— B— - 5 5 - ! C U R R E N T T O P IC S ’J h t ÿ w î O r f t m l Ö r i f c ö t t r i t homage. L<tVr o f eounlry lik< for the ivvulsion of pMblio opinion n love of anytbUtg i* • pur»Iy voluti, on the »ubj.i-i, «o.i publisher« in tary thing. Koch te ih * ioneilta Curry eouufy liive nut been the 0 lion « f the tw e e n eoul. atiiall.at ofleiMh-sa iu thia behalf. Another «m i legal objection will lie against the usual form of printing 1 iheee lex Hate. I l must he inferred 1 that the law requiring three publL oationa intended them to lie o f eer vice |o the people concerned, and ounce.ling thia point, it must beat* euuie<l that the plain and neceaaary iippiicatUn in net follow that eaid lieia rnu.i be alpbabetioally arranged ao thel perrons interested cen find “ where they are at” else what the devil can ba aaid In'favor uf the na- B t 0 By J. H. Urrou N ’ The Government began proceed iage to ri¡«solve the illegal parduer t ship which her existed fur many 9 years Iwtween Southern Pacific and f Central Pacific Railroads, through - the operation of which competition baa been completely muxxled. A 9 decision in the case bat j-iat been 1 rendered by Judges Hook and San-, f Kora of the Federal Court against the Government. i . . x, A sim ilar case was triad and won by the Government a few years back wherein the Southern Pacific had become owner of the Union Pa ___On« of tbe m eritorious laws enacted by th e recent. O r • eifle, including the coolrol of the egon legislature, is tbe one p ro h ib itin g this use of cigarettes i eaid Central Pacific, which wee built by persons under 21 years o f age and co m p ellin g tb e m in contemporaneously with the said Union Pacific and aa an extension or found sm oking them Io d iv u lg e the n am e o f the person to the Pacific Coaet of the firat selling th ^sam e. There aro school boys in P o rt O rfo rd , i through line constructed. I t should and F o rt O rford is no exception from o th er towns, who > not be forgotten that, after the U n . are sm oking cigarettes. I t is against th e law now forthose Ion Central Pacific had been In op u n d er 18 years of age, but it is a more strin g en t law th a t eraliona few years as the only Iran goes in to effect M ay 21, and if the practice is. continued in continental line, Huntington end Stanford sought and obtained an a fte r th a t date both the seller and the user w ill be' lia b lft immense land grant to aid iu the to punishm ent. The use of cigarettes dwarfs the m en tal construction of tbeir Southern Pa. an d physical developm ent of the young, and th e la w pro cific as a ouropeting line. h ib itin g th e ir use is one th at every h e lp to enforce. good oitizen should patriotic in practice. J. P. Morgan for iustaaoe, suggested the propria, ty of a law compelling children to he up from their bed» in time to salute the flag each morning el «an Hie, yet it was he that, eeily in the rebellion, sold to tbe Government authorities at St. Louie, flve 'thons and condemned, wwrthfotaand dan gerous cavalry carbines. These arms had been thrown beckon tlie bands of the manufacturers, and Morgan eecured an option for their purchase et a fraction over 13 each aod work ad them off in a lum p w hile Geo. Fremont w u in Command at 8t. Louis, at 123 25 each. The fraud found its way into the Courts, yet ddi{ygau finally won out. oeeaily or u tility of rucb publications at n I l f . Finding the needle in the 1 hey alack may proveeaay compared with the" hunt for ono*a name and euin of delinquency slowed away somewhere in one of the three hun dred to five hundred columt of met ter— in Portland liete for e x a m p le - strung in, pell mell without order, rule or reason.' . ■ I did pot support Woodrow W il son with voice or pen or vote, yet I support him loyally in tbe great d i lemma which onnfroute him and the real of ue, aud, it would be an im peachment of tbe efficacy of popular rule for any one of us now to say that the man who received nearly six hundred thousand majority of the popular vote is not the right man in the right place. Langlole, Or. 1 «3^*« BANK OF POWEf cs a Jfae S r e r y P a s ility I ’or Jfanáling Y gut Bocine« Banking b y JÆail Solicit Interest paid on Saying j 2. g ’tc. bed » POWERS, OEEGO N ... A AN INN WORTH WHILE „ K W I .Y F I T T E D IT 1 T A B L E (.