-poruoiimionr Have yon paid the printerT John Mickenia ie going to Boat- M ro.O . F. Schurz died a» her land to-bay an aeto truck to paten Only the amet up-to-date in S ix « March 29, 1817, ihe run between thia place and Ban* Watcbee, Bracelet«, and ae ibe re ta il of aa aocident that be Mrs. T . J. Cook, of Lebanon, ar don. There ia muob freight hand I- Lavailiere are carried In rived in town last evening on her ed along (his route, and U r. Mac fell her Awo days prior to her d « th . Stock. B IG B E N Alarm s, She bad bee« partially crippled for way to visit old friends and acquain kenzie should do p good business. P A R K E R Fountain Pana, a »amber of yeare and when step and A T H E N A Silverw are tances at Bogue river. Deputy Labor Commissioner, prog onto tbe porch of her home a ara always carried in our Sold. MePbillamey returned Mun |C. H . Oram, baa tendered his ree- Large Stock. , gust of wiad kaused her to foil to day from M arableld, where he went ignation following a request from last week as a witness in the mining Commissionar O. P. H u ff that be ,tbet her kip end ooller boas were broken. Dr. Sobmidt wee « lie d , injunction cosa on Bissa. I do to. U r. H u ff raid the request but on aeoouat of ber age the injur Attorney B. B. H a ll baa. moved, wae made in the internet of effloien ad lady could not recover. bis offices from'the Nieleee building oy. M r. Gram has been inspecting la our Specialty. Nothing Tbe deceased wea born to the stale on Jaeksou street if f the rooms at the mills of Corry eounty, as a part too difficult fo r our Repair of Michigan on Christ ma» day, 1846, Department. T ry us and the rear of the Lances drug store of hit work, for several years past, and was thus 70 y « re , 3 months pe convinced. on Front street. | W i„ whtf ba- bean* and 5 days of ago at the time of her • Commireioner B. « . Sypher was ’ pUy«d at Powers sioee the tr e t of (foelb. She wee married to O. P. in town Monday night while on th , year, wae In Port Orford over Schurz at Goldendale, Wash.' In hia way to attend the April term of Monday nigbt while eoroute to Gold the early days of ber life she united Couoty Court wbfob eonvaned la Be »eh. Ha say« that aotwithetaed- with tbe Baptist ehureh in ‘which Gold Beach today. I teg a lata raise of too per cent in she lived a ocas ¡steal Christian life, The residents of the Middle E lk , wages tbe Smith-Powers company having in later years mat with re. neighborhood commenced workyro, could now use about 150 more men verses of fortune, and suffering from wae Ne. 544. ill health, ber faith never wavered terdsy rebuilding the Bald Moun- than they can get. Coming to Curry eounty with her tain crack bridge, which we. broken gheriff Q#g# h„ down by a large tree in one of the ile. „ ler, runni j|jU> B. , , . nd husband about a year ago Mrs. COLLIE» H. BUFFINGTON late winter etorme. the C o q u ille snd M y . that he la go- Schurz wae held io love and «leein by the arquaintano« she made. H est Sunday i . Barter S sn d .y, i. , u r. id, A husband, one sisUr lo Eureka. and there will be preaching in the > — in Cooi Orerò« church a tH l o’clock in the morning, ^ y h„ l>eell , toppwl. I f Cu r. Cal., two brothers in Florida, two brothers to Michigan, one brother Immediately following Sunday • , , official, ih o „ , ainlilnr in Washington, and one brother at school, and at 7.80 in the evening D- this summer in checking the auto p. A. SC H M ID T, M. this plaoe, F. U . Robinson, survive there w ill be Ksster »zeroises by the mobile bootleggers from Crescent Physician A Burgeon the deceased lady. Tba funeral was children. C ity, the booze business will be Langlois, O re g o n Upon recommendation of the State nearer killed in the two counties held ia the Port Orlord cemetery Saturday afternoon, Rev. Myers Telephone connection with main line Highway commission it is now plan- than ever before. cooduetiag'Vhe services. A goodly ned for every oounty ia tha State to There are eaid to be about 100,000 number of friends were present des ...... =............................. — share in the 86,000,600 bonding set lies in tbe the wood» adjacent to pite tbe stormy weather, and the if it ia passed at the election in June. Port Orford that w ill be shipped grave wae oovered with their floral A portion of the fund would be need from here thia summer. New con offerings. for the improvement of the road tracts are being let end more cutters from Bandon to the California line. are going into tha woods ae summer Card ef Thanks. Geo. Johnson, Who for the peat approach«, eo that