IO Shots at your Al«4)« Stays “ Put” Finger Tips in the The Burrow Clevis SA V A G E MrtKKLB* 441» " ILhO! U o i a r y M o tto * . U. T. 8TJ5WART Editoraud Publisher S i|ll> M < 3 I * ip tto n , m , i 5 O LIGHT a v « V I)IU * «AMD, The Leading W u l l B e o r í» * . JOURNAL a d 4 TRIBUNE, THE TRIBUNE Feraaoeot as I hr u ."» , nM. ' « Lr removed la a second o f h a t . Ta« oply Clevis bow oa the markut f is t stays where pst. i ns wsnsgerssleo Issue a B B rn -W M B typ sh io U j , „ p e n a lly ad , ptod <or people who do not oars tor a D a lly , but want a good fam ily paper. Any o f these papers can be had In combination with the P O R T O R - >H0T8: D ou b le th e num ber c o u lg iu e d in an oid i- pary revolver apd two piore than oth er autom atics. RACY: The pistol is so constructed that a ll powder •s e e aye u tilized in su rin g extrem e accuracy, as well s freedom from fou lin ■ICITY: Fewer partsfc ban any oth er autom atic pis tol C om pletely d ism oun ted b y hand w ithout the »id’o f to o ls, No screw s to work loose. F O R D T R I R U H D , at the following rates Daily and Tribune - - • The exclu sive right to handle thia Clevis will be gold by Oountiaa or States, or aet ol three can be purchas ed (or tl.OO. Address WEEKLY OREGONIAN W , E. B u rrow , C o r b in , O re. “A Good Name a t Home' Both Papers one yea r for $ 2 .2 K Daily Sunday and Tribune The PORT ORFORD TRIBUNE ---- A N D ----- Semi Weekv and Tribune The New Idea Wcmai’s Magazine TY: Breech p ositively and au tom atically locked du rin g th e tim e ° f discharge. C annot be fired u n l e u th e triggoi is pulled ? When th e safety »■ on n eith er force nor fo lly can disch arge it. ,NC E: P erfectly balan ced . ® .? te r of gravity welj to the rear. L ies n a tu ra lly in th e hand. W ill not flin ch on the trigger p u ll. The o n ly autom aticw hich lo ck s at the breech w h ile th e bullettraverses the barrel 1HT: 19 oa. in clu d in g m agasin e. Length oyer all C lin c h e s . J*riee <15. A ny wide-awftke dealer w ill sh ow you th is m in iatu re rapid firfe gu n . Jf h e w i l l n o t su p p ly you, kin d ly advise us and we w ill send it BOTH ONE YEAR »»FOR 1 76. sw I dxs W oman ’» M aoAtixa Ism , authority on Dreramir [oaaehold Econom y. Tt averaged more than IPO n We offer you th erefore a t ieaat 1800 pages ol good fa in gforan ad d ition al coat of only 86 eta Samples free The Start to a Better Salary prep aid , U T IC A , JSEW Y O R K McCall’s Magazine and McCall Patterns ' Forl7«MB R a lf al r » ttl« r «nywh«r« ia 1« Tou can have it ail foi £ « . 5 0 ^ ll‘nT)h n EVenin*',Tel,'gr‘‘ni’ °l Port land, Oregon. It 1» the largest ev rning newspaper pnbllshed in Ora KT? ‘t o ?n ,»,n« »" *h« news of th< RtRte and of the nation. Try it for i |month. A sample copy w lU bam ail ," 1 to vou free. Address t h e telegram , PORTLAND, OK. BMkbv dm »tari. \ l r e a waat t * he « e •« ■ fr— if Hnsw Mara FrfiaSt than any attar gucasiac or patterns. McCalls is the raHahia Faxhfon Onida monthly in ana ndllica one hundred thousand k.aaes. Beaidea