V o lu m e X £ V I X n m læ r 4 ^ sounding f horse." I “ (anuís > of mus- nkca (ha rea w ritin g , sa H m ight by wrlteris the bicycle CAROLANO. Tbo G o s s m T h a t W e re r t » r » t l a «ha -B ln M o e o th CewSpvy. A fte r the advent o f the bouse of H an­ over the favorite games a t court were "quadrille,** an Improvement o f “om­ bre,** and “eomroerrs." T he gains and losses o f the kings on 'I queens were, ae h rale, restricted to IU> guineas, hut oa T w e lfth Night It was customary tar thousands to change hands. O a eaa occasion I-ady Cor. per, a lady la w a it­ ing. refused for the sake o f her chil­ dren to take part In the game, as none eat dowa to the table w ith leM (baa £200. About the year 1740 a rage foe “whisk," or whist, set In, but a t first | It was considered too wise a game for ladles to Join in. Hume, the historian, never went to bed w ithout his whist, sad even the great Johnson regretted that he had not learned to play cards, la 1743 “ H o rry“ W alpole finds It abso­ lutely necessary to learn “whisk," “h a rin g waited in vain for Its M a g le ft oft." W e find him In another let­ ter threatening to build an a lta r to ■ ra m " to commemorate the escape of hie charming Duchess of Grafton, who. It appears, had been playing cania la Koine whan she ought to h a r t been at a cardinal's reception, where the finer fell in and a ll the monslgnores were precipitated Into the cellar! Cards were ae very much la evidence In hie tim e that even Invitations were frequently Issued and uotea w ritten up­ on the becks o f p la /lu g canto, which oa th a t account were usually plala. w ith o u t aay design. The chevalier's fa rub os order to retreat a t Culloden was w ritten oa tbs back o f the nine of hearts. A fresh attem pt was made la 1739 to remedy the state of gam bling In Eng- A ll necessary operations in writing, billing or statistical work are accomplished from the key­ board of the ’Eght running, easy adion Model 10 (Visible) IF YOU TOUCH your tongue to A LU M can’t help puckering—-it make» you pucker to think of tasting it By the use of to called cheap Baking Pow ders you lake thia'puckering, injurious Alum right into your systdn—-you injure digestion, and ruin your stomach. You AVOID ALVM Ttoyd it made from pure, refined Grape Cream of Tartar—Cost« more than Alam, but you have the profit of quality, the profit o( good health. DOCTORS Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing cna ever xnrpzss it. M O H ’M Ml I Slt)\ A Perfect Curt : For All Throat and Lang Tronbiet Money t a c t I f It'a lls . Triet OcWss «we. A C lev ev TfcleC. M Thin Is bow the presence o f mind a nJ soda city o f a Chicago thief saved him H o w Ta T l - from befog locked op: A policeman F ill a bottle or comme who recognised hint nnd knew ho won water ssd 1st It stand t "w asted" p at him under arrest, w ith the words, -Y o n a m wanted a t head­ quarters." -Tea. I know,” mpttod tha thief quickly. - I wan arrested Inst night and was balled oat this morning. Yon are too slow." " I t dden look that yray," said the crestfallen policeman as be told tbg th ie f be could go, off which permission tbe tblef lost no ' the back is also tim e In availing himself. Later, to bis mnrtncr.g proof thst tha kidneys and blsd- chagrin, the policeman found that the isr are out of ord-.r thief hud not been previously arrested. Wfcst to H e. i There is M iu fitt In the knowledge to T h e G lid e d M ao. I often exprewsd. t'.st Dr. Kilmer's Sv-smp- At the headwaters o f tbe Orinoco Root. the great Kidney remedy fulfills every wish to curing rheumatism, .win to the Spanish traditions located the land of 1 heck, kidneys, liver. I ladder and every part El Dorado, "the glld.-d man.” a («- sf the urtna-y passage. It corrects tnsblHtv tentnte whose country was so rich In *0 ii— I-. , 7 * scalding pain in passing g o ld d u st th a t be had his body anoint­ t, or b id effects .ollowing use of llquar. ed w ith oil and sprinkled w ith gold ev­ • ; t - beer, » i t c-rcr—.mss thst ur.pleavant t ■ y rf ec i j compelled to go often ery morning, so that be shone in the tm r d a yi| ndtogut up many times sun an though gilded. It In n carious T -s mild and the extra- fact th a t the country In which tradition :.i: -i 'x t V f bw nm p-R oot to soon located this marvelous being baa sever ..... • “L i th* t-h'bsat far its woo- been explored by n w hite b u s . c I , most atstraasing rims, ■od atae y-,u should have the to to deny the existence o f tbe great Den wfljQ have died for their faith and their country. Xoneenae! T in tbe Inst plea of a knave and Issues out of the mouth o f a fool. Tbe sterling strength o f m an and- w ease n rebukes tt every­ where.