ÇÜALITY" B 008 MOTTO, Only the most up-to-date Watches, Bracelets, bsvaNiers are carried Stock. B.G BEN Alarms, S PARKER Fountain Pena, end ATHEN A Silverware are always carried in our I Jkrge Stock, WATCH REPAIRING b o o r Specialty. Nottung too difficult for our Repair Department. Try ua and ba convinced. « r BOYLE JEWELÄY 60. Bando i. Ora. Fkeet Mo. 544. U*.. Happenings! Tu.A.d »m .1 *ron#m k e tim tii..t.! I Teacher.’ < ¥ fte t« i M r i- F r" ,k Hawkins, of Gold " !b b M lm n fW U n < r#U tjyM . la being held at GuLi Beach thia' Them w ill he a danoe in the opinion of those who atteaded the in town during the past week. week Spurgeon ball at Sixes on Sept. flth. ¡Good Ronda masting at Crescent City last week that the plana Chat. Crew made three-year proof A. J. Marsh and N. H . Larson The Rogue river Salmon Garni evolved there would hasten the nn hia Sixes homestand laet Friday were busi nasa vialtora to Bandop lu.B, >va * lam YT fi ft..... — f. i ~ .— a v»l takes place on Thursday, Frt- bnilHindf (k/ ffi «And tkifihwAV itlonjz ___ jr • »fr'wyi. uay ana oaturnay os tots y w v the ooast, yet (be members of tbe Port Orford. Latter Pttahueh and pareau u|» tua eoast ounuav in uta auto an hia way to C< mw county. Frank Heltniek, Letter and Law: rence H utton, who have bomeateade Lloyd Knapp and Wreton ZumwalA |l> the Edran Butte country, came drove to Bandon in the Knapp oar down to Port Orford Monday and Saturday night to taka ia it,« danoe made application to offer three-year at that plaoe. proof on their claims. Mies Dorothy Stewart returned fir. and M t * C. W . Robbins and home last Sunday from Wedder two eons from ____ Gold ______ Basel) were Port bum where she has been viaitiug for O rfo rjl J,” grstof the wrak’ the past month. Dr. fiobbina received hie commie. W . M. Kent m et, • ion • • flr*t lieutenant In the medi- Prof. Pittman, of M o n x o u th N o r. omI °°rp« of the arm y and Is expeot- School Supt. met, at Bandon and accompanied J *” < • *»H •« «he ooiora nt aoy time, him to Gold Bvacli, d. Ira-Sidwali, wae a COLLIER ^Law yer Gold B mc | , » 7 iij |< h » k visitor I Mrs. Bobbins contemplates spend « ‘tb ralatlra. i . San town yesterday look lag after the A. J. Marsh anil fam ily visited at rifare of the «loro iit wbich he ia uAereaiedtklhis-phice AeresiadMuMa*vlbee. ' I J the E . J, Baker borne near Corbin Î Sunday. M r. Marsh and biadaugh According to recent rulingt mer ter Beatrice and his little grandson ried men-with dependent tamiiies. were riding in the Frank Hawkins P liyalQ Ian A Surgeon who have been drafted in to 'the Art car when it fasd its collision, and he m y, w ill ha exempted. Langlois, O re g o n had to walk quite a distance before C. C. Ponting, who has been Ash be could reach a telephone and Telephone connection with „main lin e ing at Rogue river during the paet have bis oar, which was driving oouple of months, returned to his ahead, stopped and sent back after C. W. BOBBINS, M. D. * * ■ *4 E lk river home last Saturday. them. P hysician amd Surgeon M r. and Mrs. P hil Wilbut*return M r. and Mrs. Schiller B. Herman, Gold Beach, OregOD. ed to Marshfield Monday after of Portland, arrived in Port Orford spending several days at Port Or. M«n<l.v'evening, and am guwta at ford. Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur visit the K napp hotel. They h*ve come uur town every summer. on e short vacation to enjoy some of M r. and Mra. Roy Garrett and the many attractions to be found at Port Oiford. They were joined little daughter, M r. and Mrs. Chae. yesterday by their daughter, Mrs. G o l d B e a c li, O r e g o n »¿¿ä«dTJ «,7 ;«7.g'; and Miss Kenny and her husband, also from | Beruice Chandler, of Myrtle Point, Has the Only Set of Abstract h,¥e b**° ▼¡•uing at the a . s Portland. Johnston and J. H . Zumwalt hornet I t is stated that an eastern eyn. Books io Carry County <1 ¡calc, interested in mining on "Six in town during the (met few days. Prof. Pittman, from the Mon ee river, are also contemplating go Eighteen