Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1917)
- ■ "QUALITY” IS OBB MATTO Only tha moat up-t W a tehee, Bracci«®, and I^vslUers are carried in Stock. BIG BEN Alarma, PARKER Fountain Pens, and ATHENA Silverware are always carried in our Large 8toek. toRR g M M Happenings 1 ln « ju r y trial before Justice Pol Mrs. Douglas Keine, «bo closed ¡ A to«, Aew*\«tVfft «Sta ter Monday W . W . W ilh ite wasoon- a successful term of school at W e d -, week. victed of stealing a magneto from derburn Friday, was in town last Tuny Canonica, of Wedderburn, and nigbt enroute to Grants Pass to join Oregon Cnee «4 t o * b t o t the M r. Ralne. Later site and her bus- An ad. of tbe dance next Salur band w ill return to Wedderburn for day w ill ba noticed in this issue. Portland, March 7.— Declaring Pat Hackle# laet week resigned the summer. ' that “ We. the undersigned velera B o hn , Friday, March 9th, 1917 M r. and Mrs. Wm G illing retorn bis position with the Henry Lorena of Oregon, view with shave and hu at Port Orford, to Mr. and Mrs. store, and on Wednesday of this ad to Port Orford last evening from ' miliatioa your failure to uphold Bob Perry, a 1C J lb. daughter. week started for Coalinga, Califor Portland, where the latter.has been the honor of the United States at Frank C alterlin, tho genial com ’ »»»•„ Mrs. Itackleff will remain here undergoing medical treatment for this most critical hour,“ a petit! mercial traveler from MarshfieM, j for the present an stenographer in the past two months. We are glad to Senator Lane, demanding that was a visitor iu town since cwr laet [the county judge*« office.— Coquille to say that Mrs. G illln j« has return resign, ia being circulated through issue, f v ,/L Seutinel. sd with her health much improved, out Oregon today. |a oar Specialty. Nothing S. E. Marelcrs of Gold Beach, was i . ti. H ill brought another wild and her ultimate complete recovery The petition said: too difficult for our Repair in town over a day last week while cat «kin in town the first of the Seems assured. “No words can describe our cha Department. Try us and Announcement has Iteen made of grin that tbe elate iff Oregon should on his way to spend a lew days vis week, making 14 that he hat caught be copvineed. since the present trapping season the engagement of Roderick L. be so misrepresented and disgraced iting ut Lknglois. c ^ n e d . Mr. H ill caught a ooyote Maoleay, manager and owner of the aa it has been by your action. We Mrs. Josephine M errill is serious at Brush creek uot long since, and Wedderburn Trading company, to indignantly protest agaiost this ac ly ill at her home at Ophir, and on lie is lrapping there oow for these Miss Margaret- McKenzie, a s.rcially tion through tb-J love we bear to our account of her advanced age luw re-, animals as there are said to be sev prumineut young lady<of Portland. state and to our country, which you covery is hardly expected. eral of them ie that vicinity. The wedding w ill take place io have dishonored and belittled before Mrs Laura E 8tewart and daugh Snow is unusually deep iu the A pril, and it is understood that Mr. the eyes of the world.” ter, Mia. A. J. Krants, returned to Through the agency of the Oregon mountains near the coast, and cold Mscleay w ill be accompanied to hie Port Orford Monday from having Deutsche Zeitung a German-Aqgeri- summer home at Wedderburn short weather may be expected as long as spent two weeks at Wedderburn. can daily, a petition i t being circu ly thereafter by hia bride. „ , , it lasts. J. G. H ili started to his lated, saying: Word comes from Bandon that mince on upper E lk river a few ö High. Wedderburn Cheese “ W e acclaim the heroic defense ÍS 7 M r. and li r e Jsa. H . Button are (he dayS ago, but had lo turn back on L n w jc r of the people against the war party proud parents of a 12 lb. daughter account of the snow. He said that Gold Beach, O w » born to that» at that place on the he found it 10 or 15 feet deep on A Portland paper says that the of the United States, which you highest score for expert type ol (Lane) and the eleven apostles of JOth inat. the divide where the trail leaves cheese exhibited at the Western peace have made. You have ren the government trail fur the E lk * H T. Berger, • late arrival to thia Dairy show last week was received dered the country a servioe that can p. A- SCHMIDT, M. D- sectiou, has leased the Hawkins horn mine. by James West, of the We»ldetburn not be established in terms of P byatelan A Bur»eou place near Silver Butte, front W m. Geo. Dunn was in town over Mon cheese factory of Curry oouwty. H ia