g U M O R im o a »ATK». OawOopyO»» » W ................... •» *? 3 h f g o r t € ) r f B id ï r i t u » Ona Y«ar iu the roekfag; see th« greatest FHtu 6 pectg 40,000 people co» ployed; . ole in tbe world today Thomas H . ' loco’s E n tire ci tiee built A destroyed Ten Thousand Horse* M illio n D ollar M am m oth in th rillin g oavairy charges Prod notion ▼KDXK8DAY May » , l« T . K e b lf a t o d f f v e r y W e d a m t f a y , *»y M 4 U H ■wra«pm» A M illio n D ollar Productif»»; D on't mien the op{>orluuity to The U, S. Navy destroys two Im ttlfshtpain full view of cam era. A submarine sinks a liMtlcd passenger ship in m id- oeaan; an awe'inspiring apeo- Uule; the greatest of the agea. BANK OF POWERS Jias Ju vam atta R a t s » BsAsottAMa. T . M TÄW AM T, fa c ility F er » ffaxicllixig Y eu r B u sin ess B a n k in g b y . Jxîaü S sliç iU à In elev en m a ssiv e parts In terest paid an S a y in g JLc’te. C IV IL IZ A T IO N Qrenter than ‘ Birth of a Nation’ Svery =p= Ifa tin e e at 2:3U Id u lta 25q i|h ild re n 15c ..v , a .;,-- ■ A T -T 1 » R E S E R V E Your Seats by M a il Now a t Sale a^ B qvlk ’ s J sw elb t . S tore No extra tharge for reserved seats ‘ GRAND THEATRE BANDON, OREGON Evening > t j :30 A dults 50c - , In the death o f Senator H a rry ta n a , Oregon has I « * C hildren ?5 q - j one of her beloved native eons, and the State .and 'N ation A m. -m- a fofo» »Ante has loet an honest, donrageous and conscieqtioua citizens -*--------- -itteV r W hatever fault» Senator Lane m ay have thief; whatever future gtm»raliiu>»i'n a euphemistic Aoeat tito Bean RD. mistakes he may have made, very o f mind and not of heart. description o{f ea arrangement by We publish b«h>w a falter from Even his bitterest politisal enemies never «oeuged1 J H ot of fbfab ell of tbepeypla will continue im pure »o tivesfd» of sets of abioanery, so often s’ part of perhaps, forever, tfl.pey eome of the Senator Chamberlain breauaa o f the Saturday, June 2nd the politicians life . H a v in g risen from the common ranks be was essentially a people’s man, and when enoe ooovino- ed of the justness of his cause neither force nor persuasion could awarve him from the fu ll discharge of his du ty.- H e went to his grave a broken-hearted man, weighed down by the abase heaped upon his head for his stand with the fll- libustering 8s« a tors— a stand th a t seems ill-advised just now, but wftlph tim e only oonld tell vonld-have detracted or added to his popularity. But in these-days o f graft and greed, honesty ia a priceless gift, and this Senator Lane had to its fu ll measure; whatever his shortcomings, le t the mantje o f sweet charity ooyer (he grave of a man who yras true to hi* oouviotions even unto self-destruction. b a n g lo is an d V falfaty. We a n g le » to not« toms im - proveq»tote. Tb« Y«rk of survey - tag a neo rood fa progressing. The rood eg tends «oat up Flore’a Creek to M yrtle Point. I t w ill bo very valuable, oo resident* in thot port of tbs eountry or* for from ony public bifbVSV, Then tbe road passing tbs Adotpbtep reddsnw to M a g straightened. Afao work on tbs road (ton in g to tb« right at Flpnto Crsab bridge, wilt bo 3 aoon oa lumber eon be I for the bridge, Itnprovastem a f a » highways mean« advaoae S e a t la Mfery way. The W . Q f tM f r fe < 9 s M N 3 *> be m fathers of tb« tot ter fore made in this WM. , ;J i” ‘ • '* I t bee not been found ,possible^o, pay e ll wsr