Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1918)
W ytoM , March 2 — S h ip p in g I ¡« sit} fin ite a of ronnsets hi data in I >■»-$» m nod tYaehiiiginn dietricU -(u- » il u i »even m ori * ìm > cì < mi e h l|* I huvr lp cu contraeteti in W ashing- , «0 tl>vi in O regon, but Oregon ■*»d> h« tpaaage. On eteel chip« A 'a-hlngton has • lon g lead. K ig h ir-g v e wooden chip* bave have been cnotractnd in W ashing- t«n, totalin g 307,000 Ions, com par ed with 78 in Oregon, w ith a Ion nage o f 818,000 ( tro nage Solicited W. I. JOHNSON, Prop “Don’t Talk." i t is claimed that much harm is being! O n RaseUls By Tkaaaaads. done by repeating and circulating falsehoods of various) kinds, and such is undoubtedly, the case. For instance, I T',e*eJ F ’ *° * * ' “• two ' 27” p 1?’^V*« Red Cross and T. M, G. A. ‘■»PO'“ •*■»*“ that havb been repeated 1 5 / ^ «nler ever placed m the thoughtless persons and have been injurióùj to the cause world, Thaev gwsla were ordered of these great institutions. So many o f the^o reports have * hr d * «a tle o al w a r w«rk council of been run down and proven pure lies, that our. people should JhU zA fur uà« <if Am erican come to a realization* that in keeping alive such falsenoods i * ’**,i,’r* ln'*Prao0*- H s rp a r e a few they are aiding the enemy. These are the two greatest tu - ^ g g ’ o o X te b a ll» - manitarian institutions in the world, and are so finely or- i A w ) b.«.baii L u - ganiaed that graft is impossible. ’ WO b .s e t.1 . m a s k ,;’ For such ns the above the “Don’t T a lk ’’ slogan is the 16X )cl.e»t protector«; right thing, but there ia a question about the policy of 1800 catcher • m itt»; another request madtyn the campaign.and that is the re- J/'01' quest that tbo people refrain from passing judgment on .„‘¡¡L X the way the war is being conducted. While it is undeni- J2òo indoor i w t U i l bai»- a W y th e | ^ that here too the wily agents o f the Kaiserj 4800 wwn-r bells and are aver retdy to start something that repeated by >200 «ornar Madder«, thoughtless tongues helps to weaken the morale of thè Throe were «wne <*f the larger masses, yet, on the other hand, to slop intelligent criticism M*m*’ 'ri* M** hioladaa boa- that baa a tendency to remedy defects partakes too of European surfdom to< content the American people.¡other »porting oLe«aiiiL I f the government talked more— if the folks at home knew j In chi each th. order amount, all about what their hoys in France were doing that was ; ^idfijiXX) «ad shipment» ara ba not o f actqal use to the enemy they would be brought to a “ *^e “• fMl •• lh* •* fuller realization of the realities of the war and stimulated ?"'1 *ent n U i i 7 ^ {effOrt ÌnfhelPÌng Ì WÌh • Ì L u §^ ia‘ fir - F hamber- lain a criticism in Congress has brought beneficial results, and abroad, m id th at v irtu a lly th o as already two army surgeons are facing court martial fo r*e arn s am ount had been «poni in deplorable conditions in a training camp hospital. j purchasing a th b tic equipm ent for Seditious talk should have its say before a firing sqaàd, ' we ,B ,W* making • total repeating irdurious rumors is detestable in ell walks of lifeuj ° * l300’“00 •’**•f by th< •■»«’¡•ti.m too much talk is much 'worse thao no ts U k ^ aii, yet <ib«rèld°,ÌL°’ ‘‘,e ***** * * Anwi*an TOl is such a thing as c o n s t r u c t iv e c ritic ia m X L i f , you ara ' a f - . r -; L t -Ù e real friend to a person and you see him walking into dan- ' W f ger you are going to erfticisé the éotirse ffdfclaking ¿8<f f r y f to change it. - ■--------- —---------------------------------- — — — .................................................. b Eight Hear Day. ' Z _ — . 