"Ç5 Dr. P. A. Schmidt was down from Langlois yesterday and put Mrs. C. Tbe following account of two W. Zumwalt's leg in a plaster cast. at The Code-Curry Fair w ill ho held waddings of well known residents The iajurad lady continues to gel M y rtle Point on Sept. JStb to \. ■ i of the Rogue river section was ta ­ along nicety. 15th. kes from last w«*k> Reporter: A deuce is advertised to take Sunday thomlog JaaL at the Gold place at Euchre Creek next Satur­ Beaeh hotel, I we» of tbs wall known We noticed in last week’s' Van1 day, the » l b . Euchre creek restdeatg became oue, bums a challenge for any pupil in D uring 1916 Coon county manu­ when Judge Wood officiated at the factured 2,000,000 Ibe. of cheers and ceremony winch Joined 8. P- Merrill Cooe or Curry to beat the school record of Lowell Johnston of Port 820,000, lbe. ol hutter. and Mrs. H . Fish. M r. and Mrs. Orford and although we think that M r .. Hanaeu, of the Star ranch at \V; A.' Biahel were beet man and young toan has done verv w»ll, jret Langlois, relumed jo her home fast maid for tbe non pie, no other guests we believe Theodore Wakeman of Saturday fro m ' a short visit la being pts**nU' , After thei^rempiiy Wedderburn has done one better. Mr. and/Mre. M errill left for (heir Marshfield. . ’ Theodore was thirteen years old IfemA At RnCbm ¿reek. the tenth day of May. He entered The Oregon Journal has lost Its school when he was almost sight light to do away with the printing Saturday evening, at the Preaby years of age. Hae never gone over of delinquent tax lists, and such terian church. Rev. J. W. Hoyt of­ lists will continue to be published six montlte during any one year ficiated et tbe wadding of D. T , snd made ail average of 86 per in the future aa they have been in Crockett and Mies Lora Pearl Bucb cent. the past., anan. The ceremony took plaoe in Wedderburn is indeed proud of J. C. French returned U n Friday the presence of quite a gathering of this record. from a business trip tu Bandon and relatives, with Ztliniler Crockett Cooe Bay. I t la underatood that he and Mies Nina Scbulties as attend Ts Aid Dawymg- has negotiated the sale of some lend ants o«i tbe bridal couple. The on Sixes that has netted b iin a nice groom i« the son.of M r. bud ‘Mr». H . A. Chaplin of P i/laonth. WIs .commission. . . . . . , ' ■ '* ... _ Joseph Ctvqkett, end well known and W . E M y v r a o f8 .lt Lake City An appropriation o f 920,000 was throughout the 'county, and the associated with the U. 8. dairy -di. tirade by the Legislature for the bride is the daughter of Mr. and vision and working with the county building of en armory at Marshfield. Mrs. Buchanan of Wedderburn, re­ agriculturist, J. L. Smith, arrived The site hag beeu dou a led ,by the cent arrivals from Eureka, Califor­ here last night aud have gone to town, end an additional 910,0C0 nia. M yrtle Point. will be raised locally. M r Chaplin will be hate for the The Ladies Aid will meet Friday with Mrs. O. Leneve. Only the moat op-to-d^te la M a k M h g h g h M k a ta d ta M a M M k d J I Watches. Bracelet«, J and Lavalliera are carried ita ? IN Alarms,, Stock. BIG BEN tain pen«. PARKER Fountain and ATHENA Silverware are always carried W our Large Stock A largo eheaae factory io being bniU on F.T. M e X alien’s daiiy form at Langlois. A rthur Mayor returned to his homo at this place Friday f> om a short .business trip to Bandon, - Chat. Neumano m,t Io a trip to Baudot) with In . lento the latter port of la«t week after a load of freight. WATCH ;REPA|BIW la our Specialty. Ni too difficult lor our Pepartumat. Try be convinced. ' - ' Mrs. W. Button returned Tuesday last, fsom a three week« visit with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Guerin, of Langlois. - BOYLE JEWELRY CO. Î Bullin, Ori Ik . M L -JKSk* COLLIER H. B U M f /W W W ill Bailey and wife, atyer a few weeks’ r i . i l to M r. Bailey’«