—Be hoolmaster. ..io.e about It, both sent tbsolutely f-ae by mail, address Dr. Kilmer fc gam* of a w , a.,v So., Binghamton. H. Y . Whop writing m a r ttoa reading this generous «tier In this papas. K ell—H e wrote a lovely poem to M a­ Ontaatoto F a th e r. / Gnlsov tired through tbe most even*, bel. Belle—I know, b at abe got mad and ful periods o f modern France. II « won * J » born la 1787 amid the m attering* o f tha tore It ap. N e ll-T b e Ideal W h y ! revolution. Galnot’s pit rents were mar­ Belle—lie headed It “Lines on M a­ ried by a proscribed Protestant pastor, and bis blrtb was never legally regis­ bel's Face."—Philadelphia Becord. tered. Ills father, who was an advo­ cate, need Itls talent for public spank­ ing In tbe Interests o f tbe persecuted Protestants nnd became a marked man A fte r living for several weeks In dan­ ger o f bis life lw was at tost arrested, unw illingly enough, by a gemíanos wba knew snd respected him. “Hhall I let you eers|>eT~ M id tto 'Are yon inurricdT" replied II. Gnk • T b s C om ed ian -1 t bought yon and HIM Poner were to bn married thia "Yes. 1 hove two children." “And M tiuve 1,“ replied the prisoner, “but you weald bare to pay for me. led as go oa." They went on, and I I . Gnlxot died on tbs srsffohl s few days later. A t this time Francois. Uis future statesman, who was tbs elder o f the two children, was six and a h alf years old sod al­ ways preserved tbe rscollection o f go­ ing to see bln father in prison, n r w in» “You a t always complaining about m y singing. A rth u r, and claim It makes you nervous, while dear baby foils asleep as soon os I begin a song.** “Ob, h»b> Is sm arter than you th ic k . H e pretends to be asleep so th a t you w ill atop singing."— Flieguude Biastter. at strain to Dr. L. Manouvrlar, the most famous (sipped sn- anthropologist In Francs having ob­ ta t the pre- served and studied unmistakable i purely an marks on prehistoric skulls found Itf ' u, and th a t cis from a the region of Paris, boldly declares Thereupon that the great twentieth esnt.iry sur­ the second geon Is merely treading to the wake of skilled practitioners who. without had a bicycle brain, sad hundreds took sides In the dlscuuil.m. A prominent anaesthetics or autlnepUcc, with blades of flint Instead of tampered «teal, per­ bicycle academy Inalructor here is posi­ formed l.OO'i oi l.tWo years ago opsro- tive th a t bo has solved the secret The tiocs requl’ t'ig thorough knowledge three component p a r sof the expression be ascribes to the follow ing causes: and oonsum . ate ability. T he phenomenon of the wild eyes is " It Is as-aLIlsbid beyond question." said Dr. M anouriler. “ that trepanning, acquired while learning the a r t I t is even to day a delicate operation, was eauaed by s painful uncertainty wheth­ not only known In prehistoric times, er to look for the arrival of the floor in but was practiced far moie exteusirsiy front, behind, o f one side, and, onee fixed than nowadays. Before tre p -a .ilng upon the oountensnee, can never be re­ moved. „1 surgeons must have known of other T he strained lines about the mouth operations, the traces nt which have are das to anxiety lest the tire should disappeared, like the wooden tools and explode. Variations in these lines are arms which preosded store. Amputa­ traooable to tha general use of chewing tions and hons setting required less gum. - tmagl'isUon and certainly no mors T he general foens of the features la skill than certain openings in skulls indicative of extreme attention direct­ whose perfection to simply amazing. ed to a spot about tw o yards ahead of Men able to do such work could not be the fro nt wheel. This attention arises dlsooncerted by small operations. Ar from a suspicion th a t there is probably for dressing wounds, they most have a stone, b it of glass, upturned tsclc, understood the a rt perfectly, for tre­ barrel hoop, or other dangerous article panning requires complicated dress- lying in w a it there. I t is temporarily loot when the obstacle is struck and the bicyclist's face makes furrows tn the ground, b a t reappears w ith In­ creased Intensity a fte r '«very such ex- tlms saver end men who sre Ir, the pub­ lic e y r to-day »re neted tor 'hCwsblMty to make stu'h moment <>wnt when they era at work, and a vs > when hey s rs n t piny, prrftddwp- Bt».w v»}t Is said* to slip Into the pocket of his riding nest paper and pencil I f during his ride ha should frame a reply to some difficult qoMtloc brought to hlssttsotton he Juts It down immediately and doss sot trust to his m il. ory «President Let-bet of France, settle, sume of the momentous questions of state at his breakfast tabla, when be Is r-r«4ticclly alone and before his