showing's!! the latest ’•signs ef McCitl Patterns, each issue ■ hr-atful cf tparkliug short stories m A helpful tuformatfoa for jromen. *" NO TRBS8PASSING. •» » B ia O u e .tip u iio « wereveu. «’»mlrpsiiartlt 10- «» * n O, Ç"*-»''-' <: («ti »p rtira. *fyisw*l»t» »-tot-* 2 m m . U.N M<MI « ltd ilio lu ll» . *•« .»r <xh« r»o « } < t w a it. l>. îi. A ï tn n t OfTice < W A S H IN G T O N D. 0 . > I • NOTICE la hereby given that any and all person! found trespassing upon the pramisea of the undersigned for the purpose of hunting or Ashing or other- wise will be prosecuted to the full ax- tent o f the law. C. W. ZUMWALT N e C A U ’S MAGAZINE y«« w ast to ballar yow » « « iii-x r* aaahe thè start. W « b««w w»*J« tka »tari «a«y. * • < « « • • a n i in« wAalr « u r i« •« € < ••• aa«y. ? • • W . la i«et U a t y«4 wiO V« ta ra i*« *« •*- tlM In s it a ^ * %»<• • ( la« Uarvfwr b«« kaj l >«a back The «<art ta U ua lb« «ma«* uelvw. \ £«Jwl av»r U n l i t • * hi 11«« coupatt, aia.'k A ¿ami» aS « o n « y o a v a a i i ta « r’ /r , ft.l la and mail th« eoaawa toaa. ■ ' ratara n a il w*a will twll yow how y w ea* J •aaily. laoanttavlvoly, m l ja y«ar •par« tint« ana’.Hy your «wit for th« poaldaa yoa wast. a n ! w«”l «and proof of It la th« form at let *•< <• want w o bar« don« for itbar* > ’ » to ««<•«• ♦ •* t rlreu tar gtw ln t 1ar*o .' lu atra tio n . w it h faB daacrlpUo« o f t h l « h\nd«o m « n e w van , •e n t frm on r«q«««t or w ith co ttpi«i« iSS-poga Hpi FT j ' -JI ■I I0USEW0RK r <> I / B 1 2Ae Bast to ba h od in Carry County, a t reason able Prices. ' K NERVITA^» V w Cures Im potency, N igh t Et ilselons ani' wasting diseases, a ll effects o f nett- X 3 M | abuse, or exeats and indie- cretlou. A n c r , « to n ic s o d b lo cd b u ild e r . Brings thv . l l ^*T Pln,‘ ff!o,r to p sle cheeks am’ jb p S N f rcr.'jres th e fire of youth Bj nailB O C pe: h o * ;« b o r e for « 2 .5 0 ; with fc w r i t n i. g u a r a n BUI Hetids, Letter Heads, 1 I r . -g L ( Legal Blanks, 1 Any Í * • ' T Thing, Briefs, • Poster»' BnvelopeSi Statements, te e to c u r e o r r o tu u d t h e u .o n c y N E R V IT A M E D IC A L C O . 1 J lá Stuffed Up PATENTS I Ki £ Vp-to-dato Work Done on Short .Notice. Satisfaction G uaranteed ; » t » e t s . rM th » o M S . PkMuia » rh .t> ' « V e rth e tr M t, S O T Q W . g», o . That’s the condition of many sufferers from cstsrrii, sspecinily in the morning. Great difficulty !« mp.Tieneed in elsnr. ing the head snd throat. No wonder catarrh causes headache, -Impairs the (site, smell and hearing, pollutes the bresth, deranges the stom ach ,n d affects the appetife. To cure catarrh, treatment must be eonstitutionnl—alterative and tonic. -* I was afflicted with catarrh. I took msdielasa of different kinds, liv in g each a fair tria l; but rratiuslly crew worse until I could hardly hear, taste or smell. I then concluded to try Iloud's ttarm parllla, and * t u r u i a . n s T O M i , ai R ig e T .Im e o p — , In connection with AflTEMX Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh—it soothes and strength-