Years Experience mouth Slate Normal School, spoke ing Into the saw m ill business, and that if they do they w ill build a in Port Orford last eveaing. Prof. Prompt, Efficient Service Pittm an is one of the leading in . flume into Port Orford and float f ' •tractors wf the state on tural school th e ir lumber ia ham for shipment. W. A. WOOD, Manager work- He is an entertaining speak Those who am familiar with the er and one whom it is well worth work say that thia ia an economical 1 manner of handling the output from going out to hesr. W. A. WOOD 1 a m ill. Some question seems to ex ' ¿ . f ~ Mr. sod Mrs. Carey sod daugli ist, however, aa to Ute possibility of ATTORNEY AT LAW ters, Evelyn and Marjorie, passed getting a water grade from Sixes GOLD BKACB. ORRItOX through town Sunday enroute to into town without much tuoqeilng Marsh field in their auto. Mr. Garey W. T , W hile J.to k in g . short r^ tto o J ro u K h i^ ha>7 ----- u as manager of the u ’- j i ... i..,.., “ t work Wedilerburu Resident Hentißt week, and tbe sheep were driven Trading company store, and Uvjsuc through town Friday on their way Mrs. Carey w ill spend a week visit north. T h t sheep, it is said, bare Will make periodical risita to Langlois, ing friend« on the bay beau brought for Alaska trade, and and Port Orford. All work guaranteed. L ittle trouble has been experienced are from the Egan place near Corbin, with fime ia C urry during the past which Mr. W hite baa laaaad for a week oo the account of oalnS wealh number of reara b M baa moently er, but the continued dry spell vaoatad. However, aa be owns ad. Port Orfotd, Oregon, makes the situation dangerous and joiaiagland and also baa the Pfister G o rd Feed 8 | * b i e a tta c h e d . great cam should be exercised by* nil er range at Brush creek leased, Mr. L-. K N A P P P r o p r i e t o r , until after rain oomee io prevent White is not going out o f the sheep ing fires from getting beyond llw ir business by .any means, but is tak First-elaae In every respect. Oonlrol. ing advantage of the present high ------.... ---------- 1.4 ......... . m i«» market to dispose of the stock that Mies Grace Pearae, neioe of C. 11. J. O. Fi W. T. W i h t b S b . he has been running on mated I ’rarse of Middle E lk , who has been land. engaged to teach in the Port Orford Tbe little gas boat, Banta Oars, school during tbe * coming year, which gained so much notoriety a arrived here Monday from her home P o r t O r fo rd , O reg o n in Kansas C ity, Mo. After visiting few weeks ago by running on the yesterday with her relstirea shs beach about a mile south of town Aak ua for any information with a load of boose, was laooelied Timber or Real Eatate in Curry County started today to attend Teaohera’ from the beach last Thursday and Institute at GoTd Brach. is now moored in tbe bay randy for J. C. JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Macleay a new exploit. H er machinery was A T T O ttN E Y A T L A W passed through town last Friday in taken out of her on the beech and their auto enroute for Portland. hapled by wagon to the wharf, 21 Ysxrs Practice iaOregea Courts They have been spending their hon where it was cleaned of sand and « I * •»,» * » G o ld f i o n d i, . « eymoon at the Macleay lodge at iostalltd again. The boat sufiered D is tric t A tto rn e y fo r C u rry Ço Wedderburn, and Mrs. Macleay is very little damage from the esca now going to Portland for the « la pade, and looks fully «covered To W h om It M a y Conoerw. ter, while Mr. Mecleny will reiurn from her experience. Cbae. Baker, » i . -s— 2 to Wedderburn shortly sod lock oi Cuoe Bay, who was one of the od I, the underatgued, herebyytOe . tice that I ham sooiiveyance Irom the after his buaineea .there Unt*l later cupants of the boat when lehit Vwtuutee to tidetadds and Watoi lota In . .. f u beached, baa been ia charge of p d t' the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on 1,1 ‘M 4. — ■ ic >■ ting her into commission again. ia erected • ^ « « ' f l x r s i , l .