Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1917)
9» lust Receiv A New M I L I T A R Y ' W. v F o rt)» They are the moat practical can chooaa. Wa wilt epgravt his initial» hoe on the eaaa. J i Two weak» There ba* been a big run of sal., Jack Guyton, the well known I Frank Cslterlin I unto ia Elk *nd Sixes rlyer* siace newspaper writer of Marshfield, and ner were ia town the iate raina. Ona day last week John Juaa, wife aond two children, turning to Gold I Chauncey Woodruff and Mel Fits passed down the cosat thi* morning io M»r*h<feld. hugh caught 600 salmon in Elk on their way to Gold iftuoh where! Hon. J. D. Loucks started river, and they were big (allow». | M r. Guyton ha» bought THANKSGÏVI - this, the Gold ' morning fur Ashland where he will Gsnt Russell and fam ily, from fam ily, from i “ Ue,el‘ Reporter. M r. Josa, who i»j,p ro d at teeat a portion of the win- Langlois, passed down the coast the • P ™ 1“» ' » « » •l*P « f » • “ late of ier> no, returning to Port Orford .trading in town yeaterday fiom latter pail of last week on tbeir way the North Bend Harbor, will man I until spring. He ranted hia bung», Prices range from $425 u p . Ih t'r home ou Sixes. . Oregon street to W. to Gobi Beach. They/-contemplate age and edit the Reporter, while j |aw „ „ M r. sn<l Mrs. Oscar Mather were A S ig n e t K in g is also a good «fi- rill return tn a few Q. Clark for six months. leaving shortly with Mrs. Kusaeli’a ini- visiting iu town from their Sixes geation. We will engrave ly» to Marshfield. parents, Mr, and Mr*. 8. E. Mara tiaU on the irwkle a*d hi» home during the past werk. ■’ WiD De Practical Wsrit. ters, for Viiginia. the outside free. CnfiT H Anetber War Wedding. be Many hunters were un lbs lake numerous other article» I l ia understood that the County 8unday and among them George suitable. For a constant Have Enjoyable Birthday Party. him to write to you while “ soma* H ural killed 8 ducki with a 22 Mr. find Mr*. T . J. Thrift are in Court will make a request of the where in France,” we offler » F a r - til» . 8tate Highway commission to have Last Thursday waa the birthday receipt of a letter front their son, k e r F o u n ta in F e n , engraved and. a oompiete survey made through inlaid with colors with hia initial. • Thv Tram p la expected to bring anniveraary of M i*. A. J. Marsh, James, who ia in the U 8. Navy at this county when R. C. Green, who Mara Island, saying that on Oct. Prices on these are $2 60 up. dawn a load of freight from Coin and that evening soma 30 of her Was here recentiy, returns with a 31sl be was married to Miss Mary hay for ibis place wilhin the next filends from town commandeered I f hia watch needs repairing before surveying crew freur Salem to lo Chaneay, of Powere, Ore. After six automobiles and went out tu the week. leaves send it to us. We will cate the mad south of Fort ,Orford. repair and guarantee it for him. Marsh home on E lk river where Jim's enlistment in the Navy and Mi»» Luoile Sorenson • went to I t i« believed that the Highway they gave that estimable lady a very he had been stationed at Mare I t Bandon yeataaday afternoon where Commission looks favorably upou laud iiig fiaooe went to San Frat», enjoyable surprise party. Some of •he w ill spend the next fa * week» such a plan ami that the request the younger member* of the huuse- cisco sod entered one ot the hospi KVKRAKD H. BOYLE, MGR. will be granted. W ith the route as a special nurse. Jiold knew what wt< up, but Mr. tals to train for n nuise; but like aw located, the |«-ople voting upon the Ore. Dr. Pemberton of M yrtle Point, Phene No. 541. and Mr*. Marsh did nut know that m any other young people the»* pres We cany ' I ae formerly of Langlois, was called to their visitor» were coming until the ent times, they decided not to wait proposed hooding issue will kuow Salem lust week on account of tba tooling of autu horns apprised them until aft$£ 1 he war is over to hegiu exactly what they are voting for. The following ia an extract from COLLIER n. BURFINGTON sudden death of hie father. that Something unusual Waa -hap their married life. They will reside a letter ftont the State Engineer’s for the present at V a l-p , Cal., Jim ( L a w y e r N ext Sunday ia the regular day pening. Refreshment»' were taken oltiue to one of our Curry county aioug, and a moat delightful even, being iu tlte harbsy business at the Gold Beach, Oregon for Rev. J. 8. Van W inkle to hold ing was »peul at this hospitable naval station.