Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1917)
QUALI T V IS OUR MOTTO, Buy a lib erty bond. Local Happenings Heavy uor’weat wind la oom. physician, ia'a professional visitor in town this morn lag. * tnencing to make the dust fly.fll School Supt. W . M. Kent, from The Ladies’ Aid w ill meet with Celebrate the 4tb o f Ju ly , u o ~ Mrs. Zum walt at the Knapp raaeh Gold Beach, passed* op the ooasl Mre. Fred Caughell of Gold Beach1 tbto week. this ssorning. accompanied by her two children, The Cooe-Curry County fair will Only the most up-to-date in Watches, Braceleta, and ta v a illen are carried kt Stock. BIO BEN Alarm*, PARKER Fountain Pena, are always carried in Large Stock. •nt», H r. and Mrs. John Fromm, at mark dairym an, was a visitor Port Orford one day last week. thia place. WATCH KEPAIBING It our Specialty. N o tin g too difficult for our Repair Department. Try ui be convinced. Rev. J. W . H o y t end fam ily, who have resided at Gold Beach for the part several years, passed through Port Orford yesterday on their way to the Rogue River V e llty to make their future home. BOYLE JEWELRY CO. ■„ Bandon, Ora. «n Ne. 544. CÖlLTEl H. BUFFINGTON . L aw yer , Oregon Gold Beach, ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ -— ----------------- P h y s ic ia n & S u r g e o n L sn g tek, Oregon Telephone connection with main line C. W. ROBBINS, M. D. Gold Beach, Oregon. Lnrrin Forty is driving one of S. Whitsett’s Dodge cars, and soon as the roads get smoothed up a little be w ill run regularly from Port Orford to Gold Beach, Oonnect ing here with M r. Whitsett whe Will be on the run Irom Baoddn to this plaoe. H arry Pçarse came ru from his Romeon Middle Elk to register yesterday. He and Ja*. Crew w ill ownmenoe right away re|>airing the Forest Service telephone line from the Middle E lk Ranger Station to Agness, and they w ill also put up a new line from the W: ' O. Corbin place on Sixes to Eckley. P. A. SC H M ID T, M. 0 - P hysician and Surgeon M r. and Mre. T. L. Carry motor ed from Wedderburn to the old Carey home near Corbin, Sunday, and look the occasion to spend a few hours visiting at the E. J. Baker home. _ . Hon. F. B. Ticheuor relumed to 7 lU a home at thia plaoe Monday from veral weeks’ stay at Portland. Hs syill believes that he stands an ex cellent chance for the appointment at U. 8. Marshal fur Oregon,’ And with the appointment of Judge Me. N ary aa Senator, Mr. Tiohenor has "another friend a t court.” 5£ Curry County Mttract- Realty Company. G o ld B c a c h , O r e g o n Has the Only Set of Abstract Books in Curry County Eighteen Years Experience Prompt,- Efficient Service W. A. WOOD, Manager —' ■- ———— —— ----------- Miss Nellie H ill gave a party to her young friends last Saturday ev ening, the occasion being the 18th anniversary of her birthday. There were 42 of Mita Nellie’s friends in attendant«, and a very enjoyable time was reported by those who were fortunate enough to ba numbered among the list. About midnight birthday cake and other refresh ments were served. ..__ Supervisor Marsh has about fin tahed getting the road* in thia dis trict in shape for the summer’s tra v • U H a hashad the Sixes h ill goav- eled, and has alto refilled the holes with gravel that had worn in the W. A- WOOD road in that vicinity— something ATTO B N B Y A T LAW that should be done from year to year. Mr, Marsh now hat the grad, GOLD B Ï À C B . OBBttOS er at work On the mountain south of town. ~ Wallace Pomeroy and Fred Guer Beeidest Dcntiat in were Langlois visitors in Port Orford election day. "Mr. Pomeroy ha* the contract for furnishing the Will make periodical visits to Langlois, lumber for (be improvement of the and Pert Orford. All work guaranteed. Bandon-Curry county road, soma thing over 200,000 feet, and while here be bought a doukey engine and several thousand feet of wire cable Port Orford, Oregon, from J- D. Loucks and N. H . Lar G o i d Feed S t a b le a tta c h e d . son. The contract call* for nearly L.. K 3XA.H I* P r o p r i e t o r . a ll white cedar, and the donkey * x w ill be used in gettiog out the lug*. First-clam in every respect. Mr. Pomeroy ia one of the promi nsnt dairymen ol hie section and E. B. HALL Atty, at Lav, Notary Public Port Orford , Dr. F. A. Vogo KNA PP HOTEL in N O T IC E F O B P U B L I C A T I O N haraamawv or tms Ixrxaioa, United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, May Uh, 1917, Notice la hereby given that HENRY ADOLPH8EN Range 16 Wert, W illam ette Meridian, has filed notice of h it InUmUou to make final Five-year Proof, to .Rtabllsh claim to the land above dm- oribed. before Haidy T. Stewart, U. 8. Commissioner, at his office at Port Or ford. Oregon, on the Hth day of June, 1917. Claimant names aa witnesses: