tra v e led in • n o rth «f»»t*rly d iree lio n , e ro nting E lk and S ix - * riv e r», 3 b ÿ i x l O rfa x â A r t t u a * th e iw e headiiiK F lo ra » cr— k and c ro p p in g t w o o r three ttil.u ln rie » o f S ia m r iv e r at«d r a m p in g ot»a n ig h t on Sulm o n (c re e k ) r iv e r . H e fu rth er i* p e » k » o fa M r . B ra y and Mr. » oh neo n, p resu m ab ly th e pttrtiae for w hom M t . B ra y creek * r e n am ed. and P a » *in g Johnno» Open Under New Managevnet Baird by Day, Week or Month fu rth e r lie paaaed o ver ‘'B a ld MootitaMi* whieh ho deevrihea ae being »••roe 10 or I I M ik e fro m eart w ard G re a t lU-nd ( I ll a h e P . O ) on Rogue riv e r. H e deaorlbaa “ Bald Choice Meats at a Reasonable Price M oun- lain** «<-» ffo rd ia g an o u tlo o k the lope <>f n u rro u n d in g Butcher Shop in Connection o ver m o u n ta in s for m a n y m ilea in a ll d irectio n s. Your Patronage Solicited I t is in» rely possible that some of th a “ old lin irr»” in this vicinity may know something of Dr. Evans trip and may thereby be able to render valuable aaviatanoe in recbv> ering the meteorite, and again this article may be brought to the a t. teution of tome prospector, hunter nr stock man who has noted eotr.e peculiar rock or maae of mineral that may prove to be the vary me- taorite for wbioh search is being made, end nt any event I would be very glad to bava anyone commu­ nicate with me that can shed any additional light on the matter. Another letter appear» in thia ieaue from Lynn WotxL cock at Honolulu, which ¡8 particularly interesting because of its description of the funeral of Queen Lil , the last of the native Hawaiian rulers. The TaiBwna ta always glad to publish letters from Curry county boys who have gone to the front, especially of those from the northern end of the oonnty, as the Repor­ ter is keeping in touch with a good many from its Mo­ tion, and we know that our reader» would like to hear oc­ casionally from each one of our home boys who is* serving bis country at this time. -F I f you have an interesting letter, send ¡tin — don't wait for us to come after it. W. R. JOHNSON, Prop CO LO B E A C H , O R E G O N Much— too much it seems to ue— is being said about “* ld Motwtaia, ne» «r tn Mnding tobacco, especially cigarettes, to the American sol- J ^ T um w to 40 m’ kurom Port dier in Prance. Funds a r e being subscribed for this pnr- Ort«wd, • village .n d port of entry pose, pathetic stories are appearing in the magazines, and u,« Paoitc o o m i , sad obtaiMd we read the astounding statement that “cigarettes are as aom» pieoro of nwtallia toon, which important as Shell»! ’ _ b . broke off from a mate projecting The T bibuhz is, not a stickler over the d m of tobacco, fr™ ‘ha «r-M on lhe and it does want to see our boys at the front surrounded ‘ “ X " "f it. meteorie with every comfort and luxury that can be given them, yet we wonder how many at home pause to reflect on how muoh of thia tobacco and cigarette agitation is being financed by the American Tobacco trust. Then again, even the text books in o u t schools tells of the injurious effect of cigar- nBtur, uMi, lha cll.mic«i .iiaiy.u WBB made, bat th . singularity o f iu appearance caused him io observe *> ih *t * * F closely iu Mutation, * hen J*1* «‘tonUoo wm ettee, and science does not countenance them as a “necessi- ,he form, ., .nd ty.” A ll great athletes must at least use them sparingly m. | n ltu d . of th . m u . » .d » » tr i. or fall before be who abstains. fwted th» moat lively , intaraet in F ar be it from ns to withold the comfort, imaginary procuring it tor th» government eol- though i t may be, of the smoke to the soldier in the trench lection in Smithsonian In etitn - -•>-> h«s already formed l h . I..W I, d , hough . * do believe £ “ each one would be better off if he came home with the hab-j tjone(1 to hBer lb. Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store Other Bargains; Call and see them among all onr hoys. Think it over, and when you do Mnd trBnKriU what h» say« of I t In ' something this way to the boy at the frpnt let »it be the raply to m y iaquiry, whether he pipe and tobacco sod not the poisonous cigarette. folt oonfldent he oouid again find WM. GILLINGS, PROP Fran th» issue a t the T kibun » of May 15, 18M, Walter Sutton, publisher: Tbs steamer A r e te to nn the route »gala, sod called in »1 our wharf Friday. Thar« was quite a heavy froat out on K lk river Tuesday night, wbioh nippsd the potato top». Rev. W . Horsfall returned Gold Beach last evening, and go to Bandon tomorrow.. from " will ph . C om f School w ill begin in ths naw Klk cd» *’ River distdct next Monday, with drawl Miss Kesnioutt. of Coos county, io «barge. Direct From Our Factory WCi Ssrc Tec $100 or Mere Anu chola Ths people of Port Orford and ehani vicinity definitely decided to at' A V R P.ig O ffer is to «end you for 30 dry«’ free trial In your home e be jJo'.ul, yuaranreedStarck Piano i h r c l f r in ■: r t a r t ;, r y , therebyaav tug you Ï1UO.0O or more. Special Runo _ \ Bargain^ have a grand oelabralion on the 4th of July. A program ia being arranged and will ba puhliahed in 1 writii due time. ¡fo r r • • •*’§ AA* •WH u BWBJ a a L Mr». Colebrook is preparing to^Theoi baild a new rrsidenoe on a heauti (Spel 1 S 4 ful site near the oounty road and about a mile booth of her present Rcboc residence. George Devendorf will Gove do the work. ® Gera Mr. Limpacb, of Elk River, an old gantlemaa who ha» been ailing la •1 es »SB ■m . ^B S H h in d píenos ot - Il «taadvrd metroa T b í abo- ! .ro a I f * u m p i* h e ru in « , y i.d foroor la ta « c o m p ile aecand-basd herrain liat. S w eet T o n e d — G u a ra n te e d 2 3 Y e a rs ”* for eavaral year», died last Tueaday I and wae buried Wednesday in the —— Pert Orford He waaag».! about AU yaara. ’ You will be’ de^ghied with tbe cweetneie. parity and power of the tone of the S’ -irrk Piano. You will be rtoasvd « ttb It« beentr and tbe S ev a««« 0 conttrpctto». KacbStarck Plano toeecanj W e require a» piyarvl h U- VMce. You are not .(L e d to tie up your money In any way. AU you do ia to take tbe piano Into your home lor 3U day»’ free trial, where you test it fend try it in your own w»y. A t tk a a e d o i l s d a r t r o e JaeMa w fetlkrr tho ptaoo to i u « the m e » m w a n t. U i t ia. ro » k ie p it, p ar­ I . ( o»r low factorr to hoiae ptk-M In iM r a e o u to » u lt,o « . H . f o a a r H « or , It do-« pot prove to bo op to v ru r « jp e c u ti-n « io « w v v r e r and the f.or»t pleno roo bave roer ae. n for the nonrv. roe mer «rod M berk «nd i» «bet orvet « s wail Esiy Ptyststi You are not asked tn p anr «afe S> «o . bat altar dar« ol total rm « a be. parm - wt en tbe l» « r yt. o«w BHTiBHtver survr**te