Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1917)
L B. k J I ■ W A N T E D — To ! iM i «Irla o f * Only tbe i -o f Itole Laveille re « 1 0 BEN KB F oot and ATHENA are always «arriad In < U rg e Stock. A t a special robot WATCH BEPAIHIXtt ' . H ■ Departm e n t-^ y BOYLE JEWELRY 08. Bindon, On. in district l u t J .iothlo N. H . C .H d a rk In of the Bare— A t i W » .C U r - place of J. H . Zum walt who resign, bit OaUMik els Í lead, no on E lk river, I 1 1«, 1917, to ¡ed on neoount of being drafted into Ibe latter part of leal week. loot Thursday I M r. H . Crew, e m the anay. tone in Pori | Chas, Forty, who went to Coos ebeeklng sp the tss peoae Is the various perks o f the * Seterdey for (be bene Mr». R. C.4* Ostrander and tw o . bay from bare a month or no ago, | district far the season.' They « m e 1» of (be Bed Crow. yoong anna arrived In Port Orford J wrltea that since bia arrival th an J into Curry via. Ornate Faro sad M r.e u d M re .-H . < Jamee end , Monday from Cottage Grove. They, be bee been workng ie the ship Creaeent C ity, end were eeeeaspen. eon, Clyde, of Gregs creek, passed , have joined Mr. Ostrander, who has, yard at {forth Bend, when one roe» ied up the ooaut to Bendon by Wal op tba ooasl one day last week. * i been here for the poet several an! tbo Fred Baxter, had been launch ter Jones, whoTies bees the local The Tram p was in our port over months, and w ill make thia their fa- ad and another, the 0 . A- 8m itb, Ranger la the Chstco District for a last Wednesday night while enroute tare boms. was about ready for the water. number of years. from Rogue river to Cooe Bay. In speaking of the timber losses Born, at Brookings, September Loren Forty, of Port Orford, who The Purl Orford mambara of the 3 0,1917, to M r. a m f o n . Roger A. Is a member of the crew of the gas from fire during-tba summer, M r ¿ .« M Masonic Lodge went lo Langlois Hanley, s son. Mrs. Hanley was oline schooner Tram p left the boat Florey eaid that the Diatriot Offioe last Saturday evening where they formerly Miee Pearl AxtoU of thia at Port Orford and came overland was wall satisfied with roeulto, for place, and has many friends hare ( to Marshfield Wednesday night to while the unusually dry season bad attended a meeting of ibeir order. Na. 544. who extend congratulations upon be there yesterday and make appli given the service many fires to con Miro Dorothy Stewart gave a tba arrival o f bar first-born cation for deep aee license which is tend with yet he said the timber party to a number of her young now required.— Cooa Bay Harbor. lorn bad been nominal. The firs, friends last Friday evening, the oe into The steamer Bandon eat fighting expense in his distriot for David McKensis is tbs latest in oaaion being her 14th birthday an our port Sunday sad wilt finish to the season w ill oust the Forest ser - , day taking on a deck load of 400 thia neighborhood to Join the ranka Gold Beack, Oregon nivnrtary. vies over 9180,000 according to M*. • - i 1 « cedar poles; These warn the first of Ford owners. The sew machlse Before the season, opened there 1 poise shipped ovar the toWe, but ' arrived at aa opportuns Urne, ss Florey’s figures. were Iota of dnolcs on Garrison lake, _ ----------------- 1 _ - i they wer* handled without trouble, shortly after Ha receipt Mrs. Me but now they are all gone. When n aa J end, like the Ute, they oan be te n t, Kensie, with Henry the lew said “ no” the dueka were chauffeur, started for Brookings down oa the wire faster than they plentiful, but now when the law Eight more young men era sched «bare she arrived at ths home of G o ld B e a c h , O r e g o n aays “ yea” the absence of ducks can be handled aboard ship. bar sitter, Mrs. R. A. H ealey, about uled to leave