80, 1017 * All necessary operations in writing, billing or Statistical work are accomplished from the key­ board of the light running, easy ad io n M odel 10 (Visible) Reck R stwo M i In no othsr dlatriet In tha world are active raining operation, ^ r r io d on a t such depth a . In the Lake Su­ perior eopi'er region. M U the Chi­ c a g o Chrouicle. The No 3 shaft of the Tam arack mine la the deepeet In the world, having attained a verti- cle depth of 4,840 feet, nearly a mile. Not fa r behind it I , the Red Jacket ■haft o f the Calumet A Hecla, which la 8k>wn 4 920 feet. Another deep abaft of the Calumet A lle$la la the No 4 of the Calumet branch o f the property. Thia ta down 7,800 feet an an incline o f a mile and a half. In view of the roarveloua -eiBcleney o f the modern holating engine no considerations of a mechanical na­ ture need lim it the prospective depth P o e t-W e li I ’ ve got out d re llu, s of o f shafts. n r poem alrcadv. H a rth a T he greateat obstacle to deep min­ B is W ife— And I ’ve got out seven ing la the proportionate inereaae In Unee of my washing — Borioo Herald. ‘ tempera turn. In the I-ik e Superior I copper dlatriet State Geologist Lake ; baa ascertained that the tem perature Denial. in the mine varies one degree fo r “ Are you the every 110 feet. The tem perature in la f e n d a a t In the deepeat ahafta a t the Tam arack Hite cuaef“ \ and Calumet A Heeia variea between “ No. air: l ot ■ 88 and 90 degree«, and In view o f aalv »he man these conditions It la evident th a t who committed considerable d epth, can y e t be at- (b e t h e f t . ” — 1 talned In thia section. New fo rk Staple Staadl Cuttins De» föLW iiP “ T h a racaat agitation of tha bonll- laura da era, or private distillers, of France, against ike prupoanla o f M. Bonviar, tha m iniater of «nance, to ta x th e ir franchise haa diacloaed the immense power of thia veeteo Interest among the peasantry I t is estimated th a t no fewer than i.Oon.COo to 1,800.000 fam ilies avail themselve^ of the privi­ lege to d istill from the pears, applaa, damaona and cherries of th eir o rchard, apirituuua liquors fo r household eon- aumptloa, bays a London paper. B at as every hectoliter of nonexempt liquoi ' ja- _w orth, perhaps, some 810— i t taxed / to the tune of 844, there it every Induce­ ment to the enterprising peasant to distill more than bis household can consume, in order to do sa illic it buai- World. SURE S h re w d . “W h a‘ made yon tell tbejao Itor the temper ature waa Just r l g b t f ” s a id Bich» om e R ib lx * I M o m Touch Ball Bearing T y p . Eta Catana Finder and Peres- D mom I Tekulow V w tJ . Writing A Kay t a Every Charte» T lm Idd - I f y«u pi-ee". Mrs. Reardb'U, I'm getting rather tir­ ed of hash w ith my coffee and tonal for break fa s t M rs Boardblll — All rig h t H I toll the gtri to give yon nothing but eoff-c and toaa» a fte r thia. - Cblcaga ‘hoosnnds H a ro Kidney i i u l « » (Jpenn - W h at’s the m atter7 C a u l and Don’t Know tt. » you awlmJ — -— ; D o w M M - if f lb , bat don t roa «new How » • x i Fill a bottle or comm uter sod let it stand l « IP YOU fcerri / F $ TOUCH AVOID ALUM Say plain ly- Royal is made from pure, refined Grape Cream of Tartar—Costs more than Alum but you have the profit of quality, the profit of good health. S Nothing has ever equalled i t Nothing can ever surpass i t ' Dr. King’s New Discovery A P erfect Cwre F .. All T h roat and T roob Mo.-w Uar>. If it faff». Ì Shrew d T k le r e r y . .Am ericans who go abroad must « » peet to be robbed right and left,” said « y o u n g man who recently returned » « * < * E ^ p c o n tour. “O n . ex- | p e rt, to be held up for all sort, of t t £ but when the b-gears follow yon home yea can’t help feeling a sort o f admire 0 on u»elr Ingenuity. M| over on one o f the Red S tar " n<1 ,he flrBt thlns 1 dM “■ >t An(werp W M to go to tbe „ , bu. „ a c e nnd send a n casage to tuy mother announcing ray safe a r r i v a l J paid the toll and thought oo more .b o u t It until 1 got home, when among my m ail I found a letter from the Ant- operator, addressed In care o f my „ y ln g that through an error he had not charged me enough for my „ w h and such a cablegram sent, on roch and such » date, that be had been obliged to pay the difference out o f his own pocket, . Bn<, bis salary waa very small _gnd ‘ he bad a larr<- fam ily and all that sort f th , fclt , ure 1 OC- it y a Swamp-Root I , aooa !.