gitla- that the young man woukFbn o|»er from Minneapolis ««iLfFU L-ga to t Yu'e- .. Be.wee one of the .fey mem- Cass WiH.Be ffsarded, Curry county wdtese -JsehnAolfiO »ted on fer appendicitis n t the Mer- »\t J ta-i p «nt M.MAt&Y* .. 1 W. A. W hers of that body who oöiild get up • - •„ ------- T * - v rjr ey Hospital. W . BisheMR t U hoe acrew of timber lan d with two m il on hia feet and command .thq a tte s t Press telegram* from Eugene slat« ATTO RNEY pitabla landlord of the Gold Beach lion feet'of standing timber. H e lion of his oolleegues. He refused that the Southern Pacific has sent comes to i negotiate for the sale of hdlel. ' tiO LI) BEACH. the land at 93600 and w ill probably out nrmed guards to protect the.tan- to “log roll“ and tie himself down Geo. Fromm, Harold Johnson end settle on the Bay. He was at M yr nels end bridges. , The Cooe Bay by caucus pledges, and w'»« th in Warren James went l a Bannon last tie Point ten years ago but pi is is line ie meniioned as one of the sec free tu support or oppose, on the D r. F . A Saturday with the expectations of Ilia first visit to Msrakfield.— Cooe lions which is being watched and it floor of the House, the ditfereut continuing the journey as far Resident is stated that guards have been sent measures as he saw fit. A record Bay Times. Portland. The young men Were off to ail the tunnels and bridges, Thu of bis vote shows that be worked The people of Bandon have pro to see a jilt ie of the world-«fid M id ideals to protect sgainat a Ay cranlts consistently in behalf of the tax­ tested against building costly con that if they could find the right Will make periodical otQ erw ap sympnthtaare whomiaht payers of theBtale.and lhe'promot aad Port Orford. All kind of employment they woold* Crete bridges, sa recommended by attempt to damage property. The era ûf qarttiopehle legislation here probably not return to Port Orford *»»e State Engineer, on tbe road be guard wiU-ont ¡allow-Mitf one to go ever in dread of his righteous<' in - Afceen that town and Langlois. for some tim e. - through tbe tunneU without being dignation. And M r. Dchenor not They prefer inateaj to h^v.e the C. W . R O B B I only worked in tjbe right direction escorted.— Coos Bay Harbor. - Despite tbe rain and muddy roads bridges built of Port Orford cedar but be worked faith fu lly, not shirk­ F hysichen and Surgeou, , Sam Malehorn continues tot run his and the remainder of the 964,000, ing hia officiai dutiaa io lobbying Ford between Port Orford and Ban­ Gold Beaehj'j O regon? that ie available to improv^ thia and soda! pleasures as many mem don. Tbs upkeep of a machine road, used in giving it a ooating Gov. W4lhy00.nl>« hasAffixed his hers del. He wm one of the very running over the roads at this time of Floras creek gravel. ? mature the Rogue ■riyerz,fish, river/,fish. ’ n”1 U>e only, member of the J. O. JO H N S O N ture to tbe of the year is such that there is lit- More than 910,000 gofth of pots .wRtch p ro h ib it'e m n ie | in the Hoaee who-neither mi seed a roll a t t o r n e y a t l a w Its, if any, profit to be made, but the use of sW neW +bblOw •. »«Bt «pon any measure. M r. Malehorn does a good business toes have already been shipped out 21 Years Practice iwOregee Courts J’s Ferry, t h is to H H R ope H it etrictattention to duty was in during tbs summer months and be of Coos county by H. W. Coats, Io ntrsst w the aWton ~ d f G o ia n m a e fti O i - f l g c * does not propose to nyglect the trav­ act commission titan, snd hets now oy jest fon his seat m att, M r. Peck, of Co,»«, combing every ceinmuoity for All passed tire Legislature,' sew. D is tric t A U o rn e v fo r C u r ry Cw. eling public when there are a few who spent pi uch of hie time at Sa its fate hu hardships to be met with. People the spuds available. Ha ha» been eraj should appreciate hie consideration paying 92 25 per hundred pound« ' «nce. The g„r arnor W«a ntft eup lem outahje the House of Rapre- Te W h o m It M a y Concern. aentatHWs. | by