(E X C E L L E D COLD BEACH, OREGON H o t s n d O o ld T a b a n d S h o w e r U n t il« And another feet to be kept la J. H . U P T O N ,- And again there existed a more mind U that, in addition to tha loud mouthed gang of patriots than notary r n w .ic , grant of laud enough to make a large sixed Stale In aid of the const ruction the Carnegie crowd while they were L a .O ' t '-«, G u b b t C o ., OaaeoK of the Uuion Central Pacific, tha supplying armor plates to the Gov. ¿Government issued bonds which ernmcnl so full o f ‘‘blow-hole.” as T h e bureaucratic rule in Russia has h it th e toboggan were cashed by tbe companies in to be incapable of resisting an iin N O T I C E F O B P U B L I C A T I O N . D bfabtmunt Op T hb I ntbkiob , fo r good. T h e greed and graft and oppression o f lh e lo w ly charge for mure than aulllcienl lunds |iact with e ball uf most moderate U n it e ! fit ate 8 Land Office. force. to build said road«— Union Cen th a t has been sytoonomous w ith the R om anoff ru le, is now a spectre o f the past aud Y oung Russia th a t w ill rise from the ra in s w ill soon bo one o f the foremost nations of the earth . F o r in trig u e aud corruption th e Russian govern m e n t has long been in a class by itself, b u t th e cap ab ility o f h er g reet populace was never b etter illu s tra te d th a n in the recent u p risin g when th ey took th e reins o f th e gov e rn m e n t in th e ir own hands w ith a u n a n im ity th a t shows an awakened people who are capable o f grasping and over com ing a ll obstacles th a t lie in th e ir path of advancem ent. W ith a.n awakened people and her wonderful resources a fu tu re is ahead for Russia A section o f the gam e law passed a t the la te legisla tu re says th fit free ru n n in g dogs, o r dogs fo llo w in g upon th e track o f an y gam e anim al, m ay be declared a nuisance upon notice in w ritin g to the owners of such dogs, and the anim als m ay then be k ille d w ith o u t an y c rim in a l or civ il lia b ilit y on the p a rt of the person k illin g tbe same. T h is law is ao broad th a t much tro u b le may resu lt there fro m . U n d er it , it seems possible fo r ooe who has a spite a t hie neighbor to cause h im to be notified th a t his dogs are a nuisance and then shoot them -down a t th e first op p o rtu n ity . Th ere are d eer-ru n n in g curs in the co u n ty, and to m e o f them are n o t very for from P ort O rfo rd , th a t should be k ille d , and on the other han d there are v dogs th a t do m ore real game protection than the tral— without a cent of iiiveatinenV And tbe Nebraska State Journal by tlie builders. suggests thel the sort of legislation —. , .... i So it goes. To them thel hath to more every body to love the flag shall be given, while from him who would be the repeal of every oorrupt hath not, shall be taken away even specie! privilege lew end e firm re solve to enact no more such. that which be hath I Under the heeding, ‘‘ Early H ie* lory and Romanos in Nebraska,” the N o rfo lk Preea oontaine account of eeily township surveys. Survey or Alexander Schlegal describee the fate of a teamster in 1877 near the “ Boaler Ranch” operated by m il lionaire oattle men on ooeurveyod townships, who had been bang to tbe lim b of the cottonwood tree as a warning to tresspassers. These oattle kioge sought to intimidate a ll comers, and always kept mur derous epiee io their employ, while beck at their homes they were res- peotable bankers, etc., etc. Despite a vigorous fight by the people of Loe Angelas again«! the increase, tbe Legislator« of Califor nia has Just saddled upon that city, 24 new Superior Judge« in addition to the horde of hungry attorney* already on the “ Bench” down there. Serves tbe taapayers right a* a pen a lly for the persistence with which they permit the «ending of back lawyers to their Legislatures. Ore gon got a fierce does of new Judge* by the IB IS Legislature. RSseburg. Oregon, F ebruary 5 , 1U17 Notice is hereby given that JO H N H. GLASPEY o f Denm ark, Oregon, who on August 14. 1011, nude Homestead E n try , Ferial No. 07440 lor the SEJ of N E X , N E | of S E f, N X of S E X o f S E X . S W | of SEJ of S E X o f Sea. 23, and S W X o f N W | o f Sac. 24, T p l l 8 , R 14 W , aud on Innate human stubborn*«« of A u g u s ta , 1916, u ia le A d d i ion.il H o m e prnverslty if you will,,m ay move stead E n try, Serial No. 010289 fo r F E | the beat of ue to resent compulsion S E | SE1 o f Section 23 T p SIS, K 14 W, W illam ette U erid ian, has filed notice by law to do something in itself o f intention to make F in a l Five y -» r im m aterial, end, conversely, to re Proof, to establish chum to the land fra in from the doing of something that, harmless In Itself, can properly concern ao person eave tbe actor. Tbe people of England awoke in consternation to the truth of this l.tte r aeenmption after they began— O ster J . M a 'b e r OfPort Orford, Oregon. Thomas Robinson of “ “ “ “ Hanging men and women too W illiam McPhlUamey “ For wearing of tbe Green.” W . H . C anon , ■T » Register. The general Ooncenans of opinion «•eme to favor the abolishment of IktkeOfRetary the publication ,|p newspapers of delinquent tax Hats, and grasping greed, oollueiou, conspiracy and, Having renewed my commission as N o tary Public. I am now prepared to multiplication of lines and padding do any work along that line. by ■ few papers are to be thanked H . T . Stew art. Dean M&stenbrooK ' . ■ t I. Wktohes and Cloeka repaired R t ipaaonable prices. A ll Work guaranteed. lifted that awful crime. And now, , 0 . 