< I I t . u t r ii -he »■ chest to.- ha weo- ..-tri ¿mm ot i-t fflosi iiitrssslng cases. to think of tasting it By the use o f so called cheap Baking powders you lake this puckering, injurious Alum right into your system— you injure digestion, A '* ''.2 if the urtnery pseenge. It correcti Inebtlltv o hold * » ar . — ecaling P*ln la seaal.»« uv.1 effw“ v .-.liov-ing u~a of ..vuor. And look in the glass— you will see the effect— You can’t help puckering—it makes you pucker s i i i i l M ' that alga t-C b lc a « u Newa. your linen « Is evidence of kid- f t l nJ ' L f t ’'«X trouble; toe * n iraquent dadra to < P*-- * or pain I* 1 ' ' 2Le b* cL i 5h i ? onrinc.ngpre». that the knisey. and bled- „ . m o . t<. ; -n v-r. is comtoit in the knowledge ae flan «xwewed, I -at Dr. KUmer’a Sv amp- \ praet -i-inky tomedy fuMUIs every rtah in curing rheumatism, .win In the uu_... kidneys, liver, t ladder and every part ALUM curwL N atu re alno« won’t de it« it aeeda help.______ ith > » * hours; t t or s’ • }f J r your tongue to DOCTORS' l tc » — OulaoV tired through the moot ere«» | n . i a the F o rt, fnl periods of modern France. I l a was ; In October. 1«M. Allatoonn puna, a bom In 1787 amid the muttering! of tbe (n tbe mountains of Georgia, wae revolution. Oulxot’s parents were mar- j , , General Corse, with I.tWlt ed by a proscribed Protestant pastor. menu | t w(1, , strong, strategic point, id hla birth was never legally regie , n A „„„vorer. IflO O ,«» rations were red. Hla father, who waa an advw rtorrd tbere Freslch, the southern lie, nattl Ids talent for public apeak w|t h «.000 men. attacked the ig In the Intern»« of tbe persecuted kalTW«»n and drove the defenders Into roteetants and became a merked man # BInaI, fo ft on t he crest of tbe hlU. fter living for several weeks In dan- Th, lm tt|e W M fierce. The northern tr of his life he was at last arrested, j o i j i , , , fell In each numbers that fur nwllllngl.r enough, hy a gendarme wba lher f|Kbtlug seemed Tolly. new and re»pectw l hist. ( But ons of Corse’s oiBcera caught “8hall I lei you « . « p e r s a t a tk» o f , w U t(. «im »! gag fluttering lan. ....... ..... ... la the breexe on tbe top of tbe Kens •■Are you lonrriedT” replied M. Ggt mountain, across tbe valley. 18 »uL ’ miles aw ay. The »¡¿rial was answered. “ Yea. I hare «wo cbUdna." BlXj tb o - came the Insp’ lng tneaeagi “ And se hare I. ” replied the prisoner, ff,lln mountain to mountain; “ Hold “lin t "you wctokl hare to pay for me. y ,,, fo rt_ | aDI eomiag.—W . T . Kber l « t us go on?1 | man.” They went on. and XI. Gulxot died on I c h „ r a ftr r fb eer went up. and. the scaffold a few days Inter. A t tMe hopelessly reduced In numbers, time Francois, tbe future statesman. lL, y dld the fort for hoars until who was tbe elder of the two children. llie advance guard of Bberman’a army was six and a halt years old an.1 ah cnn„ the!r relief. BU years 1st« ways preserved the reodlcri.cu of go- p j» Bliss, the evangelist, heard tha lag to see hla father la prison, or what rto rj. aI) Ra T|t l ,i detail from a a r* was euphemistically callsd the uutiee of d)rr fri. od and (ben wrote tha words Justice.—Gentlemao’s Magaaino. aud musk: o f hla fane-tia hy»;in. - l i t Influence fo r Good «8 A U Othey Mem­ bers of Their Ssss-Othae Methods of A id . Tbe women colleges of thia coun­ try have gradoated «11 their clasa ea, and the girle who have reaped the tangible rew ard of a four years’ tw iner in 'flie shape of a di­ ploma have p.t*»cd into that atate o f life to which it pleated th e t» w - era to call th e n , aaya the New York Hun. Aa In the case of every • h i s s th a t la graduated from a .v o m n ia eohege, many of these atudenta have prepared them selves to be teachers or for work n other fields of Intellectna. ?n- > ?vor. f »me w ill follow profes- dona, such as la w and medicine, or will take np the practical study of conomles, which 4ms Interest«! taring recent years so many ecincn who have labored to give themselves the advantage of a col­ lege education. Theh influence o f these eollege bred women haa been for the good if their sex, and of a