Curry today for At toys ‘ up” . lean lake. There were ton men Fred Jamieson, who has b a lfa a boar after tbe stork bad Has the OHly'flet of Abstract H arry Pearae, who for a few weeks working in the Stats of Waskiagton been there sad left a flue baby boy. the available list, and those who or* bad been driving the aalo tinge be during tbe summer, returned to Mrs. MoKsasis oiU v a couple gotog today have bean summoned Books m Carry County tween Port Orford and Corbin, re Port Orford Monday. H is name of weeks at bar sister’s boms, while from th a t number. The list is follows: signed bia position last week and was drawn rsmutly on the drafted Eighteen Years Experience bae gone in Wedderburn where he list, and he came back no aa to fill M r. Adolphsea, who left bare about H W Ganntlett noon Sunday was beak again Mon _ , | w ill help bis father who has the out application blanka for aa ex W D M cG ill * Prompt, Efficient s e r v ic e o,mtract for building the large cattle rreption. H a aays that work is Delmar H M iller Elm ore B. Spurgeon, the first plentiful and wags* good la Wash Peter Efstethiades barn on Ute Maoleay ranch. drafted man in C arry enanty, was iagton, and ha w ill return there 8 A Walker W. A. WOOD, Manager rejected at physically unfit for ser D r. end Mrs. E . Mingus, of right away. ------------------------ s— H — — I ----------------- \ " E llis D M iller vios in the arm y. Thia fact may Marshfield, were guesta at tba Knapp i H Zum walt W. A. WOOD p f hotel from Friday until Monday. Mrs. M ary Keefer, acoompanied have misled some of tbe young moi R A Orason The Dr. is one of the busy pbyai by bar two children, who for the of tbe neighborhood. Anyway ru A TX PU K BY AT LAW A G Walker ciana and surgeons of Cooa Bay, and past two month* has been visiting mors bavs been ooming into town of HOLD BEACH. OBBttOS J M Caoghell he and Mrs. Mingus came down to with hsr parents, M r. and Mrs. A. some attempted rough bouse stpnts A t the examination held in Gold J. Marsh, at E lk river, started Mon at the Sixes danos Saturday night. Port Orford for a few days of Beaoh reoently, aa mentioned in day on h«r return to her borne at And one young man, at least, is and recreation. in last week’s T a in o xx. the names Resident »- w A. H . GsunUett Gustine, C alifornia Mrs. Keefer’s carrying around open evidence to jw a m u u s Dentist vuu M r. sad Mrs. of tbuee who were accepted and re two younger sisten, Kate nod Bea. tbe weight of M r. Spurgeon’s ¡band jeoted is aa follows: sod daughter, Mias Lottie, Mod M r. trioe, aooom pentad her home aad when backed up by rigbtaowt indig _ visits to Langlois, and M r*. H . W . GsuoUett, of Gold will attend eobool in California thia nation. The fact is, that while be Aooepted— No exemption asked. E . M. Edwards, Brookings. AU work guaranteed. Baacb, ret orned through Poyt Orford was rejected for enlistment, and trio ter. A R Anderaoo, Brookings. Monday in the letter's Oakland oa while he is also vary good oatarad, M r. Bay J H a ll sbd Mias Zsila F M Gruver, Harbor. their way home from a short visit yet young Spuigeon is one of the Jaase H M illa r, Wedderbura. lo Bsndon. H . W „ who h a t been Johnson' ware ssanrisd at M yrtle huekieat men in this section, as wsa Port Orford, Or«gon, Aooepted— Axking exe cashier of the Gold Beach bank, Point, Sunday, September 30, 1917. learned to their sorrow by (boot Mr. H alf in a brother to Mrs. H . T . L L Knapp, Pert Orford. G oad Feed 8 ta b te atta c h e d . lor American lake. who triad to “ taka things” whan he Stewart, sad is quite wall known at H Atkinson, Denmark. L . K N J k .K » P P r o p r ie to r . George Taylor sod bia sister, Miss was around. Port Orford whers be spppt a winter E 8 Turner, Gold Beaoh.' Dorothy, of