30® CANDLE POWER MUCH SAFES THAN A COMMON OIL LANTERN Late Intintian ni the Sunshine Factor, Brighter than Eighteen Oil Lanterns FOR NIGHT WORK OF ALL KINDS This to pSMCandto Fewer Lantern built on the m u m principtoe • • cog indoor 8unshine Safety Lamp except it to built in the fo ra of a lantern. The chimney la of mica, ao It to proof against the heat from the burner. The manttea are strong and durable, to that there is «mall possibility of breakage. The fount, which to made of brass, hold one qwart of gasoline. The Lantern will burn for 18 boon. I t gives SOS candle power tight and ooets only one-third o f one cant per boor. Every penon who sees it wants one. Beau- Ufdl highly polished nickel flntoh. fanshins Safety Lsnp Co. K n n n tC it, B. ort Orford Furniture • £ «je*^**' A. U N D iE K G , AgL . P«t Weld, Or. • i & Hardware* Store LANGLOIS, OREGON W ilb e r waa one of the heat a ll arouad athlete« at Stanford U n i * Headquarters for traveling men and a home for families Bate* >1.20 per day and upwards *00 member« nf the L um betm rn '« nr ta rin g a life, or endowing a col ! * * ' • b a le r a t Y ale. »Vilbur became Protective Association, and the le t. lege- ¿ 1* j® o c u f “ * b#ck> " tk* decblwl lo adoni the GOLD BEACH, OREGON <M m A t Portland Feb. 88, CM . Brice About Iwioe in a w hile some one ’rewhJ- U " * • “ d ® »" 00 « • * < « '® " P . Dtequa, o f tbagorim em enttprueo »lari« a y a rn g b o u l a m illio n can* i lh a l **• le* rned ,o throw the disc, production department, mat with celad «lampe buying a «cholarabip, ’ rttn ,be <’*,rW r ra,te ■’»** P,#7 fo° l tar vo luetarilv MICA CHIM NET . “Eighteen years ago Ralston T. Old Strom Fake Agate — Mmtog Nfat T. Crock Stroked, _— Wilbur, t ic k AN INN WORTH WHILE Owing to the war. th c r are worth *P football team, bacante a S. C. SHERRILL, Prop W H . GILLINGS, PRi obam- Direct Fron Car Fadoty Wi3 Save Tea JlSC or Her* A V * E g Cffsr to to «end yon for w 30 o-y»' tree trial la your home abcnut:¡ul,w«aranteedStírekPtoao direct fre-n cur faciory, (hereby tav. Lig you ÏIttt K or more. W e require a« oewert to ai- vraes. You ere not asked to tie up >oor uie-wy in any way. AQ you .-’»-ie Ñ> (She the piano Into yco r home ¿or 30 di »« (ree trial, ' wbero yNTtest * and try k in ywn- m r* w.-^. N O T IC e FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . D 0 a « tw « wt or Two IW Ejuoa 1. A Land Ofltea a t Roseburg, Oregon, . J anu ary la , UH». Notice it hereby given that H E N R Y JOHN8TOM, iddroee to Port Or- s s fee siS riK QO the 87 day at i thia office Sworn Statement and A| to purchase the 8 Uoa at, Towiieliif W illamette Meric _ tberoon, under the act of Jane 8,187*. i Ter Pi, L. S cH'»-*' I UL.UH -rte » tow Sweat Tootd - Guaranteed 23 Year* You will be delighted with the •weetnem, p irity aud power of the 4 Itr -a r a a a M to t o N in w M i. U . i o r w t y r « a a < * . i t <J oce o n t prove to be s p M a«,rk.iMk*»toWiwWfc Eauy Fayceats 1 W 1 fcjil Yon »re not «-¡Led to pay toneot the Starclc Piano. You wUl b * eSWJ?ff!*2K3¥PL**? » “ '«• HARDY T. 8TCWART U E N N I 8 C Ü N N IK F , J U „ Bep. (J. 8. M inen.! S u rre , r « i S u rv e y o r f o r t b ? D ( a t r ic t t « r - ilh Col. T a W h w a a tT M a y CeiMwtw. Lo. , -------- tu „ i j i ; , ? Di eque of thp Jantion departm ent. -s » d ...I ta p a a til the war order* can k ‘ K j ! “ “ * * Bd w ,u ’r I«*«• * P- A. SOHMIDT, M. D U known lawyer and to ¡ l ì - , “ 5* 1 » “ Hout my oonseat. All « attorney for C u rry, iputetioo of playing do • oer’ r on «aidtidelaad» or water lots. ! ! r . — ,», 0 D- " PASTA««