8. thanks to a sort of ‘‘Senatorial Court- * » 2 ^ aay” fetish, he is oootinaed in hi* G old B each , O rrook . position that be ufey gooo-aabar- rawing the adm iniet&lion in its WS,B* handling of foreign affairs during “ so«, DaVAarWaVT or tws Iwraaton, U . 8. T en d Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, t t i r W. H . C aso «, Register, pesos The Nebraska Legislature la wrest -----------------ling over a bill for a Store atranuoua la v compelling “ respect for the VART flag” whereupon the Nebraska Far Nettoa is hereby g iven th a t. W I L E Y C H A S T A IN ’ D enm ark, Oregon, who, on wuary M th , 1913, made Homeatead a try. Serial No. IM 5 1 . tor the 8 £ l of w », M » 8 W | and the S E X of 8 * X ■action St, Township Si South, sage K W , W illam ette M eridian, M filed aottoe o f intention to make a a l Three-year Proof, to establish Urn to the lend above described, ba rs H a rd y T. Stew art 0 . 8. C o m ro la- m ar, a t bia offloa a t P o rt O rfo rd . O r- S the crisis that threatens the of our country. . _ . IO N K H ' O aq U lIJL B , I mer rary pertinently remarks: “ Tbwra 1« nothing to ha said agaioat tha effort* of the legislator« to promote the uaa nf tha stars and stripes. Tha mors Americana can ----------------- ha led to aland fur tha flag aud tha .y beat in tha nation it symbolises, tha better. Bat om thing legislatures and everybody else should uaver forget You oaasot asaka people OKBQOM lore a thing by forcing them to do W ill Sara Y oe JICO or More 3 0 days’ fra a trial in your hom e abeautilul, guaranteed Starck Piano direct ir .m our factory, thereby sav ing you $100.00 or more. We require aa (.sywsat h a i- v«?«. You are not asked to tie tip your money in any way. A il yen do It to tik e the piano into your home for 30 days free »rial, where you teat it and try it in your own way. P ia n o I I g H tm •am ple b«r«a! lataat compii p aratia liat. !■ ■ A ttb esado fK 4srs row .'edd* whether t il . oisao to |«at the o m m W M t. I I It to. ro « keep it. per- r OPT low taclorr-to-hpinc p r ic e rera>**«<> to » .it roc. If. for rar BB ro iT l. It do. a a or prove h - b e . p to t i nr expectation, In t r i o w i r and the fin.-,t plans you hare n r r ( n n for the u o e c r . ion m ar .and ft back .n d ln - h ^ a ^ a t a , w ig E F i n e l i n e o f G uns» B a s e b a ll p a r a « p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g goods k e p t i n S to c k . D o o rs a n d W in d o w s in v a r ie ty c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F ittin g ^ » , P l u m b i n g a n d T i n w o r k o f a l l k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . Port Orford Furnitni & Hardware Store amess, Fishing-tackle Stumping Powder WH. GILLINGS, PROP Sweet T o n e d 1 Guaranteed 2 3 Year» You M l ba delighted with tbe tweetne««, purity arid power of the tone of the Stan;!: Piano. You w ill ba mail« t;,at It to ruam ntrod for 25 ro-<n. ti-rm» are i m i r i t s ro ar c n s m ii.w c r. •n d 70« can bay , ptr.p. für r-WT b o m ., wftbotto K» 1 his aom-thlot. b r o a t. It baa t ’ ^ o l II »a old A-cabltohed. rc a p o n ib l. plana Celebrated Starck Piayer-ftano This wonderful in.'drument makes •nulidansof utaiL The SUrck Player- Piano is rich-toned, easy to operate aad durabto. I t h . i m any arctoato«. a p t » dm « tobioraa that m a k . It i « » t the to M n m r M r o . aryd la row boma. O w dlract-lraa-tac- t°rr pricaa W . low. aadwa wilt take w a r .S4 full line of Stoves and. Ranges, Suemsey, d i u r n i n^m, l^u g san d 3 y tat- t’H-gf Stilctlo Guttlery, la n te rn s , JEtc ! ; " *. P a in ts » O ils A S t a m p i n g P o w d e r » imiw u jg Direct From Oar Factory himself a sorry misfit from the be ginning. As if oourting tbe eon- Marek tlnM d German support be made S erial, haste to volunteer an opioion when ‘ ke Luailania wa’s sunk that be wee ee'tton not «are but internalionel lew Jua- Jeweler M c h in e r y A M o w in g ; M a c h in e s . E x t r a s fox D a i r y i n g ) O s b o rn « » M i l w a u k e e M a c h in e r y . lin v e r ® Bowman i th e □able value United State* Senator Stone who lised, owes his success over Folk in Mis ige o f eouri to the large German vote in St. Louis because of Folk’« supposed antagonism to wide open saloons, ■' - and who became Chairmen of tbe T I O N Foreign Relatione Committee o f the m Senate, like to got life itch, by ''sit ting neat It," when the Republican* ’ 1017 lost control of that body, has proved Hardware of all Kinds