b o# / lUUTTBNIMVnt, lannard, ■ tha eg- tbe bar. nd - i l l Vote Monday and register for war ' A n^niiM tkW m M for Immediate service io Frsaoe will be organised A l. G a rle ld aaade the ran from by the F o n a t Batuta»wader the di Bandon to Langlois ia a skeleton motion of tha W ar JJepnrtmenL Thia regime*! i» plenaed to emtat Ford yesterday ia 48 miaatea. “ Civlllsatioa", tha greatest mo- ia forest work ia Franot, and will also ooBdeet logging and m illing tioa picture ever prodaosd, w ill ba operations. Portable mills proba ahowa at Bandon Saturday night. bly will.ba used as they can. ^e Sheriff Tolman Was ia town last quickly taken from plaaa to plena night, returning from delivering aa bead derelope or at supply of election supplies la northern Carry. tog» requires. The regiment will John Maekeasi* ia making regular be comprised offoreetort, logging tripe with bis auto truck between engineers, experienced woodsman, here and Bandon. Hot b it ad. ia loggers, and men of similar expcr fence and training. Thia body of thia bane. — ’ L • ~ ■ /? <■ ,^l L — • - men w ill form a nett of the E ngi A party of 17 Port Orforditea neers* Corps of which tbs railroad enjoyed a picnic dinner e n d « piena- workers are a part. «>< afternoon at Tbs Madronos last 8oody - I f you i*t miro - . *" ’ . 1 I S '" M r and Mrs. Bedflald and two children were in town over night the first of the week white traveling by ante from North Bend to Wed- derburn. .They w ill spend the sum n w * t the letter place where two of ,h#ir M 'A v ' y* *U “ oi “ ° Ul7 me ,o8d -Ed. Lmdberg. the lofjnl’, garage m an, made a trip to E tu ih « ereek. Monday with S. WhitneU to « p a ir an auto trunk for 8. P. M e r r it Be turning with M r. Whiteett yesterday b4 continued on to Marrhdcld with that gentleman to help bim bring a Donald Garbntt is spending Y * ° weeks visiting with bia grandfather, Telephone eonnentfcm with main line J. D . Looeka. a t the W m . GiUinga borne a t this place. The young C. W .B0BBIS8.M .D , man, whom homo is In Sheridan, W yo„ is attending school a t the FhyatetM apri Bwg^nm Oregon Agricultural College. ear load of automobiles over to Ban- don. Announcements have bean made of tbe engagement of Mine Ada R-, daughter of M r. and Mrs. 8. E. M s « tert, to E a rl A. Brown, and of MUa w ilm e A .. »’aughter of Mr. anil Mr». Ears Turner, to 8idney • • ’ 4 d ’* * * IffS “ btotodl It with »k. etarted an street i special tomor- WATCH KEPAIBING '/ at play which is COLLISI Hi BUKFIÏWW " , I f f a 8* Langlotab. Oregon Gold B ee«h, «Oregop. W m . Candlin of Coquille, former- ly with the Pacific Paper company but now rapreeenting the J. J F . P. M cFall paper bourn of Portland, woe in town Monday night while 6iwtj ttitrut W. A. WQOD ATTOBSBTAT \ LAW •O L D BBAfcH.OREttOX , btexers of tha West has passed to hie reward io toe life beyond, end i l waa euoh sturdy pioneers as »>• that brought thie Oregon, oppntry into subjection and reclaimed it from r ’ “ I . L tt « « y . but hat now about decided to the savages and a wilderaeec. A ll has Imeed.ratarned to Bandon the becutoing honor to their memory I 4 o « «f i f producers. H e is looking — ------------------- ' ‘ Diyelbiaa a fam ily yeeide. A . aeon Ng Gathering At Patristic M is ti n g , . . e oom forubl. bourn ta prepared * | f M llr f ---------— ‘ • 1 o . the river piece M r. D ,« It e r . T h e patriotic meetipg 1« that halt wiU move h i. fo lk. t o w . * last Saturday evening under» th e W illie Hutcheson and faurily t rro in the near future, «■apices of toe. Woodmen o f 't b e turned a few d ay. ago from a i d v Joteph Fyfo Jr. of the Fyfe.W )l ,W orld wee « welLettonded and o fro v e ra l months in California. ¿umber Co., B. H , Hiftkay W eolhueUMio affair,r The W i »»» Whoa they