Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1918)
For The Military * >445 af Curry J W T H E C IB C y iT (X )t . ffTATff O F OMECOM; ] T H E CO U N TY 0 » _ A«» a M R wa. ) s u n r Plaintiff Engraved inside tad ta ifa la i/d ^ .» va » R uwam » O . i r FOM M ow «, DHwndant. * jbtwant C. H»wr, defi » I N TI1K NAM N OF T I • UMJBUOX, you are here! ; apptMr and answer the a • »Kaiiua you hi the a ta r i ‘ peMfeatiou o( this «umcnoaa; to-wit lo n o rb e fe m the 17th day of March, i 1M3. or io ease this summons ia served Upon you personally out of the 8Ute o f Oregon, then awl in that case, you are required to appear and answer said complaint within six weeks after tlie date of said »ervlee upon you. And it ju a toil to appear and answer with in said time, (or want thereof the plaintiff w ill apply to the Court (or the reflet demanded in her oom plaint; to wn, Thnfi the bund* o( matrimony be. tween plaintiff and defendant ba die- t »ha chair mrab i.f y o r dia dotim i M AIL O R D ER * , PROMPT AI That (he healthy qUmnta «ad ^troauoua ltiB d f A h a ^ o r n county boy .begets I|,«n wh<; make real •*U - ora an d enldirra. qa« ,dymi.nMl,»le«t again in 8»a F r a n ^ ^ y * . f r * day ago when W n f , ^ ^ * « ^ o£ UVERAHD a . BOYLE, fern No. 5 *4 . Sa: B O. M c l visitar the lal V a carry na at nanti “ / * • Fred ¿Postal an<( Roy Dtoltson id aQold ^jr possible candidat^toor C o in ly , "a i > î . " X H J u . U‘e !^ r > è n Clerk and whose ftf£ d s fagfeve oould have b«*n nominated and elected, has decided u qt¿neater lbs The Has, but for some reason ha uuw I taw . W ith bis deeDiouJl looks as g a lt in theWggeat h u rry whan be is , though tfee eoming election w ill find Pi.rtO rford without Qi\e- pandidata. headed back thia way ageia. Engineer Siam», wko oame hero Since tfie first of the month the Fyfe.W ilson company has bad a aa iranait man with Ih .B tu to high u ight iÄt«^mat» goardtfcg tla p f„ p way surveyors, returned to his.homa arty on Fort Point. Tito company (a Portland lis t weak. - H i a piaaa. Eighteen Years has considerable Prompt, Effitrei W. A. WOOD, E- B. HALL malarial stored on the survey baa been taken by , Tribbey, who rue-the level, and a man has arrived from Portland to taka M r. Tribbey's plane. Tha.erew is now working on the Carey range Otegou ; darned, ffeh. 4. It i» , and which order taqulrM add Humiooaa to ba pub lished ouoe n weak (or six i nn senati ve weeks, «r i a lien thereof («nopal ser vice upon yon lb toe aouuty of your Ifeacb, wqd a rowing aatadiiiwoiat feaey.-i Toung D oh b iu esn ito lad.hi .(the being State Fire Warden for Gurry county, Deputy Sferiff) jrpl. ^ m » r Sheriff * f Jackson .county. The happy young,«apple •pending Mpdr hone* mopn at it p ij, beguliTuJ navy la«wnmme*:wbUa.{Ncksow i t a atill more rraeot recruft. Opposed Us them in. the rowwgmnathb,. ware twa big ho*kia« whodl*d- fbean in I ha nary li) e s r s . Ania tqkno of nod weil.providnd Sixaxri ver home, llm ir victory eaah n b the C arry where they .tow “* « * * . 1», « W -” eoqnty boys arerc prfffenMd with >n They bays the eongratulationa and atcWKo4,riaK. a /» >• heat wishes o f tbd wmitof > « ,« 1 * 0 $ I t wiH.ha remetabtfrfed that Boy Dicksoo sad “ Ifeak’t, HdaUey «on * ¿ » « . V i « . the rowing matoh a t the Salmon e a r , a t w l a t Rogue ri v a tfe a lfe ll. B acks . Doted this fith day of ffeb. ISIS. A. U. D avis , Attorney for Plaintiff, a eor ' ooünt V olere . Resident« oddreoL Harbor. U ieg on . Date <>f first publication, Feb. 1», 1818. . I hereby nnhouaea « y candidacy Ito Date ol last public» Ion, Mar. 87, lttlS. nom «pation to th«; Office oí County Clerk, a u l i t a «O the w|»hea of the rv publican Kleetor« óíO otoy County aa expressed n t tha coming Primary E kc- One new atuto bod.l ng, two storica, W f e b e h e ld M d a y , M »y I f . ia to . 