la , ie i7 NATURE NEVER GIVES UP. o r M in d . CARDLAND. T he O am es T hat W ere P layed 1» th e B lu a te e n ih Centary. A phrase from a recent naagahine article is so suggestive and so fu ll of fncourugehieut tbut It seems w o rthw h ile to make it tbs text fo r one o f our small sermons, says W om an’s Home Com|wniot<. The phrase is: “ N ature n e v e r gives . up.” You may w ith profit say this over carefully and thoughtfully and let Its fa ll meaning com* to you: “N atu re never gives op.” N atu re is on t i e side of health, and sanity, and eonseqdest happt- ness. H ard as y o u r case may be. the g re a t M other is fighting the b a ttle w ith you. Has disease got Into your bones 1 N ature has m ar­ shaled her forces to combat It, and w ith marvelous ¿Strategy has set engiues to work which are en­ deavoring to circumvent the en­ emy. N atu re is working in con junction w ith the physician and yourself. T hat is a thought which ought to cheer you. Y’ou have been imprudent, ixisslbly— have done and ie ft undone. You have taken such ilRsare of your God-given body th a t your friends have set yon down aa hopeless or worse. You have told yourself th a t there is no hope fo r you. Na to re bus not given you up. Hhe wants you tc live and work and bo healthy sno jo u not Among tbs beautiful sad fonder memoriae a t the happy childhood which Prances W lllird always counted one of th< richest possessions of her Ute was that of th« |.iw Christmas Times had been bard that year, and although actual want h a ' t>-‘ netted the prairie home. there Wgs *» money for gifts; and to tbs father. 111 with •due. things footed dark and gloomy. Dut the children were not sick and they d.d not know di wouragemsnt; Christmas nad always brought Its gifts before, why should It fail now f So U e two girls hang up their stocking, and the brother put his booh-atrap on the front douT-knub. Of course the gifts came When la all (heir live« had their mother ever failed them? The se a l moraiag the book-strap held fttllo k h "Course o f Tim e." and each stocking contained a few little sea shUla long treasured by the mother, an a r.U rie l flower and a false curl, relies a t a fashion of Mrs. W illard's youuger days. Poor, pathetic gifts they sound to us, but to the happy. fteslthy-hearted little trio they were all that could bo desired, eaie the Youth’s Companion. As tot cn'eriaimn,-ot, what could be more full o: w to itl delight than going to the wuods<-od dingglag home greet bronchos ¡or i u duueHnas Href To Frances W iH tra l the woman, looking back through the years, .boas kindling flames stl.i shone Wi-e their old rw- d lance. * ! "W e thought It eras grant fun." she wjfotet ’•but father caked M bis bine Christmas.“ . T h u s are always, and always mast t|e. those who dwell upon the shadow ride of the Christmas Joy; not only tbs vsgr i-oor— to ibtm mors sad mors each year w a n t hearts and eager hands arc sending the gladness—but tiie men x <. •- of Borrow means wloec tu tu ufo wins them no margin lo; Ijx u rlq *, or pleasures One's heart must xJvajs be tender for the women who have nothing to give St Christmas time. - Does set Mias W illa rd ’s meamry o f her happy Christmas bring a mseaage of hops to thorn Whose parses are empty? Children are the happy pos­ sessors of two magic powers which those of older years too often lo s s - freshness of tmaglaateoa end a keen scat for Ilfs. A tiny home-made pres­ ent and a holiday iikfigfo> i rs. If I t ha created by n o th in g . more than A oa Christmas pis, w ill make ths day s A fte r the advent o f the boose o f H a n ­ over the favorite games at court wore "quadrille,” au Improvement o f “om­ bre," and “commerce.” The gains and losses o f the kings anC queens were, as a rule, restricted to tdO guineas, but os T w e lfth Night it was customary for thousands to change hands. Oa one occasion I-ady Cowper, a lady la w ait- lug. refused for the sake o f her chil­ dren to take part In the game, as none sat down to the table w ith leas than fa » . About the year 1740 a rage for •w hisk.