the season’s out G o ld B i a c l , O r e g o n several seasons bae been Superinten put ii sure to be considerable larger W e take thia manner of expressing dent of Ibe Maolray Estate cannery than ever before. There wae talk our h ea rt-felt thanks to the many Has the 0«ly Set of Abstract at Wedderburn, passed down the last summer that tbe Betobrook friend» and neighbors who assisted coast a few days ago to resume the Rooks in Curry County mmpany would ship these ties over in word or deed during the sickness, same position during tbe coming a wire oable from Fort Point, bat death and burial o f our w ife and sister. summer. Mr. Johnson »pends the it ie now believed that they will go T h e ir many acts o f kindness w ill be re Eighteeu Years Experience membered while life lasts. winters at hie home in Portland. out over the wharf which the local O. P. S churz , T . C. Clark spent a couple of d ay* W harf ooropany w ill rebuild at toon F. H. R obm so n , Prompt, Efficient Service in town the first of the week from aa weather conditions permit. the beach mines at Cape Blanco. W. A. WOOD, Manager He says that the miners have not Have T « Paid ike Printer? Gets W ent Of Trade. done much daring the pert month _____________ on account of the stormy weather The T r ib u n i it sending aiate- Timber land in Curry county and the high seaa which have kept E. B. HALL mente to delinquent subscribers this worth 83,000 wae traded for 20 aeroe week, a Course made neorsmry by Atty, at Law, N otary Public the beach »wash. of Yakima land, under the govern Garrison lake broke out tour tbe the Mg inorea« in the tost of print Port Orford ment irrigation project, by Eliza- the ocean last Friday and bad a big ing material. Not only has paper ■............ .. ....... ............... . ....■----- - run-out. Several of these have tak brth A. Me Ads ma and Paul G- Gee- doubled in prioir, but iek sndevery lenbein. Now they have dieuuvered, thing used in thè print shop baa gone eo place In Ihe past few year», »inoe Recording to n complaint file^ in W. A . WQQD tbe old channel »round the blqff skyward— everything but tbe price Ihe Circuit Court at Portland, laat of our paper to our readers which baa been closed. Getting tbe stag a tt o k n k y a t la w week, that the Yakim a land is worth stays the «ama. The high p rie « nant water ont of the lake end it K ... »OLD BEA j CK • ORKttOS only a dollar an acre. Charges »of have caused hundred« of oountry filling with fresh water has made fraud are made in the complaint. papere to suspend publication. We tbe fishing better, and it ia also be The plaintiff says they , relied upon are not going to do this, but your lieved th at these run-outs are re repreeentalivw of Nathan Gage, tbe tponsible for ihe large number o f remittanoe will make tbe going Me Resident Dentist ducks that were on tha lake last agent who made the trade, and Gage ier and will be appreciated— « a d it and Ed De Young, former owners of frnden, Oregaa in il you ara in arreara. One email fall having made better feeding tbe Yakim a property, are named u remittanoe may not amount to a grounds for them. W ill malts periodical visits to Langlois, defendants in the « lio n asking for great d « l , but « v e rs i hundred of For some time tbe local etorw and Port Orford* AU work guaranteed. a judgment setting aside the deed tbemdo and wa hope that « o h de have been getting merchandise over to'thn timber lead. linqnent w ill do bis part. Tba land from Bandun, made necessary printed date on your paper shows by Ibe stormy weather which has C. W . R O BBINS, M. D. kept the gaaolioe boats from b rin g War Expected Tc Be Declared Teday. when your subacription expire», and P hysician and Surgeon it will not hurt our feelings if you ing the freight from Coos Bay. Tbe The latest news over the wire« remit without waiting to reoeive a Bandon haul in tbe winter time is Gold Beach, Oregon. a bad one, and has added an extra last evening was to the effect that statement. WATCH REPAIRING 3 BOYLE JEWELRY 00. Banden, On. {grry Cowty U itr ic t- Realty Company. Dr. F. A, Voge J. C. JO H N SO N A T T O ItN K V A T L .V W 21 Tears Practice inOregen Caurts tax to the high coat of living at Port Orford. One of the boats is now said to be loaded for this port, and from present indications should be able to make the trip within tbe G o l d B e a to la , - - <>•«-«»»•* next few day», pixtrict A ttorney for Carry Cn. To W h o m It May C o n c e rn . 