Eebleyp-arere in- FeH. several years ago. The bride Is sw 8 W Barnett, Brooking*. & F irv t-c lw w in e v e r y respect. Orford Saturday on their way down eetimabis young lady of M yrtle Martin L F ry , Agnees. fix , the coast. Mies Taylor, whose borne Point, at whose home tbe oeremony Rejected. ie in the east, has je s t oompietod e Robt. M. Smith was is town one W .f . W.HTsSa. . i.Q . took place. Tbs young eoaple will R A H and ler, Brookings. day last week from bis S ix « home, term of school at Eckley. Mr. Tay reside at Poware. R 8 Owen, Wedderburn. and this office aokuowledgesa pleas ior, who has reaided in the Eckley A C Russell, Langlofo. ooentry for the past 14 years, is Chaunosy Woodruff was in town sn to all. P o r t O r fo r d , O re g o n H W Jeter, Gold Beach. W ith our oouatry a t w<r,and two going into California to spend the tbs Ir s t of ths week making a r F J L avin , Wedderburn. rangements to oommencs fishing in of his sons io tbe navy, “ Buckskin winter. A R Taggart, Harbor. Aak us for any information regarding Bob” is inclined to beotoae reminis E lk and Sixes rlvoro. Ths salmon Jesse Sutton, who is employed on J H Bales, Brookings. Timber or Real Estate in Curry County will be shipped fresh by aalo truck cent and live over la Imagination the Maoleay ranch at Wedderburn, A E Owen, Brookings. to the Maoleay cannery oe the Co bis younger days wbea with W ild G m u rd ie n ’n Sale. was. in Port Orford Sunday while L L Jack eon, Langlois. quille. Tbe run of fish in these Bill and other celebrities of tbe age r * on hie return from attending the of the buffalo and tbe hostile In streams usually commences before Notice ie hereby gi*en that d ie un Pendletoo Round-up and the State Gate A Heavy dersigned guardian of the person nod this time, but as yet him not showed dian he helped to stake history Hi estate of William Eugene Thomae, min fair at Salem. Jesse is something up this fall. I t is quite probable tbe great middle west. There ie or, by virtue of an Order of the County of a bucoaro himself, a n d a t home in Fred Grose was this that the rao will not start now an perhaps no other living man who Coart of Jackson County, Oregon, duly the saddle end a lover of the “ wild victed at North Bend on a charge baa experienced more of the thrills, til after the next rains. and regularly given and made and en west“ , be says that the Pendleton *'4' » of having liquor io his possession. tbe hardships, tbs wound's and tba tered of record oa the 18th day of Sep There has been plenty of work at show is tbs best ever. narrow escapes of the border war I t appears that tba liquor was a t tember. 1817, Will at Medford, Oregon, good wages In Port Orford this sum on or after the 1st day of November, fare than Buckskin Bob. Tbe soars another man’a bouse but it wee John and Robt McKenzie return - mer and indications are that there 1»1T, offer for safe, and sell, at private of nine wounds oover his body, one proved to the eatiefaetion of the ju sd 8unday from attending the Stats sale to the highest and best bidder for will be more doing here next tea finger being dipped off near the ry that it baloaged to Grcas. Jua ____________ _______ fair, which they say was excellent i in hand alt of lbs right, tide son tbsn there has been this. On hand, a thumb with lit* joint un ties of the Peace Shutter overruled interest of eaid miner la end to the lot- in every respect. Cooe oounty oar front street the other day there were derneath where i t bad been stuck an objection lodged by tbe oonneel lowing described reel property, to-wit: rj«d oft the grand sweepstake prize Block Numbered. Sixty (60) ol the or ejoo for the beet exhibit. Cooe eight teams lined up— two of them back when shattered by an