“ o r wblst, set In. bat a t first It was conshlored too wise a game for ladles to Join In. Hum e, the historian, never went to bed without h it whist, and even the great Johnson regretted that be had not learned to piny cards, fa 1742 “ H o rry“ Walpole fludx It abso- totcly accessary to learn “w hisk.“ “having waited in v e la fo r Its being le ft off.“ W e find him In another let­ ter threatening to build aa a lta r to “I ’am " to commemorate the escape of his charming Docbeas of Graftoa. who, it appears, bad been playing cards in Home when she ought to have been at a cardinal's reception, where the floor fell In and ell the monslgaoree were precipitated Into the cellar! Cards were so very ranch in evidence In his tints that even invitations were frequently Issued and notes w ritten up­ on the bpeks o f playing tarda, which on th a t account were usually plain, without any design. T he e b erallcrtl famous order to retreat a t Culloden was w ritten on the Isick o f the nine of heart«. A fresh attem pt was made ta 1730 to retted y the state o f gambling la Eng­ land by passing an act which provided believe th a t there are foycea that "auy person keeping a boose er yet tlbvhlued which nee lighting writing, billing or Statistical are accomplished from the board of the light running, adtion Model 1Ot{Visible1 ladles o f tide. Mordiogtoa < «d Casulfo, who keep open booses fs r gaadiUsq. elslered th e ir prtvttegv wf gatowps fo order to Intim idate ths jM toe -'“ n s from doing th eir doty and euppymafog the public gaming Leases by tlis»» - men? Bad a ninn o r woman may PRIZES FOR R l? P In 0 CLRAK. be— thore is exterio r pressure to f ___ #i * make him or her better. There is gmgiisn sootro rail« toltsootvs inw ; there i» edvicnfion; there are •■ « » ■ ra a « —»ot. nt! the mx-ielk s :>nd Institutions ------- whose object Is to help the down- Tbs scheme o f • Cumberland squire, fallen ¡md the unfortunate. But *• Ale“ nder’h°,\? ° r?w;21,I i |1““ ’ fo r encouraging habits of A 0 V lM M snds B oss Rld-uey VM flfite and D on 't Hn««e It. f 1• I 1 * 1 Thee» Is oo.--ifort in th3 kaowledgs so T k a C tld r S M a a . vil-*«rjlfot3n> fiU-Mf v*«r. F** yretan-.tflk W h « ’M t ;br4i. P-t »feM rvwfe r< v f j . ’ , - ihfcy. s w ir r A c c .,? '’ fo». u.s.p»;-ntfit.«-., s. . ..«r., o i wHh ° n flud "Prlnkled w ith gold as- l a-- 1 'vcccnvcs last uxplsaw^at s is R ^ t; cf to go eftsn I'i^ / , an - to i,rt vp many times jfc' ^ e V n lid snl the retro- ---- — s O i J ’5!wop" 's’ pt is scon . been '.• f ir - I - r :; hast for its won- i f ,.,t n u ir dis rsssttr cases. • .-4 * lr?w i 0iU-4 g b V» i ^ morning, so (lint be shoue ta tbs «nn ■■ though glided. I t is a carious fact th a t the country In which tradition lor a ted this marvelous being lias never explored by a w hile uiuu. 1 v ' . « ti.n s rr «X fl,*t * * • bl‘ Pf*<* .. t .' vc s Sxt-.pls bottle of tMs udwd ' ,irt-'Vt!ry , . j b . ths1 t- , ^rv stout q.betb s. ..tfir t i vbwlutelylTree, by mall, w iT -iir n T X . ttoa tewing lids gswrous d b r Is Ufopspsr. ** ,o d,'uJ exlstenpe of the great men vrliti In:ve died for their faith sna their coutifrv. Xonsenscl T la the last plea o f a knave and Issues oat of ths Woulh o f a foob The) sterling strength * ^ 097 D ^ . at'erM ’UkV’ “ ; ~ H c hualmastsr. ■ ( , ftoyal is made from pure, refined Grape Cream o f Tartar—Costs W R . *. ■< - 5 ■-•-lIB BBs.'iM-nr " more than Alura but jrou. have.the profit of. quality, the profit of good health. Dr. Kmg’s New Discovery r.rQ^itn,“ ^ . T h ie f. This is how the present» o f mind anfl •ndnclty of a Cliltago thief saved bins — He w To > I a Wat. from being, locked up: A pollcsmaa FBI a bolds or somme - -as , tth y --w who recognised him nnd knew be w as watsrsadlst It s ta n d i* -• i.oura; a “warned" put him under arrest, w ith , ' . j* x . t or nr'~ ths words, “ You are wanted a t bead- tnTJj ...