1, the undersigned, hereby g ive no tion th a t I h a r t a conveyance Iro m tbs Patentee to tidelahds and w ater lota In the H arb or of P o rtO rlo r-1, Oregon, on a portion oi w hich a p a r t of tha w h a rf |a erected w ith o u t m y content. A lt parties are hereby warned n ot to drive piles or treapaaa in any m anner w hat soever on said tide I an, la of Portland, Oregon. -----------------------| K N A P P H Q TEU Port Orford, Oregon, Go id Feud Rtnbln attached. I. KFLA.K>P P r o p r i e t o r . Fid CURRT COUNTY REAL ESTATE 1 have b u y ers for Forma, Tim ber Palm a, Sheep. C attle, or D airy ranches. Call and see me. or send fu ll descrip tion and Hat your property w ith Ynu. A G E N T for Underwood T yp e w rite r. All old machinça q f »ny ipgke faken as part payment. Careful and I at F. B. ticrenqr . P ertO rfq rt, ___ . ___ March lived up to its reputation, for after coming in like a lamb it went out like a lion in a oold, wea terly storm lest Saturday. A» « whole the month wae tbe worst of tba winter, being n continuation of blustery storms with much snow falling <u the mountains. Spring crops end gardens are mostly un plauted, and farmers are behind with their work. One encouraging feature is that tbe lets Spring ie holding back the fru it until it should be aafe from frosts end bail, which makes a Mg yield highly probable. N . F. Woodcock and »one 'were among the miners on the beach south of town who made good wag ee during the winter for the time they worked. They have taken out V or 8 ounces of gold, an ounce pf platinum end about H 6 worth of of oemirldtoro. The ounce of plat inum brought 8100, which is a bet ter price then roost of the miners hereabouts have been receiving, probably due to the foot that Mr. W oodcock t,»ok more care in clean ing it before sending it away. I t w ill be notloed that the sands on this beach carry moro gold values by considerable then platinum, while on the Cape Btonoe beach, but a few m il« distent, it ie ibe op poeite, M the miners th e n take out nearly double the piatinem values that they do <■ gold. Congress is in continuous session end it wee expected war would be declared against Germauy today. Tbe first call, it is « id , will be for 600,000 volunteers, while it ia reported a measure ie being consid ered calling for an arm y of from 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 men. The Chamberlain Compulsory M ilitary Training Bill is expected to pass. Tbe American ebip Ax tec Ins been sunk with a loss of 18 lives. German agetito are M id to be busy ia South American Reputoraetrying to get then! to break with the U n it Tbe opea isaaon for trout Ashing last Snoday, tba let. An ail. far an all-n ig h t bend d a n « w ill be noticed in thie W m t r r r W orld , GamaBtonley who has ployed at Port Orford, left Monday for hie home at Vaneonver, Wash. Made to Measure $14.50 up Geo. W illie, of Oakland. Cal., ar rived 8atardey. He ie interested to mining hero and to Carry oounty.. L . M . H i l l of Ben Francisco a r . riyed this week to take the place of Mr. McCartney w wireless operator at Cepe Blanco. M r. and Mrs. O. J. M a th « of Port Orford and R. MePbillamey of the S ix « mine went to Marshfield Tnesday to attend the injunction hearing before Judge Coke. M i « Margaret 8tonebriek who has completed a school term es teach er at Agnees ia Curry county, atop ped ia Bandon tbe forepart of the week enroute to ber home at PorL laud. M. D. Sherrard, employed ae A machinist at the t>ig Smith m ill at Marshfield, sprat the weekend look- ing after bueine»e matters in Ban don. Mr. Sherrard has the offer of a five year oontract to work tor the U. 8. government a« a machinist ia the navy yards at Mare Island, CaL, and he hat been seriously consider ing tbe proposition. Cooa ba y News. Repairs made necessary whan the gas schooner Rustier went on the beach near the month of Rogue river recently, are not yet oomplet. ed, and it w ill be a few days before the ie again ready to resume ber tripe to Curry oounty porta. Fishermen made money last w « k , catching silver smelt, for whioh they received 5c per pound. Tbe Seh were shipped to eaelern markets. Two fishermen on Thursday brought 1600 pounds to the cold storage plant. > Petition for the iuvoluntery bank ruptcy of the B. A. Seaborg Salmon Canning Co. of Astoria, was filed in the federal court at Portland on F ri day by Wong K m . head of tbe Woog Kee company of Astoria. In the petition Wong allegro that the 8 « borg company haa debts amounting to more than 8 10,000 and that be bolds promissory n o t« in the amount of 82,350 against tbe company. The uotw ere unsecured. Woeg rwitro that John D. G o « has taken the position of preferred creditor through attachment proceedings against Sea- borg propertiw, and now Wong seeks protection by throwing the ease into the bankruptcy eoerle. I t ie elated that tba company’s debt- o n do not exoead more than 12 in number. Cam« From LaGraafle Leaking Fer Win, Pastry was ia Port Orlord tbe first of the week, having oome from La Grande, Or., for tbe pur B a« fe West Indi«. pose of taking up a timber claim, and tf not that, then a good home Fan erne C ity, March 30.