Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1918)
ART Editor and M W » • f i t s fl liehest Permanent a* ta r a i’.’a, Bu. tabic smother» c t & y advertary in reatavedlh a aeroad « r ttm t. TS. W bea the occasion oomeeyon have T h * Q uuoom D a m .* J ovsxaj is the leading Democrat»« only Clevis bow oa the market Diet ndiestaud moat accurate arm made. Oregon dratted at Portland. stays «here pat.__ I t means life or The manager.aIso issnoe 8cMt-W gM*t.r, which »• especially adapted The exclusive right to handle thia „ i l l discard vour revolver when 'or people who do aot oare for a D aily, but want a good family paper. Svectol Feuwer» wMch * * * * * * * * te * * * Any of them paper» can be had in combination witL the P O R T OR Clevis w ill ha aotd by Oonntlee or States, or net ot throe oan ba purchas ed for »1.00. Address F O R D T R IB U R R , at the follow^g rale. Daily und Tribune - - a freedom from foulin jr tx o r t h it v • Fewer parts t hatt any other automatic pis old o f tool». No screws to work loose. - - Daily Sunday and Tribune - .. Semi Weekv and Tribune - • a n d U te W EEKLY W . E. Burrow. Corbin» Ore. O R E G O N IN I B o ta P a p e rs one y e a r lo r 5 5 00. 1 7 OO. Tiie PORT ORFORD TRIBVNF ¿ 0 OO. The New Idea Wi mai’s Magazine u -A ie p — B O T H O N E Y E A R « F O R 1 76. A F E T Y ; llreech positively and during the time of discharge. Cannot be fired un- U fa the triggei is polled. When the safety is on neither force nor folly can discharge it. T ub Maw I dba W oman *» M a a * a i* a I* an au th ority on brer.mnr aerv and Household Economy. Tt average» jio re than !« • pi month. We offer you therefore a t leaat liOO pages ot good fa hom eroadingferan ad d itio n a l oost of only th eta Hamplea free. The Start to a Better Salary W E IG H T : 19 os. inelnding magarine. ^Length over al 61 inches. Friee 915. Any wide-awake dealer w show you this m iniature rapid fire gun. I f > he wi S y Yo«. kin d ly advise us and we w ill send it SA V A G E A«M S COM PANY « 5 0 p P e ‘ u Mouth u v ^Montb .^ « ¡ ^ " ■ '» M .'r a le y a ip , of For, ■and, Oregon. I t la the largest ev ening newspaper pnbliahed in Or*- goa; it contains all the news of th * atrte and of the nation. T ry It for a DKwth. A sample copy w ill be mail ed te von free. Adareas THE TELEGRAM, P0KTLAN1), OK. Is ,M». U »i T « will b . « .r » « .M a. U m i m I , « A < o « » I A . b .r p .r ,fca|. ba. ks,t ?•» tw h Tk« - art U •< » -••• t a l » , wp’r « 1 1. • ■ d -«»1 t . M btt « W » l* o w . wise will bs pec tent of tha law. apcAUv magazine 1 he Best to be hod w t Curry County, ut reusdu- ••ble t ’rwes. W ANTED (OV1TA£ k B& BiU Head», L etter Heads, Legal Blank», Any Thing, Brief», Poster» „ Jtnv&rpe».. •• Statements, Jure» I wpotaocy, N ig h t E t ilaskin, mtk e asting diaegars, a ll effects o f sell abuse, or ruceas and India » • m cretion. A nert e to n te a nd bleed b u ild e r. B rin g i the <i°w te p»le cheek, am' g jp tfc f rer. rea the lire of youth d p N p V Il) n a l Ä t e i «. i>ox:Gboxe for S2.RO; w ith fc. w r lt u i. g u a ra n ^QQ. MPw“ tee to cure or rwftmd 12?« money N E R V I-’- *. M E D IC A L CO. WrrtC' • - e /.O # .H A M l Stuffed Up Vr-lo-daio WorkDone on Short Notice. 'atisj action GnaranteyT. Great difficulty to experienced in clear ing the bend and throat. Mo wonder catarrh causes headache, impairs the t o t s , sm ell and hearing, pollntes the breath, drrxngsa the stem, aeh an d . f l . r H th e appetite. To cure catarrh, treatment mnS bo constitutional—alterative and tonte. -I waa afflict«, with m tarrti. I too* aMfflehMS «( dlltorm t kind». g lr liif sash a M r tria l; bet .r .d u a llr «rsw w o n» until I could hardly b a r , taita o» .m ail. I then eoneluitod te try Bund*. SanSparilla. and M a r taking Sva bottle. 1 w a. r a n d and b a r . net had «ny ratam ot tha dlaaaaa STEVENS