The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, October 31, 1917, Image 3

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    J. Lindberg ie et Coquille
. 2 . ......................I ** wa,Un« * uW a “ lh* Seeeide.
n your letter.
iine o f poeket kMvee,
up*y"ou" g a U e T * rro< eV* a ,° i
' * * Knapp Sr. started the
* * * " “d • beart M
latter |
Has the Only Set of Abstract
Books m Carry County
Eighteen Y ean Experience
Efficient Service
W. A. WOOD, Manager
Dr. F. A. Vogo
M r. and Mrs. Edwin
Port Orford, Oregon,
Gold Feed 8t«b le attached.
I> r ,.p i- t « t o r .
place, moved Mra Babin aad child
down here the latter part of laet
week. T hey formerly resided at
Bridge, in Coos county, where Mr.
Sabin bat leased hit ranch.
There is more smoke in the air at
this time from numerous small fires
than at any other time during the
The Port Orford members of the
Masonic lodge attended a meeting
of thefr order at Langlois last Sat-
urdsy evening. Two of the lodge-
men wpre initiated into the th ird
^•fires', and the loow! members did
" ° ‘ “ e tfhun,< uo‘ il ,b*
hoUr* w* mornin«-
M ie, jrern Hobbs, private seci
ry t(J jjx -G o v . West who is
charge of the O. A. C. grant 1
matter, visited the oounty
jM l WM^ <nd depOgiied with
(jUrry officials a cheek smoualjB
15,312 for back taxes, penalties
interest on the deeded railroad li
season. Owing" to a scarcity of
funds both the Stale and Forestry
departments have diecontinued'try
ing to control the Area in the moun
•A G. W elker of Gold Brack, F
M. Gruver of Harbor, ? . F. P id.n
rat of Brookings and J, G. Breden
Daring the pest week Miss Lottie
Dean has been helping the food con-
servstion campaign by making »
house to house canvass on E lk and
Sixes rivers with the Hoover pledge
M i“ n * n lre‘* ’r‘ed only
«“ • ■«"»"keeper who refuted to
, , «n * oar<,<
that wa* due the scanty. Later
county will probably reoeive soi
thing like 12,000 mors for laves
unpetented land.
Mias Hobbs was visiting verl
oonntira throughout the State
which them grant land, were r.
‘*d ’ and *£‘ her
County Judge W. A.
to start for Afntriean Nov. find- tended tba speaking at Langlois last
Thera four. If none of them are re | Wednesday evening, where he met
Jeoted.'wiU complete the first draft 8tate aagiawr R. C. Green and ee-
of 21 men from C urry.
to Gold
n l l. a
. m
im har from
ori Arfor.1
from P
Orford T l» F *P«Ml lw 0 4 e y . t
attended a Liberty Loan meeting at ou “ ly
* 1 *°
r’ Graen
LenglolelaraW ednradey night at
««V . ga^ar. Idra of th . pro-
" * CoU" y ° r
8 ’ Ut
a __
" Fears, bets Bad rail,
w orkiM on
roof of
.. . "* barn
*“• “ at *** Wedderb
big Maolray
Notice Is hereby given that the un-
derslgned guardian of tha person aad
estaleol William Eugene Thomas, min-
or, by virtue of an order of the County
Court of Jackera Oounty, Oregon, duly
and regaUrly glren snd mad© and ®n-
tered ol record on tbs 18th day of Sep-
tember, 1917, will at Madfoid, Oregon,
on or alter the 1st day of November,
1S17, offer for sale, aad rail,-at private
rale to the blgbrat and bert bidder for
f > .h in a«»4 «11 n t lb « r ig h t , t it le a n d
interest of raid minor in and to the fol-
lowing described.raal property, to-wit:
Block Numberal, Sixty («0) of the
E K S K E r s i r
vented M m from keeping the a ^ J. li. C ull reoently killed a ponlhei
r .» - ...
« a - a u t o . - . «
u >.
J. W . Maekenaie, who resided fa r J ***- “[h e
‘ »'“ d
rayeratyears on a ranch on Sijes, k “ 1* " ,b *“ M r' * hlW k '*1* 1 a
return«,! one day last week from «« the « .» e nmt whra. the .dd oee
spending the summer in northern WM
His dogs oould not pick
Wnsbinglon and British Columbia.