A. J. Marsh, of Port Olford, Oregoo. J. M .L im pach.of ’’ Charles Forty, of ” R. O. McKees*, of " „ „ W . H . Caros, der 48 to 17; the aet requiring city and town election* at time of State elections carried 4$ to 1$; tbe uniform tax amendment carried S3 to 26; repeal of certain constitution al amendments carried 86 to >5; lim iting number of fall la and increas ing legislator’s pay was defeated 36 to 26, and the port indebtedness act carried 38 to The vote in Curry ’ county, with Eckley to begr from, ia 309 against to 118 for the Road Bond issue, a majority of 251 against jt . The is sue baa carried by a big majority in Coos county. Reports over the wire this morn ing state that the Road Bond »*•»« ure has carried in tbeStale by »b jut 20,000 majority. R. C. Ostrander returned from Capt. Swing Sell. T. Bandon last week, and has opened a a barber shop in the Koch ootiage Capt. John Swing, when In port on Jackson street. the first of the week, announced Cept. Swing was down from Coos that be haa sold hia gasoline launch Bay with Ihe Tram p again the let Tramp to the Macleay Estate com ter part of last week with another pany, and tbe boat will now go on the Bogue river-Cooa Bay run. The load of freight for thia piaoe. consideration in the deal is mid to Mre. C. W . Robbins, and twochild have been $5500. rea, came up from Gold Beach with For some Ume past the Tram p the U r. leal week, and are spending has been bringing the bulk of Port a few Jays with friends here. Orford’s freight from Cone Bay, bat F. D. Gallo, rspresentiag the it ia not known if aha w ill oontinue American Adjusting Association of to do ao in the future aa it i« quite Ban Francisoo, was interviewing the possible that her new owners' w ill business meh of town Monday on have enough business of their own Pert Orferfl Send* bit way up the coset. to keep the little boat busy. The Another young man went from x frost viaitw.1 Pert Orford last building of the Tram p wae some of Port Orford to tbe defence of hia • Sunday night, and while It was a Capt. Swing’s own handiwork, « a d country, when Chauncey Bumgard- aha is one of the best sea boats of light one yet it was cold enough to ner started for Marshfield Saturday < do damage in some of the gardens, her »lie on the cosst. to offer himself for enlistment in and nipped a lot of bean vine* that tbe U. 8. cavalry^ The young man What About the 4th af July? had been up but a short lime. sent h it name in through postmaster Johnston, and received instructions Local Woodmen are requested to So far as we know there has been meet for a short while In their ball to report to the recruiting officer at nothing dune ne yet about celebrat Marshfield. y at 1:30 next Sunday afternoon. Ion ing the 4th of July in Ihe various M r. Bumgardaeris a husky young portent matters are to ha considered communities throughout tbe uouaty. man and should have no trouble is and all of the lodge members are A t this time, above all others, when parting the physioal examination, urged to be present pur country is depending upon the and i f be is true to bi* name the Hon. F. B. Tiohenor received a patriotism of her oiliseni for her front ia the plaoe for him as it is wire yesterday from Portland to the very existence it is eminently fitting goodgardnera not the bumgardner effect that at the election there Mon that every hamlet in the land who la needed at home. day Geo, L. Baker was elected May should commemorate tbe xnnlvere or, and A. L. Baker and Dan Kel ary of the birth of our freedom. Promisen! Men Caught With leher, Commissioners. Disloyalty is.,ope of tha gravest After spending a week at Port dangers that it confronting our gov Deputy sheriff, E. L. White, held Orford, F. E . Whitmore, organiser ernment. Get together on the 4th up an automobile at thia plaoe early of the W . O, W ., left for Wedder of Ju ly; road over tbe good old Dec Sunday morning In which Dr. burn and Gold , Beach Saturday. laration of Independence, and atim Straw, ex-M ayor of Marshfield, and During Mr. Whitmore’s stay here ulate more devotion to your country Geo. Laffaw, a prominent automo bile dealer of the Coos Bay aountry, eight application* for membership to in your own heart and by your ex were returning from a trip to Cres ample help Im plant it in the hearts 4he local lodge were received. cent C ity, and a search of the ear of others. revealed four quart bottles of whis Mr. and Mre. Jaa. Crew passed key, on* of which had been partial through town the latter part of last ly used, and three smaller sample week on their way from their borne bottles. Tha men were arraigned on Sixes to the Ranker Station at before Justice M. T. W right where A shooting took place in Bandon Dr. Straw, who owned the car, plead Middle E lk , at which