«M»» C U R R E N T T O PI 0 8 . } BUM O RIFTIO N Jaa Copy Una Y a a t ... Ona C u p ; S ix M o n ttu .. »ns Copy Thr«e Month« B y J. H. L’ ptox Beau Bill slut iu»i»t» that eim pany'» till«’ i< unusAsiUbl’ , answer* the Judgt-*» i-h» Hence »imply l»> •eying that 111«-it It C<> *pay» him nothing, yet, bowsvrr, anti n ew t No doubt moat of yoor reader» lhc!*-e, Judge Wood end the r«*et «»» •M u tied with intarrat lion L. E. u t, see million« in it for the com Bn»o'< lengthy reply to my article pany when Mr. Bean haa won out. •xpu»ing the akeurdily of hie non- Tba Columbia river fishermen tention in behalf oi the S R K. have finally got tha price of their Gt.. that the |»euple of Oregon can, catches up to 10c per pound, and the by |H>pular vote, rapeiil tba Chatn- big canneries are canning fortune«*. tatriaio Act r«VOTilng the 2,OUO.uOO Courageous, intelligent Laboi union ami mid acre* of grant |.«n<i* IU_ t h e i»m did tba business. gov« run»» ut uf the United Htalee. Since my urliuls end M r. Bean’r Ihouvands of men and women teener appeared in your column** remembering the boast of the con the U S. Supreme Court hat deoid* spiracy of corrupt contractor« that ed (he whole quasi ion in fsror of they had tha »It ids under BowIby the people, and specifically v s liiU l will vote efininai the I «,000,000 lug the eaid Chamberlain Act. And bond issue in resentment of the would you hare believed it, could treatment of that courageous, «IB you have believed it, Mr. Bean atilt eienl engineer. insists upon a vote being taken June The types last week somewhat 4, on hie B ill, which, to have tb« muddied the water» by subetiluling efiect «ought, tn tn l not only have “dt*ci»ion” for adhesion where 1 had (he effect of repealing the Chamber, slated that 'he President had finally lain law, but of reverting the lateet given in hia adhesion to the prinCi decision of the highest Court in the pie of conscription. land. Could any ootiteotion be wore U n g lo ir, Or. . a<finine and absurd? HARDY i . 8 T EW ART U. •*. w n<l A O T A B V E d ito r T w n u « « : Publish»*! Kvwry Wttdneeday, by H A BIO » . ST B W A B T . T h e more one tead? o f German cruelties in Prance and B elgium , the more he realizes the demand of cisiliaation that Prussian niilitariain oe crushed, and the more he fuels lik e shouldering a gun artd helping in the job. The raining uf a war fund by a graduated tax on large incom es is just and equitable, but, unless there is govern m ent regulation of the prices these holders of large incom es are allowed to charge for the necessities of life, the comm on people w ill, in the end, be the ones who are com pelled to pay the war debt. Port Orford’s young men have responded wq U to their country's call, and the com m unity feels a g lo w of* pride in away to war. Yet m ingled with this pride ia a shadow o f sorrow, for war is a cruel m aster and in the bloody years that loom ahead tim e only can tell how m any oftheeo buys who are leaving in the flower o f their m anhood m ay be perm itted to return again. And in the m eantim e the heart o f m ore Ilian one mother w ill be heavy with dread o f news that com es from the front. O O M M I » S I O I N IG M l’U U U O l*« » rt O s * fo r < l, O r e g o n . ¿EFF O. FRENCH Port Orford, Oregon Ask me for any information regarding Timber or Real E state in Curry County FOR SALE. O ne I'e Laval Separator; used three m»*e; g o .ri a s new . W ill sell at n bar g a in . Inquire of A. S. J oumsto «, Port Orford, Or. A new wooden tank capable o f bidd ing 6280 gallons. Inquire o f . W illis T. W hit « Sr, Port Orford, Or. N O T IC E F O B P U B L IC A T IO N DarsaTMiXTov n t« I ktkkio » , U nited S ta te s L a n d Office, R oseburg, O regon^M ay ath, -1917. 