BL-g— CURRENT TOPICS. SUBSCRIPTION RATKR. J n e Copy O ne p u tl lo w tta of Oiegoa, until to il« / tf)®T are groa’iHig under the lerrtri.i burden ot bu,u>h |..r.»«reel p.>viog. J» is Saul th at the.« auttpuulex have Y e a r . ....................... One Cup) Six .Montili.................. .. -la s Copy T ill“« M o n th s.. ............. <"5 to B y J. I I. CproN Ifclttor T mibvkk : W KDXEHKAT April 1«. I#l7. i T l>spriM lsu »anrsM O u y o s r p a p sr a ) « h o * « Ut«*jst» ’-•> w h l t l y o u r »ul> > ' «yriptlöto I« p « i4 ' 1 Published kvcry WaJtM-day, hy A uvk WMUVÓ R a t s « HARDY T . » T K * A M T . K iA M U tA X L B . END OP WAR BELIEVED TO BE NEAR. The great English drive on the tVesteru frtint continues to press forward, »nd the "Hindeiiberg Iiue”£ fa commenc ing to Lend-i»ifeo-most deciaive battle oi the war. France ia launching her spring drive, while Russia is gathering her forces on the East. Repeated reports are leaking out of Germany that she is on the verge of starvation. With her troops losing ground and her people growing liungty, it is believed in many circles that the moral effect of the Unit ed States joining the allies will cuuso Oerntdqy jo sue fos peace in the neap* future. THINGS AS WE SEE THEM. But Iitti« busines» ca.iJT up for trans ían pf circuit court ib r ir headquarter^ in 20 W all S t. e e l j L is toad of • »tat« «Ul« Be fr reu Owned and oootrollad by ih« Ruck a . Aubery and wif«. default of defapd- itUui tu lioid pp the upet«ttut) of efeller interanta, and their profit» ant wn* entered, i th« new« t it e r fiel) laws iw , . . _ . . , . haV « l*«?“ MIO» oua, T h e ir patent« Confirmation of «ale was had Jin Ute two year« b tic g »;o(itrti>|.i»tod a» I j are toon to expire. I t waa pointed CM0 Langlois va. G. W. Smith. j h u d p iid e r ilu o t l th e lu c v r ik v h t , | i » • > » ............................... *» > • h« * “ I HOW Uu JrrelauU th« U vfctrudum I» > enta for this brand of bitumiupus j Fromm secured a judgment by de- to t,« operative oui y in .Jai*k«on, , „ . . . **l»S>a> . „ _.. . | puvetneut «xpir« ou w before M ay fault »gainst B J«ea, and an order of h lltllllu « *1 l i a I • , J<»ephit<e amt C u rry f uuuutie«. 1 i hie , i _■ , , „ f , ,5 ,1 9 2 0 . One uf of the 111« balio basic paleut«,1 eale of property wae made, m in eu ln ii »luiplitka tpatiaia, aa t h e 1 ■ In the aftlop of J . — W. Oetraader No. 657.430. expire« June 4, 1918: iteberuo-a ma) ittio in the Civrks of against Linn!« Oatrandyr, for diyuyce, the flu»h coat patent, No. UU5.422, a decree waa denied. I here «evriai uouulie« under an al expirea March 11, 1919, and two The caae o f Mr«, qiisa Miller against to rn á til» » n t cooMUeudiug tb tu i other so celled iiasio patent«, ouiu 3. 8 Kennedy and wif« w u referred to and each oi them tu piace the prop bared 727,605 and 727,510 «spire J. R. Standard to take teacimony. oailiuu on the Juna »pecial eleutiun In the action of Macleay va. Way M ay 6, 1920 Money for paving a f ballot or » t r ik e th e petitions froiu Barr, a judgment waa rendered against ter such <l«lr« would he o f little iu . Barr for $14* 33. their hie». The purpo«« of the long tere.t to such p a itu t owifrrs, hence The suit of Anna Clark against W. range prupuaitiua to a rb itra rily de Ute great rush at title lim e to push D. Clark waa referred to J. R. SUn- this bond ivaue through at a S|iecial nard to take testimony. In the suit of Mrs. Alpha Walker, election a t a coat to the taxpayer» that an equity Court w ill bestiale guardian of Mr». Auguata Smith, of this «late of 1 135,000. Rock«. against County Judge Wood, the order to wa«h tie haiidkof it and let i t go $ feller’s vault« a rt huraling with removing Mrs. Walker as guardian waa at that. 8 |* c ia l privilege in the utuuey th a t it« Wunta to loan on annulled, the eoats being m atter of R u p e». H ir e r Ashing is bond« at 4 per cent, W lty not? He against defendant -Reporter. both u ufair and eraetefui. , would get the iutereet; »uppiy the Paper Sopgly Big PreUem. A n echo of H)» f H S ': Legislative asphalt; «ell the automobile«; fu r. Some people not very far from Port Orford should re- member lb .. Il I. no. pelicv. eey «be lee.