The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, November 14, 1917, Image 1

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A single m otion is q u ick er t
which, when inveiti
inevitably lead to the m
th a n tw o .
O n ly o n e m otion is ne<
m ak e an y c h a ra c te r d e sire d
com plete, ¿traight-line, key-fo:
neea. u d m haJ o m u overfcrosed to
farm er yarns vt U -to a a ia W a tt «ree«, «
except tor a m i o i u r , »au a a raryias
»1« a n d
» 4 j* ut« u s u a li Free
Prato. Ueruwl <U>« Lei or» Uhrlstma*
laet year Ui« o ü u i Lecerne «a.ialed
with n u u u ti ui au uuyrucedeatad ttood
at h o m i turtuu». Tu« u u iuexseeper
c h a ra c te r k e y b o a rd of th e
r t « , aad u m d a/ Leiore C urietm **
found h t» la a aei .ou« Lurry. He
eaw kl» fMmw ampui j es celled latu
easy action
light running
■ -
1 1 1
lV lU v iC l I
C o m p le te . S tra ig h t L in e
Keyboard and
A Key for Every Character.
Come they through grtavaaa tribulation*
T h eir trial» early had tkair Weeelngs U t e -
Through eroes to n o v a aeesnqu.rors ol
\.-T '
Mr. Blank, aad whether aa enve.ope
had bean overlooked.
The aaawer
"There Ia av anvalope for Mr. Blank,
but the g w i t e a t wiahaa to aaa him
They built for eeatarlea, oat for that brief
Marked by the H iet»» « o»« a», or m aa
For that eternity wMah »rogh ite ecan.
T h l* maantt hit
l k fairly tot-
Their purpose to ba garoatoefa reae
Endowed with wisdom, eaatoge. ereatnaua.
TM1 Yutxn o t Hi AUSTRIA.
your tongue to
eortvtpclng breoi lb*« the ktdaeys end Mad­
der are out of order.
W h et to a s .
There I , comfort la the knowledge SS
« te n mpreeaed, 'Set Or. Kilmer's S croe uy
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfllle every
wlttt in- curing rheumatism, ,-ieln la the
beck, fctdneye, liver. t ladder aad every part
ef the urinary pksssft. It correct« InsbUUv
o hold wat«r end scalding pein la pasting
'(.•or bed effects ,allowing ua* of liquor,
wine nr beer, aad overcomes that unpleasant
Btceeaiy cf being compelled to ge eftaa
loriny »he day, end to gel up many times
dwirtg .he night. The mild and the evtra-
grdlaary effect or S w a m p -R c o f it soon
it the hlyheri for Its won­
derful cere« cf ute most dirtreerog cases.
If you neod a medicine you should have the
hex. Sold by d. uggieta Ir 60c. and $1. sixes.
Y o u ih g y have a ssmpie bottle of thte
¿nd look in the glass—yon will «oe the effect— I
You can't help puckering—it makes you pucker r
to think of tasting it
By the u y of so called cheap Baking
Powders you la k etb b puckering, injurious Alum d
right into your system—you injure digestion, \
and ruin your stomach.
often hnvr found that tbclr susceptibil­
ity to colds has quite gone. Ruch facto
as 1 here met with point to ihe conclu­
sion that tt Io the eyetrm overcharged
w ith the products of food which was
aot required and oaa act oaly aa a ped-
oon to every organ In the body which
IS tom» auoreptlbie to oelds.“
__ t ' -tf"'- .
eno a boos that ’< ' ' » f f S l O T
n ■ ■ c about i-. beth te n t
ibaolutely free by mall,
eddreaa D r. Kilmer f t a m s « gsaawmek
Co.. Binziuur.lea. N . Y .V h s h to lling m en-
ÎU y a l it ttfcd« from pure, refined Grape Cream of Tartar-C osu more
han Alum bm jo u have the profit of quality, the profit of good health.
N o th in g k s s ever equalled i t
N o th in g c * a ever tu rp s ** i t
Dr. King’s
New Discovery
fo r you or m al"
“Oct out a t bere!” trag a ll the
gusted politician could sag.
unhasltky condi­
tion u< the kid-
■eys: If U etatna
goer Hare tt Id
evidence of kid­
ney trcuUe: toe
frequent desire ta
Owtsw«-. rsfbee.
Guloof tired through the m e « e v e a t
fol period* o f modern France. H e was
bom In 1 Ä 7 »«nUI the m uttering» u f tho * ^ T
revolution. O ulxofs parent* were mar-
ried by a proscribed Proteetant pastor, " W f ”
and bla birth wee never legally regia
tered. I l l * father, who w *s aa adv» ' “
cate, used h l* ich-nt for public «peak-
lag la the Inter, ets of the peraecated »“ » *
Proteetaato and I weenie a marked man “ * “ • “
A fter living tor eevcrel week* In daa- j
ger of h l* Ufe be w a* at fast srreetoB.'