' ’d® of • nolb* r • n<l Mr. U bile is
« . r. v ______i ____ w rU ia that one kitlsn la all there
of continuing ms way euum ano
eating about San Diego,
w ,)<mn M , urned from R
river a few d ay. ago «" ‘»•«P *
wilh G. C. Scott uf the Di«*tr
office ot Portland. The latter ge
Meman Wa« in here for the sti
cheolting up U»e fire lose aad t
r* ,,
-.4 . . .
P*n" f,’r lh* * * * on’ and
assisted in the work by Mr. Dei
They report fires spIL burning
th . Rogue river ooimtry, wb€rt
B|TB hee’bran burned over a
” “ 1” ' -
State ot Oregon.
• Im ­
itated Medford, Oregon, IhU 80th
M r gad Mr> T L Car#y a|,d ,
d a , o f September,
Guardian of the person and eetalc Port Orford Saturday evening
DsrAHTMcrr ov Vas levnaioa
U. 8. la n d Office at Roseburg, Orra
October », tail
Notice is hereby given th a t
ol Port Orford, Oregon, who, <m 8
tember 18.1912, made Homestead
Earl R. Fisk, representing the
Blake-McFslI paper company of
Portland, w n In Port Orford F ri
day returning from a visit to Gold
Beach. I t waa M r. Fisk’« first vis.
it to Corry, and be was wondering
how be oould tell Ms frisads, upon
here trying to meke ea uaruly auto . bis return home, of some of M t ex
truck ran. M r. Berry, who is a pi- { periences down (hie way without
ano raletgnan and who had one of
the inatrumenta with him, first
broke down in the vicinity ot K u-
obra creak and had bia truck towed
into town. Failure to get the kiad
of parte wanted, mid finally, when
he thought he bad the machine roe-
nieg all right, to find additional
troehle eaueed M r. Berry I® put
the track in the garage and leave it
until new pane shall have arrived
their confusing hie truthful narra
live with tba fact that he had been
very near the California line. A t
the Arieona In n Thursday evening
enough travellers ooiieeted to that a
danOa waa held, and Mr. Fiak says
that between dances the boys would
go and ohara dear oat of the garden
by moonlight. H e also states that
ba got h it laabiigbl shining in one’s
eyes and walked ap to within a few
Floor And Feed
money on your winter’s au
Denmark Farmers’ Store
IB -N o v . 29,1917
Beef, Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Chickens will
be shot for.
W. D . M cG ill returned to b i.
borne at this place ibe letter part of
last week from Camp Lewis, at
American lake, where be wee re­
jected from servlra in the army.
He left Port Orford Oct. 3rd with
the last contingent from Curry,
and wee kept at eamp Lewie 17 days
before being discharged. H e gjvee
many iaterestiog side lights an
camp life there, and wbilb there is
lots of herd work for everyone, yet
he rays the boys are f4d well and
treated wdl and noee have reason
for oompleiet.
J. H - Zumwalt who went from
Port Orford at the same limo as Mr.
McGill, passed the examination and
has been assigned a derioal posi­
tion in tba quartermaster depart»
goods and
cool, soft
dnnks on the ground.
At the Port Orford Hardware Store
From Oct. 20 to Nov. 10
ta ,
he could not save himself he jo .
ed to he lit on Ms feet on the h
grouod ,g
« » . . T h l an
in M r. Peerra’s frat were bro
3 New Home Sewing Machinée; Drop Head latest Atohm’ts.
'No. 1, Fegular price $60,00; Sale price $43.50
No. 2,
No. 8,
pen tar’s apron oauxbt and
#nd both bi(|
a „ d . „ g i , , , or
and . _ . | i ^ i h a j i .
Mel Fitihugh snd Gens Peirce,
who came in from the mountsim
shortly after the hunting season
olosed, say that dear were unusually
plentiful this fall io the vicinity of
Panther mountain. Thera ia a big
crop o f sweet acorns and along the
ridges where these grow, Messrs.
