Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1917)
» • (O r fo r d Q r f o s w 2"* A ' e su iw o B ip n o a batm . • • •••** *, m 2*»*“ ............. Mr*. »«in, Mertu, lo tttli* T h -y •» over EAKRÌ T. MTtWAKT. i* Sydney, went s h ip 0 . 0 . I ii ma ii < i * U«i> Tueadsv Hiid W~<iii<-<«lat' fr,.|u Ilia* m ines ull j J l,*v'>«^eaaaiw^aaye»rms«| PablhAed »very Wednesday, by i C ity o f A u s tra lia . WtCBK EHDAT November » , taty. ! ) i A u * ir * liit, M ih i, w.tefe «tin l<d «<> an eiigttarvr •••• H m good M »,»•11! II I s » •-, r l i « w«« Mu-t.iupaaied en U n der N e w M a n a g e m e t riv»*t by rf A . Atfvariaoe Uavsa Meaeueatxa. who had »pan t sev ih in g . ar il u io iiih » at the iuin»a am i who • J Board by Day, Week or Mouth plan, left .v a aia fila f fur In» IruM p at P»ov ' it o f hit'll«.**. I t I . M r. Dodge i> e,M>rl «Malle im e ra ale d io the Hnan- p roposition B utcher Shop am i «»( rots to iw tu ru soon. 10 ra J K. F o rd , c a ttle buyer from iW m . M tr y .yield, »lopped in Bandon ylaoa, Tue>«i»v n ig h t W ith a bard o f 202 I tlii» heef «••tile , w hich he ptircliaaed r a v v l ; th ro u g h C u rr y a n d aoutherii Coot, to g o ' H e started from Rogue riv e r w ith 183 head and added to the ■ 0T SCOUTS A GOOD teach * * '• Aa will h? geen elsewhere is tliis iàaue • movem ent it w g Hurst* on foot to for^j a Boy Scouts organization at Port Orford. [H W Z u m w .lt' i Every normal; healthy boy has a lot i f surplus energy that 1 M a rla Woodcock has to be expended som e wav, aud if it is not directed along Arthur Mayer good channel* it will probably take him into ev il ways. N 8 UeaB......... The Boy Scoats gives an outlet for th is energy and trains YT your boy in h flp fu l thin gs that will give him selfreliance Jrîw I and make liiiq a more m anly rnau aud a more useful oiti- a A Jamieson.,*„ sen to his coiw try. Enoourage the organization of sth e W J S a W n . .. .’ « Boy Scouts. # ¿ 1 . ' , ’ I L White......... C* ‘ue ■ •"“ i - The tra il n" ,M ,y fa a d « » * h ic h lo d u r in g the w in ter. herd cal tie w ill M r. F o rd Q j,!., George F ro m m , h A lfre d . „ Jeaae S u tto n . H a ft Your P a tro n a g e S o licited W. B. JOHNSON, Prop as are bgj COIB_ assisted in the d riv e by P a u l in Connection Choice Meats at a Beason able Price p u fed w at F o rd , and v I F you want to realize the very beet prices for Chitam bark. Oregon grape root. Foxglove leaves; Dandelion roots and all other drug plants, wyita for prices and furth er information to Gao. S chumachms , Sumner, Ore GOLD B E A C H , O R E G O N Fresh Groceries 1 i x i v r i o r u h u h again suown tier splendid com m u n ity spirit by her subscription of over f 1,000 towards th e build- ing of the M iddle Elk road. W ith the high cost of living, the numerous balls for charity donations, and the uncer tainty of the hour, it is indeed a rem aikable show ing the people of this neighborhood have ju st made, Whether it is g ivin g her sons to her oountry, or d iggin g up eash for the Red Cross, the War Library, and the Y. M. C. A„ or h elp in g ou t the food conservation cam paigli, or whether it is gettin g behind som e com m unity project with her brawn and her m oney, Port Orford is evhr ready to “do her bit*.* and then some. Notions, Mens F urnishing»« - - and D ry Goods - - Port Orford Furniture In captured German trenches women havfc been found chained, the helpless prey of brutal luet. In France, in B elgium , in Polend and in 8ervia, outraged and murdered women and m aim ed and starved children have followed the wake of the German arm y. N othing has escaped— youth, virtue and motherhood have been ground under an iron heel and left dying by the wayside. . L People once rfflnbd and cultured, lately relieved French advances, M yxh at d«fy After day for m onth . * they bad to eat food that was spit in before theirdaoes when it was given to them . A Prussian officer stands by and sees a Bulgarian dis embowel a nude women, com m itting a doub le murder with one sweep of the sword, and does nothing. An Am erican officer hears o f one o f his men violatin g the honor or a woman and prom ptly has him shot. One is.a sam ple of German autocracy, the other of Am erican dem ocracy. In the face of such th in gs what Am erican d oesn ’t swell with pride for his native land, and w h o « ¿here Ao sa y that he won t do his bit and do it ch eerfu lly to forever crush the blackest monster the world has ever known—German m ilitarism ? Other Bargains; Call and see’ them J a m u ............... ........ W R J o h n s o n ................... . Harold Johnson. . . . . . . . Sid wail A S c h e tle r.:.... 8 J Spoerl....................... Net P arkin s.. , ; . i . , Jake S c h u lt ............... Fyfe-Wilson Lumber Co C H Pea res. M P Johnson . . . . . . . . . . G W From m .............. . K M P itaer....................... M y r t le E C u rl . ,T ^ 7 T ... GnorgeC H u m . . 