«, «. ay»U «he £ £ £ £ & paval and military policy of our government at this tune »> Doings oi the C ir a # Çpart. itt irili i t v l x l t'A itA M L hA V M d * V 1 IT U l f 1 « - »«■ w l - l p i t p k n sxf the munstroustM aim sW the South, ent Fat-ifio Hail road Co., to be above and superior to the law cumea to surface lit the form of the Bean h ill lo b e voted up or down ea rly in Ji)ne. T ltia b ill in term« repeal« the Act of Cungreae—»Chamberlain Act— of June 9, 1916, revesting the unsold balance uf tha g ra n t iu the U n ited State«. T h e Bean b ill in t «. t t I r f U i* T u v w r r it » r gaaoiiua and oil. tieea;. end e»U lb « W h a t more Dould he wieh?*’ subscribers, and the response to these have shown the dir .versity of mankind. In ono or two instances, where the subscriber was the head of a concern largely interested in the development of our county, notices from the postmaster were received by us, shortly after the statements were rhail- pd, saying that the paper was being refused at his office, This, notwithstanding the fact thut the one refusing the pa per could abundantly afford to take and pay for it, and that he was in a position where he shoujd help to support the industries of the county, and further, that he had subscrib ed legitimately and by taking the paper from the office had made himself liable for arrear subscription. Then comes the contrast. One of our statements was to a working man in the far end of the county. We offered him a rebate in hopes of encouraging a settlement. Back came his reply with a remittance- in full sufficient to pay (or Ma naper a year in advance, and in his letter was the following statement: “I would not agree to any rebate, your paper is worth the full price.” A»Qther letter such 4« helps to lessen the annoyance of running into the ijowspaper slacker and cheers the country publisher on his way, comes from Dr. C, E. Saunders of Brookings. After saying that it is a pleasure to renew his subscription, the doctor writes, in part, as follows: “While your paper is far from us yet we arc all in the game boat, united we must stand if we expect to soe Cyrry County share her just benefits in the future. The greatest thing now is a Coast Road, awl I believe that an organiza tion County wide, and perhaps taking in the Motor Cur Owners, would tend to help us, and then whenever a Good Roads meeting takes place lets have some good man on the job, if necessary make an assessment to cover his expenses thereto/' Dr. Saunders, is one of the live of souther».Cur ry- His suggestion about a oounty-wide good roads organ ization is a good one, and now that summer is here there is no reason why representatives of such an organization could not meet occasionally at Gold Beach and work in a common cause. Let us not forget, that, “in union there is the Subject in hand. I t waa due to Strength.” Talk the matter up and start the ball rolling M r. B row n, to trails and every etbi- oal non«¡deration, that M r. Bean, tn your community. 21---- - ad Imre to the uhiyereal practice in That the above remarks started in on one subject and such cates byA tfld iB ft “ Tba italics wound up or} another, may be charged to the eocen trici lies in ths above-nr»‘ m in4.'’ But des of the editorial pen. . perate cases rednife dsepsrale rem edias; and i f M r. Bean's attem pt to PATRIOTIC JUBILEE Tillicum Club Dance persuading the ;ieople of Oregon to repeal an Act of Congress by th eir votes in June, thereby robbing tbeir School fund o f fifty m illio n dollars and eariohiqg the Southern Pacific Railroad Co., by ao much and very Port Orford, April 21, 1017 rnuob more does not readily lend its e lf to (be category o f deeper«!« SUPPER Served iu the Hall by the ladies Everybody Welcome JEFF O. FRENCH P o r t O r f o r d , O re g o n Ask me for any information regarding Timber or Real Estate in Curry County HARDY T. 8TE W A r F ~ V . M. C Ó M M I f t S I O N E H «md N O TA H Y W B L IO f* o r t O r fo r d , O r ejp » n . TICKETS f 1 Dean MastenbrooK /j Jeweler Watches and Clocks repaired at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. G old R each , O r boon . POWERS, OREGON The Federal government has late ly been investigating lb«- high price of paper, and as a result indictments Attd M r. Spenco die|HweS of the have been brought against six of plea th a t, iu order to av ail itselI of (be big paper company heads for the Federal appropriation for good a lle g e d violations of the 8heriuan roads, the Slate must adopt thi» A n ti T ru st law. On M arch 18th, measure, by showing that provision last, Secretary of A gricu lture. D. F. lor such contribution by another Houston, itaued a statem ent dealing h ill, aa follows: w ith the paper situ ation , and ad “ When the bool» are voted down vising the conservation of a ll pulp woods. We quote in part from the Secretary,s letter »h *°h »hows the absolute necessity for newspaper» to get their subscription lists on a cash basis, where they can have the co o peratio n of a ll th eir readers ip meeting the high prices exacted by the paper Oompaniee: foUitd for it does tuit exist.” ' T otal $828.000 “ Condition» in the paper industry a* M r. Bean made a long apeecli be Almont n m illio n dollars an n ually have constituted one o f the most fore the l«te L 'g ielatu re urging the ex|iended by tiie slats highway cum serious of our domeetio problem« pasaage of the b ill in queation and mission for each of the coming two during the last r e f f . Dip- to the dw elt upon a point thgl haa no mer- yeara. I f they buve dona wall and exorbitant price« vliarged for news it, v ig ;xth «t by diveetiog the ra il secured the confideitoe of the people p rin t, the profile o f the great dailies toad of title to the State lose« two and taxpayers of 4hs state, we be. were either wiped out eulirelj- or years back taxe«, where««, aa ■ m at tieve tba am ount to be by them ex else reduced to a iiiia im u n i, while ter ot fact, the Cham berlain h ill aa pended would be m a teria lly in the small publialo-ra wera brought paeaed, provides for the paym ent in creased” - - face to face w ith suspension and fu ll of such taxes by the Q oyeii;- even absolute ru m . t'erio h c al pub And M r. 8pence m ight have add m««L ed th at i f said couimissiuuera should hslier» have fared no le«s brnily, the And m iff, to prove ”t lt * l the b ill lake in to their beads to put another profits of t»Aik puhiiehers have which wa are to vote on io J woe ia able, coneojenlioiis Engineer on the changed to losses iu m any _rasea, aS o u th erfi Pacific Railroad h ili it “»kids’* why the It-s» ipuney subject and the price of paper of every hind haa risen by leap« and bounds. ¡»"only pfaaeaar'y to point to the to their handling fn« better. In 1914 ire used about 5,000 tone fact that said hill and Bran’a speech In answer to their objections to of newt p rin t e ie ry d ay. O u r pres upon it lias