left here they tofoqdad- th e B tan bh -H ickey Ca. -o f' San eicely d i e t e d y i l l , UtoMriB. • * « 'Io 'make their home In the Sunshl ne F«m nron, name down from Bendon dag». e®d w b *»• °odtDe“ J piata, bet after being there a » » week with W . B. Beet, Ideal stumpe in front and the ofliowa of months they have returned widf agent of the former company, -and toe lodge in uniform, « very ptam. the conviction that after ail Cug$y. in¿peeled the work of installing a ing effeet wae the result. county ia toe beet plaoe on earth to ¿»ble that has been g oing. on' at The band was out in uniform, live. - > o c < i u i . „ 1 ^ . for .u - n*.» several weeks. and aftM a patriotic , i r a .d a aong by the Woodmen Rev. W . f t . ^yera Dr. F. A. Vogo Resident Dentist sometime. * My. We))s was boro (■ Athene, >liehM May >, 18M . and waa mar ried to E va Mack at Ottowa, K a a , in 1878, oomiog to Corry ooonty soma 16 yearn ago. BeaidaaUu wid aw he leaves one son, Bert Wells of S ixes, aud five grandchild row. !r- The deceased war a quiet, anas, turning waW Mf*l 1 good cWdlto'. And leaves many ftfoeda h i ttalU" daigh- bbfhobd to regret his death'. Inter-' aaeot fook pteoe Friday id U rii Den Port Orford, Oregon, O osd Feed Stable attached, g. i r w A P P P ropi-tm to r, NEW ■ LINE - M ■' - i V Goods. ---------- — — — m , lagna z ’ f‘ q . Ori |«ade«-Peit 1 b ^ . , v ’ W |n Hegqviet "of Meqahfield, m .m b m ’ « f ^ e ooclrortiog firm see them AUTO TRUCK LINE JOHN MACKENZIE. MOP. fm m toe list, end toe item went oa giate th at one b ro tilr haring paM (ha other waa undecid .bout enlieting. ebqve item ia entirely In ar ror, as the Woodcock brothers pass y g( , he gral examination and were assigned to duty as musicians at Mare m end. The rest of the Port Orford bqye went to Bremerton aa firemen, sad the error prob»hty orb gioaled beokuae tha Wooden^-hoys did not go with them. * . Call and .VtV ^ h a Coot Bay Timas of the tfird U(1 Western World o f the 84th, each contained aa item that ongi aau d in the Oregonian ia whioh the MudM port Orford boys who joined the navy were meolioood, » j ^ 't l ie qxooptioo of M èrle and LyB„ Woodoock whq were ofoilted Leaves Port Qrford 6:30 A. M. ■ ».•'?. .ri- to ' > • * Arrives a t Bandon 11 A. M. Leaves Bandon 1:00 P. M. Arrives at Port Orfôrd 6 P. M, ’.¿4 f ; • «Ad h tg / opened the meeliag with an m,vo flrt0., ^ ^ „ . 0 1 and tool» »rriv» cation Following thia toe .« d m « ,. o|katih8 mid grodlng w ilt brgle. sang America, end then CoL Rose, |M|||da< .tm wt •»« of Bendon gave a petr»<rtie,bae0 to (b, bridge, heart talk with the eodtaao. that .ppronimotely won much applauro. A. J, Marsh Qn |he jofc w||| came next with,« »old that ba mng • boor# |7 |7 1 1« hie usual pleasing waj», kmi.towo >fld y s m . The work adii, start V ie o ro b -tro , ompisttog of J «eater. w o tb „ d ^ W e r t e r u World. » Prone, Heins, Llano» aqd M n i f t _ T . Stewart, rendered a selection' ■ ' • : ■ » ----- «. 1 that wee heartily eneofod. A t t / . I . _ _______ N. M iller of Bandon gave * n rito- bl#ck weig h t about 1 quaut address, in wbtob. fa . M M foe., and in good order. Old, teK the prople ef the gteAt te e k -th rts W t t o f a n i capable ot ghrtegetemiyero now ooofronUng America, wbo^ in plcymen^ to anycoe^Who «kro him, fm ' ■' I --i’ bp .'