7 . 7.77 Grover M c G ill___ . . . . . . J D Merreeo........ » ......... 100.00 ..6 .0 0 WM. GILLINGS, PROP Fa nioae 3 w est Toned •1009.50 Dr. P ..A. Schmidt was called from U ngióte twice laet week to eee Guy Woodcock who wee suffering with sttN.r.-Mawz WXSTKBN WotLD. A ll parents, patrons sad children Alfred Hildebrand of Gold Beech stomach trouble. Although im o( the public schools of the oouoty proving, ilM young man is not sMa was in town.Tneedey. w ill be interested in a new regain to ha around aa yet. Dr. Schmidt Mrs. J. M. O’Connor of Agneee tion of the high eohools of the elate. is now the only licensed Dhveician wee a visitor here the for« p a rt of After Deoemher le t, standard the week. high eohools of the stale w ill not be Mrs. P. M. L ittle r of Gold Beach permitted to admit children who stopped in Bendon Tuesday on her have attended non-aooradited high way* to Roeebnrg. echool» without drat requiring each pupils lo pass a written exemina George Divelbies of Port Orford tion la alt auhjeots whieh they have is apeoding a few days in Bandon, pursued in the nonsccredited high a guest at the Gallier. echool. Said examination must be Albert Guetrom and K. J. Denton given hy the prinaipal <fl the high came up from Langlois Saturday to eebool where the pupil' eeeka ea- take in the wsek end excitadle nt. tranee. The manuscripts must be John Thorbaven of Langlois wee on file in the office nf the principal a local bueinese visitor the forepart for Inspection of the Superintend sat of Publio IfiSlroction or hie rep M r. and M n . R. N . James of Ag reeentative. neee, in C arry county, have moved Any high eehool ia the state mar to Bandon to make their home. ' offer one, two, three or four years of work and have the work accredited J. F. Lowery and L. H. Lowery by other eohools of the state. But of Gold Beach have boon spending to do ao they must meet the require a few days in Bandon thia week ments set for the number of year* having dental work done. work they propose to offer. These John Meroh, Son of M r. and Mrs. requirements am at the order end A. J. Marsh of E lk river, stopp*! dieomtion the Stale Depertment in Bandon severe I days this weak o f Kduoation. the warden wem takea to the Mac while enrouta to Sua Franoisoo to The reason (or this mgalatioa is leay oannery and caaaad The mea enlist in the Navy. that the work throaghout the state requested that tbsy bo given away Mrs. Julia Anderson, Mrs. < n l may be uniform. While it may to the people on the street ao that leoe Pomeroy and Mies Edith Pom seem to work a hardship on some the looai public could better carry eroy left Sunday for Boa Fraocieoo p w p ile.yetit should not. I f wa ksop ap the standard it w ill be beet , out the government’s wishes towards to visit Fred Guerin, brother of “ Hooverisiag” on meat. M r. Thom Meedamee Anderson end Pomeroy, far all In the long ran. as dido't think be had a right to do who io in traiaiog at the Presidio. Very traly yonra, W. M. Km rr, ' that, to sent them to the tannery.—■ - A If Caughell of Gold Beaoh, was County School Sopt. Western World. in Bandon over night last weeh, oo Direct From Ota- Factory Wi3 Save Tos $130 or Mare f i m Big O ffe r Is to tend yoc for v 30 days' free trial in your I' .naf> afccautiiul.guaranteedStarckPiano direct from ovr factory, thereby sav ing yoo Î ¡00.(0 or mere. Piano'__ Borgein a¡ »tata . . ,V- *da«ty . . J; fiac S-zery Facility Por ffandling 35ovnr Business Banking by Jtfail Solieited Interest paid on Saving ¿ s ’ts. W e r-qaire se »¡y-Mrt bi aJ- « a . * V« e * i a nut atk td to tie . op ycor money in any »ay. All yvu do is to take the biat-o Into your lanne for 3C Jay V ire «trial, where you teat it aud try it in . ytu ro w nw av. I Al llaaoe el ISdar» »•« ' «W- 1 a 1 btt WtK.!'«T (he »'«no le JoO m e eoe you wtevit. U it f*. you k« •> it. p»r- fog uer iow faeto n tv boBie prie»» fc, i»a> « m i s t o j nt rots. If. for say iw » « « , it Joes a r t pfDvc to be up to ». sr exottK ttonz ia e v t-rrw a r »cd ih^ ftnest p iM o you Lu\ e »»« r ewee,ne3», p in n r power of the toneof the Starck 1 iano. Yem will be *K l* a ‘” T » * » «*» i l « » .'« of M l Ce! Ir-ted S ia n i Phyer-Picao T n i£ wonderful Instrument makes The Starck PUyer- HARDY T . STEW ART Ü. •. O O M M 1 B S IO Z V 1 G X 1 D E N N IS C Ü N N IP F , JU ., Lep. 0 . 8. M inerti I Surveyor hurveyor for the District Í Or egon. Siiebatora, (gat tLkuiffvM Gold B en ch ....................... O r a n a Trsapnsa Notice m g. , a <»w amww «ev^e «~^mz»e»n it P. A. 3 C H M I0 T , M P hysician « P. A STAKCX PUNO CO. Sorgeoa . Langlois, O reg o n Telephone eon nect io a ■I Notioe la hereby given t h a t s a y and a ll persons found trespassing upon the p re m is m o f the undersigned f o r 't h e parpoee o f dcgglag bogs o r cattle w ill be prosecuted to the fu ll e xtan t of Ute law. I.F . CORNWELL, I