reasoning powers sre dtilrscted by small snd petty quesJons. Lord Roth- schil l commerces his lay'a work In bad. He rooelves his ccnfldeailsl men not only In bed. but while hats dressing sad breskfM tlcg. When he lcs-ss his country house for town he is ready to bear about other people’s affairs, bat bs- fore that time he has dona what many man wou>u rsgnrd as a «ood day's work for himself . D r Ingram, bishop nf Lon­ don Is obliged :o travel a great deni, and be has a special kind of electric rending lamp flits« Into tfic lustJs of bis carriage so thst while lbs Is being whirled through the streets of London In the evening ho one keep^p his lltsr- REMARKABLE LUNG CURE. New Yorkers who have been advised by their physicians to seek out-door work In tho country, and who lack either mesas or opportunity for mak­ ing the ll.s g iv ln g change need not despair says :be Harald Wonderful out-door cure« are being worked right In the h.-art of tbs city. A most rs- jn a r k a ^ f i ase to that of a young cler- '’ v i n an ir t w h f i for f n r fh ta I (not ah * m iw h t or nr n ln n 'iym who the sight ulna iionthi has been le>-torlng on a sight -salug osch Lost M m m er he w ent o Oxford college England, for a aps­ is! ccur.s of «tody, dating which his health gave way. and he relumed to (merles with fnndi exhausted sad tha rerdlct of nervous prostration snd tu ­ berculosis hanging over his head. His New York physician told him to seek out-door employment at .once, snd the young man secured bis present posi­ tion as lecturer to sightseers A t first his voice almost tsDsd him, but as be became accustomed to talking la tha cold s ir the cough stopped and hie tones bo-sms d ea r and firm. All win­ ter tong ha mads bis daily trip. Alow "the spot’’ on bis lung has faded, and In n d d ltlo rto his weekday Work ' In Naw York ba c o m to, Trenton, N J , each Bunday to conduct mission ser­ vices. He tntecds to remain oa tbs coneb s n til foil, oy wblnk time bis pby- a lits - promlsM th a t the ears wilt be “ Jt is a singular fact,” said an elec­ trician o f this city, “th a t the human body is capable of becoming mors or less inured to shocks from live wires. 1 suppose the average scientist would scout the idea, but whet I say is horn- out by every-day experience. The em­ ployes of a big electric lig h t works, for Instance, sre continually rscelvin,; shocks th a t would disable an ordinary man, but are apparently none the worse fo r the experience. I rfrr.oir.ber some time ago tt couple of young fellows came in contact accidentally w ith a live w ire and both received exactly the same current. One of them was a helper around a dynamo nnd had met w ith mishaps of thst sort before. He was knocked off his feet a ad m om entarily stunned, but was all rig ht In less than tw o minutes. The other man, who was s stranger, fell over as- If struck )iy lightning, and It wr.s fully h a lf an hour before he showed the least signs of re. turning conscicusness. Ha was laid up fo r several days and, oddly enough, was much more powerful, physically, o f the pair. I have known several cases p f prnrtically the tame sort, 'd ie mo, tormen on the street cars frequently •get the current,’ ns they call It, ra­ pe« ¡ally in rainy weather, when wet wood becomes a conductor. They tell ase th ry don’t mind It much n ite r the first few times. It Is c rrtalu ly difficult to understand bow repeated shocks can fo rtify tbe system against the myste­ rious fluid, but the fact to as I state. I ’ll leave the explanation to somebody BIGGEST VASE IN WORLD. Giant Haca ofs Cut Glass from fit. Louis b p o sitio n Is aa I b o v la Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Pa.— The largest piece of eat gloss ever exhibited In the United States Is on display in a local dcpsrt- i man I store, where It douLtlero w ill be visited by thousands ol ndtntrers of bo« crystal. The mammoth exhibit has ar­ rived from the B t. Louts exposiLon and w ltt remain in Pittsburg. I The piece was maevrsetnred by n glass company of Philadelphia, n.id wnn awarded a special prise by the w orld« . fa ir Judges. A fter M n g displayed In the leading cities la the <»iuntryit w ill. , be taken bock to Philadelphia and w ill be placed In vne of tbe state builjtogs J In Fairm ont park. The glass la cut la the form of n gigantic vase, live feet seven Inches In bright, and weighs MU pounds. I t to Afiusu st gl.tob. ■ A ll tbs colors of tbs prism are reflect­ ed la the gorgeous figures which have I bean cut from the great crystal column. Tbs c u ttln r -equlrsd over f .UOu stork­ ing hours f t lac men. nnd all the stock pattern? w ilk tbs naw "Louisiana Pnr- sknae' star, combine to make tfin work one of no ephemeral beauty