«ki O ïf c r i ! C r f t o i » | L TW aa | faauae » f 1»13. »11 I. All the remaltiiuK ie*n«e »1 111*? *a I. The Coinpaaien Uuiua Catomlar •d f * IS IS . r * 4. McCall^ Mafaeine— 12 faahion M uuutharj of 1918. A ll fur only 92.25. T U B Y O U T H ’S C O N P A N IO X , Commonwealth Av«., Bolton, Mas*. P abliabad Ki BABBI New Pubeeriptiona ree«iv«d V* ibM O S ea. at Trespass Notice. 4a and tbs ef Out of aorao 7 0 th a t have been interview ed in Port Or ford and vicinity on ly two housekeepers have refused to sign the Hoover food conservation carda, and w« believe that if they fo lly realized how in doing s o tlie y wer«i‘ doing their bit” and helpin g the boys in France, they too would sign. Those who do not sign will be reported to the gov ernm ent and regarded with more or • less suspicion. The date for signing th e cards will close N ov. 4th. Those who have not been vjjltted'by the com m ittee can get cards by a p p ly in g at this cHiee. When talking of road construction w h ile in Port Or ford a few days ago state engineer Green said that n othing over a A or 6 per cent grade nor leas than 18 feet in width la rock and 80 feet in dirt could be considered by him in road building, l a other words, all m oueys spent under the supervision of the 8 ia te H ighw ay com m ission w ill be used in building roads that will conform w ith the above re quirem ents unless present plans are chang<d, We want our roads on a good grade where they will be permanent, b a t if they are to be constructed n ot less than 18 feet wide the >200,000 or >800,000 that Corry m ight, by g o o d fortune, raise would g o a long, lon g ways from build ing a road through the county. The width of a road can be easily increased after it is built, and a 14 and 16 foot toad through our m ountains would accomm odate the traffic for perhaps years to com e and would n ot cost half as m uch as an 18 an d 9 0 foot road. Of course Curry would lik e the wider road, but th e T a i. auwE believes that it would be better to have the narrower road entirely through the county than to have th e w ide one h a lf way through. T he matter is worthy o f considera tion, and if our people want the 14 and 16 foot road they should inform the highw ay com m ission to that effect. _ . - Port Orford has again don« herself prond. First,’ in furn ish in g a bigger perocnjnge of her boys as volunteers to fight for their country than any other town or city in th e th e United States, then b e in g o n e of the leading ¿communi ties in (he county in Red Cross donations, and then again raising more th a n five tim es her quota for the War Libra- r y t v a i '(the k iju Sg r pjH~>i 6 t i >» ge in the State so fa re s know n) and now, lastly, she has over-run, her quota in the Liberty Loan more than 60 per cen t— subscribing >7,750 for a quo ta of >6,000. Port Orford i s not m aking this showing because she can better afford it fin an cially titan other com m unities in the county, for, as a m atter o f fact, there are several whore m ore m oney is in oirnulation, but what has been done here is th e result o f true loyalty a u d -e n th u sia stic patriotism . There are those of our people who have deprived them selv es to a certain exten t, who w ill have to ptactice more rigid econom y in the household, because of the financial aid they have given their country. Other places in the county are doubtless as patrio Port Orford, only they have not yet awakened to the ity o f the situation— to the urgent need of a united working people