? » « * '-jl - ,w*d>. '•'» • '■ •- / V ., - Jri»lW ............. ' -x - «*«• tVEKHT A PASSENGERS SOUCIIEDv . : - < Zrj F u ll L in e o f D ry Goods, N o tio n s and F u rn ish in g s, F resh G roceries, and in fact ev e ry th in g y o n w a n t A ll N e w and Fresh, a aoog by A . fo Johnston t h » M j U 4 ---------— --------»------ for another encore, «n d 4 M -^ fld l- WaaiiBW Itarik H»m Viri M m ' euro theo j><inrd 1« eiagTng*Nw WRh Patabtk Maritai, » Star Spangled^ Banhatz 7 ( 2 % , T"j • ,± _ > > FRENCH-. young l . d .e .U m o gave a f t ^ i . l end patriotic Sight. F. E- gave mom waa toe l a r t ^ M * <* t h ó t ' , J. O. JOHN8OW / A T W. 0. W. 1 that waa easily orieof the feptpSs of takes w a means of thanking the ladiei Port Orford, Oregon J L T T O ä m IC Y The Prot p rfo n f Camp. L m V W 31 YronPncMrotaOragaa Ceggta »• heatlog on the rocke made the trip - on« that Mr. Curl had been looking » forward to with much pleeaure, bat about Vri-bri» reporter wee aide to • e t p o t'p th im on hie « to r e , > « a , •‘neker apeia.M There wae a petri Otto meeting la town that night and above .11 things M r. C ud in loyal to D lua Country, b u l F hen 5 ^ * - 4 fended bim ©o to o « that evening * if o «Meyrtlke were rW ng op to meet him end the town wen rolling ia to «very direction. A fter being eaeiet £ ad to hri boast oar worthy Banger • «ning. th e fla g d r ill .n d J »• «/• ' ut»5»; V. Mr^ W.hfttaAe b U r i j « - I tear of ihe Wy<>. W , and H » fl»ec‘ L 1 and forceful »prakèfr. ite gave an address Ip whioh patriotism end F freternaliem w e« mixed. Another » Seleotion by the oroheytre wee tol- t lowed by « d rill by toe Battle Book t Circle. Thia was eleo e foster* of • toe well tendered program, as the . ladies «equitted tbemerlvae wkwtyi 1 arid wen much applause when they ! Dentist Coming. Open Under New Managem et Board by Dty. Week or Month I finally arranged themselves to form • .th e fotte«, “ U. 8. A .” The meet. ______ w f 1 ing w m presided over by H- 7 . ' d a y ,.M iy .90 to J u n e 3. r Stewart, as.Consul Commander o ft; ------------------ -- the Port Orford Camp, W . O, , Y |m a g * M ta fftP Ilb l a and waa clorod with another patriot- « P ® « ® E U A M C IU M : . ’ 0 1 dewelor p -F .- ware refreshments, and then the iV atcb e s And C lo cks r« you n g people daecod o n to wall i«W n r io M . the following muroing. A aa wM fo •»; F i n a b l e price»- the meeting wet «rie of th e ' modi W ork g u a ra n te e d . S t e S £ l . ,~ ’ U k ’* - ! C o - B c c h . 0 M » »j Tte Above Schedule enable« all North bound paasengepi to nuke eenneetions with train for Msnbield«» x»- which was the aaoceseeul bidder for 3 ,^ .0 W n t« r t. we<k rangemente for the oommencmMeu» o fo M > w w tlo n work . A for«, of m## J# wofk bn|,d i||| #|(d praparlog «map sad eaaeoe as the U0,££. KNAPP HOTEL . • A t hla home on Sixee river lata Wednesday qvewiag, May 83, 1917, Alfred Stephen Wells |« o e d swby after having bees!» poor health for Myers going up f r d t n here to conduct toe funeral aerv'teea. . ' ' Curry oeuuty with hla fam ily and settled near Denmark, and has aver since resided either in that r id n ity or oa Sixes rirer. r M r. Cox was married to Mdiass i Ann Moore, who with eight grow« A W alker. The young people ere children, survives bias. Burial of Gold Beach, end w ill be mar took piace io the Denmark oemetery ried W* ,n * do’ * Sunday. *• W* w in l • * lh al Plaoe • In the death of W illiam Cox ne<t- another oi tha big-hearted tra il- We have received our of Spring and Fancy . Summer mark ientetery, Bev. W . H . visiting the trade aa far south »< John H . T yler, after visiting hie Gold Bench. , * J . ? home In Creeoent City for a oouple „ n ' . . . . „ . of weeks is again spending a fow M O. Dieelbiae and eon .H er put- M r. T y U r ting to crop, on to Houghton place J ’ P r o m p t, Postmaster A . B. Johnston reeMv- ed word thia morning of the death last evening of hie mother, Mrs. N. A. Johnston at Ferndale, Cel. Mrs. Johnston celebrated her M e t birth day on the l l t h lost., and was »n- joying good health a t that time. Butchor 8hop in Connection * Cholee Motto at s Reasonable Price Y o u r P atro n ag e Solicited ' W. B. J 'HNSOS, Prop- rihw' ■ >