Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1917)
QUALITY” IS OUR MOHO, R Local Happenings Mr. and Mrs, Frank M. Langlois Death of J, f t Upton. carre down from their home at Myrtle ttiint Monday to attend the Hon. J. H. Upton, of r on illness funeral of Hon. J. H. Upton ®t.( of about two weeks,’, •way The Aid will meet with Miea Denmark. peacefully Sunday in< g at his Clark this Friday, at her home. The Denmark Cheese Factory re home in Langlois, ag< 85 years, 3 with much daring. Nearly 20 yearg ago Mr. Uplou suffered a paralytic stroke that left Only the moet up-to-date in him an iiTvalid, and being unable Watches, Bracelets, and to help himself to any appreciable Lavallière are carried in extent his devoted wife was c o n -! Stock. BIG BEN Alarma, istantly by his side from that time PARKER Fountain Pena, Miss Gladys Jamieson, daughter eenlIV P“ d ®, r •» 58i cents net, per month» and 20 days. and ATHENA Silverware * pioneer until the end came peacefully last ofC . A. Jamieeon of the hotel pound, for April butter fat. This* Jou asH . Upton are always carried io our prioe nets its patrons, all expenses e<Btor of tfwi stale, one uf the oldest Sunday morning. By means of a Bandon is spending a few days vis Large Stock. pa,J, $S 38 par 100 lbs. of 4 per cent J f«*WeoU o( southwest^»« Oregon ' rope and pulleys and a little track, iting relatives at Port Orford. milk. Some of the milk delivered t a '4,ul R o o h * « ' « * ’' *" t.. Few ! overhead she would raise him from Mrand Mrs. Cao. Guerin and fam ed iu his bed and swing him gently into ! the factory netted its patrons M ' persons now living havi ily, and Mr. Guerin's mother, Mrs long,as Mr I bis chair, and day after day and $ i 50 per 100 lbs. This is J u ,is part of the state W 8. Guerin, came down from 1 probably the best butter fat price ever i Vpton. The latter part of his life ■ year after year ahe constantly ad-I Langlois in (he former’s car and Is our Specialty. paid ill the oouoty for the same was spent in Curry county. . He ministered to his every want. too difficult for our Repair spent the 4th at Port Orford. Possessed of a massive intellect' month. In Sept. 1916, this factory bad lieen a resident of Oregon since Department. Try us and * E. J. Loney of the bank of Pow paid 35 cents for butter fat, 2 3 |c 1863. and a retentive memory Mr. Upton, be convinced. ers, formerly of the bank of Port per lb. less than it la now paying. Mr. Upton was identified with by hia wide reading, was easily one ' Orford, deli vered the welcome ad important occupations foe the past of the best, informed men in the The 4tb of July passed offquietly dress and introduced the orator, half century. He - was engaged Northwest. Scarcely a prominent nt Port Orfcird. A picnic dinner Hon, Binger Herman, at the 4lh of was "held at Agate beut-h where our principally as a journalistand far. man or a historical event of impor July celebration at Powers. tance but he had it at his longue’s town people has a pleasant, so. ' mer. ' J. H. Upton was born end. And duting the long years of Mrs Thus, Lane and family from viable tiyae. And there were so many his physios! affiiotion hia mind re Coquille came down by auto anil good things fo eat that those present county, Ohio, March 18, tained its full powers, and this fact spent Monday night at the P. J. scarcely more than made an impres- i was 85 years of age. Wh No. 544. and the great interest that he took Lindberg home at this place. Miss sion upon them. After dinner some .child he moved with his Indiana. In the Hoosier tale h e '¡n all public affairs kept him che«r- COLLIER II BUFFINCTON LUta Staye«tover visiting with her ' foot race« for the little ones were got , receive»! dûs eduqptütfu a^ytji^rr a a A -^ te n U d until LhatwM,- 4>ea,i, FY l/ll „ — K.;, I — .nn •- — “ — I.,— In the ten up and a swimming race in __ 1, grandmother, Mrs. Lindberg. r’eighteetl years,'.going JLo, Interment took place in the Den lake „ &•!•». "it jvas at safe an d !.'___o^,1***^ Lawyer «A School Supt. and Mrs. * W. JI-t- Iowa in 1853. In that stajc he con mark cemetery Monday afternoon celebration), but everyone en BVach, pksfedlbrough sane " Gold Beach, „Oreaos ;Ç««trofQotd ducted a furniture business for in the presence of many friends. Port Orford last week for a visit to 'j”^ “ ,em3t'lvea nevertheless. some time and luter studied law. The funeral services were conducted When returning from Bandon last Corvallis, and while in the valley Eventually he engaged in jour by kev. Myets, and Col. Blumen P. A. SCHMIDT, M. Prof. Kent will attend the meeting Thursday morning L. Knapp’s new nalism and followed that occupa rother, a veteran comrade of Mr. P h y sic ia n At Surgeon of the National Educational Asso Ford car, in which Lloyd Knapp, tion until the outbreak of the Civil Upton read the burial