The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, March 14, 1917, Image 1

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    V o lu m e X X y
Bigws of D aprovlty la U t U a Ones
T h a t Bod« IU for T h e ir
fu tu re .
A l l n e c e s sa ry o p e ra tio n s in
w ritin g , billing o r Statistical w o r k
a r e a c c o m p lis h e d fro m th e k e y ­
lit Las Keyboard
lutcrcluuigesi-l« l i t o ,
b o a r d o f th e lig h t ru n n in g , e a s y
a d tio n M o d e l 1 0 ( V is ib le )
U n io n s
Ball Boariag Typo Bar
C o lim a Finder end Poror~«?hw
Uocinul T ahulotor
V r a M a W riting
K e y lor Even; C h e r .r u r
Perfect E ru in g F ed iti« »
leèertheeerable Ceiriege»
R igiil en i l e l t Cordage Rdooee L«
hw,aging M a e ie e i Kaah
Write h a t afc.ei. i i . r a
The Smith Premier Typewriter C o ., Ina.
R ibbon C o alro lle il from K eyboard
V a riab le S«d L'n ireruJ
Rèttaci D u « G uard
b e * Spun
N.Y. Branche. i.i r ywhsas
Bask Spact L«vw
N aturai depravity of the yonthftt
mind was fully shown in a North sld<
cdtfecUoadff »¡firs. When three lltUi
girls entered the shop >n Indian fib
I»r. Valles has given the ; name
and mads a beeliue tor the candj
counter In the roar. T h d r faces won “S tatin ’* to the small planet which was
an expression uf la ju ru l innocence discovered by him on the Dili of March
la s t
says the Chicago Tibuna.
A medical expert contends th a t out
"W all, a h a . do you want now?*
the old woman who was proprietor oi of t.tWO girls studying the piano before
the age o f 12 about GOO are aMleind
the place Inquired.
'‘Oh," said the eldest g irl, barelj w ith neyvnu»,livable» ia Infer life.
f o x tustawf«, bom sgsia—to diet
jwven years old. jerking hdr elbow ex­
“Gossamer iron,” the wonderful prod
QuK-kJy a> they have come they c**
pressively In the direction of one oJ net of th r Swansea iron mi I la, i* so th ia
See. where the »¡A « amoderioa lie,
The orchard floor la white w ith enow.
her small .conipamoo*, "she gave yot that U takes 4,800 sheets piled one on
«-M. L. ptWelfe Howe la 1 lim i t»
a “nickel Instead o f a c e n t” The olt the other to niofys an Inch in thick­
auinan V e n t b e ^ n d 'lb e coautt-r s a t ness.
tooa o t * a tip b^t coqtAtalnfi a nut^
Uydrogeu lig h t ia cape« tally favored
her of coppstA libo p e e r e d m t o th t lu hospital w ork for hygieflle renaona,
box, she abade It. «o mal-o sure th e « aside from the advantages of economy,
The C a r n e s T h a t W e r e r l a y e g I e t h e
E la b ie e u th C . S ta r r .
was no pic-.el lurking among the otbei and Mm root «1 eS|»itte.WS v 1th t up ftfw.
A fte r the advent o fth e house o f H an­ ooins. and Ibeii held It under the Strache Isw p Ot the Vienna ye-ierat
over the favorite games at conrt were noses of the little girls, exclaiming hospital confirms the favorable rsp srt*
"q ua drille," an Improvement o f “oui- Bharply: “There, now! Ito you see any ulreudv received.,” ond "commerce.** T h e gain« and
In German varnish fiwtorice no .-say
lessee o f the kings a » " queens were, as
way to extinguish u burning pan of oil
a rule, rc x lilc to l ta M guineas, b u t 01
■ ■
has been found In the use o f a flne-
T w e lfth Night It was customary for expression of hopeless
meshed w ire net. Aa soon as Otta covers
thousands to cboage bands. On ona msht.
the hurtling surface the iron wires con­
occasion I.ady Cowper, a lady In w ait- .
