V o lu n to X X V I WAR ON LAZY-GERM CAROLANO, B lc k * e r » t h O a t a r y . All necessary operations in writing, billing or Statistical w ork are accomplished from the key- board of the light running, easy ad io n M odel 10 (V isible) Gets Drives Csnieam K b b e . Certeeked Im et K ey U s rd Variable end Uettertal Lute Spacci Peaiect D e c Guard Beak Space Lever A fte r the advent of the house of Han- aver tho favorite games at court were ’‘quadrille,” an Improvement of ’ ’om bre," and •‘commerce." T h e galna and tosses of the kings ste? ffucens were, as a rule, restricted to 100 guineas. but sa T w e lfth Nig tit It waa customary fa r thousands to change hand». Os on* occasion Lady Cowper. a lady la arslb liig. refused for the sake o f her CbB- dreu to take part la the game, as b o m sat down to the tab la w ith la w than £200. A trout the year 1740 a rage foe •w h is k " or whist, act In, but a t flrrt It Iran considered too wise a game fo r bid lea to join In. Hum e, the blstorlsn. never went to bed without hie whist, and even the great Johnson regretted that he had not learned to play cards. In 1743 "H o rry " Walpole find» it abso . lutely necessary to learn “whisk," "Having waited In vain for Ita being le ft off.” W e And him in another let- ter threatening to build an a lta r to •P a in " to commemorate the escape o f bis charming Duchess of Cruftou, who, it appears, bad been playing cards la Dome when she ought to have been a l a cardinal's reception, where tbs floor fe ll 1» and a ll the monalgnorea awaa precipitated Into tbs cellar! Cards tv«w ae vi ry awefc Hi «-»-idrtMW la Ms tim e th a t evea lavMatkma w n a frequently Issnod and notes w ritten op en the hacks o f playing cards, which on that account were usually plate, arltboul aar design. The cberata(*a fameoa order to retreat «1 Culloden araa wrttjco on the back o f tke «tea at te te te U a t "auy person keeping • bona« or ether place to game in fo rfe it* £300. h alf to the prosecutor and h alf to tho poor of the pariah." whereupon tw o Indies of title. Uordlngtaa nnd Cassette, aabo keep open’ hooaas for gambling, etelmed tbelr privilege o f .peerage te order to Intim idate the pear» offleesa •rom doing their duty nnd rnipprurnlqg ate public gaming houses by th e m — Longman’s M ag u ln e . New Year's d v *■ *n some way rao ognlaed by «vary psopiu hiving a to t mal caleud.ir, j e t ihe hour« ot uh* las day ot ice uid year genet4hy va*» w ill little varteuoa from prdiuary rv-Aiu« Nevertneiusi, it la ike com^.uix: ixx/i whose awry impresses ihe reader lo good or bad, not the cover or l ‘v tronue;:l«ce at the new one. Near!, ail the worus at aar laoguugu apply in, to a cuuia» uut absolute;/ marked ou describe tea path Umi te le tt belita. and not Lust uarefe re octal«, say* Youtn’s Qiinpattipu- liie ro Is so soup jnrpart to uu> ship'« "teaaff' Id r I k .^nourae which the prow te about I break, nor at Ik e ' ir a r k a t tke O oloaq," nor r f th* spoor ut the tl««u nor o t '‘the tra il" ut u um berieu u tl mala. I t tnay be noted Inclitebteit. that many m u e and elites hove re Gently passed ^aws ur urdiuau.xs n qulnug au.oinuulte io fcbrrj a niun bar, in largo figures. 'ix u p ie g trum th back. Meliouy a bo aftte as auiomobd cowing earns wkat lie sum bur 1*. psi. w b e s 'tt kappase to leave evu.e recur- bakistl is Ite use«, is tke kjoowiedg of Its number Important. I t is doubt lew because the J u lure is eworinlu, with poedbtl.ilea, «kt-reae tho pas constitutes a record aklcb tar.nut b changed, that moat ot our tvs..nt<e center about tke anticipaiiou at tk sew year rather than Is a rrtioepoc Uve atfbclion io r Ute ol& I s ti.e o-u® day* ot the world prophecy b;ld i place ot prominence uuioitg ail peo plee, but ot uta.oiy itt tno ec.eaiid sense there K J . boufc .'Ib is has beet reversed by the vertftdyp»m »U4l med era world, tuutory la at a pie mum ou at prophet y at s d s u s .a u 1« most disi «cor reo D a . -a y It, stands for the coiopicuil record, a Now11 Year's dix.» for the prophecy o what Is to come. NEW YEARJRESOLUTIONS. Pe V a r a r Oof Too Old or Too Ooot to M avs