been printed in the form a pay as you go road system, of ent u»e has reached 6,000 tons a day of a pam phlet aud circulated road b uilding, -M r. Spence says: and the demand appears to ba in through the mails at an expense of “ Then i t is bonds (hey want as creasing a t the r»ts of 10 par cent a many thoqsspfla of dollars, pre«urn well as roads, j h e advocates of year, m a teria lly (aster than tba in ably to every ragiatered voter in the this plan »re tru ly carrying out tba crease in population. T o supply Slate. T h e long speech, a mere oom Rockefeller idea. Bond the people our presses w ith news p rin t requires pilatlo u of the points urged in the to the lim it so they w ill be kept an n ually about 8.000,000 cords of Railroad brief o f course nowhere busy io earning the interest |h a l p ulp wood. To meet our requ ire, divcloaea the fact th at if thh Cham has to be an n u a lly paid upon the m e n u for inagaaiue and book paper, berlain la w is kitopkedout, the Slate bond«, ao they w ill not have lim e »tationery and buaineea papers of Irre d u c ib le School F un d w ill lose to keep ao careful walch over the a ll forms, wrapping papers, wall fifty m illio n dollar». expeodiluree uf public fu n d i.’’ papers, csrdboard, fiber board and Copying into hia “ speech** a brief the lik e, 4,000,000 cords more o f Yea. I t ia bonds they w ant for answer by A tty ., General Brown to well does the paving trust under, pulp wood are consumed a n n u a lly . a question in v o lvin g the status of stand that a p«y a« you go system Production barely keeps paoa w ith llte grant and litig ation so fa r, M r. w ill spell careful investigation« into this consumption. F o r instanoe, Bean by m aking him use italics the whys o f the stupendous extor the eatimsted demand for news p rin t where M r. Brown had no thought tions the said trust has been le v y for tbe first a i r months o f J $17 is of emphasis^ 1« g u ilty o f « very rep ing upon the publia in the far and 880,000 tons. Against t b it ia plac rebenaible piece of plagairism and near past. T hey are »is« in their ed no estimated supply o f 930,000 forgery, for vhioh Ute A tty . G an . day and generation. tuna.” erxi should can h im down, i f he Langlois, O r. Notice to Creditors, has not already done so, for, by his attem pt to add force to hia words, IN T H E C O U N TY CO URT OR T R E M r. Bean would misrepresent the Trail From Regne River to Powers.) STATE O F OREGON F O R C U R R Y O OURTY. m ental a ttitu d a o f M i. Brown on I Jfae S v e ry T ag ility 3?©r i ffazidlixig Y our Business ¡Banking b y Bolisited Interest paid Saying JU ’ts, £ • C m iX state th at this cannot be done, and copiss from the railroad attorney*« (he atalu highway pomottasion w ill it has long been said that it takes all kind of people to brief on file at VYaahingtou to prove » till have am ple money to teat their worthioe«». make up this world in which we live, and the truth of this It, aa follow»; T h e automobile lax w ilt yield saying has been so impressed upon us within the past two “ A ny attem pt then to reveal title an n u a lly $310,000 in the Governm ent must fliid its weeks that we pagnot refrain from these remarks. au th o rity, i f any, w ithin the oovers One quarter w ill general t a i 218,000 Statements were sent recently to delinquent T rirunr 400,000 uf the Constitution. I t cannot be Schackelford fund h ik BANK OF POWERS Rogae IN T B I w x r r c a o r JH g 1ST ATI Î or FBANK A. SyaWAIT, DBCIABXD The underaignnJ haviog been pointed by the County court of State ot Oregon, for Curry oounty, ad ministrator of the estate u f F ra n k Btownrt, (ieaeaasri. and h»vtag q uali fied, noiioe ia hereby given to