— Coquille Sentinel. officials, and rliowa the common services In the Port Orford church. sense, prai-tioal stand that that of borne. Come out and hear him. five is taking io regard to tits Nat a C u t of Lack ef Patriotism. Mr. Marsh had to take the visi building of roads in this county : In a recent letter home, Louie, aon’of M r. andJdrs. A. J. Marsh of tors out and »how them by lamp “ We have no cast iron standards An article published in the Ore light hia creamery which 1» nearing E lk river, writes that his regiment for highway construction in tin* completion, and of which he i» just gonian last week, and which has stale and expect to use good com* ha» lately been moved from Fort G o ld B e a c h , O r e g o n ly proud. The building is 40x48 eiuce been going the rounds in the Leavenworth, Kanes», to s camp in mnn sen»e in getting as much high feet and ia divided into three rooms. press of the stale, would have it way as possible for (lie money. I f New Jersey. Jt is expected that appear that Louis L. Knapp of thia Has the Only Set of Abstract the next move will be seres* the The m ilk room has an 18 foot oetl- place is trying in devious ways to the work iu your county is in heavy ing with overhead ventilation. rock const ruction, we will accept a Books m Corry County water» to the battle held* of France. The floors are of cement and the dodge conscription into the army, road bed as narrow as 16 feet, sod The winter mail schedule between building, when finished, will he one and that when his father visited with grades aa high as 6 per cent Eugene last week he made the sug Experience Eighteen Years Port Orford and Bandon went Into of if not the beat of its kind in the and io extreme case on short ilia effect Monday. Insteud of making county. M r. Marsh i« well located gration that hi* youngest son, Lloyd tances to 6 j per o*nt, and it is our Prompt, Efficient 8ervice the round trip the mail will tike all in a noh dairy section, and he ex now a student at Columbia univeta intention in this p-irticulsr ca'e day in going one way, which will peels within the next year or so to ily , be allowed to enlist that Louis after finishing a preliminary survey give Curry her mall from the out turn the creamery into a cheese might be exempted. W. A. WOOD, Manager The truth of the matter is that to adjust the woik to lit the money. •id» one day later than formerly. factory. You may rest aasurad that you Louis came into town one day sev Several miles thia side of Bandon W. A. WOOD w ill not find this department a there 1« • stretch of 5 or 6 miles of Another Part Orfard Bay is 2nd Clan eral mouth* ago from the Knapp handicap In any way in getting farm oh E lk river with hia mind fully ATTORN’ BY AT LAW road that is so bad that the mail Is Navy. made up to enlist as a volunteer, milage. We, hnwever, of course being carried over it By team, the n o t o BBAtJH o r r o o x but was finally purauaded not to do prefer to do good work along stand rest of tb« route being covered by In last week's T b iu u n i we men so by his father who felt that he ard linss." autos. . 7 *7 . ‘ dotted that Bernal Forty was per Pru ' ’' ' * t ’’ <7- V "* was needed at borne. When he was Praises The Caast RaadThnragk Curry, Hon. S. P. Peirce was in town hapa the only boy of recent •enlist Resident Dentist «(rafted he secured an exemption on Saturday from bis boms no Sixes. ment from Curry oounty who had account of agricultural pursuits, hut B aalaa, Oregon Engineer Green, of the state high Ha-has leased bis large farm to a rating in any of the Naval hands due to one or two private letters way depariinent, hnR just returned Louis Farrier for a term of years, as a second class musician. Since, Will make periodical visits to Langlois, and a protest from the local exeut|>- from Cuiry countv, where he has and Part Orford. All work guaranteed. and about December 1st he and we have learned th a t’ Lynn Wood lion hoard at Gold Beach .