latter plaoe last Saturday evening when night- guilty to uolayfullv having boose they w ill spend the summer. Mr. Watchman Axel Eiicksou shot Jack in h i. possession and was fined $60. Crew w ill serve again thia lesson aa Holton while the latter was resisting No charge waa preferred against M i. a Forest Guard under the supervis Laffaw. arrest, I -• '*-• ion of Ranger Curl. The gentlemen took their arrest I t seems that considerable boon good naturedly, only Dr. Straw said Itegiatratibii day passed off quiet- waS in evidenoe and it -was while "¿7t he" wished i t understood that ty at Port O rford, and ao far aa trying to enforce order that the they were not common bootleggers, known notone within tbe preaorib- trouble occurred. When the officer but were merely bringing along an Sd age failed to sign up. Registrar attempted to plaoe Holton under extra bottle or two for private use J. U. Freuch reported SO registra- arrest he waa knocked down for hia with nd intention of selling any, and tha small quantity they had trations. The returns from the trouble, and when he attempted to with them bear* out thia aaaettion. county are not complete, hut ap. enforce the mandates of the law with Coming up the coast at an unusual proximately 900 have registered. a policeman’s billy be wee again ly early hour Sunday morning, af ter being to Crescent C ity, evident Decoration Day services were help knocked down by eome kind of a ly aroused suspicion that the Cone in the Port Orford cemetery last weapon in Holloa's bands and it county msn were running in a oon Wednesday, and the program was waa while being beat up by b it •»- trabrand cargo, and our deputy carried out aa planned. The ceme aailanl that the officer drew « his re sheriff was notified over the wire to tery was cleaned op, and there were volver and fired three abots, one of be on watob for them, and he stop ped them a* they were passing flowers there for all tbe graves. whioli Struck Holtoo in tbe groin throngb town about 7 o’clock that Many earns in from the surrounding inflicting a severe wound, but oan morelug. country to help pay tribute to the that w ill not prove fatal hnleas earn dead and take part in the exercises. plications arts*. AtaL Fereater A very pleasant party took plaoe last Thursday evening at the John From m residence on Oregon street. The occasion was the anniversary of Mre. Fromm's birthday, and the party was arranged by a number o f H A R D Y T. 8 T E W A R T has just completed putting in 60 her friends as a surprise. After an enjoyable evening passed in mn.ic U . » . C O M M I h H I O N E H acres to crope. and games refreshments were served and J . C. French, of Port Orford’s new alfd the visitors went home wishing real estate firm, the Port Orford N O T A R Y P U B L IC Realty company, is working on a Mr*. Fromm many; many happy P o r t O r ib r d , O r e g o n set of blue prints and ownership return* of the event. The Yuba tractor and the rock maps for Curry county, that will be J E F F O. FR E N C H crusher catne down from Langlois by far the most complete and com prehensive thing of its kind ever last week and started to work on •P b rt O rfo rd , Oregon attempted io thia county. A ll of Oregon street Monday afternoon, Ask me for any Information regarding the property in the county w ill he Tbe tractor engine is being used to Timber or Real Estate in Corry tfcunty hated and the list injexed, xb that run tha crusher, and the rock is be full information will always he at ing hauled on the road with teams. band concerning any particular The work will ba done by contract. J. a JO H N SO N Supervisor Marsh eeys that tha A T T O R N E Y A T L A W tract of laud. The list a n d ’ maps 'crusher is a complete success, and will be kept up to data from the I, 21 Years Practice ¡»Orego« Cexrta records at the County Clerk * office breaking the rock as fast at three Mr. French says that it will cost men can feed it, and soma of tha C J o ld B e a c h , - - O r e g o n rock on which it ia working ie ex about $200 to Install thia system. D is t r ic t A t t o m e v ft»r C u r r y C o . ceptionally hard. Henry Al. Axtell, after trying last ------------------ ------------- _ ..................................... J h filth , 14tb and 15th. Little interest was manifested in tbe election here and but 72 votes, lea* than half the number registered, war* cast. Tbe fifi,000,000 Bond Is sue was defeated 44 to 26; the new of Spring and Fancy Summer Goods. DENMARK FARMERS STORE I CRaurtiaaâwhrtHàrtasMKrtrtwâ. Port Orford-Bandon - « - I ' * * ; ! •• • AUTO TRUCK LINE JOHN MACKENZIE. PBOP. Leaves Port Orford 6:30 A. M. Arrives at Bandon 11 A. M. Leaves Bandon 1:00 P. M. Arrives at JBort Orford 6 P. M. The Above Schedule enables all North bound