quality ” boìi . i uno, Bracaletmj Lavallier* are carried in Stock. BIG BEN Alarma, PAR KER Fountain Pana, aad A T H E N A Silverware are always carried in oar Large Stock, WATCH REPAIRING la ear Specialty. Noth.ng too difficult for oar Repair Department. T ry us and be convinced. BOYLE JEWELRY C 0 .| Bandon, O n . n ~, I Local Happenings 1 ..“ .J Social Friday night. ' j Wpddiug danoe at Sizes Saturday were visitors is night. S t * yesterday. town from Rad Cram 8ixea C. H . Bailey wife and child, of - D. M. Moore haa sold hi* general Wedderburn, parsed up the coast in j merchandise store a t Gold Beaob to Don’t forget the ice cream social their auto yesterday ou a visit to C. J. Marks of Gardiner and Frank Friday uight. Coos oounty. j Callerlin. the wall known rrpreaen. Two weddings reported ia b a t u , i v * he,e of U n < * C° ’ County Attorney, C. H . Buffing- 1 ton of Gold Beach, pa-srd through werk’» Reporter were that of M ir, A light blow cams op from thn towu yesterday ou hie «ay up the Kdith Uayea and Leo Brown e l , south Inal Saturday, and the Sinn Euchre creek, and Miss Alice Over loa was crowded about 150 feet ia coast. ton and J<>e Johnson at Rogue river. shore from her berth on Cape Blan« Dr. C. W. Robbias was a profes­ The Ladies Aid social in the oo beach. A wrecking boat that sion»! caller in town the Oral of the Fromm hqll Friday night ia going started from-San Francisco baa pat week froin Gojil Beech. •“ beona oi lh# events of the season. back to that port again, and in the Je*»e Sutton, who ia employed on Music, games sndblaokbird pie will meantime active work in getting the the Mucleay ranch at Wedderburu, entertain you, and ioe cream, coffee stranded steamer off the beach ha* was a Fort Orford «tailor the first and cake will satisfy you. Mias it not started and will uot atari until of the1 week. equipment baa beenfreoeivod and you will miar a good time. Agues* will celebrate the 4th. John Fromm Jr. and fam ily were A game warden from Portland, up from their Brush creek borne arcoiupauied by bi* wife and child, Bunday in thgir Dodge sud spent have been Mopping for the past few the day viaitink relatives in town. days at the Seaside. What be would M r. and M r». Fred Ptkterer left do i f he got the chance ha* been Pheac No. 54 1. one day last week for Oakland, Cal., *urmiaed, and the boy* are playing where they will «¡ait with Mr*. «ale by taking the rod a u j leaving COLLIER H. BUFFINGTON Pfislerer’a relative*. the ride at home. A L l l W . H ’ l- The Wedderburn Trading com R. N. Wittmann wk* * Pyrt O r. Gold Beach, Oregon pany reooolly gave Harvey Smith ford visitor Monday on bus! new 58c per lb. for 1500 fleeces of wool, relative to making final proof on I— I--------------------- — So far at known thia i* the top pricej hi* homestead near Lakeport. It yet paid fur wool in Curry. y-*»» at Lakeport llia l several year* P. A- SC H M ID T , M. D- Mr, and Mrs. T. L. Carey and two l, ° * n ¡» ¿ " J Physician At S u rg eo n if overnight and for * while thing* little daughter* were up from Wed , Langlois, Oregon ¿S ä JU derburn Sunday by auto and spent were booming— bouses went up with rush; town lots sold like hot Telephone connection with mala lino s few hours visiting in town. They cakes; store*, butcher shop, hotel, were accompanied home in the ev­ postollice, oewt paper, and a saw mill ening by Miss Alice Wakeman. were among the business houses and C. W. ROBBINS, M. D. I f the T bibumb is short on new* industries; wild dreams of a canal P h y s ic ia n a n d Burgoon this week the reader can just credit from Floras lake to the ooean and of it to hi* subscription on the Red a great inland harbor were floating Gold Beach, Oregon. Cross, s* the editor hat been spend in the air; and then the bubble ing about as much time ou the tat* bursted. Almost as quickly aa the ter as the former during the past town had been populated it was de­ wesk. 