The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, April 11, 1917, Image 1

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H a W a s It a la «
M e a S iv e lr
V ea« »e
«ha S ta s a to » « a la a t
Quic-aiy m «hey b*»s e x M they sa
es. » W e tW sabes K»/«terin» he,
Xhs erctwH Sew I» -b»«* with
—M. S UeWatto Hove la J B atos
t e f la m » « T h a t W e r e 1*1« » »A l a toe
g c ic fc to e e lk < !e a « a r r.
A fte r the advent of the house o f Baa»
ipvrër Ito» favórftb flamea a t
Bicyclists riding in the country not
many œllaa from New York have re-
ceully been startled by bearing tha
barking of a dog in fields which tb « i
were passing, says the New Yo rk Time«.
They Invntiably put spurs to th eir ped­
als. as It were, and got out Of his way
as quickly as possible. This had o«-
Curred to a certain party of cyclists so
frequently that one of them, bolder
than tb« rest, dismounted to investi­
gate, lie found in tbs center o f a new­
ly planted field a sural shads tba teh . and
neur by n stake, to xrldrb was attached
a rope, a t the o th er end o f w hich a col­
lie dog W«s p rsnd ng and barking.
There was not a button being in sight,
and the «log could oertaioly not have
been copfhrtd there w ith the idea of
eChriug away trampa, fo r his antics
showed that he was overjoyed to behold
the ytrohfl-er.
--------" ----------
As the sun waa wiry hot in the field,
the bicyclist concluded to roat awhile
under the thatch, still marveling at the
situation of his canine Acquaintance
A few momenta later a lonesome 'Taw.
caw, caw," was heard In the air. The
dog a t once became attentive; be lay
close to the ground, w ith his head
cocked to one side. A fam ily of crows
presently a lig h t« ! In the field, but be­
fore they could beptu th e ir meet the
dog w as up and a t thorn. The mystery
was then explained. The collie was used
as a scarecrow, apd a most effective ouc
he proved to be.
“ quadrille," »ia improvement of ”oin»
bee." and “commerce." T h e gab's and
louses o f the kings a « ' queens were, a«
a rule, restrict«! to f id guineas, but os
T w e lfth Night tt was custotnair fa r
tboitfcduda to change lia n d s j O a one
occasion Lady Cowper, a lady hl w ait-
lug. refui'-d lo r the sake c i t e r chil­
dren to take part In the game, as noue
sat down to the tabla w ith le w tlm a
About the yea}" 1740 a rngo foe
“wlilsk.” or whist, set In, but a t first
M waa considered too wise a game for
ladles to join in. Hume, the historian,
never went to bed without his whist,
and even "the great Johnsqq,, regretted
that be had not learned to play cards,
l a 1742 "H o rry " Walpole finds It abso­
lutely noeeaasry to *csra “ whisk,"
“having waited In vain for Its being
le ft off.” W e find him In another let­
te r threatening to build an a lta r to
"P am ” to commemorate the escape of Rsaldenta o f Is la n d Appointed Com­
bis charming Duchess of Crafton, who.
mission to lo c a te float of Trouble
I t appears, had been playing cards In
and T h a t »oily to y s Blame
Rome when she ought to have been at
on Microbe.
A cardinal's reception, where the floor
fall la and a ll the rnonsignoroa were
T he original and opootflo germ of lori-
pnccl-plxatcd Into the cellar!
neae has been discovered. I t Is know n
Cards were no very much to « r id e » « as the Uuclnarius Amerlcanus, and Its
to hie tim e th a t oven larltetjcns were borne to to Porto Htcy. No loos than
frequently Issued and odtes w ritten up­ to por ceut o f the eutlrs rural popula­
on the bocks o f p lfljlu g cards, which tion is sOUcted with the genu, which is
«0 that account were usually ptolo. coromouly and rnlgarly known as the
w ithout any design. Tbo eberuiiet'a hookworm.
