—;------ . ' T T * ■ * T L ' . »O-aFeU . oí the T r ib u n i of May IS, I89f. Walter Sutton, publisher: •| , KI/MEfiPAY i'«neuib*i 1% 19t7. G » âi?ÎÆa ôSbcSÏ : Mr» G -o ig - Forty left ywtrrdny for a v iril I» b»r parrut« at Gold bearti “ t '«nvu.mi Published Every W MwwIay, by HARDI T . HTEWABT A m «» tu u m i R at *» B ba SMUM-S. ' L Ki«>i|'P wound op hi» »-««on’. . «beep abrun,»« teat week, and had . :®* ‘ A record o f 27 on fu o-l, 2 to 45 w ilw a am-,»,-I. The grest- conservation in 10 day» with «!•••;•**’ " «•noted d-p I, ..f |«Miet ration of me«»«g» taken to 3948 psupte III »11 ; » »»»•-«» • »« I- »Iona w»« nniv «taint 11 a lo n e w eighed 6 5 0 waa marfa by M r». Jennia If- Kemp ' feet, * "* «ml * ‘ thia l i ' ** 'ho haa been traveling through the pound* .The great Cape York me­ Cone Bay country. In a latter t» teorite weighing 37« ton« w«« fuood W . K . Newell, ««»intent federal food lying >>o top of the ground end only .¿ . ¡ .U t m t o r , lh . foul,(1 penial«» covered. The W il lunette Floreaea,Gardner anri all thsooun- inoTwiiM-h weighed .lig h tly o\er , The atenruer Arcata »ail-d S atur. try alive to the »uhject'except Ban day. Cornelius Woodruff, who baa don. hern vititog the city, returned , ou ; ‘‘ Wrought to have bad a big 8un h*E | day afternoon patriotic meeting in j M i*. Lottie Peakin' ofGold B.«aoh,1 hul ««ryone with whom I ■ w I»«« bean »i-endiiig ■ week among j Irienda ami re l.tiv e . in Pott Orford. ; , 8. I . Peirce our next c o n t y clerk T here are many^ m a n y h o taea in o u r la n d w here th e Chrifttmitts s p irit will be -addened by th e im p tv c h a ir ofj IW « h o has . in-wurtwl tfig c o u n try 's >ri‘r* reach •’>« earth I Itaa her« vaii»u«ly *Munnt'--l «1 from talked tolff told ro« me there ? waa « ‘ no inter- S*4,«n«l the people would not oome out,. Made my debut, however, in , he m,,vie. Saturday evening aiftd in a eW 1 *>» * * * j * rl,on< vaudeville on Sunday. Think of •** ,eBl *n tbeee parts, inft as a part ui a Kouday evening ^ “o" c‘*m* “P »««dcy. to ' vaudeville .h ww. 16j ii;«» we« not entirely buried, a anmli pr jeoling portion leading to it» diei-iivrry. The large Baoubiri to iroo which waa estimated to weigh 20 tone, lay in . a soft .o il, With ite Surface but i d le below the geueral'surtece ef the field around it. Some meteorite« which have been recovered Immediately afteri «trik'ng the earth were «eid to have ' been too hoi to handle for a period ' >> W ¡ASIDE Open Unde** New M anagem et Board by Day, W eek or Month I ■ I g & Q M SB?, jij Butcher Shop in Connection Choice Meats at a Reasonable Price Your Patronage Solicited W. R. J?H N 80N , Prop. f t _______a ’-ta*.» » of 0 hnute, while Other» have been j so cold a. to numh the hand.. Ooe t ie s » h o r n « " 1 ,1,^ t h o u g h t t h . t th e R ed O r a * . » - a t e b . t o , , , „„ „ X . !,h . M ,b„ ineieoiite fell on a «tack ofdry straw over .h e ir b w u o ,„ , t a , „ U r e „ t,r R ed f r o » be y o o rj M„ . j , „ „ . c , - r - . h - i c ........ » .ulj-et but did not »et it ou fire. Setters! C h ristm as G ift to “ O ur Boys” who a re fig h tin g for ■ - - •- - ' > theindiifenmi*«of Superintendent of j instniinea ha ve ,reo mentioned io Joe Nay, killed by for H u m a n ity an d for A m erica ho ia preparing to atari up his ^p*10“ ** Hamusi who declared tbst which people have telling meteorites hut these lack , he never re«d tbe daily papers and m ill. >kuew notbing of »>teO «es gomg on confirm U ioii. THOSE RED CROSS CHRISTMAS SEALS. Dick Gwthridga was up laat week nationally, «s il »tirred liira n n, sud Upward» of 650 fall« and finds of and obtained a permit to teach, and lie believed el) tdioirid keep lb*ir Meteorites have been reported, and T h e re are so m a u y appeal« for c h a rity th ese daya th a t ws under*t»n«l will tench the l i t i . ininda »treue s no cal m »nd pay these nave found their way into noia river school. th e person of m oderate m eans m ay be com pelled to d e n y tuoreatteiilion |o s«ci<>l»gy aud otlier mureutun and collection«. som e th a t are w orthy. Y et tn e re is h o one b u t th a t cau Prof. J. 8. Capps of Greg, creek iroportant mailers.»