'Notice is hereby g iv e n th at 1IENRY A D O L F H SE N Now, as to -‘ taxation’* contention, I have ail along viawrd it as sham Notice of Sale on Foreclosure- of Port Orford. Oregon. Wbo, on April pretense. For the real motive be. 8, 1912, made H om e, tend E ntry, Serial No. 07909 tor Lots « and 7 and BW V bind the claim we must look fu r of S E X o f Section J , Township S3 8 .. ther; and right here 1 desire to put Range 16 W est, W illam ette M eridian, has tiled notice o f his Intention Mr. Bean on the stand and prove to m ake final F ive-year Proof, to by himself hia turn hypocrisy in the eetablish claim to theJAnd above des cribed, before H aidy T . Stew art, U. M. “ taxaiutti* matter. W ill Mr. Bean Commissionsr, at his office at Port Or gainsay tha fact that land grant ford, Oregon, on the 14 th day o f Jane, 1917. railroad companies have habitually Claim ant nam es aa w itn e sses: delayed taking oqt patents for their A. J. Marsh, of Port O tfo-d, Oregon. J . M. Limpach, of ” lands as long a»'possible to protect C harles F o r t y , Of ” ” themselves against taxation under R . O. M cKehsle, o f ” ” W. H . C axom , the fiction that unpatented lands Register are nnlaxable lands. And.sretbers or are there tioi three hundred thou Notice to Creditore. sand sores of this S. P. grant still unpatented and therefor« untaXed IN T H E COUNTY OOURT O F T H E •luring all these year»? And is STATE OF OREGON FO R CURRY COUNTY. there any record to allow that Mr. I » THB M A T T I« O» TM R IS T ATS I Bean or any of Ills present coadjutors or i hava ever registered a kick ugaimtl F bai . k A. S tkwakt , dsckahxl ») this subterfuge to escape taxation T h e undersign«.! h a v in g been ap pointed by the C ounty cor.rt of tha on the part of the S. P. Co., aud if ntnte of O regon, tar Curry u >uuty, a>l- not why^not? m lu ia tru to r o f tho e s ta te o f Frank A . Stewart, ilect-ast-d, nu -l h a v iu g ip ia li- fie<l, n oU oe ¡« beiel'V g iv e n to th e And Mr. Beau did not mend Ifie o re o lto r s o f , sn-1 all p erson . h <v- situation materially by coin balling 1 We publish in this issue one of the m any articles ap pearing in the press throughout the U nited States show ing how our people are being outrageously exploited by the big com bines controlling the price of foodstuff^. The situ ation is grave and dem ands im m ediate action by our gov ernm ent. Prom ises and investigations are not sufficient. I t w ill take drastic measures to give the relief that is need ed. A t Coos bay petitions are being circulated ca llin g the my laferanee that the 8. 8 C o, b a il1 attention of Congress to the seriousness o f the situ ation , paid for the printing of tha pamph and the urgent need of action that will relieve it. It is a let carrying hia speech when aa ewer« that tba pamphlets had been good m ove, and from every ham let in our land the Presi printed nt atata expense. W liatL d ent and C ongress should be flooded with euoh petitions right bad the stale to assume any ■ < that they »nay be im pelled to act before internal troubles part of tha expense of an aalerpri»«. result. , f — intended for the aggrandisement 1 The U nited States is at war. H er people are patriotic; of the 8 . P. Co., and incidentally th ey love their country, and are loyal to their governm ent. I he .glorification of the author of a , “ speech" antagonistic to its beatin- T hey are goin g to fight and d ie that the stars and stripes terests, it might be in order tor m ay wave eternally as an em blem of right, of justice, and somebody to rise and explain. of m an’s hum anity to man, When her subjects are givin g M r. Bean says that I had misrep- their life's blood for their country, surely that country can resented tha facts in my statement ill-afford to delay in protecting them , and their dependent that he had emasculated tba quo ones, from the m erciless hand of extortion. tations ha had made from • legal Our country needs the support of a united people, and opinion by Attorney Gen. Brown she has it, but the adm inistration should bet awakened to by substituting italios where that offloer had employed plaia Roman th e fact that em pty stom achs do not m ake a contented peo letters ooastituting oertain words ple and that hunger is not conducive to the enthusiastic and clauses. Now, ae to that, it support of any cause however meritorious. 