811 feet long with «0 loot walls. Lot P ly slogan la ‘ Vtaerteou* Uva t tuant «3x100 feet. Beat locution in Port Or f e «li and-oéonomlcal vffkiivnuy in Of- ford. Call or addrms flee affair-.” MSB. 31. A. N IE L S E N , ,r üno. B. STAtr.«n. Port Orford, Or. — -Ài i t i « - Twu| promotions Jiawa -fallen to Wm. Dobbins sines hn>«nliafed, aiyd ha is now a first nUtff boatman and a seound elaae seaman.' i Atty, at L g w , Notary Public, Beal Estate, Collection*, Conveyancing. Office day» Thursday, Friday and Sat- Urd,y Port Orford '■ ' ■ ' Mens Turnia tat tngrav ih rén to tb e BARBER I health is O p p o s ite H o t e l < K J. D m ' h i® jn yesterday Io receive a registered PolaKd Ohina hog that ha was hav R C OSTRANDER, Suite Cleaned Z / l . eM sndARtaugh w v i ^ a i X O & s t W aix’ < 2 S w i M r- Port Orford, Orffgor* > Dr, F. A. Vogo Resident Dentist, , KNAPP HOTEL Port Orford, Oregon, G o id 1 purposes and start sawing Cofehronk eajr^ it pays to kagugood aaronlaM matarial ' r Cha*. M cG ill « ¿ o r fie tf'to T o r t stock. In addition to hia regwlered tiiigit, lie ha* S bead of reverat "bun Orford last weak, after aa ^ e a n o i dled head of aheep in whiefa be ia of.• year o r so, mo-tly in the stola ¡»proving the blood. A pure Wood o f Washington H a wgMOevarai Durham bull beads hia hand of oat months in th e arm y at Caipp ty w js , tie. lie saya ha has not lost any but waa rfisaharged j m t w o r e ré stork (hie winter, ee Me iambscema turniog home on account of a goitre during the good weather I n Febru upon which the doetdfs f^d out care ary gnd ha baa hay so during the to operate. After visiting a few present had apeli ba ia feeding 45 day« with bi« relative« hare, ba start bead qf cattle. ad on hia return to that state. Rev. J. $. Van W inkle worked foil M r. and Mrs. W ,n. Qiliinga ware time on bis visit .to Port Orford d o r highly pleased t u t Sunday, the lag the past Weak. Friday evening )Oth, when they received a taiegram he preached in Im n g lw . Saturday from B illin g *, Montana, annotine he officiated at a weddffig 'nt thin ing thv fact that they had that day piaoe and Sunday be held (teurning I beentite the gira ed paran la óf a fine ( and evening Mrvieee th the local t baby boy Ju«t arrived a t the home , ebureh. Rev. V anW in k le 's *fv ic e s ; «if M r. and Mrs. John- GtMtnga In hare are nlawya * e ll attended aa hv'gfees oountry m ight have bean fa * Editor T u n o n n : that city. The little fellow had ia popular wf»h por.pai.pia both In the purpose «« repairing political ; February 25th wa orgttt.ixed n •»» p o f ^ A nother' fetx«*,to which' undartaking’ Fod ,J* bior Bed O w m n t the Denmark bean preotviad by two tisler*. which. ( and made H ré a frtv a io fJ u b n ^ ilU a m ” thing Ihgtadda «n «b» ^popularity-, wuold have i t believed that K ke>*ré>*- I hmnd tba acholara *uob aa e*peciil iy ’ weleomw hvght. The , n ftb e a » rc ita b a .c M H to M to la t*w,Ug}niMB«g«tock;T » a r d e v W « a lp / »IW n g workers that t feel they I Feed S ta b le a tta c h e d , U K NAPP P roprietor happy parent*, a few