V o Xaod of W h a t! mafca Now Yaar reaolutloa a g a in ! Certainly, no one la too oi o r too goul to have need a t t i a o B vt curb your ealk«»l*»ua; »e;±tb aeJ your rhaam o f aaccaaa, and ba a l it Ua gMoa waAM wiik ¡o o n o u ikai you wars a year ago. Better to a rt at easier task ana » ip than to risk »<ak eolng your w ill power and saf-reapee by another, failure, ears the Counirj OenUeman. H a re your ideal of par M et maahood, of wntoaohood. by al means. U fa la Indeed procalc am commonplace without oae, and—alas. It la a b lu e r disappointment with ooe unless wa remember that we build thi ladder by » hicb w < rise to a nobh chaiactb'. bc i thsl more actual prog roes la made by gaining ooe atrooi round than by ten sha»y ones. Just what par k .i.a r ei>p la moa nevded each one m. at ut,<ri;.lne foi him, cr h«»btt. 1 out ot u n h L te ; c o n £ lion at the kid- neya; If (t stains your linen II Is evidence of kid- ney trouble; too frequent desire to •¡“ • J * P a,ni „ kid'nevs and’ b b i ; ««artera." "Yea,, I know." replied tha quickly. "1 waa arrested last ' night and was balled out this morning, Ton are too alow.” “I t does look that w ay," said the crestfallen policeman M be told tbg th ie f he could go, of w blcb permission the th ie f lost no time In availing bjmeelf. Itetcr, to bis chagrin, the policeman found that tha thief bud not been previously arrested. T h » G lid e d U s a . and look in the glass— you will see the effect— Y o u can’t help puckering—it makes you pucker to think o f tasting it B y the use o f bo ealled cheap Baking Powders you take this puckering injurious Alum right into your system—you injure digestion, of tho urinary passage. It corrects InsblDtv to hold water end scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine nr beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often ■iurmr ms day, and to get up many times A -:,.g the night. The mlid end the extra- ordinare i-.fTeet of Swansp-Root Is soon realized It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing esses. beat. Sold by druggist» lr. 50c. and$l. »Iza». j You may h»ve » nmple bottle of this and ruin your stomach. * ■vondarfu) discovery . «no a boote that t e l i » xJb!5;2Sh mere about It, both sect tbsolutely free by m a ll,.. iddress Dr. Kilmer b Son. w re«np-»o-* Co., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing mon te» resJiag ihlagaasroua offer la this paper. AVOID AleVM At the headwaters of the Orinoco (tpanlsh tru dltljn a located the land of E l Dorado, “the glided Than." a po- lentatc whose cdunfry w ia » rtfh tn gold dust that be trad bla body unolnt- ed w ith oil and aprinkled w ith gold ev ery morning, so th a t be alrone in tha sun as tliougb glided. I t la a carious fact that the country In which tradition located this marvelous being baa never Been explored by a w hite man. To say that every man has his pries la to deny the eilefeooe of the grpal men who bnve died for their faith and thnlr country. Nonsense: T ie the last ph-a o f a knave and Issues niff of the month of a fool. T be sterling strength of num nnd worottn rebukes It every w here.- Schoolmaster. He ■ ■ ( ■ • f t F a th e r. Oulsof lived 'hreugli the most event- I foi period» df modern France. lie was boro In 1787 amid tbe mnttertbgs o f the revolution. O u lw t’a parent» were mar ried by a proscribed Protestant pastor, and hte birth was ocver legally regis tered. H is father, who w u aa ndvs- eate, a»ed his talent for public speak log In tbs Interest« o f tbs pcraecotsd Protestants and Became a marked man A fter living for acveral week« In dan ger of hl» life be was at last arrested, •wwilllnjri.v enough, tty a gemternte whs knew (tml respected him. "tthall 1 let you escape?" said tte man. "A re yun married?" replied >1. <3«k sot. “ Yes. J bars two cfclWren.” "And so hove I," re p i-o p h e prlsqnsr, “but you woold have to pny for me. L e t os go ou." They w e ft on. snd M. OniSdt died sb the sraffohl a few days Inter. A t this «m e Francois, tbe fattire ste teaman, w to wsa the elder o f tbo two children, was six and a half years old and al ways preserved the rer"Hefti#b a t go ing to see his father In priMi«, os what wna cnphenilstlcally called tbq tonss of justtce.