services of L a n g lo is , O re g o n Percy Zumwalt and Miss Magnolia War when he entered the service of ciation at Portland. the G. A. R. and heal taps over the White were riding, went off the the Union Army in August, 1861. Tslephoue connection with main tine casket that was draped with the Several of the young people from bluff at this end of Floras creek He enlisted in the Tenth Iowa regi. this place attended the Red Cross stars and stripes. The mound was bridge and turning a somer-sault ment. C. W. ROBBINS, M. D. benefit dance at Euchre creek last completely covered with the floral landed wrong side up on a bench While the regiment was staliomd offerings of sym pathizing friend*. Saturday night. They reported a P h y sic ia n and Surgeon about 25 feet below the road. As it in southeastern Missouri, Mr. Upton very enjoyable time and a lhrge at was falling the car threw its occu. was taken seriously.ill and was dis 4Jold Beach, Oregon. tendance at the dance, many coming Card of Thanks. pants clear, aud lighting in brush charged in 1862 from the army. from both Wedderburn and Gold they escaped almost miraculously Spinal trouble' which with other I wish, through the columns of the Beach. with but, a few minor bumps and aftJiotioll8 attacked him St the time, T ribune , to thank the many friends D. Quellen and J. C- French made scratches. The a accident c c id e n t w a s c caused a u se d . __ c: trouble . . i Thn was w^° 30 kindly assisted during *u- the i-_* last gave him more . or ■ less a trip in the former’s auto the first by the steering gear going wrong. illness of my husband. 8uch kindness for the lest of bis life. will long be remembered. ot the week to the Star ranch at The following day the car was pull G 01 d B e a c li, 0 r e g o n Langlois. The Port Orford Realty ed into the road by block and tackle Mr. Upton’s residence in Oregon Mrs. J. H. U pton , dated from 1863 when he arrived at Co. has listed this big 1100 acredairy and caine home with its own power. Salem and worked for a time in Has tile Only Set of Abstract farm» an<1 Ml- French wl11 u,ake a Although considerably battered, the Barker's cabinet shop then located Gratcdag Starts an Road to Carry. trip to Portland in the near future car was not seriously injured. Books in Curry County on Commercial street. The (¡hem- The work of rocking the first four to try to consummate a deal that eketa hotel later was on the site of miles of the Bandon Curry •‘Town will involve a change in (he owner For Salmon Carnival this furniture store. In 1864 Mr. Eighteen Years Experience ship of this big ranch. ship Line” road has begun and is be Upton moved to Albany in Linn ing prosecuted with all the men and Now that the Fourth of July N. C. and Geo. Divelbiss were in and established himself in teams available. It is being done Prompt Efficient Service town from Elk river Saturday at celebrations are over and Gold county, the furniture business and in con. under the supervision of District The tending to business matters. The Beach helped out the other com nection worked as a cabinet maker. Supervisor A. J.Counts, who, today latter is recovering from the mfec- munities to make tho day note W. A. WOOD, Manager From Albany Mr. Upton moved has thirty men and twelve teams on lion that followed a wood-tick bite worthy, our citizens and residents to La Fayette where he started the the job. a month or so ago, alhough he is not should not overlook the move started La Fayette Courier, whioh newspa. E. B. HALL The rock, which is being crushed lust season to fittingly celebrate^ the Atty, at Law, Notary Public, yet as robust as he was before. The one main industry of this section— per he published for several years.' at the government- I'upper rock quar poison from the insect enter» d his Mr. Upton's first purchase o f land ry, is placed on the road to a depth Real Estate, Collections, system so that iiis limbs swelled the handling of Chiuook salmon. was made in Yam nill county, where Conveyancing. Office days until the skin broke in a number of With the close of the summer lie operated a farm for some time of ten inches and 12 feet wide. The fishing season the last week in Aug and only abandoned it ip 1874 ju first half mile is now ready to re Thursday, Friday and Sat places. The county ust the trolling will be fine, and gen order to accorcpany his wife to ceive the material. urday. Dr. Jas. Moore, district supt. of steam roller will be used in packing erally at this time there are Burner southern California where she went the M. E. church, preached in --the Port Orford it so as to make a firm base. oug outsiders here engaged in the for her health. Mr. Upton lived iu morning and evening at this place Mr. Counts says that he has avail sport. California for five year* and return able about $12.000 in tax money last Sunday'. Dr. Moore is a clear W. A. WOOD Why not have the Salmon Ca.