Fitshugh and Peirce say that they
found^deer like Sheep on a sheep
range. However, the moat of these
were does and fawos and spikra, aa
the big bucks were lying lew Iw th a
Boots, 8hoes, H«
We would be
Mr. end Mrs. S. P. M errill end
Mrs. Fred Fish, of Euchre oreek
visited Bandon last Friday. M r
Merrill is the owner of tlie Eochre
creek cheese factory. He recently
became the owner of a new Chevro­
let in which the trip to Bandon waa
made. H it cheese faetory, due to
the small amuoni of m ilk received
on aeoount of tbs lateness of the
season, is only running every other
A gp- *
Wa curry a full lin e of Pry Goods, Groceries,
l .
, „ i wetfc quntrsotor 0
.h U h a . . . j . a . s « , h W . r r a n p - i - » • • » >• a »
land waa the principal speaker.
E . L W bilp took Ms doge laet to
from the roof down c
Congressman Hawley wee expected Wednesday afternoon to the piece »mne staging a hammer that
to he present, but bis health pre on upper E lk liver wiiere Rahger Mrrle<, ¡n tb, back side of hfc i
Port Orford, Oregon
a change in the m anagem ent of their store.
A surprise party wee given to
on© Hon. J. D. Loucks at bis hung*10«
on South Oregon street Friday ev
Forest Banger J. B. Curl and **«*
»««*• ~
iam iljr hare been having a tnrale
Just arrived s i the Denmark eniog. The surprise was a genuine
wlth»the grip during the past week Farmers’ Store a iaU line of winter one to Mr. Loucks, and a very
pleasant evening was spent. The
w »«•
underwear and hosiMy.
October baa
visitor« took refreshments of punch,
The Tram p stopped In our port
A. J. Marsh sad A . 8. Johnston, coffee anFoakw , end various gneea.
last Saturday while enroate from accompanied by their wives,, went
ing contests and gamas helped to
Go to tba Denmark Fenders’
Coos bay to Wedderbura with a out to lbs C. H , Pea res home on
pees the eveaieg.
Store fur your iqaekina we, raiuooats,
cargo of merchandise.
Middle E lk , Suniley, to tee bow Mr.
slickers, work shirts sad overalls.
Mr. end Mrs. W alter Sutton re- I ’ruree end ble urippUd frat ware
In the Liberty Loan compaign
turned Monday from a week’s visit Id lin g along.
Oregon raised ♦85.ShO.4hO, sad io
at Rogue river. They were driven
Robt. MoPhiilamey end Wm.
Beginning next Friday, Nov. 2nd, tbs Uoited Slates the five billion
home by their nephew, Jasper T o r- McPhillamey an<4 wife were trading the postage rates will be increased
mark has been passed. The town
ner, in his Ford.
ip town Saturday. Theform er a t. and it will take 2c fur a post card
of Powers is said to have oversub­
Fred Grose of Bandon, well known ‘ • nded "” * ‘ <“ 1 ®f the Msrouie or drop letter on<l Vo for an ordina­ scribed its quote ibe heaviest of any
ing this section, who w*e oonvicted M g e at Langlois before retureing ry letter. A drop letter i t ons that town In the United States, due
i t delivered from the same poatoflioe largely to the efforts of K- J. Louey.
ia C«ms ooontly recently end given lo *••• 8ixee home.
a Jail sen'enee for bootlegging, esenp- ' J. C. French, member of the Port at which it is mailed.
Letters mailed on the-evening of
ed a few days ago while working Orford Really company, returned
1st that dp ool go out in the
on the road near Coquille.
home Saturday from spending eev-
A -J -M a te h . Pert Orford’, a iL
« Por“ * nd’ H *
« Pm
There will bee business meeting
round booster end good, rokde e S workin« "" " » • '* > <»*»•
hi* “ “*!