— Eight stead would do where «took did not een German subm arin« and a base require feeding but could ran out have been dieoovered off H ayti on tbe range the y « r round. M r. Navy luge are towing the submar Paaeey wae surprised when he ar ines to a p o rfia tha United States. rived here to find that practically Tbe tugs are oouvuyed by a battle a ll of the timber teed in the couoty ship off the steamer course. outside of tbe National For M t . has Washington, March 80.— Reports hern patented for year«, and that of tbe discovery Of a GerBMR sub tbe day of the homesteader ia alt marine base in the West In d i« but gone. After looking things ov were received tonight with little er, M r. Paaeey started for the Klam ed Statos. earp ri« in Washington. Tbe navy alb Lake oountry where he w ill in MU m C cbvwf W « 1 W LMwtatiw«. department, bawever, displays a vestiget« the opportunities offered epbyax.like sileooe. Secretary Daar the homesteader. He aaye there The soit heard ymterday after tola « id , when informed of the re are a number of people from the La Grande oountry that have heard of noon ia the matter of the injunction ports from Panama City; •♦Yon way my that tbe aavy de Ihe timber and grazing possibilities against the S ix « M ining oompeny partment when shown thaee state to be found in Curry oounty, and rwuited in the Injunction being te mid that no such information who will oome hero thia spring dissolved. The oa»e interested 8. reached here through official looking for locations. P. Peirce, of Carry ooanty. Collier ehannels.” WbitoThere is a good deal of land H . Buffington argued tbe affair for Official Washington baa b « n back in out mountains that will Mr. Pei roe. The arguments were made before Judge John 8 . Coke. watching tbe Caribbean sea and tbe eventually ba located, yet at this The merits of the case may be beard West Jo d i« fur «vergl daye with time there ie little encouragement for tha homeetmder and noue what in the Curry county court which anxious interest. ever for the timber locator. For Reports have been frequent' re ounveces on A pril ninth. In the evidence it was shown that theasin- cently of the preeeuce of German those who have a few hundred dol ing company is not employ ing many submarines in the vicinity of the lars to invest ia a bomeataad relin men now, and the payroll i t about Panama Canal. I l was »aid that qnishment or some cheap, patented should tbe United Stales declare hili laud, opportunities of more or 820 per day. Those who are in a position to that a elate of war existed with Ger lew merit can ba found. Tbe o p e n know deolare the operations of this many an immediate blow at Anted ing up of this section by a railroad company w ill cause no material, 1 can aliipping using the oenal would iu tbe near fniare will make poeei damage to property owners com be struck by the submarin«. Re ble many h ill ran ch « adapted to plaining o f tbe injury to oome. Tbe ports from Rio Janlero « to the tbe growing of eemll fruits, but the person coming to C a iry eounty opinion is bold that Curry county flgbt of the British eraiwr looking for government land to eet- ie ia need of development and « ia * tbyst with a German raiding * tie upon Ie sure of diwppuiqIntent era should be encouraged sad not eet « i d that tbe raider was accompanied under present Cooditiu'ta. by one or more submarines. upon.— Marshfield Record. 3 T Reported Find af German S U IT S Agents for “QUALITY TAILORS Good workmanship; Latest Styles; Best material at the price. ,ie & Poole Port* Orford, Oregon FLOUR Family Patent Hard wheat Flour $2.10 A SACK GIVE CS YOUR ORDER FOR SPRING SEED GIVE DS A TRIAL DENMARK FARMERS STORE Full Line of Dry Goods, Notions and Furnishings, Fresh Groceries, and in fact everything you want All New and Fresh, and Prices Right. — G W Zumwalt&Sons C hotel seaside Open Unde«* New Managem et Board by ' Day, Week er Month 4 I Butcher Shop in Connection Choice Meat s ut a Beason able Price 1 fi s Your Patronage Solicited W. R. J ‘HNSON, Prop- «h; «L- . .... . it'