expeoie« by taxation, and as the next boat thing the so- called “ liberty loan” fa being offer­ ed jn such email denomination* that million« wbo are not mpitaliste have an opportunity to invest. Bat this fa no »ubHitute for any part o f the •am that can be raiaed by fair tax atioa. The defects in the new war teg bill are not due to the fact that it taxre, bat that it t*x«a loqje more than they pan afford and' others lee* than they oan »ff»rd. The people iiam Cox, one of the earliest pion­ who oan beet affprd to be taxed are eer» of Curry county. He wee wide Obviously thiiee who have the most ly known and bi« fanereh, wiiieb money. The war taxation ought to took place S|>od«y afternoon el Den­ fa|l more heavily «m the rich and mark prmetery wgo largely attend aa lightly ae p >*»il>1e on the greater eil. H e leaves many relotivm sad pert wbo are poor. A» oitixene of a friends. republic in which all are »uppoeedly The body of Mrs. Channoey Car. prater, the last of the three who luet their llyee io the river oeeident r M yrtle Point on Mey l t h , was recovered Tneetfay <> more ing parlors thia afternoon at 2:80 (toll is *nd me bow it cork*. and interment was made a t tbe K . L ittle Ppurt Poipg jpet with an of P. cemetery. Many relatives and ylag experience fort Friday friends gathered to pay tbeir last W hile searching »roundon miachfpf respects aad a large floral oflvring latent, be come upon eome moth Was contributed — Western World bolls, aad mistaking them for can dy tried to eat them. When die Q p R R B N T T O P IC 8 . Covered Dr. Schmidt weeeummoo, fa), e»rt not knowingtoow much poi Br l . H. (^Toir. y;— eon might bare been ewaDowed, C applied tbs etomnph pamp mack to WitorTwgpgpi ,f the little fellows disgust. A t last As a general pro petition the cap- • Court wea beak to normal italtel preeecf the ooantry fab« and normal diet- having decently efigugh »face. th e Mfaa Roth Spangler who be* baee United 8tatea, and nut a day too pway to tebool the pest year.retnra soon, reaolvsd^to. ta k a a hepAdw * w war, foisted oo Ibis world ed bo«** feet Thursday, nod, • • with a ll students, »eerp» very glad to get with every manifestation of bru _ _ telity and Mvagary by Gfarmaay. IC W IU W M S I eo good hagae. H e r daily record was th ro u g h th e y e a r y th a people fur the 'eaorjflom that pwbl(«I(y given the ee called “ Bean BjH. through onr columns.- The Gfanntor’e f a l t e r , together with 'th a subséquent ruling « f the 8apraroe court that the hill was- unoonMiiu tional and could not appear on the ballot next Monday, ¡»ample proof of the juatneaa of the - »land‘ taken against this bill hy Hon. J H. Up ton and by tbe CsiBinnct H erald Maawariag mods a trip da Shagen Iget Saturday Sawing, tdtofogm load of our yoang m m . They » o k in tbe regular Saturday . while in Bandon. O ar pablio mbool afeaad lagt Wed Died, a t Ms ff/ fce«f »«le U i t Friday pight, WUr - the pin oh i n f dlf t|»e poor by taxes end high pridm enoourage the ae cumuletiv» inatfnet? Domconacrip lion, which takee s ll a tnan has anti gives notbidg back, encourage It F fo thto war being fought to enoour age itT - lo repeal th a t portion of the ed call ed Cham berlaii-bllfaa gives to tbe State a portiod of 'the proceed« of the grant lands. I t fa claimed by them that ifOregnn it going to oom pel the Federal government to liti­ gate tbe queetforis which will grow To pnduly enoourage “aMuaauJa out of no attempt to place the grant ve lifatinoi” is always wrong ainoe land« on. tbe lax roll* of fae State ba Ufa) so msBvmuletee e e W q » l« a the mooaye given to the 8tate ought to be utilised tdflefraÿ the eXpenasa psodu»r of wm l(h, wberetora bfa ■.