“ Yon wouldn’t ballevs
duct o il the heat no rapidly that the
hig. refused for the sake of b e r c b l l - 1
gases <jnn no longer tiume.
dren to take part In the gome, as none
, Vhrenui -gists say th a t the higher in ­
■at down to the table w ith less than
tellectual proeceaee are performed In
am ,
the front purl of the brain, but recent
About the year 1740 a rage for
Studies have led some physiologists to
•w hisk.” or w b ls t set In. hut at first
coucludc Ihut the jiostciior lobes of
H was considered too wise a game for
the eerebrum are the real scat of men­
ladles to Join In. Hume, the historian. I
tal ¡lower. These lobes are more de­
never went to bed without his whist,
veloped in uutn t t/.n in other animals,
and even the great Johnson regretted
and arc most conspicuous in the highest
that he had not learned to play cards, j
rates of men.
in 1742 "U o rry " Walpole finds It abso­
The old theory t ’- iat the apparent cn-
lutely uecessary to learn "whisk,“
largcm- iit of nun and moon near the
•having waited In vain for Its being
horixoa :.<«lue to iom parlsog w ith ter-
le ft off." W e find hfui In another let-1
resti tai objects lias long been unsatia-
te r threatening to bulhl an a lta r to
factory- ! * •• b ° 'v explained as u re-
“r a w " to commemorate the «-scape of
m i l t o f s o ii.e pat uUarity of the eye,
his charming Duchesa of Grafton, who.
whieb h/oountn also for the late deter­
It app«arn. bad been playing cards In
mination that the shape of the sky is
Rome when she ought to have been at
I. hotuiot-tultr Wid. I1I.<I convexity, w ith
a cardinal’s reception, where the floors
fell In and all the monslgnores were
precipitated into the cellar!
Cards were ao very much In evidence
In his time that even Invitations were
frequently Issued end notes w ritten up­
on the backs o f playing cards, which
on that account were usually plain. f o r th e c s u ily w h e n th e y g o t It . I t 1,
Without any design. The chevalier*»
dreadful to think w h it m«n and worn-
,g now m ore than twenty-
famous order to retreat a t Culloden
en these boys and girls w ill be when
hundn.<1 ye(I, „g|nce Herodo
waa w ritten on the beck of theTilno of
to the assembled
A fresh attem pt was made In 1730 to 1 A M E R IC A N A PPLES POPULAR Greek« hi« celebrated theory that
remedy the state of gambling in Eng- |
---------- -
the cardinal fael in history waa
Mud by passing an act which provided K a g la a d Demands U n ite d States Vrod-
,ntcraction ot Asia and Eu-
«fiat “any person keeping a house or ,
the peBduhnn of a,ce»dancy
e th e r place to game lu forfeits £200,
Sm!f to the pnwrieutor and half tw the '
»winging now to (he enst and now
poor of the parish.“ whereupon two
Prom a well-known, dealer
are festur«* which make the
Smith Premier the choice of the
who keep open houses foe gambling,
elaimcd their privilege o f p-erae» In
ord«*r to Intim idate the pw»rc ortjc«a
Trom doing their fluty and supi« '"*"“ *
Che public gaming bouses by th e iu .-
Lcugman's Magaxloe.
man who mveihgtlc» comparative
Tfcouaands K aro Kidney
and Doa’t Know it.
K e w T e ii • r'-r*.
C le v e r T S Ir f .
This Is bow the presence o f mind and
audacity of a Chicago thief saved hint
from being locked up: A policeman
F11, a bottle or comer-
-w rth > - w who recognised him and knew he was
watarsed let H stand tv-
■■ hours; t “ wanted" put him under arrest, w ith
t or ■»'• the words. “You are wanted at head­
quarters.” “Yea. I know,” replied the
UT hiwahy condl- thief quickly.
“1 waa arrested last
and look in the glass—you will see the effect
? Yotf can’t help puckering—it makes you pucker
to think of tasting it
By the Use of ¿so called cheap Baking
Powders you take this puckering, injurious Alum
right into ydur system—you injure digestion,
and ruin your stomach.
o fa y
> o y d » made from pure, refined Grape Cream at Tartar-Coats more
than Alum but you have the profit of quality, the prpfit of good health.
Nothing has ever Equalled it
Nothing can ever surpass it
nay contamption can be
•oroiL * Mature alone wron't
4e it, it need* help.
A kind o f paper Is made from M *>
weed which is ao transparent th a t i t
may be used instead of glass for w in ­
Pryaaian blue is made by fusing
horses* hoofs and other animat refusa
m atter w ith impure potasatum earbon-
Dr. King's
New Discovery
b ta e beat help, b ut Ma uao
B ust he coabBcic-i io atan*
aaar aa w ell a * w inter.