-O enttem an'« M anslnp, Royal is made from pure, refined Grape Cream of Tartar—Costs more than Alum but you have the profit of quality, the profit of good health. DOCTOR •a y connamrfie.*« can be cured. N atu re ctloac w v a ’t do it, i t aeeda help. S to tl'5 1 'ìll SION Nothing has ever equalled i t Nothing can ever surpass i t Dr. King's New Discovery r.,(2gsvaw^ni« A Perfect Cure « For AU Throat am Lang Troubles. M ener beck I f It tell». Trtel Uetttee Ow, w S « - POOR PRINT b a rk e d T a rt. Nell—H e wrote a lovely poem te Ma bel. , • Belle—I kcow ^ hu t sbe got mad and tore It up. Nell—The Iden! Why? B c lte - Ile headed it "Lines on Ma bel's F se v ."-I'h lla d e lp h ls Record. ■I- A D vm estle SesL ' “John la so domestic in bis taites," said tbe tllllvlll« matron. . “H e is r “Tea. He’s been all day In tbe t o t ann trying te k ill a rattlesnake to get a rattle for tbe baby!"—Atlanta Cote ntttntton. F e o te s e te a a l J e s ls s s r . The Com edian-1 thought you SPd Mias Poser were to be married this week. Is it postponed. T to H e avy—Gad. stri 8be sctnslly wants ber ouiny to uppeor before uilns In tbs wedding announcement—■*• O eae A nvbeve. B acon -A man can't take any money w ith him when be dies. E g b e rt-O h . I don't know. I bad a frleod who owed me, »10 die last weak. | guess h e«.token tlw t w ith blm bB rig h t-T o n k o re B tiPeuiaft. 1 1 I evtry 1<W ot ea ‘ boys s a i t-rls growi tall" need most to kraut up a n t strengthen the round pi cheerfulness and 1 question If there aio many a you who can m » > t a resolve that w ll do more to develop hod stietiuihct your higher a t ' - r * tnan an t-rnesi one to tu cli crtul- -etin when thing! go wrong—lor tiom ita roots u, aura to spring thonghifulneas of others, and hope, and courage T h in k of these things, and remem- bei u -t ouiy .uu i r e tons assurance ol h*lp to him who "a orheth out his owa salvation,” but that the dear "Lord .loveth the cheerful giver" of hope and courage, aa well as him who gladli glveth of his "loavas and fishsa." DEATH INCREASE IN FRANCE I t appear« that it in not alone a lueatlon of race suicide that is troubling I the annitariana ot Prance, hut also the terrible in crease in the death rate. l»r. Lowenthnl, who in a mem her of the commission which ia in ventignting the c u t i s e s of th- shrifiitnxt* in eonsna returns, is not ’ X»ggeratmg when he say« in a' recent article thgt “alcoholism alone is Wiling Frandc.” Tuber culosis, !.V t'oiitinuca, which of «11 discavcs is the mr.st easily avoid ?d, is raging In France with more viol-nce then in any other eonnfry in the world. Every year It kills more than iBfl.fMW victims and con tomlnntes te"ie than half a mil lion» more. Then typhoid, typhus, dysentery, acarleTina and other diseases and infections mala dies, which are decreasing in Eng land, Germany, Hwitrerland, I&l ’ ¡am, Holland, Sweden and way, the United State« and even Italy, are, on the othtr band, re maining at a very high average in France, same even showing a m alted tendency to develop. Rmalipox, which ha« nearly disap peared from every civlli«cd land continues tn make thonsands oi victims In France and hecatombs ia her colonies. Such is the gist of Dr. Loweathal't article, and it cannot be said (hat ho la inclined to he nndoly pessimistic. The original and specific germ ot lari seas has been discovered. It le known as tke Uncinanus Au.ericaaus, and It» home la In Porto Ittco. No lam than SO par cant, of the entire ru ral popula tion is afflicted with the g e n ii, which ie coiiwionly and vulgarly h s M n i a* Ute kook worm A xoiumhudws wax »«xAwtod to In s u t wldespraad laxluoes ba the Inland, and Its report kas Juki haan published Pixunini nt xj my and navy piiysiêbm». acting w ith Uu health s fffr 'j* at Porta Hico, mad« up th is nummlaeion. which March. A large tent bowpttrt ama sr-roW «t Bayamsn, near San Juan, and every modern facility provided for the f e a l- rnent of the unfortunate la s -. with the result