SC5ÜS5S“ 1917 A Booth aids woman whoa* HMD* is u ( Mra. J ob * * ba* cre»i«l a u r t t i b k sensation la a large circle <_f aoquaint- sooea. O b «bo face o f it, any* the Chi­ cago Tribune, that« was nothing to ex- cits bar friend * when they received as tn rita tio a to help bar cclcbrata tha Iw e a ty -g fth anniversary of bar wed­ ding. But aa a m atter of fact bar friend* a il euppeaed that abe aad ber husband bad been separated for several years; consequently tba invitation aat all tba goesiptng tongue* to wagging fnrtoasly. “Hana ph I " aaid oas woman; “ao she’s made up w ith th a t old akinflintl I'd aaa myaeU doing that I W hy, I'd ra th e r atsrvef" “She «wore she'd never lira w ith Una CARDt-AND. A ft er tbe advent of the house o f B sn- aver the favorito games nt court wars “quadrilla," an Improvement o f “om­ bre," and “commerça,” The gains and loases o f tbs kings «*<1 queens w o n , as a rule, m trte te d to 1U> guineas. but on T w e lfth Night It was customary fo r thousands to change bands. On oas occasion Lady Cowper, a tody In w a it­ ing, re fu n d for tbe sake o f ber chB- A ir necessary operatio n s? m w ritin g , billing o r statistical w o rk a r e , acco m p lish ed fro m th e k ey ­ b o a rd of th e light running, easy a tfio n M o d e l 1 0 (V isib le ) Gan. Washington la Ragland. henna , tb a dlaaneary of another m iniature 1* in to n a tin g . I t to by Sam ro tw ell sod , la dated IT il. Another by tba same j a rtis t ia now in the possession of tha Historical Society o f Philadelphia, dated 1TM. The new find la supposed ear*,*' chimed In another. “W hy, I heard that M r. Jones was dead," added a th ird . “Ba died some­ where out in California, neore’n tw o y e a r s a g o .” N aturally tba women could not stand tba auapenaa, and tba vary next day three of them mat on tha doorsteps of M r*. Jonea, determined to solve the mystery of a friendly e*U and an offer to help to tba celebraMon.| A s m m an possible they began to congratulate their hostess upon her reunion with ber husband and the approaching celebra­ tion. “Oh,” aaid Mra. Jonea, “where did you « •» such an Idea? Live w ith t h a t man again? W hy, I'd rather starve. Be­ sides, he's dead—died tw o year* ago. But, you see, I've been married IS years. Just the same. Aad, besides, I used n m a silverware." TH E C H R ISTM A S NECKTIES. stored up there," sneered the morbid pessimist aa hs pointsd to a group of woman around tha necktie counter. " I t would be tunny,“ ha continued, " if it were n o t go tragic. W hy it U that tovaly woman w ith all bar eye Ito the btautlful and w ith all bar ao- bnby ptnk neckti* that w ill took Ilka a consumptive shwistrtng whan i t to­ po»«* on then lx>uni.ul »»pansé of w hit* Shirt Imsum, th a n on tba other w ill probably get delirium tremens when be is made the rev-punt of a spoiled utckU * btg eno. gt> io make a shawl fm * r .n d u .o n i. Cf court*, noth­ ing w ill Oo lor to* nice, uigmueu old ganlkiuan who never wear» an, thing bat n Utile Mack I*W . but n Bowing ■ash of passional; ban. WUIto. tha e a r »port, on tha other band, will gat — thief quickly. “I waa arrested las* night and waa balled w t this morning. Ton are too stow." " I t does look th a t w ay," said tba crestfallen policeman as he told th« th ie f be could go. a t which permission tbs th ie f tost ns tim e la availing himself. Later, to bis aoavtacbig area« that the kidney« and Mad­ cbngrlu. tbe policeman found th a t tbs der am out of order. thief bad not bean previously srrastaA TOUCH your tongue to W h a t to B e. T h ar* la comfort la tha knowladg* an oftea «praam f. that D r. KOmsr't Swamp- Root. the great a.dney remedy fulfill* every w lih in curing rheumatism, ,-tala to the kacx. kldnays. liver. H au ler and every part of tha urinary passage. It corrects Insbllitv >o hold water and scalding pain In. passing ■, or bad affects ¿allowing oae of liquor, wise at bear, and overcomes that unpleasant aeeemity of being compelled te go often torfny >fe* day. aad t * gat up many tones d r t’^ g the night. Tha mild and the extra- ordlnary effect ot S w a m p -R o o t to aeon reap ed It stands tha highest for It* woo- dertul c u r « of tha most distressing cases. If yae seed a madtotoa you should Cava the .bast. Sold by druggists In 50c. and $1. ateas. Yon m ay have a eatapto bottle af tots ▲ LUM and look in the glass—yon will see the effect— You can’t help puckering—it make? you pucker to think of tasting it By the use of so called cheap Baking Powders you lake this puckering, injurious Alum right into your system—you itojure digestion, and ruin your stomach- wonderful thaohi taly frae by mall, Say plainly- Itayal Is made from pure, refined Grape Cream dF Tartar-Costs more than Alam batyou have tha profit of quality, the profit of good health. Nothing baa ever equalled i t Nothing can on * uurpnta it CUARAMT SI 01 I S I M l! SÍIÍV New Discovery A Perfect For All Throat aw Cures Lung Trouble»- Mon^bsckirwian*. TriM ft»«« nw K — A. - . . 9 a— o,.» 0 _ end t book that t e l i s ^ ^ M Q B f ^ ^ A m ore about It. both sent AVOID AleVM DOCTORS dtoosverw to "the gHtlsil man," a pm hose country waa ao rich ia th a t ba had hto body anoint- ia tbs :nrloM idltlon grandpa. Mid so it w ill go on down tha llna. * "On, tba Chrlatmaa naektla! W h a t tragedies era written In thy nam e!" The pessimist paused. Then be added thoughtfully: "I would, though, rather have my wife buy m a a necktie than ptok met my rtable A ir-P u m p Makes Disagree abto W a rb A lm ost D e lig h tfu l— A t Daunt X* is Saaltorw. When the portable air-pump taken the place o f the old-faab toned broom, boaae-cleanlng, a l­ though it may not be attoguther dellgbtful, will be at leant aaci tary and dustless. The Sclentlfi American has something Interest ing to aay of the new invention. The carpet renovators, which are of various, sizes, consist of ,i steel framework which lies lint on the surface to be cleaned. Thia U termed a hood, and contains an ex panded noule connected with tin- hose. In the bottom of the hood 1 a small alot through which th< air passes in a sheet. I t to force.’ into the rug or carpet at a pre sure sufficient to blow the dirt or t from tbe fabric. The dust passes upward through •lots into the hood, and is pre vented from escaping Into the: L by a cloth bag which retains : The dirt settles into a pan . d ally designed to collect it, an- removed by taking off the bog emptying the pun. Therenovai.. la moved by a handle over tin, floor. Tbe handle also acta aa conduit for the compressed a! the supply of which is regulate- by an ordinary valve. The renova tor is a sublimated capei sweoper. For removing dust from uphol stered chairs, sofas and other fu r­ niture a hand-renovator may I" used. I t to constructed on the same principle as the larger ty; with the slots for applying t ato ponaanve and eollectiRg Un dust, and ia pushed over the s<; face by hand. Even billiard tal.V coverings are thoroughly cleaned of chalk and d irt by the hnnd-ren ovator. In freeing pillows . and matt^psses a simple pneumatic needle to need. Tbe air to injected w ith sufficient force to circulate among the fenthera, haw or other stuffing, nnd exjtel the dost that may have collected. The air-blast, supplemented by nun, outdoor air and soap and wa­ ter, would reconcile moat women to the passing of the broom, t l y disturber but not the destroyer of deadly germs. the true story of a cat . Pennato” Pound Her Way How Alona from a Conaidarabla Dis­ tane* Guided by Instinct. A Wakefield family who reside In Magnolia during the tamnicr. much I suffer front the infern al heat, when they removed to Magnr- io t Bar. M r. Wilgus (m ild ly )—“ I a antic loat June, took with them f la ir potion?”