--sts», quarters.” "Yea. I know." replied ths -ffi co'i'h- PHn \ 7 ttJn "f *!-0 kid- thief quickly. “I was arrested last t r ' i k P j C —V , 1 i nt t ' : 11 •* «ados night aud was balled out this morning. ¥?■ - ? Y 1ur Hnin 11 *• You arc too slow." " It does look that evldancs of kld- w ay,“ said the crestfallen policeman jEbÀ \11He bauble: tos as bs told tliy th ie f be could go, of ■*1 V jJ- ' / Z ' «Y Zr«ident desire to I which permission the th ie f lost ns ' p«»= « w pain 1» time In availing himself. Later, to his a - r b,. . t / . J»op!c? The thought ia c o m fo r t-. ing, stim ulating, encouraging. I t ia the business ef every individual to add a ll Ills in raonal strength . a . n ll encounters „.<♦«, to with iii-'t ev I. ph>»ic- wss a man to respect." w rit toll he Paris eorrespom'-ent of London T ru th , “ i saw him g ui.ty of the solecism of draw ­ ing off his boots in company to warm his feet. The weather wav cold and there was a blazing l i r e . . lie no more saw the harm of toasting hit uOxhod feet than his ungloved hands« it. Obm Paul hag prinetptel and stood by them. UihsM Vsr -bis utb urban c o u a c l l . The «hem e was carried out for a period o f .lx months, w ith the tesult th a t IS ot ths competitors received prises. UW as then . uscided to continue ’ he work tor of Cleanliness'' has been dissolved. Alexander thinks the scheme failed because' the women did not rdrs to bare their doBiestic arrangements laid open to the eyes of the lady visitors and because the husbanda felt ag­ grieved th a t i t should be thought acc­ essary to pay their wikes for doing that which they ought t<^ bs proud to do w ithout needing such-prompting. Thia healthy and independent ehai acte riitic of the Cumbrian l«k M r. Alex ! sntler «ay», to be encetrrei’ rti'Btid Ve ' speetsd. Although disappointed a l tin ' result of his experiment, ths Lorton ' squire thinks that It was been Indirect- . ly productive of a ermalderebls amount of good in Coeksrmouth. , P U T8 BAN ON LOVE BY MAH -------v—- Postm lstreM Iscuss Qrosl M a a lfw tc A g ain st tfis B«pa and Girls * a t Olar=i ort, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa.— Thifpoatm latrsas al Olasiport, Mrs. R. X. Russell, » h e It p u t ths "spooning” age, is not populai w ith the young men and »omen of that town. A flood of letters has passed through bar bahda of M tef How in« postmistress knew they were I jvs 1st tore Is something ths young peopls ol ths town are deuruilasd to folhom. When they reached the post offla they read a notice »"hlch said that ec more "love making" wonld be permit tsd in ths poet ofice and that "all boys and girls under 18 ywkrs of a«s flUta* have a written order from their parent» before mall la delivered." . Mrs. Ritseell says the yoaxg people of tha neighborhood have beea etlmu latlng thslr love affairs tb rough tbs tint tsd States m all, many tend-r tala •Ives being exeMogod. She siys th« parents comi laired and .to proi-ct he. self she posted the notice. ,he yontu people flyrltre they w ill use tbclr lu- dnoncs w;pt the department to And on» how th r pcet-jlstiyaa ki.ew le t ri.'; elves »ere bring received. Mesne b ; McFcespbrt three mllee foray, ebow« aa Increaee In m all. Gltasport yreflM people exchanging eorreepondsaes through that oJIce now.