h isto ry o f C u rry C ounty has a n event of this kind been witness- . ■ c tio a sO n a ll lines of m erchandise, groceries included, caused ndous crowd lg th e aisles of th is store from early m orning u n til late a t n ig h t. The wise buyers w ere 5 1 here early and got first choioe. N ot an item has been reserved. Ev- ■ »? MRS* ‘ ..... r ‘ /»’j? ‘ ery article of m erchandise has been m arked in plain figures and displayed for y our conven- • ,f;T ■ i»fix w j. .54 ft«!.». ¿ • ’ ’ $ u* •'*»* v it».' * x-. ’ _ © -I • . w ience. The list of bargains is tpo long to tr y to enum erate in th is space, b u t we advise you to ?» js ■ .... a ; ' ¿, i" j j TAKE THIS TIP • -i i55=»~§i »f. . ■ ■ .’ - :■<.«, £« . . ... . , ;'a\ ' • 1 ■ V ; 1 '■ Do your shopping not later th a n S a tu rd a y of th is week. These prices are subject to w ith ­ draw al a t an y m om ent, and it is possible th a t they w ill be w ith d raw n before we expect to close th e sale. So get busy! Jo in th e happy th ro n g s th a t crowd th is store daily; g et y o u r needs w hile y o u can and a t before u n h eard o f * ™ te . J t i \a f opportuni ..ill N E V E R be y o u rs Brae^Slulh Sk < a tiil a i>/»rirq: 8bt dfcfcai Sriimu L a a « .:., U n a .... .20,000 U aou la. .8 3 0 0 jW ? ì k ltlb tg r M ariaa. M o n o *. Multnomah outeid« P id ,000 j . ...............1 *3 0 0 Miarawn W a m o .. ..15,000 W*... Tiiamook / .*.............. .5,000 U m a t i l l a . . . . . . . ,v 8Q.Q0O U nioo ..................... .18,500 W alla w a . 7,500 Washington............ .11300 Y a m h i l l . . . , . . , , . , , 17.500 22300 2.000 11300 A C iN N W O R TH W H ILE .•it» «•> . r»,-r 14378 68,900 600 48300 85300 18,600 16356 20300 Total«................ 6402300 >40*311 “The total from the Hale «¡11 ex- seed by 625,000 the amount art n- l»ort thia morning,” M id Stale Cam knew Oregon’s capacity, liberality Western «tate* bar« bean led by And patriotism beat did not gucm Oregon ite the Sed Orage D riv e «ad that Oregon would do a t well,’’ Mid Ihn totale »uw approximate 61,009, Slate Chairman U . L. Corbett. “ Oregon has abowa that «ba te in OOO. O f this amount the city of tha m illion dollar uiaor, end that the national war council mads a big inietake in claming u* with Ari a«d towns of Oragua. auna, Nevada and and «»roe of the The «tau ooiuiuittea aak«d Coo« averred •onnty to raise 6.18,000 and the to other Western »tatee,” tala w ill ha Swim that atnonnt. Northwest Campaign Manager H . Many other ooonliM io tha « tela W . Stoue. did «qnelly w«H, bat a Nw, pnosi zWy not more than five or aix M l below their apportionment. Tha foliuwiag la the approximate result« of a ll oownttea ia Oregon ea reported W ednaw by,and are not B • eharktefKCI), which, if tha ffae Every fa c ility Tor paa&lixig YourBueineee Banking by Jkfail Solicited Interest paid on Saving Ac’ts. Notice to Creditors, Benlon...... .J.*» ,.5.000 11300 ta ble u n e x c e l l e d GOLD BEACH, OREGON H o t M d C o l d T a b O . d S h o w « r a a - a iL rt Orford Furnitui & Hadware Store Dmrxarwzrror ru* Iareaioa, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE U. S, Land Office at Roaaburg, Oregon, STATE OF OREGON FOR CURRY OOUNTY. J a n e 99, t»17. Notice le hereby given th«t « raa mattbb or tub n u i r i h o s s i t e b H w w TMA.XN of Denmark, Oregon, who, on Augrnt Ited ,-IM t; made Homestead Entry,, Serial N o.dm 44.to» th a Lot 8 of > c « cb 17 an d Lot, 4 of Sootton 18, Ttfwn*htt 91 South, Range 19 w , MHgometta Meridian, J >rd«r that it p a y be mobiHx- »“ “ Ie2.notice of Intention to make Mnal Five-year Proof, to eetablteh •yatematie march fordepoa- claim to the teadekove described, be. fore Ha^dyT. HMwart, U. 8. Commia- egon, ou the 9th day of August. 1917. Coaaw ft/QvoTA A ter.Givaa Baker G ra n t........ 690,000^332.97* Oom C u rry ------- 5,. 18,000 36,000 Crook . , , . . . . . , . . . 6 3 0 0 9,600 Clateop.......................81300 17,000 Claekamm........... 10,000 11328 Colombia..................... 6 3 0 0 8300 .10300 12,000 10,000 13300 Ihrwglaa. .7300 12.000 Gillis te-Wbeehr ,7 3 0 0 16,006 .7 3 0 0 7,600 ,4.000 15,000 .a .Ql » » W l i y F I T T E D O T & « - «„ m g-tackle P ow der W«. GILLINGS, PROP Nete Bwaason, of y " Waiter D. Matbeney, of ” Samuel A. Johuaoo, of Langloia, ” W. H. C akor , > , •, Register, Dean MastenbrooK Jeweler 'i n f a n t i n e of Stoves and Watches and Clocks repaired at reasonable pricea. AU work guaranteed. ' G old B rack , O rroor . Suernsta, J'V um inum , ting, S tiletto Cuttlertj, £ * at»