11 only remains Io be said that every- body, eave the college man, who early peace and low prices h aw been don’t have to know anything in caught and in their franlio efforts general or very much in particular, to get supplies to meet the contracts that it is, at the vary least inelbical, B y B a sil M. M a n l y . ■>f their short sales have helped to for one writer quoting from another, York, May 9.— Present food run prices up to the present faba to add to or take from the text as oonditione cannot oootinoe very loue figures, one finds it; and one may Just as muob longer without an explosion, I have been «mesad at the frank- well be guilty of adding words or that may ba a serious menace not neea with whioh brokers and oom clause« to the text as to add empba- only to the United Rutee but to mission men admit tba speculative sis to words or clauses not intended the success of the great war for da- control of the principal food staples, by the writer. To this extent Mr. mooraoy in whioh wa are now so In ordinary timee, it ia hard to Bean was guilty aa obarged, by be gaged. find any trader who w ill admit that spattering hie extracts from Mr. I hava tried to be as conservative Prioee are made exoept from the Brown’s opinion pretty plentifully ae possible in estimating the «to a working« of that grand old fraud with italics, and thia without, the tioo, as typified here in New York, lb® of «apply and demand, but usual apology end explanation. ba I^oannot ««cape the fading that now, inspirad, I believe'with real Never since th e inauguration of J am standing on the rim « f a ro l. patriotism, tb e m rjb rity W tha re. Initiative and Referendum in Ore nano that may at almost any mo. sponsible food traders, fed .that the gon has there been such a degree of ment break its crust in an eruption, existing conditions ara too great a pressure broughuto bear in favor of Thera oan ba no denial uf Ina big menace to the nation's security to any pending Measure as is now so outstanding facto in the situation ba allowed toaonlinue unchecked tiva in favor of tha 16,000,000 bond J hate talked to men of conservative «*d many of them advócala ¡em e Bill. The law ordering the vote temperament wbo are authorities ‘bale intervention of the federal carries a map showing tba particu on variooa aspeóte of tba food prob government. lar roads on which any of the bond )em and hava found no disagreement "W e know the people era being money may ba legally expended« on essential facto. forced to pay much more than there Tha Highway Commiaaiooera ap I find in New York that the poor *• anY justification fur end that the pointed by Witbyeumbe have mark, ara on tha varga of actual starvation whole aitustion ia rotten," a butter ad down savaral other routas, on« after mneihs of under f i l i n g . The ai|d e g g dealer said to me today, inside tha Coast line down through middle elasaee arr feel.ng the pre« “ but what can I or any individual Curry, but just whet the purpose rare of famine price, keenly, while dealer do about i t f ’ wee in designating tha naw rands ia it the same time ev»r> factor in ! "W e are «imply aoga in the ma not stated, bat it ia oertain that food production and distribution obine playing the game the only none of them oan participate in tha nuept tha amelier retailers and food way art know it, ta d short o i an $6,000,000 distribution. peddlers, are making greater pro agreement ©fall the traders to obaege Its then aver before. tba roles of the game— and that The same question occurred in Bpeoalatore, taking »dvantagaof would risk indiotmenl aader the the mind of Judge W . A . Wood that Re extreme uncertainty and the Sherman act— we ara powerless to has doubtless occurred to bnodrede of other minds, vlxt Who is paying dMlaratios of war, have run away "The most nnenrapuloos dealers far all this strenuous work to bent ilh the market. set the pane and the rest of ns are tha Government out of the grant A few spvnntstois I t <« trae, who ‘»rrled along in tbs current.”