^the dis been msking a preliminary exami Mrs. Peiroe expect to leavb for ser cock; another Port Orford boy,- waa trict board at Eugene revoked its nation into stale road matters, says vice in the war, Mr. Peirce has promoted from a third to a second order exempting Louis and placed the Salem Capital Journal. H ia been accepted in the engineer corps class musician last August. Lynn hia name among those auhjeot to trip was made more especially 10 Port Orford, Oregon, and hia wife w ill go in the hospital volunteered from Port Orford with call. examine into the route of the high unit. M r.a n d Mrs. Peirce decided 10 other boys, 7 of whom were ac G o l d Feed 8 t a b t a a tta c h e d . X -^ .r « n , d n g from from* R « S ' j M r. Knapp 8 r. went to Eugene way p proposed, running nova cepted, in the month of May. He some time ago to enlist in the War U. K N A P P F h C o p r le t o i» : . and took the matter op with the burg by way of Coquille and Ban- even though they had to go to Can had not Mare Island long hoard there, but be says that it is don and thence down the coast tw •- ada to do ao, but their services have until he' was assigned to the station absurd to think be would entertain Crescent C ity. Mr. Green says th* Firat-clasa in »very respect. bund at Honolulu— 00c of the most been accepted by this country. such a proposition as offering tu sub general imprewion that Curry comt coveted positions at Uncle Sam’» Henry M . Axtell came down from W. T . Win»» 8 a J . 0. Fnaaou stitute oue of hia boys for the other. ty ia opposed to road building is disposal. Young Woodcock snows Bandon yesterday and will »pend a Tire way this got started, he says, much natural talent on the Clario was when he told tile exemption entirely wrong, atid that the offi few days in thi» section. Mr. Ax* aials and the people are strong ad net when a member of the Port Or tall is interested in beach mine* board that one of his tons was a vocates of good road« Thia im P o r t O r f o r d , O re g o n ford band, and his associate* iu that north of Bandon, wnere be worked volunteer in the uavy and that the preesion was caused by Curry coun organisation, who are also the naso- last winter and where he and his youngest waa anxious to go, and ty refusing to call a special election Aak ua for any information regarding company will commence operation» ciates of Bernal Forty, and who probably would enlist io the spring last summer on the bonding of the Timber or Real Eatate in Curry County again in the next mouth nr so. He know the energy and “stiektoitiva when h it school is out, and' this, stale. There were other reasons for neat’* of these ytiung men, are »nan with the drafting of isiute, would ha* lately returned from San F ran iraottt in the opinion that both wilt leave him without any boy* at home, that oourse. G u a rd ia n 's h ale. cisco where he Secured some flue The coast highway is built in make good and get their 1st class and it was then that th« board sug Notice la hereby given that the on- bargains in second «dais machinery California and while not hard sur gested that should Lloyd enlist a ratings when the examinations come __ rdj*n oftheperson deralgneil guardian of the person and and - equipment. He w ill return permanent exemption for Louis faced is in good^oondition. Through ----- jT h o around. eatate of William Eugene Thomas, min would he considered. In tbs mean Curry county part of the rosd is or, by virtue of an order of the County (here again shortly and can furnish time the latter is given a three, Court of Jackson County, Oregon, duly you with anything you want ia the fairly good, but in many places it is Local Interests Mast Help Build Road. month’s exemption. and regularly given and made and en tered of record on the 18th day of .