and d o ro lu n U r iiy oeaapt tba d d ig p tb m a o f spadai D eputy H a rry M o o n, Brookinga John 8 o b lie tM o n , G old B obo Jacob L. W hite, Port Orfard. o f tboooasUtotod o iv il A large German submarine appeared off aha Massachu- aeUa coast SutMh> and sunk three barges, add the tog that was towing them was repeatedly hit and in -tUmcs when an aviator appeared and il»e subto'irine dove*VXhousaudd on shore witnessed the attack. No lives were loat - ao th o rn lw 90 day«* fre t trial h ssäsass: f a f JK» $100.00 or I < a in t.re .tin g eaae waadaaidad in tba C irc u it C o u rt M ra M ra d a y by Judga O q k a I » M M M ra b tr, 1»1<, Tboa. J. M aA tM tea rM úad bis M aora W a rawdea aa m b y Aba O ouuty $«e brood aow, tor ( S U * ya ar, of wkiob w aata b . paid by tb a a la titi o f o f4 ft.a acraa o f w illow load. c u rity for tbo p a y a a a t o f tbo Aaea- rout Franco, hollowing are some of the late dispatches from Johnson gara MaAdaraaa boad far rom the S9S0 with hie mother, Amanda M . July 22.— There were signs everywhere that the Ger- Jofc,wo* »»d W. J Boradira m ear- mans are destroying material and munitions io the pocket b r t w w n 8 o i» o „ . , „ d R h .,m , prep-ratory io th , M l i „ evacuation of that area, io °o «a on the piaoaboroad tbo Joba- . J *’e Ji ! rn>ant) ar0 having the greatest difficulty in main- oawle to tbo rare o f “nih talning their communications and are unable to use most « o A d am a aboold <»U fa r tb o « . of the rsilroada leading northward, owing to the aliios av- * ’* > • » ■ * * paid M a A d a a w M lA S iators and artillery. ion« iro n th * north have been hurried t o 2 t ‘ i \ 2 ° WyU> prtMaot Uie wmtern flatjlt t ,, . a whiflh hw £ Ud f W . eawraditfa. an across the Marne and ejected from Chateau Thierry the Franco-Jktierican troops. ' ( 11 H e hod ra h h ar psld e a y tb ia g fa r 1 he allies have a large number of prisoners, more than H . afao hra t ^ n announced. New batebe. me arriving. Tbi r a ^ d ito number of nnwonnded prisoners alone exoeeds the total had bought aad there caauaht.ee of the alhes since the advance began. D S N N I S C Ü N N I F F , J R ., D®p. (J. 8. Mineral Snrveynr » o rv a y o r fo r tb a D ie tr io t I O r- J. J. 8TALEY j waa . « w M . ^Asnuuxrumm. •t.** »•»« ■■■*