«i hccumhlationa a re (he penalty the y 1,1 — '■» producer* pay to avarice and may hap unholy greed. ( of such litigation. In other words, that Oregon ought not to accept tha provision» Of the1'grant and then through inadvisable legislation com­ pel the Fed era I‘govern meat to main­ tain iw title at-the end of innumer­ able lawaoita. Your paper ia taking ' the right pomtfan h> referents* to this matter, an d! went to oomraend what yen have to aay on tbe aol'jeot. W ith kindest personal regards, •a d remembering with much plea*, ure my last vi»jt to your splendid community, I am, Y»ura very sinoerely, Gao. K. C hambxblain . Langlois Hardware Store * V ' • Hardware of all Kinds ‘ f s it i; . ,, , * . L J. S T A L E Y to y « , . ........... . . . . . . . . J. H . U PTO N , F i n e l i n e o f G n n s , B a s e b a ll p a r a ­ p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g gom ls k e p t i n S t o c k . / > P 0B M C , ;z L amk A . 'tfoaav 06., Oaaoos. c - hèever $ Bowman, Iw a u fflo t« , O r . Fsaaoua 8 w * c t T a a a d ” 1 -♦ Port Orford Furniture & Had ware Store O f f « « fa to acfld y e n f a r 3 0 d a y s ' Ir e « tr ia l in y rc ir ho m e A íl» * W3i A • b e a u t if u l, g u an yw e« d S te o -k P ia n o d ir e c t fro m o d rM r to é y , th e re b y sav ­ in g y o u ShJOiOO o r « to re , - OFF •** ’ * f. ™ W e re q u ire a a - y i y m t te a i - w m p . Y o u a m n o t a sk e d t o tie u p y o u r tn o n d y in i c y w a y . A U yo n d o fa t e t a k c th e p ia n o in to dl 1 -ta ck le P o w d er . y o u r «w n yea want. K i t I». » « jk e » » « , p ar­ la « aar low U (.tor, -to bom« pneo* ia payment» t o a ú f yo», ff, (or uy yr»»ne. » « « r» .«3 PR»» la b * wp le y..or J i p - t t - t iu t u lo e r e n way a a d t t r f tM t p ta a w rwn • » » » » » y p»-n toy tfe- a t o n y , yon piav »rod ceM tructloe. Ea h - ie j c l Ff no U a o r tr e lo llv a w d * that H i» r e w » a U n « k » A > W -r> . Thta - P ip e F i n i n g s , P l u m b i n g a n d T i n w o r k o f a l l k in d s d o n e o n s k o r t n o t ic e . » • AVR Bi« Y o n w ill h e d tli? h t« d W ith the aweetr.oe», pu i ity w id p o w e r a t th e toneof the Starrk P ia n o Y o u w ill he atew ta with It» t e r - t > o « n > * 6 a m v ,< al Ms \ B o o rs a n d W in d o w s in v a r ie ty c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n b a n d . _____ C7OQVI1.LK, - - - OREGON Direct Frota Oar Factory V iS Sava Too f 100 or Mora S w e e t T c n c tf— G u a ra n te e d 2 8 Years » F a in t s , O ils A S t a m p in g P o w d e r Ge^nwoy W i,p liy jw i .» shrewd « J«? a large number of delegatee to ate ’‘Government flnancee »re never tend and tbe slogan te tolie>“ PaaM. very clippie, hot one dietinotioa he with no territory nr Jadamnittaa.” tween paying the expenses of a war Following this call ootnm a procla »y tazettoa apd (ty in g them by motion by R ol|w (g declining to re­ borrowing fa e*ay tp ondentaad. new offers of peace terms to the a l­ When texetiuu is reeortad to the lies, bemuse tha war fa already aa. people who furnfab the money do good *« woo by the faderlandl get it back, with loMrvst, When • M M aw b ile tbe Appml to Braeoa fa