in A m erica that German despotism be forever crushed. I t is to be hoped that the “ Port Orford spirit” spread, not only throughout Curry county, but all over our land. 1 M r. and Mrs. E. A. Thorhaven • accompanied their ton to Coos Bay r , iu hie auto the flrU of the week for f « abort trip. > ■' j Judge Wood o f Gold Beach was one of the entkuaiaetiu Curry boost. [ ers who attended th e L ilw ty Loan t meeting t evening. at Langloia Wednesday 1 Mre. Arijkie Collin» of Portland, accompanied by Is a and M yrtle ( Karl of Tillamook, Stopped hare the i drat of the week enroute to Euchre I j Creek to visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Billings of ' Gold Beach have been »topping at Sheriff Gage after Tracy. • the Hotel Bandon the peat weak, ' while Mr. Billings reoeived medieal treatment fur one of hi» knee» which ha» been poisoned by an ineeotbite. He 1» now able to he out ea cretohee. Walter Donald in d family of Baraboo, Wia., arrived the latter J part of the weak, going from Co j qttilie to Bridge, Oregon, where they fceHve work of tbs eurtmittoe— A. J. Marsh, W . T. Whit«, N, H . U r . ►ou and Mias Lucila Sorenaou. The »sines sod s mount of those who bought honda follows: 1500 00— CoKTBIBUTORS. Louis Knapp, Sr. Robert MeKeoxie.Sr. W ar GlUings John R. M iller Charles Norherry John W. McKengie N o tic e la h e re b y g iv e n t h a t a a y am i a ll persons fo un d trespassing upon the prem ises o f the undersigned *'W Oto purpose o f dogging hogs e r c a ttle w ill b e p 'o eecuted to th e fu ll e x te n t o f th e to o w n er. W ill tu rn o f same to i personally, pay |1O T ribune ■ C. C. INMAN. Open Unde«* N ew M a n a g e m e t E- B. HALL Board by Day, Week or Month A tty, nt Law, Notary Public, Ke.il Estate, C ollections, t o n veyaneing, Office days Thu f'lay, Friday and Sat urday. Port Orford tcher Shop Connection Choice Meats at a Reasonable Price BARBER SHOP Y o u r P a tro n a g e S o licited Opposite Hotel Seaside R C O 8TR AN DER , In W. B. J HINSON, Prop P R O P ’R I.F . COBNWELL, S ix e s , O regon Suits J. J. ST A L E Y COQUILLE, Cleaned and Pressed W A N T E D — To rent a farm for cash or on »harea. Add re«» W. L. O wbn . OREGON B ro o k in g » , O re g o n . 1400 00— C ontributor . R o b e r t S m it h , J r . , , I . c.,¡, •250.00— C ontrisutor . J«ha FromnL Jr. v« — r - r - 1200,00— C ontributors . Storer Pei rae Jcbo Fromm, 8r. Edward Hughes Thomas Hughea •150 00— C ontributor . Warren Corbin 1 100.00— C on tributorb . C. H. Piares George Forty J. U. Loucks - - 'i Thomas C. Clark- J . M. S c h u lt Oscar Mather Robert McPbillamay Robert Smith, Hr- Louis Sparling Henry Johnston * Elisabeth McKsnma Florence McKtnaie Robert McKensia Jr. George Wilson W . H . Bennett ■>' Franc»» Hughes •• •50.00— C ontributors . A. J. Marsh V . J. Larson Ames 8 . Johnston '¡ W. T . W hite, Sr. L. K. Sorenson * ‘ ' Donald MoKaniie F<aok Smith ; Norris Woudeock X * ; v COLD BEA C H, OREGON Notions, Mens Furnia - - and Dry Goods ; M' ll V S 'ltl I Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store Brown Beans 12-5c pet lb. amess, Fishing-tackle Stumping Powder Other Bargains; Call aiid see them Í WM. GILLINGS, PROP James C. W hile w J. M. Limpaeh “* W w Limpaeh Stove Spocrl Lucy Baker Nat P erkin . Eugene L. W h ile Dietrich Quellen ¿’ Chas. Neumann , Raymond Cappa Percy Zumwalt Clarence Zum walt Ray Zu in wait Lester Keller David D. MoGiil A lf r s d H .it K- V v »W » W . •_ full line of S to v e s aai R an ges, S u e m s e y , v Ä & m iiu