—-Evening Tele These, however, are only a very buy a t least a few Bed C ross J b ria tm a s seals, and it is had tbe misfortune some ten days grsi». small fraction of the number that d o u b tfu l if th e re is a sin g le place w here y our pennies w ill «go to seriously cut bis foot, from actually fall and are never recover­ which be has since b^en coufined to Ranger Curl Dtr.cuaaea Meteci ites. ed, for it has aeen estimated that do m ore good th a n rig h t here in th e w ork for p rev e n tio n his mom. about 20,000,000 strike the earth of th e spread of tu berculosis. T he e x a m in atio n of o u r boys Mrs. Fitzhugh ami her itä ugh ter daily. Moat of these are vary small Continue,I from lust week. for e n lis tm e n t h a s show n an a la rm in g a m o u n t of thia dis­ Stella mo»«! down to Brushes Creek The tell of a meteorite is gener scarcely exceeding a grain in weight. ease, yet in n e a rly every case its spread could have been Saturday and the former commenced O f all the »lone« that have been ally accompanied by noises which p rev en ted and in its early stages it yields read ily to tr e a t­ a three months term of school there: have been described as reeambhng »een tu fall and have bwn recover­ yesterday. ■“ 1 the fire of musketry, cannonading ed, but 9 are of iron. The largest m en t. B uy a few Seals a t least. Asa Carsy, J«s Culver and W m ., Qr lhunder. H ‘ ba fall takea place known meteoric ma»s was that i rtsa«sam «w »• wk*kM«.»s4 ..< * .1 — — L. _ 2« 2 _ —I Log«n have gone iuto partnnrxhip during a period o f darkness it is al- brought by Commander Peary from OUE COUNTRY NEEDS MFN, NOT DREAMERS. Greenland, which in the egg biiainewa, and George Bai­ ao accompanied by a flash of light Cape York, which i» followed by a luminous weighed 73,000 pounds. Tha next ley and George Sypher are running In a n o th e r place in th is issue w ill be noticed w here rocket iika tail. These phenomena largest lies near H ttubirlto iu Mex­ th e S u p e rin te n d e n t of Schools a t C oburg is q u o ted as say ­ the business far them. ara due to the tepid passage of the ico, and is estimated to weigh 50, W illia m B. Caref and fam ily in g th a t he n e v e r read th e d aily p ap ers a n d knew n o th in g objects through the air. and the 000 pounds. Tha third largest of w hat was g o in g on n a tio n a lly as it s tirre d him u p an d have taken cha ge of the Halfway cunsequenl rise in temperature that of Willamette, Oregon, which House, at Mueael Creek, and offer which is aulOcieuVto produce fusion Weighed 31,197 pounds. This «tone h e believed all should keep th eir m iuds serene and calm firal-class accommodations to the of tha outer aurfsce and even igui. waa found in ClacKRina» county. a n d pay m ore a tte n tio n to sociology a n d o th e r im p o rta n t t r ip lin g public. I t ia just the place All known meteorite« are of .an lion, thus giving riae to the dark, m atters. to get a good square meal. igneous nature nod have yielded no glass like crust which is found as O ne who w ould m ak e a statem en t such as th e above Charlea Edwards and M r. Daniel- thin coating on nearly all atony trace« of animal or vegetable matter. a t th is tim e is a m is-fit, or, in tho t& rd s of C bl. R oosevelt, «on of Coos county, passed down teat meteorite«. Th« elemental matter coin|H>«ing “ a n u n d e sira b le citizen.” H e m ay th in k th a t he is good, week ------------ « » o Beach, • >.»<« . time of passage » through the meleoFiie« u the eatuu a» that of the to Gold to , take a look The b u t h is u n co n cern over th e a tte m p t of (Germany to rob t h e , , l ^ r- Hume’a buildings with a view ¡Btui'wpUeiw ia, however, too abort t.