money.” ' — --------— =»— B, Hurst for a term of from 3 to 5 day from his dairy farm on Euchre L a n g lo l« , O re g o n product scored 95 points with the yeers. creek. Heoontemplates sending ooe next highest 94 J, There were over Gave Law Changes. Telephone cwiineetion with stei“ Ba* During a raeeat visit to Los An Of his big leaius to thia place to en- 20 exhibits of this «lass of cheese. Giles the selling I fi“«® lh® tie bsuling business thia The slate legislature always takes geles, Claud H . summer, and was up looking the •gent of the Coos and Curry cheese Build - it as one of its special privileges to Saa Frudsce Paper■ factories, disposed of 25 cases, or 1560 situation over. In speaking of the juggle the game and fish laws till a ing of Coast Railroad. dairy iuduatry, Mr. Dunn said that man ha# to begin all over again to pounds, of cheese at the record price ba would m ilk about 56 cows this of 26 cent# per pound. The moat encouraging news that know what hia rights may be. A season, and that the farmer« down letter recently written by the state G o ld B e a c h ,O r e g o n De| uty sheriff, E. L. While, serv. his way are encouraged over the has been given nut iu a long time game warden points out a few regarding the building of the coast ed an injunction on tba Sixes Min- outlook of getting a good price for railroad from Marshfield to Eureka, changes, hut we must wait till tbe Has the Only Set of Abstrwt «”“«?“/ one/ ,y .*"1 * their produce thia summer. * has just apjieared In the San Fran session laws are printed lo know prevent it from dumping into the i* , _ * A play entitled “ Tbe Dust of the Books n Curry County cisco Chronicle. That (taper claims what bat happened. In the state river. The injunction was brought E arth’’ was given by local talent iu to have authentic information to the game warden’s letter it is pointed in the name of Mrs. Jennie E. Wedderburn last Saturday night. effect that all arrangements have out that after the new game laws Eighteeu Years Experience Peirge. Those who attended say it was an been completed by the Southern Pa go into effect May 21, the price of game licenses will be increased front more ' John H , Tyler, optlelso from excellent production, and Prompt, Efficient Service Crescent C ity , Uss been paring a thoroughly enjoyed than the perfbr cific company for the building of the present rule of 91 each for the this road. Ju«t how soon, con professional visit, to the Wedderburn ma tiers given by moat of the travel struction work will commence, the hunting licenses to 91.50 each. Pro and Gold Beach neighborhoods. I t ing truu|ie« that past through here. Chronicle «lose not attempt to state, vision is made that Doth women W. A- WOOD, Manager it Said that later in the season Mr. The proceed« from the entertain but the belief is that either thia and men shall lake nut the licensee. The deer law was amended lo Tyler w ill extend hia visits in Cur nient were given to the school dis year or next w ill witness the start trict, tiie school there having closed toward« the welding of this last make it unlawful lo use a dog to ry to the northern end of the corn, E. B. HALL Friday, and the teacher, Mrs. Doug, link ill the const system.' hunt, pursue, or k ill any game ani Atty, at Law, Notary Public ‘ 7- las Rains, was one of tbe prime mov _ — ..... . —— . ( mal, in the state, and it it also un The Flanagan 4 Bennett hjrfik at lawful to allow any free running port Orford ere in giviug the play. Lcutwyler-Peirce. Marshfield, tbe oldest banking house dog at large in territory inhabited F. H l’«»»le returned, to Port ,Qr- in Coos county has change«) hands. by deer, or to be found following The T r ib u n k ’ s society reporter ford last week from having spent I l will henceforth be known aa the tbe track of any game animal in the W. A. WOOD _ I Band of Southwestern Oregon. Tbe the winter in the ea-t. He eaya let an event escape when we did - ■ •- Mate. - 1 that lie hts things started in a satis not chronicle in last week’s issue 4 .T T O R N K V A T L A W articles of incorporation were filed The deer season in game district by Chas. H all, J. E . Montgomery factory way relative to the patent the marriage of Mr. Rudolf Leutwy- tí U hl) BEACH .ORRttOX No. 1, which includes southern Ore ler to Mrs. Klarinda Peirce, which buttle filler that he was attempting aqd J. D. Goss of Marshfield. ’ lo find a market for. Mr. Poole occurred in Port Orford Feb. 28th, gon, ia from August 15 to Ovinia r j Enemies of Superior Judge John found business rushing in the east, 1917. The ceremony look place at and rhe lim it of the bag ia two, in L. Chihis, of Del Norte county, Cal., and he comes home encouraged in the Seaside hotel, Rev. W. H . Myers stead of three as heretofore. Resident Dentist Tiie open season on all migratory are again active with recall proceed the belief the west is soon going to officiating. Mr. aad Mrs. L»utwy- ings against that gentleman. 