All necessary ¡operations in
writing, billing or statistical work
are accomplished from the key­
board of the light running, easy
action Model 10 (Visible)
famous order to n-treot at t'ullod«i
was written on the back o f tfco Bins of
ixearta. -
A fresh attempt waa made In 1739 to
remedy the state of gambling In Eng­
land by passing an set which provided
th a t "any person keeping a house or
Other place to goose to forfeits £200,
t e t f to the peooeontor and faatf t o « to
poor of the pariah,“ wfcrosaf "■ * * •
ladtes g f U te, M art togsaa a<4 tteM lto .
She public gaming lx
fcahgraan'e Magazine.
« • • • • A M to *Y * ■ ’ " • • F
* ctevev Tau-e.
T ills la how the preeeqte of mind and
•ad Doa’t K”ow H.
audacity or a Chicago thief saved him
M e w "T 7 » i
fr0® brh'E locked op: A policeman
M l a hottie or cowm
ith > «
**'“ “ “ * * " • ’" * * "¡T?
wato aad let It stead i
4 hours; s “wanted” pot him under a n t e , w ith
S' -
tlu- words. "Yo n n r r w anted nt bend-
s „ .w te e * of.
quarters" “Tee. I know.“ replied the
U ,lrf
“* w “ acreetad last
"'Rid " D<1
bailed out thia morning.
You are too slow." " I t docs look that
«'□v." m id the crestfallen policeman
a e ,lie told tlig thief be could go, of
whk-li permission the thief lost no
Mu’“ ,n availing himself. Later, to b it
chagrin, the policeman fouud that the
, u ey |,ai| not been previously arrested,
r n r jJ lS ir J
r n /l
Ifc k lb w J lE 7
1 A i
7E \ '
f i
Y T lW /V r T K t
your tongue to
and look in the glass— you will te e the effect—
Y ou can't help puckering— it make» you pucker
to think of tasting it
By the use o f so called cheap Baking
Powders you la k e tMe puckering, injurious Alum
right into your system— you injure digestion,
ryio your stomach.
Sap plain ly-
T^oyai it made from pure, refined Grape Cream o f Tartar-C ost» more
dun Alum h it you have the profit o f quality, the profit of good health.
Iluew u
evllutE eof kid-
“« / trouble; toe
bequent deeire te
ps« 11 <* pe**1 ’■
' - —
the hack Is alas
benrinoteg proo« Hist the kidneys and blsd-
der are out cf order
VTket te B o.
Root, the treat « joey «-medy fulfills every
. « •
. ..
. l .
wish in curing ikeurastism, pain In the
bstl:, ki-i-'-ys, fiver, t'»dder and e -rry part
4 ;hs urinary fisatof - It comets Issbllitv
» hetd w iisraw t^-'-'i J 'n f para tn gaxxtef
I, or bad «.(tests .oliowing use pi liquor.
sl-worbe- sralo/ercomaethfl qnptoassra
aacevaty of being co-npe/lsd te <o oftSB
-tunnr’ he day, and t* fat up many times
A.. ..^ ,h r n'fht. T hem lid ind the eatra-
--bu v
it Sw am p-Coot is soon
. -««c .,
.4 • »Wyhsst far its woo-
; jsireto'nr cases.
It p . - ,ie«-:
->*d >«• - ><i sheuU nave the
be“ . ? -V , . ug<i»ri ir BOc. end 41. stets.
T o u n -r* -l -vs a **/tqda hottie of |hto
Dr. King's
New Discovery
¿ Perfect
C u res
For All Throal and
L u n g T ro ub les.
M a n .'
flpnn’sli tn d ltljo a located the land of
t i ,« « « l z >
» ¡ 1 / 1 ../ ,
» « m il* *
> jf w itb oil and fpHhkWXI w ith to ld cv-
morning, so that be sbooe In the
h ^ , ded | t „ , tarton.
I - —hteh tradition
fact that tlie country In h
located this m irveloua l/elng has never
been explored by a w hite roan.
......- ■ —..............-
A Slaader.