* ,„ * % ,* „
the Tillicum club tomorrow ev-
thusinst accomosnird Judee Wood OulBP«DJ is trying to swing.
wrttlug letters will do well to
enieg. I t will be decided at this
thusls.t aooompa.itrj Judge Wood,
member that if their fammun
JrammissionerSypher and engineer
Some of our young went tlona , ra held for w, Dt of po,
meeting whether or not the dub
Green on their trip to Gold Beach north. taet Saturday evening end u k t W r IbnR and nol th . p
will be continued during the winter
last weak looking ovar the oontem attended a dance at Langlois, while
months, aad ovary member of Ibe
plated highway improvements.
others went south to a Ilka oeeur-
‘ ______________
organisation ia urgently requested
Walter Sabin, manager of the re"ce “ Bw,hM ore* k- TUey al1
Count, Get, Back Taxes.
to be pretest.
Softener A Sidwell store a t this ' W
* • good H“ «-
of Langlois, have been sommo»ed
The Denmark Farrowr»' Store wiibtw to
Go to the Denmark Farmers’
Store for your dry goods and no
Cox, from lions.
D* 0,B ,rk
part of lest week on a short business i | „ i , homestead between Elk
visit to H a I ♦‘in and Portland.
Hixrr, wtr© visiting in (own
» F <•
ia receiving eradicai treat , Seras pe
Dr. Robbins, who, accompanied
by bis fam ily, left Curry oounty
thia fall to join Ibe medical oospa of
the army, in writing (rom San Die
go under dale of the-24ih 'lo s t, lo
bave a oopy of the Tainuna aent
regularly lo bit address e l Ih s l
p ie » , digresses in pert as fol low« :
, “ Had a good trip and many slops
to vinil relatives on J h s way. j We
sew Bernal frerty, also the Biebel
hoys end Geo. Stafford a t San
Franoisco. One of the Rickman
hoys waa on thé steamer Harvard
with us from San Pedro lo Sen Die
go. H e, with about 200 other tail­
ors were transferred to the ram p at
Balboa Park here, and be told mo
hie brother wet here tbo I haven’t
run across him yet.
“Camp Kearney hefe ia a big
W hile primarily a
Naval Guard camp, they are taking
some of the overflow from the Ne
tionel army at American Lake—
eight train loads of Ibero arrived
“ Have been at the Aviation sta­
tion at North Island quite a hit
since we rame here and have had
my tre t cruise la ea aeroplane. I t
brake aa though my sraignmeet w ill
be to one of the aero camps.
“The fam ily is nieeiy settled here
enrroonded by relstiera end ere
planning for a pleasant wiutar.” .
It. C. Green, a member of the
Stale engineering force at Salem,
has been S|>euding several days in
Curry oounty. H e was met at
Langlois by Judge Wood and oom-
miraloner Sypber last Wednesday
sod accompanied by them to Gold
M r. Green’, visit at this time wte
fur the purpose of making a reoon.
noiarance of the proposed State
highway through our oounty. He
wanted lo get a general idea of the
oust and the surveying required,
end a few weeks later be will return
with a surveying eraw and run a
looating line through tba oounty,
probably making tba only perms
neat survey between Port Orford
Euchre oreek.
.» ,, »
Mr. Green spent a couple o f days
hare the first ot the week, after hie
return from Gold Braob, looking
over the coast route from this plsoe
to Brush creek. Tbe steep grade is
one thing that makes the present
roud over the mountain impotsible,
as the engineer seya that nothing
above a A per oeut grade w ill be
considered for a state highway, sail
that a 5 per » a t ia preferable. It
is tbs intention to spend th * 155,000,
available from the eleie, end what
ever other mooeys may be received
from bonding or Federaf aid, on
Ibe road where the grade has been
established end the work will ' be
An 18 loot rand bed in rook and
20 feet on the grades is the narrow-
set that M r. Urreu says he ia allow­
ed by the state to ownsider. This,
es he explains, nikkee road building
through the mountains of Carry
quit« expensive.
Headquarters for traveling, men
and a hom e for fam ilies
Kates $1.20 per day aad upwards
Langlois Hardware
Hardware of all Kinds
p h e r n a lla , a n d o th e r
O o d e k e p t In S to c k .
S p o r tin e
D o o n a n d W in d o w s tal v a r ie t y
c o n e t a a t ly k e p t o n h a n d .
P ip e F i t t i n e « , F l a m b i n e a n d T i n
w o r k o f a l l k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t
n o tic e .
B ow m an