8ev- commence to reap its share in this ler are well and favorably known birds extends from October 1 to leudoa, Oregws «■raI determ ined efforts have been prosperity. And M r. Poole expeci in thia »action, the latter having re January 15. Tbe Chinese pheasant J|TU] make periodical visits to Langlois, rnnde to “ gel” Judge Childs, but »0 ally «see a good future ahead for sided here fur many years. They hen is protected at at! times. Port Orford. AH work guaranteed. The bag lim it on trout has been far he has come out on lop and his Port Orlonl and believes Hwtt the will reside on the groom’« homestead changed throughout “the state from many friends In this Stale, where ootuing summer' is going to show on Six<*s. 75 lo t>0 trout, or 35 pounds, in any the proceedings against him looken considerable life in a business way. C. W. ROBBINS, M. D. one day. tirely out of plsoe and uncalled for, Ray and H arry H a ll decided last Zumwalt Bros. Have Champion Cow. hope that he w ill continue to do so. P hy s ic ia n and Surgeon week to enjoy the pleasure and dis Oldest Ligbtbonee Keeper. I l seems that Port Orford C- H . Pearse was a visitor in town tioction of joy riding on Port O r Gold Beach, Oregon. yesterday from his home on Middle ford beach, and forthwith proceeded ly has chsmpionux'ws, but it has James Lsnglois, who last fall re E lk . Mr. Pesrse say« that during to put their plan into execution. The oows that are capable of going cham tired from the lighthouse service, J. O- JOHNSON One of the wind storms about three trip onto the beach was made sue pions one better. Last week the was the oldest lightkeeper in point a tto h n ey a t law weeks ago a large fir tree was blown cesefully in the former’s car, an«l the T kibunk believed it had found a of service io the United States. He across the Bald Mountain creek riding there was One, and every record-breaker in Mrs. K. L. Jamie was assistant keeper and keeper of 21 Year» Practice inOregeg Courts tirin g p , c u t n p in e t y a e fn u u v n in g iv. thing went lovely until leaving son’s pet heifer that tested 8.4 fur the Cape Blanon lig ht for 40 years. 0 o l« l B e a d s , - - O r e jfo n This bridge was built by the few the beach and then the trouble butter fat, hut now comes along the Curiously enough, he has never in p ta tr ic t A tto rn rv for C urry C«. settlers of that section at a cost of commenced. The sand was too Zum walt Bros, with a cow iu the all his life been in another light, trom $125 to 9150, and its breaking deep and the bill too steep. When Coos.Curry Tceting Association that house. down ¡« quite an inconvenience to they finally reached town again tests 10 per cent. And so tbe record T o W h o m It M a y C usscere. When he took up hia duties at them. I t is planned to rebuild the i),ey were in to * of another machine climb», but where is tiie oow that tbs lighthouse on the fsr western 1, the undersigned, hereby s ir s uo- bridge with donation labor when an4 wag after having been j*u«he«i c*a heat th ia7 and windy hesdlsod of Cape Blsn- ‘ i that I have a conveyance from the a to tldelands and water lota in good weather cornea. to the lop of tbe h ill by tbe strong t«o, be was a young man 27 years „ H a r b o r of Port Orford, Oregon, on khel arms of about halt the populaoe of Cigarette Law Explained. olil; when he retired last fall lie i portion of which a part of the wharf County Surveyor, R. J. Canfield, i erected without my consent. Alt the town. Their car is now in the ----- -------- whs 67 years old. Ha seldom left returned south by Monday’s stage ilea are herebv warned not to drive parties v garage wailing the receipt of some According to a letter from Salem the boundaries of the projecting Liles or traspase in i any manner whst- after having spent ten days survey Jelands o< water lota. strained parte th at have been »ent Attorney General George. M. Brown cape, going »noe or twin* a year to goevsr on said tidel ing, or attempting to survey, tbe pro M m A»M« C. D arr. for, and in the meantime the boys b ss rendered an opinio* iu which Langlois or Fort Orford, a few times posed wagon road into Middle Rlk- Portland, Oregon. are not talking about the j«>y of joy he holds that any minor found lo Bandon and once to Ban Fran On aooount of snow and Stormy ridea on the beach. Jfi smoking a oigarette after May 21 cisco. But during the 40 years of weather Mr. C-snfield was forced to Two years ago there was a contest will be compelled to divulge tbe bis voluntary isolation he somehow hold up the most of the time that lie waa out there, and be could mA at this plsoe between Cyrus Madden name of the person selling »he same. got all that men get from travel; Tbe new law prohibits persons no» he is uiitape and courtly. - Fort Orford, Or«goii, stay longer at this lime having a lot as a mineral claimant, and Samuel der the age of 21 years using cigsr There is nothing of the anchorite G o ld Feed S ta b !