-nival ed to Oregon at the end of that reasoner and a forceful speaker, and be intends to make it go as fur as at Rogue river in August, with prizes I time an,j came lo Coo8 Bay A T T O R N E Y A T LAW whom it is a rare pleasure to hear. he can but he says every foot of rock for the biggest salmon caught by I AfVer , gh()rt ,i|ne he wenl from GOLD BEACH.OREGOX At the evening services he christen put down will be put there to stay, trolling, a fish barbecue, rock oyster,' Cuoa Bay lf> p ort Orford gnd egtab. ed the infant daughter of Mr. and and there will be no makeshift work mussel and clam accessories, and lished the Port Orford Post which .as long as he is in charge. Mrs. N. H. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. series of sports? he conducted for two years. Fol Counts cleared and graded the first Win. Gillings and Mr. and Mrs. H. The week between closing of the lowing this he went to Langfofaand Resident Dentist T. Stewart acting as sponsors. fishing season and the meeting of established and published for a mile of the Township Line road for Bandon, Oregon the county and it was considered a Haying is in full swing through Circuit Court would be a good one. time the Oregon Reporter. He g«)od piece of work.— Bandon Wes out this end of the county. The Will make periodical visits to Langlois, Start the move for a Carnival — then proved up on 160 acres of laud tern World. aad Port Orford. All work guaranteed. crop is light, and if rain does not Gold Beach Reporter. in northern Curry county and pur ' come very soon grain hay that is chased 40 acres adjoining and es coming on will not make much Euchre Creek H u Champion Cow. tablished himself as a general farm Capt. Swing Leaves Tramp. more than a half crop. The late er. Upon this land he lived for 29 Port Orford, Oregon, spring, followed by the present dry From the report of the tester of years and brought the property lo a Cajit. John Swing who built the G o id Feed S ta b le a ttach ed ¡spell is affecting the fruit crop- the Curry County Cow Testing asso " i high slate of cultivation and. im- gas sloop trump and has operated places have dried P r o p r i e t o r , ’ Cherries in many K N A P P ciation published in this issue it will I provement. Later he was obliged her along this part of tlia coast for I on the trees, and the rest of the or- , (,e noticed that J. W. Moore of Euch- : to retire from active work ou the a number of years resigned com chard crop does not look encourag- re creek has a cbw that during the First-class in every respect. | farm because of failing health and mand of her last week and has re --------- -— ling. Strawberries on hill ground mouth of June gave over a ton of moved to Langlois. tired to the peace and contentment | have dried up with less than half a milk which produced 88.107 lbs. of HARDY T . STEW ART In 1855 Mr. Upton was married of the land.lubber. Capt. Swing 1 crop. butler fat. This lacks hut a fraction to Miss Clue Mitchel, a native of V . » . C O M M IS S IO N E R has followed the Bea more or less all of being 20 lbg. more butter fat Indiana. They were the T. C. Clark, who was in town over he past e«ts of of Ida life, and has accumulated a and Sunday from the mines at Cape than was produced by any other cow four children, the late J. M.’l Uptem, comfortable bank roll while doing N O T A R Y P U B L IC Blanco, says that the beach miners in the county during the same formerly a lawyer of Marelityeld and so. He is Undecided what he will P o r t O r fo r d , O r e g o n . there are worrying about the fuel month. later register o f the land ofÇce 4 t do in the future and says that he is At the rale paid by the Denmark Roseburg where he died pver * oil that has been discharged from going to take things easy fora while W. T. W hits S k . J. C. F risch tbe stranded Sinaloa and is mixing cheese factory for the same month, year ago, another »nr,, Arthujr'r W . untibhe finds whether j t not the io the sands. It is almost impossible which we presume was the approxi I Upton, who died in China , twl iwo jure of the sea is strong enough to amalgamate greasy gold, and mate rate paid by,the other cheese fac- o lherg wbo died in infai|qy. Mr, r* -Otruse him lo build another bout. while the miners now are working tories throughout the county, the Uptqn had two adopted ‘¿hildren. The Tramp was bought about a Port Orford, Oregon back on the beach where they have butter fat from this cow brought her Will Sabin of Langini», ar '"also a month ago by the Macleay Estate to strip io the pay sand, yet it is owner $51.32 for the month. James ¡company of Wedderburn, and for daughter who ie t h t ’wife ;• Ti:«*,...; Ask us for any information regarding feared that next w inter considerable : When by-products such