ll those with whom they rami ln(o contact ever dnee women begnoto go into p ro fesalohal life, and It is tdo late now ?o question the v itltie of th eir serv­ ices to the world. W omen doe- ‘ ors may not’beeomr the moat eni- nent In their p;o.e*ai©n, but they •an accomplish greut good in the treatm ent of women, more espe- ’ tally. Women lawyera may not nake the greatest jurists, bnt hey are able to be of service to the defranded or wronged mem­ bers of their own six. The achieve­ ments of those who have taken np the calling of practical soclologv re among the tnosl notable which re to be put to the credit of worn- n college graduates la this coun- Mrs. Wiley. "B ecau se I know the Jani­ to r's d la p o a t U n ,," answer­ ed her ksnhand. - I f we make him believe we are thoroughly comfortable. be w ill h n s tle a ro s a d a a d m a k e t h ln g e d if f e r e n t . W a a k ln g ta n WORK OF COLLEGE WOMEN DEER FOR HUNTERS Claraace M ackay Provides T arget B o n b y E lectricity Through Woods — Onsets Occasionally Oat a flkat. New T ork.—Bven In this age of ex­ travagant mechaulcal contrivances It la doubtful whether any toy baa been constructed so utujue and costly as that which Clarence H. Mackay recently has had Installed on his estate a t Harbor HIM. near Roaslyn, L. I. Shooting gal­ leries, in which rabbits, pigs and lions bob up add disappear in front of a screen a doaen feet away to tempt and teal tbs aim of sportsmen have long been fam iliar to visitors of Coney Is­ land and other sim ilar reaorta. Clar- ence Mackay has constructed In tha wildest part of bis big estate aa elec­ tric railw ay to furnish him the same sport on a scale and la a manner that la true to nature. Tha railway, which runs In an Irregu­ la r ecllpau. and la operated by electricity, la a mils long and goes winding In and ont among tha woods and broken ground w ith all the seeming irresponsi­ b ility of a wild animal. The animal la provided In tha shape of a Ufe-slxed inetal deer, mounted on a small bogle truck. A t a spaed which can be regu­ lated at aay pace np to ten or 11 miles an hoar, tha deer la carried through the woods, and ns It appears at the different openings that have been cat among the trees along tha routs, M r. Mackay and his sporting friends gat a chance for Just such a quick shot as the hunter la the Maine woods haa to rely on to HR pgg —........... — --------- --— At the end of the run the truck paaaea over a n a u t onia tic switch, which shuts off the current and the deer cornea to a standstill In a sheltered pit. where a m arker Is posted. He notes tbs places where the dear haa been hit. telephone! by meat.« of a special wire laid down «7» Perhaps the larger number of liese women who come from the alleges are merely preparing t'.icuiselves fo r the places they arc 'o lake hi the home. They study -r four years tlte sume ro rrit u a » tliot their brothers and po«ri ly their husbands pass thronph nerely to make themselves more Ifti'd fo shine in the society to ..ltieh lliey w ill belong sft« t_ fh e -ollcge course Is over. And it is >o them that we may possibly look for the greatest t-ffcct on Am eri- •an Ptniincrs in the broader sense of the word. It Is too st on now to tell wh:it th c e irc ft m aybe. V e ry few families in what is called fash­ ionable society, especially in New York, rend ilif-lr daughters to col­ lege. Haughlera In these fam ilies of the older eastern cities, espe­ cially again of New Y ork, pass practically from tbe hands o f the govcrncKses Into th eir social world. They know iu childhood only the few children related to them or In tim ate w ith their fam ­ ilies. It Is not until they leave the schoolroom to face society th a t thdlr acquaintances are suddenly enlarged and th at tbe burden of conducting S themselves w ith credit under the trying circum­ stances which most frequently face a shy g irl falls to them, fk v - eral years of this life may make them women of aulBi ient tact and experience to conduct themaelvea w ith anything like difttwetion. They enter the world of aoclety when the average g irl student la just beginning the studies o f her sophomore year. The girl who es- tera aoclety at the customarily early age la supposedly learning life while the atadenta are «till at their booka.