'F serted again. Blasted hopes, and W. E. Burrow passed up the for mauy the doijar* that represent­ G o l d B e a c h , O r e g o n coast the first of the week on hi* re ed the saving* of years, were left tarn fratn Rogue river to bi* home in the wake. The unscrupulous at Myrtle Point. Mr. Burrow had promoters of the im|>ossible scheme Has the Only Set of Abstract hi* pure bluod Kentucky stallion reaped a harvest of gold— a ll others Books in Carry U m t y with hitn— a fine animal of which lost. And now My. W hittBann says that two or three .families are he » ju s tly proud. Eighteen Years Experience Miss Alice Wakeman spent le v the only inhabitants of thia town that once bousZd several hundred eral day* visiting in Port Orford people and that the streets are Prompt, Efficient Service during the past week, and returned used as a cow and sheep pasture. Sunday to her home in Wedder­ Many of the bouses, he says, have burn. Miss Alice had; also visited been lorn down for the lumber that W. A. WOOD, Manager some ten day* at the J. S. Capps was in them. The big hotel build, home si Denmark. ing Maude as a sentinel of the mag E.B. HALL Roy H a ft aad Bernal Forty, who nitude of the scheme. I l is desert­ Atty, at Law, Notary Public waut from Port Orford to Portland ed except fur a few months in the last week to enlist in the U .8 . Na vy summer, as at the present tirn i, Port Orford have swccasafttUy passed the easm-' «hen a lady-opens it for touriata inaliop. According to word rvoeiv j wbo wish to spend a few idle hour* w . A. WOOD id by wire they were started imme at this beautiful spot os the shores diately for the Mare Island navy of Floras lake. A s a summer Re A T T O R N E Y A T LAW sort Lakeport has many attraction* yard. «OLD BEACH. OREOOS . M r. and Mrs. N. 0 . Divalbiss and and if there is any hope for the children were in town one dey last towu in the future it ia from this V Week io their Buink six from their source. Curry County Abstract- Realty Company. M r. end M r*. Itobt. MePhiilamey Spurgeon-Cook. Mr. Andraw Spurgeon and Mias Sadia Cook ware uuited in marriage by Justice M. T . W right at the bride’s home on Sixes yesterday. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Cook and was born and raised in this county, white the groom is an industrious young man wbo has resided in this section for the past several year*. They will make their home at 8ixe* where they have many friends to wish them a long and - peaceful voyage upon the sea o f matrimony. Saturday night there w ill be a dance in the 8purgeon hall at Sizas in honor of the occasion. Sailor* and A number of year* ago one of the representatives in the Oregon legis­ lature said at our expense that Car ry oounty wae populated by sailors and aealione. Thia might have been taken aa a literal feet instead of a standing joke by one visiting Port Orford during the past weak. The crew from the Sinoloa weie in town Sunday and gave the sailor effect. And then one day recently the lion crew brought in a pup lion from the rocks. Some of the boys gave the little fellow m ilk , and for about a week he was a daily visitor on front street. I l refused to stay oo the beach but would onme into town and would follow the boys ardund that fed it like a fisilbful dog. V erily, during the past week Port Orford has not lacked for the sailors and aZaliona. • Red Crone contributions in Gurry county hsve run above expectations as elsewhere throughout the State of Oregon. Bandon and Curry were to raise 96000, and they have doubl­ ed this amount. Cooa county railed 133,000, of whioh earn Ben don contributed 93250. In Curry, Harbor contributed 1165, Brookings 1,346, Gold Beach 9412, Wedderburn 9260, Port Orford 9338 0», Sixee 961. U p to lh e tim a a fg o in g lo p ra m wa were unble to gel Langlois’* lis t Below we publish the aom enl and names of tha contributors in Port Orford district. Our commu­ nity has done well, considering the fact that there ia no steady payroll here, end yet there are several oth­ ers wbo should have been on the honor list with L. Knapp for a 926 contribution. The list follows: J G H i l l ..................... loo a • • • J.OO F D Clough............... T C C la rk ................... • • • a 1.00 f H J D arling ___ ____ 1.00 H e rltfrl U n ic a u ......... • e e . 