« atta c h e d . of work in the south end of the Montague, David Jeukaaud Harvey ettes, while the present law applies shout him ; no hermit was ever like K N A PP I » r o p s - t o t« > r . county that he must attend to be Atkinson as homesteaders,over land only to persona un«]er the age of 18 him. Completely socialised, well fore the A pril term of county gnu rt. near Sixes river claimed for many yeais. - «. informed, entirely without selfish years by Mr. Madden a t a part of The new road to Middle E lk would ' Rtrst-clase In every reapetL uees and morbidity, he is a fine ex leave tbe county road near where the Blanco Black Sand mine. Re ample nf « lis t grace and breadth the present trail doe», and ia being ceotiy tbe Roseburg land office ren a man might attain by simply stay Surveyed on a 5 per cent grade to dered a decision in the case giving CURRY COUNTY REAL ESTATE the MoGrtbble Ranger Bi alio», a til Mr. Madden the land represented The directors of ifie C«tos A C ur ing at home, bix hundred and f.»ur distance of about ll>re<> m ik*. T b e ( by actual mining work, and thereat ry Cheese Association belt! a meet teen thousand six hundred and ten nights he spent h it watch at the 1 have buyer» for Farms, Timber road would not only give an outlet, to the homesteaders, hut tbe deci- ing here last Monday morning. Claims, Sheep, Cattle.or Dairy ranches. ■ l0 (he settlers of that neighliorhood, sion did not attempt lo determine! Those present were J. D. Carl, pres- Cape Blanco light) alin<»t 100,000 but it would open up a section ex ' which lands hsd, and which bsd oot Jdent; A. \V. Cope, vice president; hours he «pent in the tower while CaU and tee ma. or send full deasrip- such work. ceptionally rich in lanhnrk, bardt been u^-.. ropvesenled by «uv- nv>— - As' - - j A. Christensen, secretary and tress. the warning light to mariners simoe Uon and list your property with «to- wood and while oedar. I t is ex, a result neither aide was satisfied, urer; J. H . McCloskey. Norman Me out across the Facitic. Y ',u ,hful AGENT for Underwood Typewriter. peeled that the Forest Service w ill not kaowing the full affect of the ( Donald, L,- M Strong un>) F. T , Me and unbearded sailors that ««w the 1 first light that lie lit are us plains AD old machines o f any m«ky (akyn u pay onr*half the cost of building decision, and in response to an ap Mullen. . . , v.— Bunday Journal, part payment The amended constitution and the road, and th * remaining half peal, May 5th, next, baa been set by laws were adopted. These pro ps the time for the litigants to ap will be boros by the oounty and by 1. J. STALKY Careful and prompt service given to the settlers benefiltod by the road. pear before the U. 8. Commissioner vide for seven directors instead of i of non-residents. Mr. Canfield it expected buck to at Port Orford, end offer further ev-1 five and Metars. McCloskey end Mc- complete the survey shortly after idence that a more definite decision Mullen were accordingly added to F. B. TICHENOR, OK EO O X may be bended down. (tbs direclorate.— Coquille Sentinel. C Q Q U I I L E , - • the A pril court. FertOrford, Oregon, WATCH REPAIRING BOYLE JEWELRY (0. Banjoa, On. rte»iu.s44, COLLIES H, BUKFIN TOM Corry County ttitrut- R tealty i Company. was sentenced to 60 days In county Jail a t bard labor. ill« SPECIAL SALE To Cleanup our Stock of ¡¡GUM BOOTS wc areoffering Booster Knee Boots $2.95 Thigh Duck Boot $3.95 Ynkon Boots $4.95 Boys Knee Boots $1.95 All FRESH STOCK Last Fall McKenzie & Poole Good Prunes 3 lbs. for 25c (Speeial for This Week) Family Patent Hard- wheat Flour $2.10 A SACK I I I ■^■1 GIVE US YOUR ORDER FOR ÜS- A TRIAL Or. F. A. Voge DENMARK FARMERS STORE F u ll L in e o f D ry G oods, N o tio n s a n d F u r n is h in g s , F r e s h G ro ceries, a n d i n fa c t e v e r y th in g y o u w a n t A ll N e w a n d F re s h , a n d P ric e s R ig h t. ß / K N A P P HOTEL G W Zumwalt&Sons -Ï» ----- X - Ä - .£