« Monday earning a of the p. A. SÇHMIDTvJVI. D. 'il . , Carry County Abstract- Realty Company. Dr. É. A .V o g e K N A PP HOTEL PORT ORFORD REALTY GO partlea are hufobv «arced tact to drive miwt «„j.iyable parties that has been piles or treapssa in any manner what held in this neighborhood for tame soever on said tidetands OT water Iota. tim e occurred a t the A J. Marsh Mas. A mu O. D abt Newark, N. , . home on Elk river. Moat of the i towu auto« were pressed intoeervice NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. so,I about SO |M:ople met at this ho». I»xr taTuawT or Tna I n t b b io b I In etru m en tal and seburg, Oregon, ptlabie home. ü . P. I *n d Office at Roaebi Au, ugnai », tvn. vocal inuaio peaeed tbe evening, un- n th at N- lii-e is hereby give W1LSON l *l the visitors wars i n viled out doors UKORGEH. W of Port Oiford, Oregon, who, on. May where Japaneeo lanterna ware hung iai N^.4i) i^ L e| ^ <S ^ W - - f ’bwV,N8* ,i in the orchard, a bon fire lighted aud otSEJ of 8 * 1 . W j of NK1 of S W i , a t,b le » p rs a d w ilh c ra b a a la d ,s « n d - ¿ ^ R H ^ W WW ° M 7 ^ d '« ^ p i! l » ; 'w ic h e ., coffee, cake end pineapple 1918, made Additional Homestead B n - \ h(,rbet T h e p e rty h a d b e e n in le n d - try, Serial No.OlOUW, tor toe B W W o f, M M p h |. NEt, of 8W}< of Secrfon 17, Township fd in honor of M r. sod M m . P hil 33 8„ Range 14 W . W illam ette Mcridl-1 W ilb u r of M arahfield, but on ac. nn, has Died notice of intention to make , , liiila a irl Final Three-Year Proof, to establish oount o f the Illneee of a little g ir t claim to the land above deecr(bed; b e -' (h a l BCCoa,pani«d them, they return* fore H a rd ; T . Stewart, U. 8. Com mis-1* J ' m„ rnino but aa aioner, at h i t office a t ^ o r l Orf. rd, Or- ed home M onday m orning. M t aa egon, on the 2Oth day of*Septem ber,! prepm tioDt were made M r. and Mra. 1 Claimant nam e, aa w '. t o e ^ : | Marsh decided to entertain their George For^y. of Fart (|rlord, O rejpn. freinda anyway, and those who wars George W . Axtell, of Arthur A. Getty, of fortunate to attend hope that thia w ilt not be tbe laet visit that Mr. and Mra. W ilbur make to our town. Frank Hawkins in bisStudabaker six and a coapls of gentlemen from M yrtle Point in a Ford had a bead oa ooiliaion Sunday on one of the sharp turns on tbe mountain south of town. The cars cams together with considerable force, sutashing and ruining completely tbe radiator of tbe Ford, and breaking one of the springs and otherwise injuring the Hawkins oar- After coosiiierable wol-k Ute latter machine was able to prooaed on ita way, but the Ford was run to one side of the road, awaitiag the arrival of a new radia tor. Tbe larger responsibility -for the accident seems to real with the Ford driver, as he had just warned that he would shortly the Hawkins ear, yet both drivert wem to blame inasmuch as they were running the turn without the use o f their boms, if they had aay, which ia a violatioa of our state au- toasobile la « . in O F MULL, BOMKSTIC SCIENCE ART» ANO COMMERCE M» «as» SavPeme ar War" aaU **Tk« W <M ua “ S(avaNr-" Andre»« “ k and Californis did not explicitly pledge themselves to • « / material help in tbe work In tbe near future, further than to make surveys fur eontemplsted improvements. How They reported dear plentiful where over, eneouragemeut was ’ held out that it would not ba long until the they had been. attention of the two slalse was d i J. C. French, of the Port Orford rected to this work, and (he claim Realty company, returned home yes se| forth tlisl the cosat route was terday after having being down the coast to Feradale, Cal., and^ben out tbe only practicable all year round road connecting the stairs jvas ac Hood river via. Grants Paas and cepted without question. What Roseburg. The matn object of Mr. makes the situation look particu Freoeh’e trip was to try and pro. larly encouraging at this lime is the mots Ute eale of the Star ranch near fact that the Highway Commissions