To any that »very man b y bis prte*
hl to deny the »listener of the great
men who Save died fö r lh< Ir fi.trh and
tlielr eonntrr. Nonaeooe! 'TIs the lest
plea « f a knave and Isene-.« out of the
more six - It, both
uiotit b of a fool. The sterling strength
«baihitsly free by mail,
j it dress Dr. Kilmer I t ■ « • at Sw*Me«, n» of «nun mid woman rrbnkoa It e v « 7 -
Co., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men- w here. - fk-bool master.
ttoa reeding thia generous «Bar le this pope».
He L a rk e d T a r« .
K e l i - H e wrote s lovely poem te MA
Outsof lived through the moot «veto
fut periods o f modern France. H e was
horn In 1787 einld the mattering» o f the
revolution. Golzot'a parents were mar­
ried by a proscribed Protestant pastor,
and hia birth waa never legally regis­
tered. H la father, who waa an adve-
cate, naed Ills talent for public speak
tug In the intereata o f the peraeented
Protestants and became a marked maw
A fter living fo r aeveral weeka In gan­
ger of hla lif * he waa at labt arrested.
•Miwlllingly enough, by a gendghue trite
km** nnd respected him.
, "Rhail I let yop eii-ap af
Nothing has ever equalled i t
Nothing can ever sorpaas i t
T , 1# < ; „ de^
aa M
Belle—I kohW, but abe got mad and
tore It op.
N e l l - The Idea! W b y t
Belio- He li.-uded It “Lines on Ms»
bêl a F»ee.“-P h ila d » lp b la Record.
A D e n t e e t le S e a l.
"John la ao domestic In hie taatee,"
told the ltlllv llle matron.
“ He w r
“Yea. lie 's been a ll day In the bet
ano trying to kill a rattleanake to get
a rattle for the Imby!” - A tla n ta Oon-
. ' Are rod ii ’i tried r h'pllid M. Onl
“ Yes. I have two cbildrm ."
“ And so lotve I." replied tlie prisoner.
-Im« von w. i-’ -l have to pay for aie.
UB AO ‘rt*.**
_ ____— •---
Tin y went o«», and XI. Gfltzot dli-d on
the si-affokl a few «laye later. AC this
time FrotK-ols, the future atatrsman,
F ho w to the rid er o f the two Children,
was Six aud a h alf years tfitl and al­
ways proagrvud the reecltevt on o f go
t a t to nee bis father 13 prlanti. or wi,st
waa eupbemtetleaily colled the bouse of
)nsltca.-Uaqtlnn«n*e ilaga»lng,
P r e f e a e le n a l J e n lo w s v .
The C o m e d la n -l thought you and
Ulse Poser were to be married this
week. Is It postpoimd.
The H e s v y -« la d . sir! Rbe aetnaUy
wants her nnme to appear tx-fore mine
In the wedding announcement.—■ »
J l f W - A man can't ta t» any money
w ltb him when he dtea
E g b e rt-O b . I don't know. I hod a
frk-nrt who awesl me (10 die teat week,
I Jjese he a token that with him sU
rig b t-Y o u k e ro fltatceuias.
A ownatogto» « to nprcdnted to in­
vestigate »he cause oi-tovh disattrous
and widespread laslnes.’. In the island,
and Its report baa Just been pqbltehed.
Prominent army and navy physicians,
acting with the health officers of Porto
Rico, made up thia comm (salon, which
began Ila ollntoal tortotlgaUons last
la d y
A ppeared la a « 'U s s p t She
T im e a t U a r D ea lt..
' »
A gautleiuan took • house ib jro laud
fo r alx m o o tii and ua« sciuMiip,oiled
th itb u r by lua w ife wxl dsugbtcrs^aaye
Uealnb'V T he hooee woe fut ■ .iahed'wnd
hod plenty Of bedrooms. Therefore I l
waa decided not to u se«
t tain large,
long room w ith «-upbimrd» along oee
aide (which had all been locked and
sealed up w ith tape) in which thing* be*
longing to the ov.nen» of tlie boose' had
bceb p ut awny. ’ One eveulng one of tha
daughters going to her loom aaw an
old lady wrapped ip a shawl w alking
atoug the passage in fro n t of her. Tb«
.old lady appeared "to know her way and
hurried on w ithout tuastsiion into the
u n o a c d r o o m . Tb< g irl railed her sister
and they fisR sate the 'U s e ia to the
rooru H o t all was s ltra l: OP oee was
there: the date lying about stew ed no
signs of footprint«.