u n , X u g s and ityCat- ¿ Henry Adolpbsen Andrew E llie Lissie Divelbim Warren Jamieson A nh u r Mayar J. B. Curl Mrs. Black tiug, S tile tto C u ttlery, ¿ an tern R , • E t c Direct From Ocr Factory ► Wffl Save Yea >1C6 or More I t is a fine thing to guard our hornet against alien aoldiars of whose purposes wa are sil t aware. But it is alao vary im portant to guard them against ««bar insidious foes that creep in under Ike die- guiaa of friendly entertainers to plunder and deateoy the ebarished ideals, the lofty standard», the dear views that bays given the home its oheraoler. I f you w ill famlliariaayouryouag people with the heat reading, (buy will not ba likely to «rave what is iuferior and demoraiising. The Y outh’s Companion h r a powerful influence in awakening a teat« for what is best in reeding. I t is on guard at the reading gate! Nothing cheap, mean or hateful pastes its challenge. But neither does the crabbed and dull and auatora. Cheery idealism is Tbs Compan ion’s oonntonign. P u l it 00 guard a t your reading gate! The Cumpanio» is •2.00 a year. I f you do not know U ,b y nil means seed for »ample oopias giving a fore cast o f what Q>e next volume will bring. By adding 2 Scent« you can also get MoCaii'e Magasina, tbs beat fashion authority for woman and girls— both publications for •2.25. Our two at oee-ptioa offer in- A U R Biff O ffe r ia to send you for '■* 30 day«* iree trial In your home abeautH uLffuaw nteed £tarckP lan o direct from our Lc to ry, thereby sav« T u g you ?:00.00 or more. 1 I | wA H rn p » « bargain». S/Mid íorour latest compì'*e sccoûd-haûd t o r n ia I K ■n B 1 Von wW be delighted »rlth the «w eetntM , purity «nJ power of the tone of the Starck Piano. Yon w ill be StoM-d Wiik Ito toast» aed Ito «»Meto af R» coatoroctlnn. F tc b c jrfck Piano toMcaratnito ia.de Ibal It to n a n c lM d lor 25 »eir». la to n w M to . mc i u w m -thlas. to u a to It hto J- :k el R M eld «sublimed, rc.»«Mibto ptoao Cefekrated Stirdc Player-Piano T h ia w onderful Inatrum ent m akes musician« of m a il. T h e Starch P layer- Piano la rich-toned, easy to operate W e require a* b a£- r a e * . Y o u ir e not asked to tie up yo u r money in any way. A ll you d o is to take the piano Into your hom e for 30 days free trial, « h e re you test it an d 0 7 it in your own wdv. ,, At the ead of SO d a n »-■ Jcdda WhMhrr the piaao to hut the eae m wont. I I i t to. re e h e r» it, «■»• « our low »Ktorr to bom. price, r . r n c a l . t u u U »0». II. tor u r ffl 11 dm*. not pror. to be up Io »cur erpuct.lioo. la «»«•» war end the An. « pbao »ou bare t t r t W in «or the nonry. »ou ma» eend E p a s liv e r y HPasility P o r "Jfandlixig Y o u r B usiness B an k in g b y Jifail Solicited In te re s t paid on S av in g A a’ts. leViu ■“-? up Eijy Pajccata “ r c n« ,sb Ä u I of btol ,c a CM bnria n -n lo n t b - lu W M .M to .il II r»er .n »c .ted bv» pieno axanmcHsto. T to ia r oa, » rt .rtMecd to HARDY T . STEW ART cr. « . c o M M i a a i o N K B atad notary P o r t O r d b r d . Oa-egyoaa. P* A . 8 C H M I 0 T , M . D P. A. STARCK PIANO CO. Man « A . — , CMCAOO Langlois, Oregon The Port Orford Wharf company hereby reuounoa any mponaibility for accidenta of any nature which may ae> cur to any party or partlea making ese of ifa wharf fur any purpose whatever from thia date on until the wharf Is rebuilt, GoMtructioo work to eem- menee eoou. By order of the Board of Directors. O. W . Z vmwaiv , President, _ T. Wnlra, ft«., Hecietrry, Pert Orford, O r , July JO, 1017.