passengers to make connections with train for Marshfield. FREIGHT & PASSENGERS SOLICITED. Pert Orferfl Bay* Sent to Eastern Ceeat 8hirley Buck, Assistant District Forester from Portland, returned last Thursday on his way home from ▼ lrttli I a iwfklfl v»t»t'» trrav it. _ wliMra* wiicir i h i w e • » « '• » «*«*$ gone to ennfer with the County Court relative to a plan wh’ereby $60,000 w ill be expended in improv ing the road south of Port Orford. Aa butlined in last week’s T r [» unc the proposed improvement comet through a tri-eornered agreement between the Forest Service, Stale and County. The Forestry Depart ment ia to .pend $50,000 on the road between Reedport and Coos Bay, and under Sec. 8 of the Shackleford Bill ihe State w ill »pend * like —*— -v----- 1 - • '-'I amount in thia couaty. Cwrry is Many Attend Masonic Lodg* at not required to raise any additional road money to off-aet tlie.s .urue, Laat Saturday there war s meet and all Ibat has been a.ked of bar ia ing of the Langlois Masonie lodge, that she cooperate in a general plan and Masons were in attendant-« of putting the through roast road from Gold Beaoh to Bandon. From on * belter grade and duiug Work the Rogue river town, Dr. Bobbin., that would he permanent. The four pupil* who took tha re week to sink a hole to bedrock al County A tty. Buffington and School Mr. Buck said that he found *Wr Gold Run with adonkey engine and cant 8tb grade examination at Port Supt. Kent wer* in attendance, court willing to dtrll« part and aa scraper, gave up the attempt alter Orford a ll secured their diplomas. while D. Qnellen, Wm. Gillings. A. I 8 . Johnaton, Bobt. M cP hillnm av.'ai.t the plan In every way possible, going down about 18 feet and baa They were, A lta Sutton, Bessie A. A. and Fred Jamieson, E . L. and that he now fell ceitain th eim Stone, Dorothy Stewart and H arry gone to Whiskey Run above Ban W h ile, J. R. Ilntobeaoo and J. C. provement will be made as outlined.' don. A t the latter plaoe Mr. A x- Slrahan. In speaking of tbaexami- French repreaanted Port Orford, tell and four companion«, under tha* nation they paaxsd Supt. W . M. About a doaen member* of the When a.ked how stum tha money “They are to be oom- Bandon lodge came down, and bn* would be available for the work, he title ol tba Platinum Developing Kent said mended for the record they have iness and pleasure kept tbe meeting replied that it »hnnl.l be immediate- J company, are operating with an en open until after daylight the follow ly, thus making it possible to get shown in this examination, especi gine and new gold and platinum ally in the test in arithm etic.^Their ing morning. Tbe Ir t degree »( the reault. this summer. saving device. Ha any a that the J order was conferred upon Measr«. Mr. Buck **y a that it is planned beach there carries about the same - paper* in this particular case are a Robbin* and Buffington, while E, White and J. 0. French were glvea ' to une the money In making a ro-id value* in gold a* tha Curry beach««, J credit to them.” Women are not but run« higher in plaUnnm. A f j generally anoredited with being good the 2nd degree and M r., Moore, of along the eoaat, instead of over tbe Langlois, took the 3rd degree. mountain, from Hubbard* to Brush ter running most of the eammer a t ; mathematician«, and tbe 8upt’». D. Quellen, Grand Matter, was creek, and atao to follow the ooaat their present location M r. A x te ll, oommandatron waa donbtleee elic- appointed a* a delegate to the meet aaya that hia oompany intend* to . ited in thia oaae by tba fact that ing of the grand lodge at Portland aonth of tha latter stream and elim move down Into Curry oonoty and j each one of the gtrla paaaad 100 par on the 18th inat. He will leave in inate what ia known as the L iaville a few day* to fu lfill’ hi» mission. h ill. work a number of tba bMobaa here, oant In arithmetic. Orris Knapp, Oliver Corbip, Le land W hite, Clarence W right and Francis Smith, five of the', Fort Or- ford.boys who enlisted in the navy, have been sent to a navy yard in the east and assigned to duty on battleships. The two former boys will be on tbe battleship New York. Roht. Smith, on account of having had experience and going in aa a second «lass fireman, waa not trans ferred and remain* at Bremerton. Merle Woodcock write* from Mare Island that be ie being kept under observation by tbe doctor», and is not certain whether he will finally be accepted or rejected. His broth er, Lynn, ia also at that place and is serving a* a musician. I Gall and see them 5 —— - 1---- 1—Bi F u ll L in e o f D ry G oods, N o tio n s a n d F u rn is h in g s , F r e s h G ro ceries, a n d in fa c t e v e r y th in g y o u w a n t A ll N e w a n d F re sh , a n d P ric e s R ig h t. -SBÌ- C W Zumwalt&Sons