combination of taxation «pd bor­ playing il a rofa by Insisting upon rowing fa tried, some of U;e people “ peace without victory” by ftay of who furnfah tbe mpony gpl it b a » lb * belligerents, sad eaeoungiag — with iatervst— white others do tifa fUvolulioniete ia R «M ia to The paying to dene while tbe «and pat against lademnitfaa of war to goiag sa. The burden c spy curt, but it« ooaraa fa deaouno- not be loaded oo the »boulders a f ed ae rgaptfangry by landing Social- fstam gsoerstioM J d t the rapssu fate faolwding J. G. Pbelpe Stokes, that * « pan a » only what has a l. W illiam Bogliah W alliog, Upton ready beeo pcadaasd, aad not what Sinclair aad Cbarfaa Bdward Bae- fatare generatioae will eveotoally •ril. , fa ttin g the horde* on laagloia. Or. 1 M c h in e r y & M o w in g ^ M a c la in e s . E x t r a s fox O a l r y i n ^ O w b o rn e . M M w a n M e e M a c h in e r y . t MOTAR ¥ î ? M I .s u : Starck Pianos That the Appeal to Reason, child of the genius of th t late Julius A. W ayland, a paper that bee revolu. tionized public thought in eo many desirable directions, oould, in the greet crisis confronting the United States and the world at large, be­ come the a lly of brutality by the mpouaal of the unholy mom of the German Keiser, robber chief o f Ko rope, ought to have been ontbink able. But it has done ju st that thing. And th ^ .U baa failed to drgg tb< Sooialito P arly and hopor-, able Socialiau down to Ha own i g , noble leyal, fa cause fur genuine oongratdtation. , u i \ • a. bn g- -i ^ m a » fe m w fe a M a a fe m » A » fe riB '■ May 19,1917. Hardy T. Stewart, Kiq. Purl Orford. Ora., M y dear Sin — F o r 8 a l* . M y o(d friend Hon. J. H . Upton A new wooden tank eapebfa of egnt me a oopy.faf the T iibuxk of ing 62G0 gallons. Inquire of the 9th instant. I want-to thank W n x u T. W a rn S r , yuq for the editorial contained in P o rt O rfo rd . O r. your paper in referenee to the Ore gnn and.Celifbrftfe grant land bill, f glad tb noté tbe position which FOR SALE. O n e D y L a v a l S e p a r a t o r ; used t h r e e jrou take on4t, and wnwt teas y that is the p illio n that every loyal Ore m o ’ « ; R ood a« n e w . W i l l s ell a t a b a r ­ goniau ought- to take- with reference g a in . I n q u i r e o f ' A. 8. Joangr ■», equal the rich oannot complain of a to the ae called Beau b ill, which baa P o rt O rfu rd , O r. discrimination directed, not toward for its purpose, as I understand It, them, bat toward tbeir money. Not the taxing of the land« within the T o W h o m I t M ity Concent. one of them would, ia feet, eo ob, grent, .. Ject to the heaviest Uf all poeaihle , I t bae been aerloualy suggested I, the underalgued, . h e r e b y «1 no­ war ta n a as to be willing to alter by influential Members of Congre»» tio n t h a t I ' h a v e a o o n v e y u u c e f r o m t b e P a U -u to e t o i tid s and w t id d é to lu D cda « * t e r lo ta i a the position in the world Ubfab ax I n conversatiog with me that in tb u H a r b o r o f P o r t O r f o r O r e g o n , o n poaee him to war taxation. Certain v ie w 'o f ihe gflbrte being made-B bya ria n o ■«DnUctartrr pot . Tbm e •far»« sm u m n u __ r e _____ d 4« •Mit yo«, copy»tfi« »ce. •M y»-»» c>»n ku> « feirlM» *'rr*^rfc' . xrfrSottt CdsbatU Slarck Player-Pioao T h is w o n d e rfu l in s tru m e n t m a k e s m tm c u a a o f n s a n . T h e S ta rc k P I a yer- F R E .E . Piano Book Conpoi ■ PtaB.