the tract« this fa ll., f h e route to the creditors o f , . agd *11 persons hav railroad a t powers w ill be shorter ing olalms against said deceased, to present thaw, verified aa required by than the one now running to D oth law, within six month» after the firet publieaiioc of this noiioe, lo-w it the an, and would not elim b so high ldth day of April, l»17, to eajd lla rtiy into the snow line. T. Stewart at hia residence at Port Or, ford, Oregon. H abdv T . SragrxaT, Banden Saw U. S. Satonanne. Administrator of the estate of Krank A Stewart, deceased. Dated this 17th day of April, l»l7. Fred Christenaen, purser on the T h e people liv in g Langlois Hardware “ Store Hardware of all Kinds M c h in e r y & M o w i n g M a c h in e s . E x t r a s f o i D a ir y in g ) O s b o r n e , M il w a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P a in ts^ O il s & S t a m p i n g P o w d e r F in e lin e o f G u n s, B a s e b a ll p a r a p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g goods k e p t in S to c k . D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s i n V a r ie ty c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F it t in g s , P lu m b in g a n d T in w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n sh o r t n o tic e . - - heever $ Bowman, L a n g lo i s , O r. ■'■-1- Port Orford Furniture .r & Hardware Store along river are agitating the building of a tra il from Big Band to Powers, I t ia »aid th at the trail is assured, and w ill ba b u ilt thia summer in lim e for the regular letting of m ail con Notice for Publication. at earner Bartdon which arrived in port yesterday, in speaking of sub Daraarwanv or re s Im n r o n , marines told of meeting a U. 8 . u n U. 8. Land Offlce at Roseburg, Oregon, T h e six m illio n d o lla r bond issue der-sea __ craft _ several weeks __ ago be' March 17 J»1 V, ' Notioe is hereby given Uiet is a n o ib t question seriously con- { (ween San Diego and San Fiancisco. W IL E Y CH ASTAIN fronting the [«ople, thia also to be T h a two boats pasted w ithin close • of Denmark, Oregon, who, on »ettlrd in June. H o n .C . E. Spence, p ro x im ity and the crew ot the Ban .( J January «t 2Sth, 1»1S, made Homestead J En j _ . Kntry. Serial No. OtKMU, for the of President of the Grange has made dun would not have been aware of NWJ, N 1 8 W | and the 8E1< of 8R1 8WW • deep study of this problem in a ll the other’s presence i f the “ siib” , ° f S **}? “ *«• J ? * M ^ P » ¿ S o u th . «a i ■ - « i . - , Ranfif© 16 Willamotte Meridian, of its bearings, and therefore says of kmr< bad not Bounded two blast« from its has flted notice of in Un lion to make it in part; eiren. I l took several minutes to ’ ^ 7 * / ? ro' >,\ to ratobllsh claim to ths land nbovs described, be- “ Thia ie a paving scheme pure iooate it «van then for only ila p e r i-; 1 fore Hardy T. Htewart, 8. Cummia- and simple, conceived in the subtle scupe was above water. T h e sub. ! • Iooer- •» J * ® ® ° « F o r t Orford, O r- brain of th rm anagers o f tha W arraa t o . r i n e . a s m .k in g test tim e, ac 2 u t S l i ; ,:M7 Construction company and thair oordiog to M r. Christensen and was ' £»*»■ ° f D»“ ® * « * . Oregon. subsidiary oompaniee, who, hy the o«t o f sight Krfore aome uf tha crew j ^ r K ,,'H a tto n it(,fc ^ im a r k /^ ,,‘ Harness, Fishing-tackle Stumping Powder WM: GILLINGS, PROP. adventures, then w hat oa earth w illT most nefarious and disreputable could get out on deck for a glimpse ' Pe" n u '>ltu'L of methods have bonded m any ciliea of it.— Bandon W orltj. , H . C anon , Register, StA full liac of Stoves and Jfcnges, Suem sey, i^ u g sa n i D ytat. ting, 5tiletfo £ u ttU r3, £ ah tern s, E t c