100 1.00 Yoeef K o c h . . . . . . 1.00 1.0Q John Mackenzie.. . •> e « 1.00 George F o rty ........ 1.00 Ralph M ead........ 1.00 L M u rp h y .......... . . . . Y • 1.00 R K H ig h .............. 1 00 R K W erst............... 1.00 B O Sm etara........... 1.00 Rachael M a rs h .. . . . , • 0 •• 1.00 Donald Marsh.......... 1.00 Fred Marsh............. 100 Nick M arsh.............. 1D0 Kate Marsh. . . . . . . . . • a • • 100 . * • • P1 100 J R Hutcheson . . 1.00 Martha Hutcheson. . . loo Teddy Hutcheson. . . . ». • J W Metaker. . . . . . . . 1.00 Katharine Metaker___ 1.00 . . . . . . . « 1.00 George C u rry ............... Rose C u rry ................... . • . • .60 ino W P B ry a n t............... I N M c In n is ............... 100 Mrs. F Ponting.......... 1.00 T o ó . Chas F o rty ................. 1.00 1.00 i Joe Rocco..................... W e h a v e r e c e iv e d our - - ; of Spring and Fancy Summer ’ Goods. and Call see them DENMARK FARMERS STORE Port Orford-Bandon AUTO TRUCK LINE JOHN MACKENZIE, PROP. Leaves Port Orford 6:30 A. M. Arrives at Bandon 11 A. M. Leaves Bandon 1:00 P. M. Arrives at Port Orford 6 P. M. I I T Berger............... 1001 The Magnolia W h its ........ ■ Win. McPtiifjsm ey. . . A A J a m ie s o n .,/.... 1.00 1.00 P J Lindberg ............. 1.00 E A L in d b e r g ....... Andy E llis .................................. 1.00 Robt M ePhiilam ey................... 1.00 Wakreti Jatnieauu..................... 1.60 Mrs. R Leutwyler..................... 2 00 Johh Frnrara S r................ .. 2.IXJ Pragma of Sedal. C H Pearse...................... 2 00 The following it the program of D Q u a lie n .......... ......................... 2.00 ............. 2 0 0 the social in the Fromm hall next John Hebeieen . . . ; . . . ... » 5 0 Friday night by the Second Di J M L im p a c li., . David McKencie. ............. 2.60,. vision of tha Ladies Aid: .............4.00 Carl W h ite ........... Selection by band; Resident Dentist ............. 4 00 A A G e tty ........... Vocal Solo— Mias Mamie Master- new home at the Houghton place N F Woodcock ........ .. 6.00 Oregon Special Tillicum Club son. on E lk river. M r. Divelbiss has J H Zum w alt............................. 5.00 Tableau— lnnooenoe. 'been on the river for the past two W ill make periodical visits to Langlois, Members of the Tillicum Club are Insl/um enlal.D uet— C. H . Pearee A 8 JohnatoU........................... 6.00 and Port Orford. A11 work guaranteed. or three months, but his family Johannes F r a t n m .................. 6 00 hereby notified that there w ill be a and Mrs. H . T. Stewait. just moved down from Bandon Arthur M a y e r .......... , ............ 5 00 special meeting of the club Satur. Tableau— Port Orford A rt Gallery some two week* ago. day night, June 30th, for tha pur Vocal Selection— Miss Mamie N H Larson............................... 6.00 H. J. McDermlt, who returned to E A Hughes..............................5.00 pose of deciding on whether or not Masterson. Port Orford, Oregon, Bandon the latter part of last week the club rooms abail be donated to Tableau— Justice, Peace & Liberty F J Hughes............................... 6.00 Go rd Feed S ta b le a tta c h e d . from Brooking* where he had been Thomas Hughe«..................... . 5 00 the local Red Croes one afternoon Selection by bend. L.. K N A P P P r o p r i e t o r . in the Interest* of the Red Croa», each week as a work room. Refreshments— Ice Cream, Cake J R M ille r .................................. 