¿Sep way of donkey engine«, cables, etc. The T ribu hk does not attempt to possible to get over it and that is tember, 1917, will at Medford, Oreeoo, H is ad. w ill be noticed in this issue. say whether Louis L. Knapp should about all. I l is purposed Io Curry on or after the 1st day of November, Ranger J. B. Curl waa in town or should not be drafted, but we county, which ha* an assessed val N . H . Lar.on, when fishing tn 1917, offer for sale, and sell, at private from the Middle E lk station the give the above particulars in justice uation of only $4.700,000, to vote •ale to the highest and bast bidder for •Garrison lake rvceutly, caught • first of the week, and from late to the young man wbo would now cash tn hand sll of the right, title and good sited founder. So far at we bonds to the lim it allowed by law— word that he has received it would Ire serving aa a volunteer but for the In te re rto is a id m in o rin a n d to th e ftd -,^ lw rn ihig jg lh# flr il OM $95,000— for the purpose of helping s^rm as though the building of the consideration of hit parents and the lowing described real property, to-wit: . , 1 . . . . n. Block Numbered, Sixty (SO) of the caught in the lake. A year or so wagon road into that place may be help be might be to them at to m e, get the highway finished. There is and at whose request he did not en now available for this work about FiUhugh Plat, ao recorded and desig ago Mr. Larson, a; president of the delayed indefinitely. The first meg list and later applied for an exem|>- $65,000, and this it is intended to nated, of Port Orford, Curry County, Port Orford Commercial club, went »age received by M r. Curl was Io lioti when drafted. uss in surveying and building so far State of Oregon. to Coquille »ltd met 10,000 rainbow Dated Medford, Oregon, this 90th trout fry from the Stale hatshery the effect that ths National Forest as it will go. W ith sll the money department had endorsed the prop L a n g lo is a n d V ic in ity . day of September, 1917. she can raise, however, it will re at Bonneville which he brought - '? - osition and would build the road, Ouasra C, T homas , quire generous aid ' both from lbs back and planted in iributartas of Onardian of the peraon and estate ( but later advices tent to him are Road improvements are •U»l still in state and general government ta of William Eugene Thoi maa, minor Jake. And now he goes over that the Forestry department w ilt progress on the Langlois b ill on ths there and catches a flounder! Mr. give $6,000 for the project provided j Myrtle Point road. There M a crew complete this seclion of the high To W h o m I t M a y Concert*. . Larson's friends are wuodering what > . . raise a $1,000. , nnn To _ .u gi work and the rock crush way. Mr. Green ia enthusiasticov loeal • i_ interests the . er tbe scenic wonders of the route happened to him on the trip, and if I, the undersigned, hereby give no few settlers at Middle E lk the latter er is being kept busy. Ths work I aad insists it ia ev^n of a grandeur * “ in " with tice that I have a conveyance from the • n o b b le th at he fell Patentee to tldelande and water lo.ta to 1 . n . FUnrinn sum is a large amount to raise, sad will beun fur about two weeka | and at tbe tame lime more varied the Harbor et Port Orford. Oregon, on [ «»me deep-sea fl- hermen at Bandon it is not known whether or npt aid A Rad Croas organisation waa character than is the Columbian a portion of Which a part of the wharf tn -tea<g of going to Coquille, can be secured from our county effected last Saturday, Nov. 10th, is erected without my consent. All Highway. Tbe road from Rweburg Not long since Samuel Montague court. parties are hereby wanted not to drive at tbe residence of K. B. T h rift, at by this rout* would he about the in any manner what- added a good Oovered rig 10 bis pilaa or Tbe building o f Ibis road, about 2-JO P. M . Thera were about th ir -' delandaor water lot buleher hosliMiM, and he is prepared 3 miles in length, would mnen ty present. Mrs. Lex Cope waaj same length as that over the Siskt Man. A n a O. D abv , yous, certainly no greater, and be Newark, N. J. to taka care of his customers’ wants much to this section of the county. made president and Mrs. E. u. ing constructed near the ocean — •' during rain aa well as sunshine. I t would open to transportation at T h rift was made Sec. sod Treat. would be free from snow and would NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. For the past year or two Mr. Mon