A Perfect
t i S i k t a l l ' O k n U t o lk n r M t w
C at a «mali K«: m ms *
A H W vfrX S s
|S««wv track IT it fsNs. Trtal BaMMs tr»
Cure s
For Ail Throat am
Lung Trohbtex.
apples who sltipa many thousand«
of barrel« lo Europe every year,
the information «"is obtained that
there «;>» not ao good a prospect
of a lftrge shipment of rpplea to
Englund Ibis yogi a* la s t Lecttuae
of the very natural drawback of a
large crop of apple« bur vested in
Tiiis may be in a measure offset
by the steadily IntTcmting demand
for American apples v.hlch will
call for ahipniouts oa titia aide to
meet the dc.'nnnd which no num­
ber of home grown apple* will «up-
that the grandsons of the
o hpard him would witneg*
ructi vn of the Persian cm-
Alexander and the pene-
of India by the Maeedonl-
lanx. A k iittle could the
i peot’teH, which- in the
It may not be generally known
that in 1903, which waa the record
year for the importation of apples
‘io*’ - { ‘M
Tjf ' \ . ' t • ’S’1! »t K *atas
from the i'nlted Htatea and Can-
3 L X -A | y o jr Hoen It 1»
uda to the differ« nt markets with­
T h e C lld e d H a n .
' i l U • v '- '“ ' * of
F“ / i i
ney trouble: toe
A t the headwaters o f the O rin o « in the United Kingdom of Great
itequant desire to Spanish traditluna located the land of Britain,
the total im jio r t a t io n
pan It or pain la El Dorado, "the gild.-d r-iun." a po­
^e of resurrection, doomed to
¡-.-a. i :..(l th e cnormoua number ol
~~ the beck Is also
tentate a s » «» ‘ |ph in ; -iw a v ie « bnrr-la. The- ve
qwgewit proaUaUailJUUfiXJl!*
eoavtnclng prooi that tbs kidneys and blad­
of the urinary passage. It corrects InrbllUv gold dust that be had bis Ixsly u notat­
KuropMdt beri. Sach, u’ ” ■ t-
der a m out of order.
<o hold water and
ed w ith oil snd sprlnktad w ith to ld ev­
ts Be. p»ln •”
•t. or bad effects «allowing use 0( liquor, ery morning, so that be shone In tbs ia plat ed ot no less thne |7 ,100,960. *dlv, wcaH iedplusioulnw h ’- t'te
There Is comfort in the knowledge as
wind er bee-, sad o / that unpleasant
eau’ti'in « ibjctTf of th« Bornai’ tu-
often eipreasad. t*>a> D r. K ilm e r's S v a m p - ran aa though gilded. I t Is a curloua
necessity c i being compelled lo go o ft«
R oct. the greet tudrtey rem edy fulfills every fa rt th a t Ibe country In which tradition
pire lotîgr.l i-iód.HltliouKb such d«,«
wish in curing rheum atism , /w in In the located this marvelouB brtr.g has never
feats fla"»ïïiî»P“ôf e r a « n x arff \ a -
the night. The mild and th e w .r a -
pies w lt i’Ti w a re im p o rte d By E * g
oreinary «.fTeci si S'vam p-tto ot Is awm been explored by s w hite man.
Ipri-iii otipltl lo I ihvp ex iled deep.
rea'iicC It-«uiutathe h^hsst for Its won-
900 apple crop which went to resi­ m is p rrrn F « E v e ry b o d y im a g in e d -
A fllamder.
To any that every man fen* ’*** Prlc* dent« of Great Britain waa from
Is to d«-ny the exlateoro of the great the United State« in 1903. amt itaeir when ili.nitihnl w:;» rouTiriF
man wlio have died for their faith nod Canada sent to the eater« of the nt Zam ’, and nobody t o It! huve
their ronutry. Nonsense: "Tta the last
antieiptled that, from t’:e »econd-
i t t i , both
plea of n kuave and Issues ont of the American ajrple over $4,000,00(1
All half of-ibe «»«. « 8 ? ,h«
mouth of a fool. The uterllng strength worth of Canadian apple*.
o f loan and woman rebukes It every­ American fruit», whether grown close of ti e »ev.-utecnU "entcry,
>r Kilmsi A lfcsn n~«rr Ti-*
hamten. N. Y. W hts wrtttng m«s- w here.- Hchoolmuster.
in Orent Britain or not, conunnnd Enrotie woyld be ha tinted wiili tho
ng this gsosrous «Bar hi this pegs«,
good price« on tl»e other aide of the dread of Asialb iavgriuB ¡mJ eon
H e l^ e k e * T a rt.