arrow, for accused on tbe ground that the Fitehugh Plat, so recorded and deaig- - wort by showing tbe post diversified four-boras. W ith hay at 940 a ton a dent showing where bonce bad oonrt lacked jurisdiction beoaoee noted, ol Port Orford, Curry County, and rolled barley 92.50 stack, these been broken whan a ballet struck the defendant bad not been tried resources, as besides agricultural she State ol Oregon. teams in order to make fair .wages within one day after bis arreat. He Dated Medford, Oregon, thia 90th had exhibits in ooal sad minerals, must bring their owners 98 or 910 him fairly in tbe cheat, s scar in sentenced Gross to four and a bait the side where be still carries a bul d a y o f S e p te m b e r , 1917. soft end hardwood lumber, shell a day. Oumix C. TXOXAS, ~ sad deep ssa fish, etc. let that gives him oooaslontl trouble, months in tbe county Jail end a fine Oaardian of the person and estate F< J. Van H orn, who for the pest a long streak where a spear struck of 92 0 a — Western World. of Williak» Begone Thomas, minor C. A. Norberry, who bse charge year or two has made t i t hoom on him in the leg, am reminders of ---------'■uv — rb t— - — of tba cable work on Fort Point, w W ould . E lk river, Started Monday for tbe those those stirring timsa that To W h o m it M a y Concern. aays that the Fyfo Wileou company Mr. Smith w ill ea y y with him to M yrtle Point. seCfiop. I f he can Jon Cox of Ladgloia «ran n 1, tbe undersigned, hereby give no-' has instructed him to put in a small find a place that suits Him he will ths grave. And then there ie a n Date visitor in Bandon Thursday buy a smalt farm in the Coquille other soar that shown vhere W ild and Friday. valley. Mr. -Van Horn was dis B ill operated on him with a erode C. B. M iller and fam ily of V a n - charged reoently from the Navy. knife and without anaesthetic that oouver, Wash., have been gueeta nt parties are hereby warned not to drive over which the ties aud poies am hia lif t might be saved. I t told by (be Hotel Gallier thin week. pile» or trespass in any manner what »hipped ie too heavy for tbe little He volunteered and was accepted at s o e v e r o n said tidelaodt or water lota. the beginning of tbe war, but a few a historian the frontier life of Bock M r. and Mrs. C. F. Papa motored boats to pick up. Tbs cable for Mao. AnnaO. D aot . akin Bob would show tbrilla enough weeks ago it was found Newark, N. J. to Gold Beach and spent Monday their urn w ill ba fastened to a rock to satisfy tbe appetite o ' a dime of his teeth were artificial and Tuesday on burinena end pleat T IO M ln lh* known as the Nsst Egg, was infoymsd that h it servicss were novelist, and yet withal he receives N O T IC E FOR F « ura. sad will be much shorter than the no longer needed. Mr. Van Horn no pension. I icrtrrwaXT or «Ms F. F. Schram of Denmark, Curry big cable. M r. Smith baa a wida aoquain- lays his discharge to the fact that V iiiled States oounty, now located nt Cooa Bay, quaintanto throughout the State, O f the boys who volunteered from the Navy department is now «reed Ko—burg, Oregon. (WpHuBter^ «917 wee oalled to Coquille the first of Notice is hereby given that Fort Orford several months ago and ed with applications for enlistment, and at his hospitable boms on Six the week for examination for FRANK W. HBLJOUK es bo entertains many of bia old and that a sort of elim iaatios pro Joined the N avy, Clarence W right o f Ungleis. Oregon, who, «a July friends,— friends, but not tbe oom arm y. 27, ¡Bit, made Homestead Entry, 8eri*l io oa the Wyoming, Orrla Knapp cess la going on and hia Waterloo / . P. B ulk n traveling aaleeman, 1 radee of the plaint, as these boro N 8WM. J * » ’¿I and U,iW Oliver Corbin on ? the New » was met when hie false teeth N o U . 