Port Orford a large traot of white A school mealing was held last be open ail the year. Tbe road will 1 U i f i « » o r t or ths Iwvsaioa tague has been supplying the meat oedar and tan oak, owned both by Saturday for tbe puipuaa of voting strike the ocean at Bandon, and from I fur the people l>etweyn Fort Orford the government and by individuals. a 4 m ill tax to meet the expense» of there to the Curry oounty line,C<»ie Notice ia hereby given that and Bandon. H« is always on Mr. Curl say* that it Is estimated late improvements etc., made un tbe county will complete the road. Iu RO “ ^ “ o K ^ S h o T ^ f i e p - ! tiros, ® .k i» g h i. run. regularly sod that there ass 16 JXW oords of tan- olP ort -- --------------------- school building. j building th * road the plan will bo U , mt. made Homestead Hfci- (aslllng his meat reasonable. I t has bark in tbe National Forest in that r Serial NO.M949, tot tlte NRi “Jack Front” ha* made hia ap- to divide it into unit* and finish 8ec- been reported that he was going to section which will be peeled and BW I and W | of N E I olSW| < ,n 7, Township SSS-Ranae U pull ofl the route, but be says that hauled into Port Orford for ship pearance several mornings lately. , the worst of thrae first aad the oth Mr*. 7oua. Uol«tw ta improving > • • • M l,i,llr • • » « • " • » ' ,1 P*r,a l‘ - has filed notice of ln{*ntion auch ta not the caae as inatead of ment io oase tbe road is built. Final Three-Yew Proof, to « j W t a . iu health .lowly. After leaving Bandon the road . to - the land --------------- i ~ claim above ■_- deecribad, be- that he haa prepared better than When (he shange ia the county ly ! . Mra. . .... n L _ i keep» close to the coast, ao that a|#f the f0" J r " î t l l e ü r f ^ d ,"or- « » « «» accommodate hia trad». He Oitee Cam from Oakland, --------------------« road is mads from here to Brush ocean is visible , ¿n the » th day of November, j , tb. ^ ( y man that baa gona into egon, creek« and with the building Cal., ia to teach the spring te*m of tenor; and aa It ia a bold and rug 1 cnâimant name* aa wltnewme: , the moat busineaa io thia »action for road to Middle E lk , tba bark aad Hare school. gad coast, the scenery is inexpreesi yaara wbo baa atayad with it, and cedar from there nan ba profitably Ornar J. M ather of Sixes. O ra p a . M y grand. M r. Graea pradioja that Misa Mariou McCanley of Salem, W ilHam Matheny, of ”, when this highway is oompletad it ba is deserving of the public’s pat handled with motor trucks aa there Bert Wells, of ’’ » O re , ia teaching tbe Russell school. will Iteamne one <»f the most lamous ronage. H is regular ran to Port w ill not ba more tbau a 5 or fi per A. A . Jamieson,of Port Orford, VaLg. iw thh World. cent grade to uontend with. H ' i& te te r Orford ia 00 Wednesdays j V «H H I M r. ta d Mrs. R. Leutweyler were 7 THE PORT ORFORD BAND Thursday, Nov ^»7 ' • g ì Tickets I I . llidnijriit sapper at the Seaside. A GOOD TIME-Ylffi’ltE WEIJ (¡4115 MATCH BOYLE JEWELRY CO. 5 7 9 1 Curry County Abstract- Realty Company, f e a f , n KNAPP HOTEL jz .■ W Ä - IXES. OR. T H E 1>A.Y E E E O H E T H A N K S G I V ISK 6 Nov. 28,1917 . ■ Ï ■rj 7 ‘- 4L. Beef, Turkeys, Ducks. Geese and Chickens will be shot for. Lunch goods and cool, soft drinks on the ground, Everybody Welcome L B. SPURGEON. PORT ORFORD REALTY GO 1 HOTEL LAKOLOIS ;; ■ - LANGLOIS, OREGON Headquarters for traveling men and a home for families ■ Rates $1.20 jkr day and upwards S. C. SHERRILL, Prop. Langlois Hardware Store H ardw are o f all Hinds ■i "’'j N lc h in e r y & M o w i n g M a c h in e « . E x tr a « f o i D a ir y in g ; O w b o rn e, M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P a in t « , O il« & S t u m p i n g P o w d e r F i n e l i n e o f G u n s , R a g c b a ll p a r a p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g g o o d s k e p t in S t o c k . D o o r « a n d W in d o w « in v a r ie t y c o n « t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . 2 P ip e F i t t i n g s , P lu m b i n g a n d T i n w o r k o f a l l h !n < ls d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . Cheever 'Ö Bow m an L a n g lo is , O r. S I I '!