> earth, though differing in . propor­ Abe beat to tional amounts and iu form of com w orld of lib e rty a n d v irtue and e v e ry th in g life ho ld s d e a r 110 ‘"k,ns * conlr,cl for th«'r «nmv permit w m it *h. h e»t to m penetrate . binatioo. The most abundant of great depths, and nearly all meteor m ak es h is a p a th y little less than a crim e a g a in st h u m a n - i** * ' id# ° f ihe rf” r' ilea are quite cool, or barely warm, the meteoric elements are, in alpha ity . Of a ll places such a m an should not be te a o h in z in ■ M r* ‘ Co,ebf“ ult’a carpenters are on reaching the ground. The speed helical order: Alum inum , Calcium, .............................- o u r A • m erican achueie. H is k in d of p a trio tism is n o t ° th o making guod progress with her naw ——-»— i x 4 — i —if— j' -i ------ ' Carton, Iron , Magnesium, Nickel, improvement«. A flhe. WVge and »tew Biw Oxygen, Phosphorus, Silicon aud kind we w a n t in stilled in o u r c h ild re n . substantial barn is rapidly ap­ ■ . l:t k tu« E v e r y t h i n g - i n j t h e H a r d w a r e Sulphur. More rarely and iu proaching completion, after which I f you w an t a , smaller quantities are fduad: Ohio »* ladua-nJClub Work. pitol, North Bend, last week, ie re- the construction of bar new resi­ L i n e , a lfito ^Vix- O E i t e E fib in p « rine, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper ported to ba,doing nicely. dence will be commenced. • S — r ~ r r '• a n d W o o d J L lc lio l& o l t o E i g - l i t Hydrogen, Iridium , Lithium , Man­ Oregon Agricultural College, thru 0 . E. Spangler of Langlcie was in ganese, Nitrogen, Palladium, Plati t h e m . H a r n e « « , E is h in g r -tc b o k le the extension department has been town tbe latter part of the week on Saving Stamps an Sab. num, Potassium, Ruthenium, So­ putting forth much effort for a nmn hi» way to Marshfield on a short S t u m p i n g - P o w d e r , S t o v e s a ,n d dium, Titanium and Vanadium ber of years lo further Itidnatriai hu»inets trip. He stopped over night Postmaster Johnston has received th a t w ill defy W ind an d probably also Argoa and Helium. R ange«, Club Wprk among th« -c^.xil dbii nl the Bandon H otel. ’ w supply o f . saving th rift stamps R a in a n d give th e lig h t o f Microscopic Diamonds have also dren >f the »tat'! that are now on sale and can be A. J. Marsh and son, N. Marsh, been found. Gold, Antim ony, A r Club» are formed in every com. bought either from Mr. Johustop, h a lf a dozen o rd in a ry L a n ­ accompanied Mr». Marsh to Bandon aeoic, Lead, Strontium, Tin and muuity for instruction of boy« in te rn s , 606 Fiiday. Mrs. Marsh wae called to W . T . White or ,Wm. Gillings. Zinc have also been reported, but the ttnet points of bog laising During thia month and next, the bedside of her mother, M ra. Kron- later iuvetiigaliona have thrown cbioken raising and in fact all do these stamps will be wold, at 14.12 enberg of Coquille who Is very ill. doubt on the correctueee of the de­ ED . L IN D B E R G , aneatic animals oom moo to the farm. oach. At the beginning of each euc- , termination«. R JL Nead for a number of year« I Deeding month the cost of a stamp Girls take up sewing, tru ll oun P o r t O rford To be ooiAioued. second assistant lighthouse keeper I will increase I cent. The stamp« •ting, fancy work and any line of — 'T " " domestic (raining to which each girl at the Cape Blapco station, waa io I U.uerl during 1918 will mature Jan. i^HIiAakll Lit rrl a v An kis way to ax» a «»-».-»/-» ■ .. ... . Brtiifloi) Kit Saturday on his seems j^d»pted. 1, 1823, when they will be redeemed Tbe work the ehiblien'do is ex­ S. iiuov, Wash., where he becomes et $5 eech. The difference between hibited at the county fairs and later first assijtam keeper of a lighthouse. the purchase end maturity price is • I the aUle fairs. Premiums are Among Curry oottoty people who the intereel the government pays. offered a» an” induom tut fpr the spent the week end at Bandon where: ■* • . ... • The entire wealth of the United children lo do th eir heat. Frank C alierliu, W. R. Dickaor., D. Stales is behind these war saving