yea'e ago, re-' aided both * t P„rt Orford and Wad derburn and bava many friend* in the -thia faction Pi oongratulafa them Upon* the event. Frank V . Catteaftn - f i d , “ Pat” o f -,v 1» | c e n t p e r nanutoTfroa» M 11, ins. and ter the . aU n lfet R lg M Flvi lx,Uara and thirty-five cent», at for the ruiu of Itlxty-Three Dolla and forty five cents, and (or the anm ptai'tttlTa coM< and dtWinrgmenU / thi. hctiou accruing; aw l plaintiff w also nppl v for an order for f t « Bale certai 1 p>r»)nal property heretofc Irvpal upon ,,nd attached In the aho entitled eauae, aa -bewn by the ffh- Iff « return of writ of attachment on I and „( record ip the above entltl court and canes. Service of thi j aul mono la made tain th ere at in bune, a olrcnlat Mtahcd In C uriy County, ant to aa order af the Oregon, aliove ei coart dated, m ate and Mwd - d t y at January. entered ISIS, ail lug auoh aerrlca apou itidp of sold summons «per for the perdo I of a l i weeks. latoof the first publics- tfenol,! 1»18. have b^au-. Weodtufe tb«ir voices our pa.'pfe *b o are trying to land, ^mabqtimd chairman, io m et.4y h i Fort © fferd for iha , n of my p«„ple irévo la»t quarter qt a a v itto i-.;-nnd who gonatBhwn to Iha front pij- do their ( JoB h .p .u — ’ McMullen can a d y J ooftt^ny. N. F. b ii, ynd?toy wi«h.b I had^otbra W^Minni. Bornant ' . ^ t t a a E fu tta Woodcoek elsovoréag qut with h ie jb tio w tltotu. W1 •*“ - -«[Been MeMnUeo iw „¡feh» " violin and helps the organ wo tba Yoors truly. Bdlth . Tom Mama f- ' - I . IlwgyLXY Chenoweth ARon Sydnam ».ré» ,« w 4 - M there tm» hall negt Saturday, evening. To , find oat the »tome they are going to ’’ Vtinfnia Farbrato ‘d w i b * :5 *^ ****“ À »<,bnm who krioW T " * * 1 ’’ • b" * ’ lg____ tyrara th at have passed and la ftth a ir. Mehonl Walker General adm talon to l i e , * | i nd»|ibfe mark time could ba re- Th, (^ lo w iM names of older pen o M K g a to S a h w th a ta a r to w a ito» Wo would be found upoof ^ , h # rt doea(M and- V - - - — -------- -— leMtaaniltf ftt 7:3tXa •«__ g. • la» r 5 ? . * I ' .fallm i , was tt I v hia pa IMlW Cattai « H . B Ü O TY G TO N , tempi Attorney tin PiatntML ¿ « rfn nd poet o ff« atMreen, . if o - .» planning and getting ready for ‘ fa* hia homadiaia fetni,y arv a t the i^ V a s ria r circus they are g i « W * • “» *• Fro" " (toot doing their Ml, merctonpecfel Sarah ’' pSSlrSS ffvn Waffs umnnai .ia Jausaty M , U n d i er Bargains; Call and see them M * » in th» fatuto. Y »«!« sincvndv, t í U J- ». C a TE m ' • — . j .h fc) , special nttwicfuroisbedhy tbachoir. 0 u r oountry ie naw e n g a g e « *- eh«Mfld,b< reported (or. thetr pa- Among the •ingera am.A, .Marsh’ t.rtib l« war *rUh ‘.il»« W q lf?«*f ta - trintlsm. and A. & Jo hn ato n jrpair that a l. rope, and if wp win out, w we «hall The following 1» -the liât Of ways d ills a fa ll bouse, who win, it « H l p u tb v by tgs efforts menpars saouifed * ■ * * £ Turner were in town Sunday night n-tutn iug tn th e « bomré- Ì f t ^ l d Reach from a trip to Portwnfi.'TBay tnatle the jnornay tb-Coto-bAJ. «nd back in a Ford bugi Oi^fhfiir Way in s tr u m e n t) part. .. north they made the run from Cor Mu to Marshfield in one day, which ia w m a feri.AUofaaidering tB e m ty i.n d 'i.w it *>*<• * * ’* “ * o o te n d with, a* it i».n distance of 75 miles. The wnwt road they an- enumera«! waa on the Seven Davila route Iroin Bandocf YffUhtobfield, k Browjj/fteftns 12-Scper 1b. Pikiaiitiig O fU