Laogiois. Ha believes that ha has approve the mute, and the tendency things shaped up so that a sale will of the people to help liieoMelvea- soon he consummated. Del Norte county said that site was "*As will be notioed by his advar entitled to state aid in building bar lieemant in thia issue, Samuel Mam roads, but that, if thy stats would tagOe has opened a butcher flhop In n’t help, she would go. ahead and Bandon and has'made arrangements build them herself. Coos couuty to fiil orders from northern C arry. said that she had enough money ia M r. Montague h a t efficiently hand- s^gbt to meet Curry with a good , . - . , . . ° thia section highway on the mirth, and then for the past year, and ha will con there was assurance to the effect tinua to make the run to Port Or tb y t If Curry oounty would do what ford with his meat wagon on Friday aha could-to improve her made that and to Denmark and Langlois on money to oomplete'ttivm would be Saturdays. forthcoming. ., • As the matter now stands, the Delay in getting material has re tarded the work of installing the two Highway Commissions w ill be big wire shipping cable at Fort of httle if any benefit to Curry, un Point which has beau andei prog less she goes ahead and bonds her ress for mom than three months self and does her part in Improving past, however, the machinery is her roads, in whioli event tbe m em now in plaoe, the wire stretched and bers of tbe Oregon Highway Com. enough of tbe work on the point mission have morally obligated completed so that it could be oper. tbembelres to nee that the work she a ted at this time, although it will has started is completed. And tbe probably be a couple of. weeks er so sentiment created for an all-year yet before everything will be fln coast highway at the meeting will wbwf and in good working wrdar. go a long way towards seeing that the work once fairly etarted ia com Port Orford bay has beea, fu ll of pleted. fish during tna past week or two. A raaliaatiun of the importance Trolling for blue back salmon has of a coast highway is growing, for been good, and large aehoola of while the Pacific highway reaches smelt nod candle fish, with a few more people witbis the state yet oa eealion and. a whale or two. thrown account of the Siskiyou mountains in fur good measure, has blade the it is not, and never will ba, an a li- b a y s veritable fishermen*« gar» year entrance into our state. Tbe diss. The blue back salmon often Itoirjet travel »vyr (he Iu|»u4 !»“ ’• is small in ousnpariwfoSb % rhs( I t fa|| They do not aoter any of the will ba over a coast highway when streams along this part o f the coast, it shall have been completed. but are said to inhabit the Quiaault Tbe social side of this good road < river in Alaska. They weigh 8 or meeting at Crescent C ity has hardly 10 Iba. sattere A very ganiey fish, reoeirsd the meatiou ia the Oregon on. of them putting up aa. bard, if press to which it was entitled. Not not a harder fight, than • 40 ib. only was there an excellent maun Chinook aalmou. I t ia aotanoeual a t tha banquet tendered the visitors, here to oatoh eight or ton of them but the people of that town made with a trail in a (aw boera. tbe visitor feel at bom«. Tbe ladies were not to be outdone by their I*. H . Poole, one of the Port O r brothers and husbands, and their ford volunteers, spent last Saturday reception committee was Abounding night here wilh-hfs uncle, A.T."Bol- with tbe hoepitality for which the Camp, c i Portland, came into low * Suuday from camping several days a lS a la l Springe. M r. 8eafuse had baao hem before, and the gentlemen were down on 'a vacation bust. LANGLOIS, OREGON Headquarter! fair traveling men and a home for families Rates $1.20 per day and upwards S. C. SHERRILL, Prop. 3 :: F ir s t , s L a s t C h an ce amad of Mortb B-ud. 6 Having opened the First and Las^ Chance meat mar ket in Bandon, I am bcl'ter prepared than ever to take care of my Curry county patrons. Telephone orders left with the telephonu office at Port Orford, the