— lands ia Csvor of the Southern P». k) abort on tha upautation of Mairabftold Rmmrd. olio R. R. Co? The author of tbs ln x cla im » a^uiiiat sa id o eo cu a ed , to p resen t th e m , v erified a s re q u ir e d by law , w lth i i s ix m o u th s a f te r Ute ilr s t p u b lic a tio n of th ia n o tic e , t >-wit Hie istli d a y o t A p ril, 1917, to a u i I lla r d y T S te w a r t at hi» rvkideuue a t F o rt V i- ford , O reg o n . H a bbt T. S tkw ast , Adm inistrator o f tu e estate of Frank A.' 8 to w art, deceased. D ated this 17th d a y o f A pril, 1917. Dean Mastenbrook Jeweler W atches and Clocks repaired at reasonable prices.' A ll work guaranteed. J. H . U PTO N , NOTARY ffas Svwry Z’asility 3?©r papdlizig Ycur Businecc Banking by Jxfail Solicited Interest paid on Saving Äs’ts. PUBLIC , L a « « ’ » ’a. C u b s t C o ., O xm oa AN INN WORTH WHILE COLD BEACH, OREGON H o t n n d C o l d T u l» a n d B h o w e r I f n t h a Langlois Hardware Store Hardware of all Kinds M c h in e r y & M o w i n g M a c h in e « . E x t r a s fox D a ir y in g ) O s b o r n e , M il w a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P a in t « , O il« & S t u m p i n g P o w d e r P i n e l i n e o f G u n « , B a s e b a l l pmr*m- p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g goods k e p t In S to c k . D o o r » a n d W T Indow s i n v a r ie t y c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n k a n d . P ip e F it t in g s , P lu m b in g a n d T in w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n sh o r t G old B each , O regon heever $ Bowman, L a n g lo i s , Or. A U R Ci« C if.r is to aend yoo for v 30 daya* fres »ri-l In yuur home a b e sr flu l, guannteed Starck P h :» öiroct Iron» ct;r fsetery, »btrcby « a v tay yo« or more. Yk'e reqnire »• y-rn—t b W- •>ww. V5n are no; asked to tie »ihr’’ you test it and try it ir. ypur o*»» w ay.y1 , W e h «s cortetaady etsi Mttd s Jttrn suotb-f <J| »Iktit’T y .to sad soirsJ-L— « bscJ p’sood of 11 stsAidnrd «•ret- Tbc fi bore rsb a few taarek berfsias. for e x iste >t cou* pin« Kwcad ■ U i 4 5SF«»MI hit. Sweet T«'jihd— Guaranteed 2S Years I \ You will be delighted whb the sweetness, nurity »nd ;owsrt*( the tom. oi the Stsrck l'iaco Yoowitl be » A t ’ he t « t o’ » A«.» tot / -.d-b w'uufecr ibe pHfto id jt^ k lh s one p u want. If »I U.yoe «»»pH wlw luv o«« l<w lector» to-h».»n< prkad I l pp/weufN to s »lt »e». If for »nr te w ifc It «x>t IMOY3 *> bs «9 to ».»m »\Lcçti.tionî fa every w ir u m Ih* Iheffl phpç ynö frftrs.rtrr wvn for the mop<*r, u»M «enJ It b-rk m J la i^mt «seM ww will p a , Ik e frsigbt fesfilt w t/« . Ray Ptynads V I Port Orford Furniture & Hadware Store amess, Fishing-tackle Stumping Powder W«. GILLINGS, PROP Yon are net asked to pay i» ca»h 4* wa. but sf»<r W ¡•T« ©I Id^l »ca c’.a K-rin nt ©o the iovvrM, es»; m race« "unrated by a piano » 'iiuUrtur«*. The«« I teripfi ato 4 ít** Yi« U> F S«’t yvor craven»« act . r rtkf «m: can bi«v R pkro for year b >a»©. »lih&U 1 wl'b its ’.x,r(TOT-1 tb. finroc., of its cmmiiKtlas £w;.S'r.rc> Pw.vi 1» v jc.r-¡.11» .l.»t ft L «uj.-j-,tci.< for M i t *» a . ' This rn-irOTl«* ,-n-.-lh!nr. K T .-.M It SOT b- ' k at it . c <44 <wtastuiwd. rn p o a -b ls v ks o k -a t.. U k .- «is9lè«r. Celebrated Slsrck Player-Pitino This wonderful instrument makes musicians of us dL The SUrck Playtr. FU iwy i» neh-tenedi easy t e o p m tw srd Ssrahls. It fcM 0337 ««dat!«*, up-to- S ste f»’ Ji*o's» tV i t make H iast the iu<ir »r,’rnt je s a«.«« ia 7&«.r b<Ma». C ar di’-eci f?*»m-<.'c- tarST>rtuM are It«, sod wa aria talcs roar osd Piano Boole Coup'« I’e Stsrak rit-aa Cab 2100 SUrtk BUff^ CL ksjw Pisase srtid r c wHhnnt nNi»srtt»e »ft a yj asrt, cnmiraeie Ills s tn tr d y h r a anc»k an*4 f t. InfonpNtton concernir.g facLMy lo hwms st-ica* fT '*? ™ s t o e a h N CU coto . E S t M o t . of t b . S oti k a o tn km oM k Y ot t a k . « m m - • P. A STARCK PIANO CO. siA full line of Stoves anä Ranges, Suemsey, A lu m in u m , l^ugs and R a i t ti ng, Stiletto Gultlery, la n te rn s , £ t c y « -‘,v I