Shortly u tte r th e « s a t f o m g lady
u s e reading on «he braa-thrur l<y 3re-
ligh t. lo o k in g up aha 1' -belli the old
tarfy etnndiag Ei the doorwaywxtofclng
her. h rro tly frightened, ate* oprsng up
and, ruabing downstair« waa found
fain tin g a t the drawiug-raua, door. A t
last the fam ily «»turned to DuMhi. One
day whew a friend waaeatHi t the curl
otis incident which 1 have narm uai wn>
referred to, Tl«e yormg btdr vc-y un­
w illingly told her cxperbnc»». The vis­
ito r seemed ranch struck and naked for
cn seevrob- «hweriptloa of the old lady.
“ Jr.,-.“ r.-.ld vlwt, “ that. h<un>< M o u g e d
to t-.vo Old ladies. sisters, nnd when they
k t the r b aa « ' they-w ent to reside nt
tin.- o f i.'iesn, p o s terin g e r-
aet’ y to the dcacriptiou you have given,
died at the flute y«.u sow her appear,
C o rio « . Vass a t v«s.,.«pay a t H o s p ita l Ao
poni-l*Ev»«(Uv a t D e a t u v t ll« .
T lie Ten,; s reports a curious case of
cutele|«y which fc.- seseitil weeks has
been curt :, lug tbo attention of tlie d o
torn at the llo p ita l de Pont-i'Hrcque s i
Dcauvdlc. ccportr the New York Herald.
On tire raormug of July St teat n
yoi-.rg n :.n. quite qahed, wo* fouud on
4 r.-ct at lkat»"i)lr sleeping soundly. I t
S M found Imp slbla to awaken him
and ho w as can 3 to tbchoeplted.
During three week« be remained in a
cataleptic condition a t Pennville. I ‘ho-
tGg»»j-h* » « re tnl^cn of him and circu­
lated In the fitotriet, but -without being
rceogn'xcd. On 'i hursduy evening the
unknown av,«ke and, sui prna-d at
finding hiraaelf in a hospital ward,
questioned his neighbon as to how
he cun« to be there.
“Hut it is imposulbie!" he exclaimed,
on, being told wbero lie- wao. “I am in
Paris nnd I have never le ft IL Only
ycoterdey I was w orking for ray em­
ployer. a packer In the Faubourg du
—, aged i t yeare, liviiqr io Taris
i his father. Upon a telegram be-
eent to the address given the fa-
■lent of the uuforinnat« lasy, w ith tae
rcsoit that now eis ry one of the caaes clothing for hie son.
Louis P— — ba* returned to Paris
te at least ahis to work.
In a stncle day, the report states, no w itt e u t solving the niyetory a i his
loas than nil coae« upplied to the hoe- «t range adventure.
pits! for treatment. And t j i-as than
a year from the tur.s of the biwpital'«
"D id you ever pick up a ‘doB’V
eet&'mcnl th ire ante been Vested
and cured S.COu cases. " T-
book and read U and acc how
The total fspebse of the experiment many m istake! the average, ao
has hoen only F5.aX). or an average of
called, well-bred person make» nn
only one dollar for overy lasy man cured
—an estimate, the r e ; « « e'-Ates. that consciously, or through bad hab­
should Ls hiphly sat:s;3ctofy to every it»?” aaked n young law yer ac­
one who le lahti-ested In the welfare of cording to the Birmingham New»
people who live in tropical clljnates.