5.00 say* that things are booming in the W aller S utton........................... 6 0 0 By N. F. W oodcock , and Strawberry Sherbet. southern Curry town. F u ll crew* Pint-class In every reaper t. 6.00 President. Games and a general good time O Leneva........ .. are at work in the woods, and the Ladies A id ................................. 5 00 tha rest of Ute evening. Loading of D»a wharf is being push H A R D Y T . STB W A R T J C French............................... 5.00 Over Pert Orford. Admission free. ” ed. Broking», Mr. McDermtl say*, Port Orford Band ..................... 5 00 U. 8 . C O M M IB S IO N E H ba* sent some 16 or 18 voluuteer* to C W Z um w alt............................. 5 0 0 About 9 o’clock last Friday even Notice To The Public. and the front, one of whom is now with H T 8 le w a rt........................... .. 5.00 ing an aeroplance was seen passing m o t a b y p u b l ic the engineering corps in France. N C D iveltili»........................... 5 00 over Port Orford. I t was traveling On and after July 1, 1917, the Mr. and Mr*. T. J. Gilksrson and up the coast and attention to it was P o rt O rfb rd , O re g o n George Divelbiss..................... .. 5.00 dining room at the Knepp hotel two ohildreo, of Stratford, Cal., ar­ first attracted when its lights were will be closed to the public. Room* R L Wagner ................................ 6.00 rived in Port Orford Monday in noticed in tha vicinity of Humbug J D Louoka. . 5.00 JEFF o . FRENCH wilt be k t by tho night or mouth, W m G illings............. 6 00 their Buick aix and are »pending a mountain. I t waa going at a good but meal* will not be served. P o rt O rfo rd , Oregon R, O McKmzie few days visiting with Mrs. Gtlker rate of speed, and quickly passed L . K happ . 500 James Langlois.............. , w n ’* sister, Mrs. H . T . Stewart. over the Head*, just west of town, Port Orfbrd, Oregon. Ask me for any information regarding M(, ouk#rfOB was oat of the plo and disappeared in the distance. John McKenxie................... . . . 5.00 Timber or Real Estate in Curry County neer breeders of pure-blood Holstein W T W h ite ......................... . . . 6.Q0 I t was an aetoplane flying north —-W-- nonce. f Fred Pfieterer..................... . . . 5.00 cattle iu hi* section of California and further than ibis nothing ia 1 and wae the first one in the Mate to known about it. C A N orberry................... .. . . . 5.00 J- C- J JOHNSON The firm of McKenzie & Poole A ir O K N E Y A T L A W raise a yearling heifer that sold for Wm Bennett....................... .. 5.00 having sold out their stock sud fix­ 91000 at auction Bale. He reoently Henry Adolphsen............... . . . 5.00 Three Fatalities h Cees. 21 Year* Practice taOregM Carats tures, all persons having claims told hi* cattle and leased his farm, P H Poole .......................... . . . 6.00 against this firm w ill pleaaa present C io lil B e n c h , • • - O r e i g o » ’ "J u, |(XWle elie where. Cast Thursday, Clifford, th e 17 Mrs. K J Baker................... . . . 8.00 them at once to N W Perkins....................... . . . 5.00 nUtrlctAUornev fnr Curry Co- p H fro>p- ; ffa¡r i at O rac h Adm Eas. Uoe that I Bn'tlitoianda have a oqi.veyaaoejrt»"» n ____ Emmet T o lto a .................... . . . 5.00 Patentee anfT'water lota ‘ “ In ®¡ 1 who wae raissd on the British Isles, brother cutting a tree down when it tha Harbor of Port Orford. *5 u 9ti|| another Port Orford man to kicked back from the stump and Sunday School at 10 o’clock. Weston Zum w alt...............* . . . 6.00 struck him. John Fromm .. i . . . . * > * • . . . 5.001 Prayer and clan* meeting at eleven F B Tioherinr ..................... . . . 5.00 On Wendesday, last, Frite Met- parties are herebv warned not to drive