as 13c per | \V. Upton of Norfolk, Nebraska. I paat three weeks has been char- Timber or Real Estate in Curry County difficulty will be experienced in I lb. on foot hogs, are taken into con In his (Kilitical views Mr. Upton G redin the work of salving the getting the values out of the sand. sideration, that are fattened on the was an ardent socialist and always i | ettmer Sinaln«. whey, there is little wonder that tirali an active part in public affairs. J. c. JOHNSON One of our local boys, Robert A copy of the Port Angeles Daily Curry county dairymen are riding in , In J893 he áerved a term iu the Or- f o ity , is the new A T T O K IN K Y A T I .A W Ca plain of the Herald, published in Port Angeles, automobiles. egon slate legislature. 21 Y ean Practice inOregon Courts Wash., has been received here con ; Tramp. His father, Capt. George Fur half a century the individual Forty, is one of the most experianc HONEY FOR SALE. Gr<tl<l I b ' i i o h , . - O r e g o n laiuing an account of the 4th of •ctivities of Mr. Upton have beeh a w| BUrf,nen along the roast, nn»l the July cclehiation at that place. In 200 lbs. of No. 1 honey at 20c per lb. | D is t r ic t A tto r n e y f« r C u r r y Co. the list of prize winners for the square. Orders for same may be ' le f t ' factor in the southwestern part ot j reachery of the small bur and the . the state. He was a man who had danger of the ocean currents are s|s>rting events we notice the names at Zumwalt's store in Port Orford. T o W lio m It M iiy Concern. i many warm friends and one who like an o|>en book to him. Much of C. H. P ears «, of Orren and Will GrasoD. U ntil, Middle Elk, Or, was helil in the highest respect by this skill of the father h i s l>een ac I, the undersigned, hereby give no- quite recently these young men tice that I have a conveyance from the _ . . » u . n i - i the people of Curry county mid by ' quired by the son, and under com Patentee to tldelands an.l water lots in * ere residents of Port Orford, anJ others who know him. the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on it seems that the muscle and skill mand of Capt. R-iht. Forty the a portion of which a part of the wharf „ , , , • z. For years p»st Mr. Upton wrote Tramp still sails in com|wtent ia erected without ray consent. All developed in the Curry county Dr. F, A. Voge, the reli every week contributingiio a regu hands. parties are hereby warned not to drive woods were above par in the Wash» piles or trespass in any manner what able Bandon Dentist, will he 1er Column in <Ue AWBUMK under soever on Bald tidelands or water luta ington city loggers contest. In the Langlois, Wednesday, the caption of “Current Topics.” I M m . Aasa C. D a r t . rawing of a 3-foot log, Orren took in Newark, N, J. SHEEP WANTED. second prize and Will third, while Thursday and Friday, July Only d u n n g /lh e past two weeks since his illnees •became more eerr in the hewing of two ties, Will took 25f 26 and 27, and in Port J. J. STALEY ous, did he fail ter have t i f (ettev in first price and Orren second. In Orford, Saturday, I want to buy 40 head good young Sunday, , this paper. He was a fsarl**s writ ewes. Cotswold preferred; Addreee ' this latter contest the Grason boys Monday and Tuesday, July er and expressed hie views1 on all H. B. STEINER, beat their ne«rcit competitor by 8 Denmark, Oregon, public matters with much three aad 28 to 31 inclusive. COQUILLE, » - • OREGON minutee. WATCH REPAIRING BOYLE JEWELRY GO. Bandon, Ora. W e have received our NEW LINE of Spring and Fancy Summer Goods. Call and see them DENMARK FARMERS STORE Port Orford-Bandon Curry County Abstract- Realty Company. AUTO TRUCK LINE JOHN MACKENZIE, PftOP. Leaves Port Orford 6:30 A. M. Arrives at Bandon IT A. M. Leaves Bandon 1:00 P. M. Arrives at Port Orford 6 P. M. y .... . *. * Above Schedule enables all North bound passpngora to make connections with train for Marshtteld. FREIGHT & PASSENGERS SOLICITED. Dr. F. A. Voge K N A P P H O TEL PORT ORFORD REALT*CO ;: Dentist Coming. dryer, Langlois Hardware Store Hardware of all Kinds M c h ln e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e s . E x t r a s fo r D a ir y in g ^ O s b o r n e , M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P a in t s , O ils & S tu m p in g P o w d e r P in e lin e o f G u n s, B a s e b a ll p a r a p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g g o o d s k e p t in S to c k . D o o r s a n d W in d o w s in v a r ie ty c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e P ittin g s , P lu m b in g a n d T in w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . heever ® Bowman, L a n g lo is , O r. HOTEL SEASIDE Open Under New Mana^emet Board by Day, Week or Month Butcher Shop in Connection Choice Meats at a Reasonable Price Your Patronage Solicited W. R. JOHNSON, Prop.