Atlantic, and, wherena, the Eng quest. Yet more (ban " thona.tnd
N e ll- U e wrote a lovely poem to Ma
n « t s « < '. F a th w v .
Halt formerly obtained moat oi years were lo elapae brotn the
! Oatgof Bred through tbv inoat event­
R e lie -1 knew, but aha got mad and their |>ear» from Ernnee, the ■ eixu re of liotnan Syria by * j «’t
ful pertoils of modern France. 11« was
born In 17S7 am!d the mattering« of the (on* It op.
United State* now lead« France in cesso r wf »lo i a n itn e o it
N e ll-T lie M ea! W b y l
»evolution. Oulxot's parents were w ar­
the pear trade with Greet Britain. k i ’a repotae of l>c Tut?'* p'c
B e lle -H e beadml It "Line* on Ma-
ded by n proscribe«! Protestant pastor,
Five years ago France «ent pears the wal’« ”f Vienna, flf fib Ary
i g « | his birth was never legally regis­ bel a Fsce-’ - l ’lillndelphta Itecord.
to the value of $749,365; last year cotinlries R*!*xi-i had leu»' ' ’«
tered. Hta fatl-cr. wlio was an advo­
A i>o«i»»«iv a«si.
the value had fallen to $551,430. to uringiite no i'm ilc « t n . f i b ' "
cate. uevd his talent for public *!*«!>
pag ta the Interests o f the persecute« ' “John Is so douKutic In bis tastsa,“ The value of the importation» over the Ttrrabîhn dfock
Protestants sud became « marked man M id the Bill ville u atro n .
from the United Statea roae from grnnd dub’ » « f Muscovy btt 1 be
"H e io/**
, A fte r living for aevand weeks lu dan­
•Ves. lie '« bee« all day lu the hot $2-21.8S5 in 1890, to $684,710 in paying tribute for I wo ecrilc c a m
ger of hta life he was at last arrested,
the Mongol riih-rs «»f the (.i.'fb-u
nnw llllngly eaergit. by u gemtarnie whs sna frying lo kill a rattlesnake to get 1903.
Word comet from one of the Horn wbfii the Turks |*<k Uon-
knew and respected Çm»
« • rattle for lb«' baby!“ - A tla n ta CotP
aliali I let -you e s c ap e r said Un atitutiuti.
United Rtaten conanla in England atnntinopb*. and »«me litre** and g
that the apple dealers and conaum half rentotirtt w ore were toel-Hia«
“ Are roti awrriedT" n-pltad M. C a l
before the Knaainna regained
The Com edian-1 tboutht you at>4 era In England deplore the derail
Misa C o s t were to be married this enre of tlie go««! old Httdxon Rivet control of the Crimea.
“ Yea. I have two chlMren."
I’ippins. and although a consider CXtina in tlie ci'ctirry,
“ And ao Itave 1.“ n-p’ led the prisoner week. Is It postponed.
The H ea v y —(Jod. s'.ri. Wie artunlty
"but you would have to pay for ra«>.
able quantity w a i t received there, when the Manchti d.utitsty »> •
wants her name to appear before mine
| « t ua go an.”
few, if nny, came up to tlie stand yonng, drove Muscovite pioiieera
They went on. Bud U . Gc.'.xot d l« l on
for first-da»» trade.
The and merchant* oat o t SltinchuriA
the Srsffohl « few day» later. At this
and forced them by treaty to retire
time Froncola. the future ststesiunn.
behind the Amor river. History,
wbo waa fhc elder o f the two children,
Bacon— A mau «wn’t taka sag money
was six and a h alf years old and al­
ties, bat they are wanting in ap therefore, will but repeat itaelf
ways preserved the reeollect Ion o f go­
when Russia submit» to aimila»
Egbert—Oh. I don't ktb w . I bad a pearanee, which 1» their chief re«
ing to see bis father In prison, or what friend who owed me » I * die last week.
boundaries at the command of tba
waa euphemistically called the bouse of
I guess b es taken that w ith him all
r ig h t —Youkars Statesman.