“ Perhaps slang lias a great deal
The germ Is said to infest the water
and soil, m ultiplying with frightful ra­ to do with it, as slang expressions
pidity In the system of the patient. Ab- are often used in such way as to
eolute skepticism on the p a rta f the na­ m ake Them rear inble good Eng
tives Is said to have met the huapltal lish. W e say a piece of cake is
physicians when a cure was first an­
aw fu lly ’ good, or a g irl is ‘aw lu ily
nounced. For years they had been
treated by Spanish and native physi­ pretty, when we mean ‘very,’ W e
cians, as well as by tho orthodox scien­ uay a wedding ‘oecuro,’ when not!
tific school of medicine, which «hu t on ing but accident» o c a » , nnd as h
from year to year preecrlblng Iron, th a t word ‘lay,’ bow few peop
quinine and tonics.
there are who ary not afraid t<»
But once the hookworm, was prop­
use lt._W e_‘la ^ a thing down, bu
e rly Isolated and recognised on the
w e ’ oureehcs 'lie' down.
(lass tild e of the exptrlroestal patholo­
gist, it became merely a matter of a few
laid,’ laid takes an o b jc i't; ‘lie, lay
hours to discover some powerful autl-
lain ’ does not. How ridiculous ii
septlc or germicide that should put on
is to say thut w e‘love’ candy, win n
end to H.
We ‘like’ it ; a plate of situpctv'c -
hardly be ‘lovely,’ but a rose coo;«
And that wor<j ‘got.’ 1
scents almost an unneccssnn
CoM»d ttta tr* < M a r a W o * » » « ••< (a
word 1f car-f’ would betntecn. TL—
F ra w a at F « « r.r StMOea »•
words ‘ho,’ ‘she,’ ‘him,’ sud ‘ht-i
Sava M i* U fa *
are really the most ttoulilesom«
A naturalized rifir r n of tha United
words in the English Innguu;’«-
States, I> Asadourian. ap Arm rnisn,
most people.
1 was s'lOckcilt
who la in businea» in (7vvel<ind, was
hear a society g irl here say: ‘ M r*
locked up in Ccnttaalinople. Turkey,
Blank ha» invited she an«l I to her
charged with «urajSsecy. Through
the nfflcaa of some Turkiah b u iin e n
house.' They seem to b e fa frijd of
men he waa r»lea><<) under 45,000 the word ‘her’ and ‘tae.’ To s '
bond*, effective during Lis its y -o f 50
‘she asked her and tne’ sou»«!-
days. He baa ju e t returned to b i*
but it is correct.
home here, raporta a Cleveland «>-
many enreb-ss people say: ‘ I
> hangs. Concerning hte experience he
asked for yon and J.' The wo
"1 w rn t there ns buetnraa. A» soon
‘ain ’t’ is fast growing in disfavor
as my presence bet-eme known I he of­
know th at the word ‘«ggi
ficers came fo r me. They questioned
vate’ doea not menu 'provoke* i.
ue, eaking if I spoke the Armenian
language. Thia 1 dented, because bad
‘Irrta te ,’ and th at they must no;
i .adm itted it I am cure that I wouUI
eay a ‘new beginner.’ W e expect
never have returned to America. The
a vialtor but we ‘suspect’ be is
f e a r ' American Armenian»
sick. A man d es ‘o f’ a disease.
¡'bey thin k the» In America the p»d-
pie have an advanced "Enow ledge of
not ‘from ,’ sod f o m y ’do like f «!
high explosives, which m ight be used
should be 'do as I do.’ The wo. d
to blow up the »uitan. They «uspected
‘preventive’ is to be used Instfud
me of being In sympathy with the A r­
of “ preventative.’ an«l the term
menians. A fte r putting me in p ris m
they had some men ehraeiuto my ceil ‘ I mistake,’ instead of »1/ m mis­
taken.’ Bo one could ¿tq on indefl
and tell funny »H rles in the A nutnian
lang'iegv Tliey wRiried me tn betrsT
nitely in the line of »; «'«■' h .an«l
my knowledge of it by laughing. But
w ritin g, but when It rum« » t® fib
k didn’t lsugh to» had 1 smiled I
iqnette and table m»np»is, bow
would not be h er* now to teH the tale.
many there are who fa ll short of
The stories were very fanny, but 1
manage«! to keep a sober countenance
the rule« laid out by the standard
In spite of my wish to laugh.**
on such matterà.