0B6B« T f W lor W SW1< 8t h * ’ SEW UOrMn are °° L . S. Orborn and L M ynatt m u rn - nearly all preceded him to the Great \ of Section JBJTowaeblpJlSoath, T«wk, and Leland W hit* and Fran, discovered end added to his age of ed tbe latter part of last week from Beyond. Only reoently M r. Smith Range l t W eri, WRlamtofoMeridian, „jeSm ith arson theGeori the Georgia. These 40 years. O n* bard luek feature ol l.aa filed notice of hie iateniioa i ___ .. . the Rogue river Oountrv wheVe they enjoyed a visit from Col. B. Hofer M r. Van Horn’s aaliatmeat was that F i^ f? m am first first class class i bsttlaships. si Three-year to l veneris vessels are . . to make final Three-year Proof, aad son, Larry, o f Salem, and while spent a week or wore hunting had be served 1* days longer . it MUbliab claim to the land “J° “ "J? „“T •>ld according to the ItUers the boys ?, m i d i r i i l £ T O r t U <>: writs home they am haring the time would have completed h itfi month’s there the letter gentleman shot They begged five. Through n rg li. cribad • mob in not dating ibeir Robt. Sm ith, who servioa and his oiolbes, etc„ would bia first deer. ford, Oregon, , sa tlw ISthday »f UcJw-'of their live». Although 74 years of ago M r. fore tagging the enraaem a two o f the 4 . ----- u - y q r — - I also voluatoared at the same time, have been furnished by the govern baa'party were Mnabbed” by a deputy R K. Oops, ol Laagfoto, Oregoa. u atlll at Brezaertoa. H a baa been ment, while an It was, at bia dis Simth is hale and hearty aw other1 geme warden end heit-d before e M ilt o n Brown, of promoted to ir s t elane firm a n , aad charge be was required to pay over little trouble with bis health William Mstheay, of Sixes Jostiee uf the Peace, than aa occasional tussle with had Wiley Obaetoia, c< D«nmsrk expects to soon gel another promo- 990 for tbs equipment C axow , them 919 60 each. haen furnished him. COLLIER H. pimSGTON LawyVw ---- —- f ----- DANCE In F r n m m H a ll, Port Orford octob : 6th, 4*fei c g 9 A (P M ,fç a « g , « O t g i * * n V £5£C>lÆ £fi£££lf THE UMIYERSin OF n i iigfih .e t t e r » I MILITANT 3IHLL, »OMESTIC ARTS AM» COMMEKCC Plea Ser »VteeO ve to s a re »erv t e » . V e e r 1 a ita S ta o» rovVW ^k^ee^U R vfifiw am ™ rs -m^w Hwft 999MWOTV89 mroWfierrool M m O rela ». r P e e a e e r W a ^ a o S "T » e W ea M e UntveraMe.** S S S w n UeaSetza iia irv tin « keim . E ubw . Headquarters for traveling men » and a home for families KNAPP HOTEL ’ .u i > * -"4 t l • * ”^8» 'k J Rates RL20 per day and upwards S. C. SHERRILL, Prop. ...................saasa — PORT ORFORD REALTY GO E h i of HOTEL LANfiLOIS LANGLOIS, OREGON Dr. F. A. Voge ‘ÿ ' 'f M 1917 GOOD MUSIC and a GOOD TIME is assured. R c freehments of Coffee, Cake and Sandwiches will be served at midnight for which a charge of 26c will be made. Ev. erybody is invited. Come and have a Good Time in k Good C ause. Cuppy Clunty U s tr u t- Rnfty C n p u y . & - the ,t - JL Langlois Hardware Store a r d w a r e o f a ll K inds A ffc h in e ry A M o w in g » M a c h in e « . E x t r a » f o i D a iry in g » ) O ttb o rn e , M i l w a u k e e M a c h in e r y . ir —1 P a in t s , O il« A S tu m p in g » P o w d e r P i n e l i n e o f G u n s , B a s e b a ll p a r a p h e r n a l i a , a n d o t h e r S p o rtin g » good« k e p t i n S t o c k . D o o r « a n d W i n d o w s I n v a r ie t y c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F i t t i n g » , P lu m b in g » a n d T i n w o r k o f a l l k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o t ic e . , , i ‘ ><■. ? ■■Mm ■ C h eey^ r® B ow m an, L a n g lo is , O r . -hX k'lt ' Ä » _________ I t ì f f e R AN E A K E R S W O RTH W H ILE GOLD BEACH, OREGON c . r. ", ■ ■ E ä ; ■