—-Indianapolis Journal. pet cat, hut puaeie did not ¡Ike tSe” 1 yon any encouragement, a lr f * Suitor— roar and dnsh of tbe old oceat. ( “W ell, abe « i d you were always a very saya tbe l ’ rairle Farmer H w .u • 1 gencroue parent.”—Philadelphia Amer- Magarine, hut sighed for lierbrcv* Mamma— " I think the baby la grow­ by the placid water of "Iotki' ing very r fast, don’t y o u r Papu— Quannnpowitt.” Shed fp p e a r . d, "Decidedly. I thought he weighed three and Wna not seen again all ar t u ­ poonda more at four o'clock this morn­ rner. The family retu. in J to iS »ir ing ft»*" be did nt two."—T ru th . SUF t e | U rS ni/lAIv kaeeOwao n el iJTT.ab ' * t YJiv* d lit aa T WS I ■« i 1 * JI lY B m K V- P « n d C IE j I . I i Fortunate A w k w a r d n e m .— H e —“ T o n my «oul. Mtas Amy. I never propcwvl to ot September. They bad t veu tf a g i r l b e f o r e ! " She—“1 belteve you; home about two weeks when on» and. for your own «ake. I ’ll ae« th a t you morning tbe daughter of the bo isc ‘ -Brooklyn L if e . o t man and woman rabukaa U »vary- never do it again! waa in the Imaement and heard a n k i r i . B rb n n lm s *r- When a man Is »truck by Cuphl'i dart ________________ be trembles like the balloon clecvee of cat mew, nnd Io, at the window L m I m B T a r t . the ItisycJ« girl; it is only when ha I» waa her dnrllag pet cat that she N s B -B s wrote a tovely poam to Ma- passed by by the little hunter th a t he I» had long mourned as dead! It Pet as erlf-porveased an a well-starched coaid not be; where did she eotho B r tt o - I know, b a t aha g rt mad aad four-piy collar.— Boston Transcript. from? I t moat be a strange eat g op. I Fuddy—"B u t don’t you think that elooely resembling “Peanuts” iso N ell—Tbn ld«n! W hy? | Bender Is a terrible" bigot V D u d d y - » lie d because of her fondness fo: B r tto -H n beaded it "Linen ou Mft- "Bigot? No, im '-rd. Wlint put that kaTn Vaea.” -P M Iad e lp b to Record. into your head? I never knew Ileudet tbe article). n o n »new, v -r— * dlssgree w ith ma cither In religion “W ell,” said tbe mother, “there A Ifs m v rtfr *»■«- 1 e r politic*. W hy. be'* the fairest man ia one sure test. ‘Don,’ the hour*- 1 - j o b * to an domeatlc In bln taataa,” going."—Bonton Tran«orlp<- sald tbe B lllvllle matron. ¡ Old Friend—"A re you making a ano- dog, will know bis old playmr.fe.” "H e la !" ' eeaa a t your profession?" Dr. Cnrbo Don waa called and the r e o f n l - "Yea. He'» been all day In the b at U te (th ro a t epeciallat)—"Oh. yro. D tion waa mutual; they Ian» e u trying to kill a rattlesnake to get was uphill work at first, but. In the seemed delighted to meet again. a rattle fo r tba baby!” - A tla n ta Con- language of tba poet, those who "earoe I t waa evident the cat hsd trav- etitutlon. < to cough remained to spray.”— Iudisn •led all tbe way from Magnolia to —------------------------ I apolis Journal. P rw « M a « M n l A M l v w r - 1 He—" I *m going to pay you the high Wakefield, through the woods ef T he C o m s d la n -I tbongbt you and oompilment a man can pay a worn- Magnolia. Manchester, Beverly, Mtoa rueer warn to bn marrtod thto »a.” Sbe— “T hia la ao sudden." He— over Beverly bridge, H.tlen weak, la it pontpooed. " I know It, b a t I came sway without streets, Peabody, Lynfield. h .m l T ba H anry-4Jn d. air! Sbe actually aay poeketbook—«an yon lend me a dol wants bar anana to appear b o ta n mine i» r u ntil to-morrow?”—N. T . World. Wakefield— hew did site know ,1 In tbe wedding anuaaaca«ent.— R» , The Dear O irl*.— "Now, K itty , let te be Wakefield?—and bled opto changa. them ba no aaereto between deareet ' ” I «rienda. W hat waa y ao r ftra* thought her old home near the lake. - • • n o Anvtoow. ______ a fU r yoB aooepted Itarold Lawler?" auvor uuw a creature ao drHgbted ' Hntug A aann enn't toba nay tonuag ~n