Thia is the proper time of the M. Moore J. Huntley, W.GauntJett, certificates. No person may pur­ year tu eurult in the Industrial Club Frank Caughell, of Gold Beach; J. chase at one time more than HOC work. All children of the county Milken, Brookings; Jobn-O. Foster, worth or hold at ana time more than contemplating Club Work «hould Langlois. $1,000 worth of these securities. aign up at ooee. Membership card« | Mias D. B. H urnley of Silverton, T h rift stamp« costing 25 cents may ba obtained from me or you .each may be purchased from time to Oregon, who taught sohool tha past may get them from »Mr. H , C. Sey time and affixed to thrift card, which summer ia one of tbe districts of niour, State Club Leader, Corvallis, is supplied without coet. These southern Curry, was iu Bandon the Oregon. latter part of the week enroute to stamps will not bear interest, hut a Some children of the couuly did ner home. She was a gurwt of Hotel th rift card when filled «1 a ooet of eOme club work teat jlear. $4 may be exchanged foraa interest- Band On while here. Grace Meiberger of district 25 hearing war savings stamp by turn­ Mrs. ffm . McLaren stopped ovar ing the card in and paying the d if­ made a Bad Croat uniform I »»I year and exhibited it at the Cooa-Curry Sunday in thia city on her way ference between $4 and the current Fair aad again at tha State fair at from Sixes, Oregon, to her home at price of a war aavinga stamp. W ith Salem, where the received a premi Bishop, Cal, She ia the mother of the first war savings stamp bought Mrs. Ed. Cox of Sixes and had been um 6 58 in ea«h. the purchaser will obtain without W hile the premiums offered are the gueet of her daughter the past obarga a war saving! certificate con ' f e i A w -..'Í . In ha 4 eat red yet they are of minor month. rt tainiilg apace for 2 0 of these stamps. im p o rta n t at com parol w ith'other I f the 20 spaoea are filled prior to Mr. and Mrs. W . 8 M »r»bsll a r te-oofits derived from engaging in rived from Portland Tuesday on January 1, 1918, the coat totha pur Club Work. The tra ittilg and io . their way to Langlois io again take chaser will have been $4.12 for each ceuuvejBliildren gel is of far greater up residence on their ranch. They stamp, on $82.40 for the Oiled certl w orth than any money considers- moved to the Roae (hiv about four,1 ficaie, and òo January 1,1923, tbe Ü E N N 1 8 C U N N IF F . J R ., HARDY T . 8TEW ART tiua that may be conaected with years ago, but state that they are government w ill redeem it at $100 any such a prupoaitioa PareuU glad to get back to Gud’x country giving the bolder a net profit of U . • . C O M M I M I O N K R D ep. 0 . 8 . M inera! 8 n r v e y o i aud teachers are urged to use Iheir again. $17.60 fur the u m of hit money. and Surveyor for the D tetrict I O r ­ inffueoce to interest childr n to lake Money derived from the war aav­ Seven wagon loads of fine pork­ N O T A R Y P U B L IC egon. up tbe Club Work. ers in the pink of oondftton were inga inveatmeau will be uaed to Gold B ea ch , - . . Oregem P o r t O r fo r d , O reg o n . brought to Bandon from Curry court meet the expense, of tbe war. The Trespass Notice. tv putrita, Wednesday, on their way <**•<•«■ pert of tbeM fund« w ill expended within the Uaited States. P- A- 8 O H M I D T , M . D« Notice la hereby Riven that say and all pereona^lonnd trespassing upon M m Physieten A Surgei* premia«« of tbe ondervigned for the purpoee of dogging hoge or cattle will be ptoeeeutod to the (nil extant of tbe * Langlois, Oregon taw. Telephone connection I . F. Blxes, Oregon Port Orford Furniture i & Hardware Store LANTERN WM. GILLINGS, PROP. g B h s H Notions, Mens Furnishings - - and Dry Goods - - BANK OF POWERS Specials This Week: Jifas E v e ry I ’a s ility P o r h a n d lin g Y o u r Bueinees B an k in g b y Jtfail Solicited In te re st paid on S av in g ¿.e’ts. Brown Beans 12-5c per lb. POWERS, OREGON Other Bargains; Call and see them C. W. ZUMWALT & SON Port Orford, Oregon COBB WELL