Den mark Farmers store at Denmark, or Cheever A Bow man at l«angloia, will b, filled. Prices reasonable. Your patronage solicited. S. M o n ta g u e . Langlois Hardware Store Hardware of all Rinds M c h in e r y & M o w i n g M a c h in e « . E x t r a « fox D a ir y in g ^ O e b o r n e , M il w a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P a in t s , O ils & S t u m p i n g P o w d e r F i n e l i n e o f G u n s , B a tte b a ll p a r a p h e r n a l i a , a n d o t h e r S p o r t in g g o o d s k e p t in S t o c k . D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s in v a r ie t y c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . P i p e F it t in g ^ , P lu m b i n g a n d T i n w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n sh o rt n o tic e . - I “»I ------■-* * in • - *•“ piBple of every Kate the U n io n 1 of? - B a n d o n . O reg o n and R. W. Bullard of Bandon, werefa, «Ute and men that convict labor ( talked of for commiesioncrs. A c -' c a |iforn -,a highways is bringing cording to rum«w, tbe reeall m o v e - l^ ^ ^ Jn nil, tbe talk o f Warden! BnvOga of Coquille, sad A. EL ■ BUTCHER SHOP West is famous. And then there was thy picnic dinner stjtoiith Riv er, where several hundred people were sealed to one of the beet spreads of ita kind that ft baa aver been the privilege of the writer to nel. jfltaad , and after it waa over thare waa P»e *nd oaks and chicken enough left to have fed another like Coos BAY Nxws. otowd. Trnly the people of Del China teas of all dsscriptwms^bsY« Kortedid their pert royally in en recently advanced 100 par-foent.' tertaining their visitors. - Another interesting festers at Advanced coatuf labor aedlhe enor mous ad vanoe i d freight charges ibis meeting was the two addresses, one at Crescent City and one st are given a ! 1«? rflb y Y e a ^ a y . (■ The C o U B t /.t f e » id k ^ 5 d ^ ‘ * ‘* Smith H irer, deliver«« by Jss A. Johnson, warden of Sen Quentin will be held at Bandon ItbYemljer prison. H e spoke upon the build 14,16, and it, if Bandon win E -y r - ing of good men instead of the antee th at accumq&dasions. will building of good roads. Hfs talk* ba provided for betweno 200 and were of tbe kind that sat the people 800 persons. , 1 ' . jet to .thinking of aoeiety’s doty to We notion tbe following itam go the developing boy and girl— o f ilia ing the rounds the state pre».: boms training, tbe l»<fk of which ia “ Atturney-Geuyrsl Brown has been filling our penal institution«. He requested by the Smith Powers told of tbe great fam ily of nearly Logging company to investigate tbe 2500 rwieooer intnalrawf dan Quen tale of Jamaica ginger extract by tin, ui.d of how 1000 of them are grocery Store», sa the Company says bring taught iu day and sight its men Srs using the stuff for school—taught what they should bcs^OI'. have learned in childhood and what Some more recall talk last weak, imparted to them in youth might and" the names of Judge Watson and bare aaved them from a felon’a oell. Commissioners Armatrung and P hil M r. Johnson spoke intrrrsiingly of ip »rare mentioned aa the parties tbe honor system which is in rogue against whom the recall ,is aimed, in Caflfornia and bow only 8 per J. 0 . Stemmier, of M yrtle Point, cent have betrayed the troet reposed was mrntioned aa candidate fuel in them. H rtouehsd on good roods judge, end John Y oak«« of Coquille,1 when he showed tbe mutual lielp, . nina 1 don.and went oo to Porttaod Sun day morning to aoawrr a summons to tbe colors. He baa herb assigned to tbe Surgical division, where hia work will be the inspection cf sur gical instruments.— Coquille Senti « aw« 12977647 *»« mnut U backed by eounty Surveyor J. 0 . J - » - » — O R E ««. Cheever $ Bowman, L a n g lo i s , O r. Open Under New Managem et Board by Day, Week or Month f - Butcher Shop in Connection Choice Meats at a Reasonable Price Your Patronage Solicited ÌS ’ r W. R. J OHNSON, Prop. T he B reakers AN IN N W O R T H W H IL E CO LD BEACH , OREGON C . F. M o rse, P r o p . 1