•» w illin g ly r n o r r t . by • gendarme who
knew end respected him.
esked t:
“Bhail I »et you rocapet" »aid I *
w ia.
shout t
•'Are T»J tnerrtedt" replied M. OuA fr u » Ot
I t la claimed th a t the deepest oil
troll in America is »Hunted in the
Monongahela river raliey. about M
mUea from H ttekurgh. The hole haa
been drilled1 to a depth of S3«1» feet,
but «he work has been aotpended ow­
ing to a break In the Z%-inch rope
need. As a result lA W feet o f rope
aad u « r in g a t took a re "*t the b ot­
tom. Experts are a t work, aad hope
to be able to resume d rillin g eoon.
I t la proposed to oink the well 8.000
T h e lib ra ria n trad sw o rn In to
offlee on th e holy gospels, oo be­
cam e one whose d u ty i t io to f u r ­
nish to those who have need th e
“fo o d ” an d “ w eapons” o f the goal
— fo r so th ey need to c a ll books.
“Books a re th e nou rish m ent of
tb e soul,” says one ab b o t, speak­
ing o f the ftb ra ry o f his co n vent;
and an o th e r says: “ A s th e a r ­
m o ry is to the castle, so th e lib ra ry
is to th e m onastery.”
T h e ve ry
nam e lib ra ria n , “s rm a riu s ," de­
riv e d as i t is front the press, cup­
board o r alm e ric in w hich th e
books a re ke p t, is precisely th e
m odern w ord sia^nner— as (h e a l ­
m o n er serves fro m his cupboard
food and d rin k fo r the needy, so
th e lib ra ria n deals o n t books,
w hich are the food and d rin k o f
th e aonl, Bays H a rp er’s M agazin e.
I n th e beginning the lib ra ria n
was, en rio ualy enough * a it sounds
a t * r s t , th e p recen tor o r c h o ir­
m a ste r, b a t th e e x p la n a tio n of
th ia is, in fa c t, sim ple enough;
' since the firs t books w ere the
I service books ke p t in th e apae-
' cupboard in th e cbarch, th e p re
I ce n to r was n a tu ra lly charged
1 w ith t h e ir c a m , and when th e eol
lection grew by th e ad d itio n of
o th e r books he ke p t charge o a til
the g ro w th made subdivision of
la b o r necessary.
T h e o rd in a ry duties o f lib r a r i­
ans a re o f t e n la id dow n w ith g re a t
m inuteness la m e aa stie ra le s ;
th ey d iffe r g re a tly ia d e ta il b a t
| n o t much ia aaaaoee fro m thooo o f
I th e raodera; be m ast tak e charge
Clara (afte r a tiff) - 1 presume ye«
would Uks your ring beekT
George— Never mind: keep tt. No
other g irl I know coaid nee th a t ring,
snleet she wore I t oa her theakh.—T lt-
W lT H B R U S H AM D C H IS E L .
A m exhibition of Hungarian works of
art w ill be held in Parle In luW.
S ib Ftotuaaica L n o irro x has flOlthed
k marble r o p ila o f hie beanie known as
“The Python Slayer.” Tbe now etatui
Is to be sent to M r. Cart Jaoobeen, of
Miss C a m h x a Onto Hatona, the oldest
daughter at Jool Chs-ndlor Harrir., ie
about to go to It-Uy to atn ly a rt. ttbe ia
tw enty ycarexjld anil a girl of rem ark­
able beauty and talent. -
A u n -s tX B ito ta e of the late Em ­
peror Frederick wUl be unvallod soon
in Homburg, the celebrated German re ‘
sort. The sculptor is H arr Upyncs, a
pupil of Prof. llslnhold Bogaa
T im Pope ie having a beautiful piece
of mosaic made In the faotory of the
Vatic»» for Queen Christine of Spain.
The picture represents the Madonna
w ith her child, aad la a oopy of a Span­
ish painting.
Ai.ravn O. SoTnaomLO has bnuqfct
from Lord SaekvUle the well-known
portrait o f Elfca A aa U n le y (Mrs.
I o f th e hooka, “keep aad ka o w us
d cr th e ir se p a ra te title s ,” fm -
I q a o a tly exam la e c a re fu lly to pro-
^ •r C ^ S ^ ^ * * * * * ^ w
Cure t
For A ll T h r o a t an d ,
Long Trouble». , .
rttoto* e> «