that now evary one of Ik s caw» la at least ahis to work. In a single day, tke report state». n-j Jew than 10 eaaae applied to the nos- pita! to r treatm ent And in lees than a year from the Urns of the hospital's eatabllshn ent there have been treated aud cured 6.UC0 causa The total caíanse o f the exp-rlnienf has been only JS odd. u r an avenas« of only one dollar fa r every laay wan cured —an estimate, the i-.yurt atetes that should he huthly a . —iiactory lo every one who Is inte: e e l'■! la the welfare of. people who live In trt-plcal cllmm-s. The gei.n is acid to Infest th * water and son hiu!l;pi.j».g with trig hiful ra- pldlty in :b»»y«um of th« patient. Ab solute sktptldam ou tbe part of the uu Uvea la said to hare met tke hospital physicians when a cure was first an- ncunoed. For years they had been Hunted by Spanish and native physl cuius, as well as by tke orthodox scien tific school of medicine, which went on Irani year lo yaar prescribing Iron, quinine and tonics. Out or.ee Ute hookworm was prop erly Isolated and raecufnlaed oc th* p lu s slide of the estpttIm eutal patholo gist. It became mwvdy a matter of a few hours Io discover eoass powerful anti- aepfle or germicide th a t should put an end to M. ~ - A naturalised cltlten of tha tTnited States. D. Aoadcurlan, aa Armenian who is In buslaeM In Cleveland,/ra- looked up In Constantinople, Turkey, charged w ith eonapirarj. Through the offices ot some Turkish buslnrav men he waa relee a ed ' under W,0"b bnndS, effective during hie stay of W days, lie baa just returned to his home here, report« a Cleveland ex change. Concerning hie experience la «eld: " I went there on business. As soon as my presence became known the of fleers canie fo r int. They questioned ue, asking If I epoke the A n neal«' language. This 1 deniedt becauee h'o I adm itted It I am tore that 1 woui' uever have rvbiniad to America. T h- Furke fear American Armenia they think that lo America the p c pie have an advanced kni.nleilge cl .igh explosive«, which w ight be used to blow up II e sullen. T htJ vuspected ■ me o f being in sympathy with the Ar- ■nrnians. A fle r putltag me in prii • lhey bnd sonie lue» corne loto my eell end tell ftiuiiy «tories in the A rcituiah They w»«+ed ie ;« belrvt, my knowledge of It l>y laog.iiag. Uu' I didn't laugh. f " f had | smiled 1 would not be here new lo leH the tale. The stories were rery funny, but I managed to keep « sober countenance in spite of wy wish to laugh.” Tw enty years ago Lafcadlo Hearn was a reporter on the staff of a CtiHslB- nati rewspi wr. Gnr day, says the Sac Pranrlsco.Art-onaut, a famous steeple climber WHS g..sng to »cole the spire of tbe cotbrdral In repair Ih e c n ’ «» tt'«t «topped the sptrr 2M feel above I be aid«- wolk.. The r f ernoon he lirst scaled the spire lh o n o rd b o f people watched him br> »1 h leskly us Ire .slowly made hla way UP th'* outai'le of ib eaterp le. Of course he »as Irttervliwed, and hr said, boa-'- ingly, Ib n H h e ta>-k was so ess;,- that !><■ Could, just ni well entry u irsr. upon his bnck. T tn l noon llearn said 11pildly te his city editor that he hud read of th« steeple climber's offer and »culd be glad to ascend the spire <>n bis back 1 he editor tried lo pntnl onl to Hearn the pent of the Ihing, but be Would not Halen. Finally the steeple climber ai.4 Hearn arranged their end of the fret. At the appointed lim e Hearn a-.oimted the stee| le climber's ahoul'irrs and the dlxxy journey begun. Tens of thou sands of people wstched the foolhardy pair. A t last the cross waa reached and Hearn left his perch on the climber's iboalders. The mob in the street be low cheered and then tbe two men re turned to the ground safely. Hearn went back to tbe office and sat down and wrote two eolumns of u story de scribing ble sensations end Ik# g lo rin of the view he had obtained from steeple top. Such a gjowlsg descrlp- tioa o f a city eeen from a great height has never been read, before nor since. Tbe most interesting tM » t» tr o " l It wna the fact that Hearn was ac aeer-slgl t»c. be oould not see five faet beyond the Hr of his noee.