keeping b it car crowded when cash, and it. ie said tbe price baa 'p o e rtlfe ’Hkin sympathy with the ' Jr ? A-3r. ? ■ ^« ji ¿r^ "t‘A now been raised to 92 60. The lb ip I tueaauri'I'and many wouliTnot ftn ve 1, tbe undersigned, hereby slew no­ good weather and opposition cornea. menta are made to fLiorajneeto, been surprised had he-vetoed iU tice that 1 have a Aonveyance OBITUARY ter lota la - John R. Smith and eon, Owen, Patentee to tidelaftda aad water ■* . ______ Thia act w ill psoiyLly not «take the Harlior of HorAOrford, Oregon, oo who came fin from southern Coo* .Cal. In Sfn Fyauoisco potato» have been iellirfg a1 fròlli , 4 10 5 a great deal of diff«fet»(!6 in H y flsh S h * ugh Neely died at the State a portion ol wblefea part of the wharf sa. is erected without my eonaai t. AU county 8unday evening are (lopping nenia retail. j Hjliital nt Salem last Friday, Feb­ ing a t the mouth of th e' Boga.» ‘a. parties are herebv warned not to ' whaL • “ lhe oitY fur r few <1" y* be*"re piles or trespass tu any manner what­ Henry M., Axtell returned ?Moo. , for the past few year» ih^km at bulk ruary if it h jip ir , aged over 70 yea soever on eaid tidelands or watt r lota, turning to the mining dietriot. day from a ¡r ip to Marahfc-W whore of the otJmou bnvedjeen caugb£ fey I? M r, besh«cwm« to Curry ctatint MM. AaMa . O - > o r ' . John Smith had been in the Rock :: ,B ’»0’e- He e w « jewefed' • Portlaad, Oregda. * . f t l J X O i f i j « r i^ d ia tr fc l iur several m tm rijjftd l tm vfent in an endeavor to,get sunte the gill nettayw. .* ' / ' ;Gy profession, snd for many yei?r» machinery -shipped knee that he — «r— ----------- came out with a nioe quantity of ---------- . i , . ■ , _ - a . followed.!«!*trade in Bandon, m«*v,’4' Reeds in his black sand operations HRMAemOLi^d Feinted. J i l l > W ^ ^ o r t Orford where he at Gold Run. He failed te receive KNAPP HOTEL with him all winter. They i ' 1 ‘a . . . . j «1*9 conduced a jewelry store, much eucouragemeui from the boat Port Orffrd, Or«gou, hioety-eix thouaeed eorre df land . . - ’ . ’. to go beck and atari operations on owners, and ht contemplating bav. valued at 9f.000.000, ¿ t,e e n Ab,,Ul, 7 ’ a larger Male. Mr. Smith had one ing the material wUpped overl*»»d- G o rd Feed 3 t* b lw a tta c h e d . „ . A . « J , moved tn Ins home near Euchre L. D. Carter, M r, A xtell’e partner Bay end Roseburg, Ore., have >»eert * . r-i-e-T’ 7»’ x ’ ” 'creek, whcie he since resided.' He I .. K N A P P P r o p r i e t o r ja r of gold which contained about from Portland, arrived in Fort Or ordered forfeited to the Unjted States 9250 worth uf Ihe precious metal. - ,K* was aqoiet, amiable man. scrupu- ford last week and will remain hern the cir Miss Helen W illa rd returned to for a lime. He ' ie much pleased government by deCiaion of u « .j luusly honest, add one who never tùrrt-eiaea in every respeta. her home at Langlois last Saturday with the outlook, and the work that ouit cou|A*of / ?»’ - n i l r ' wronged his fellow _ from «pending a month visiting in hae already been done. Tbe Ion previoud A»clkibn ol T b i Uuifed I man. scraper, operated by a donkey en- State, dlrtvicvcourt of Oragom Thp (>w.n CURRY COUNTY REAL ESTATE southern California. The most of gine, has been at work for the past her time wae spent witlaan old 1 r t T , "i - health for seVeraUfear*. and alroUl two weeks, and enough values have friend at Pomona. Mias W iliiard already t»een lak'en from the tends ie a music teacher, and one of the to insure the success of the enter the United Stale« supreme c u r l In take him 1» the Stale Hospital 1 have buyers • far Fartha, Timber it f» atfAnunced. objects of her Journey was to bright priae. Claims, Sheep, Cattle, or Dairy ranches. for treatment. 11« -I. sh I Ihe trip The land was - granted B y / con an up in «oa>c of tbe latent methods well, nut realising where he was, Call and see me, or tend ^ A e r i p - Cards* Tkaakx grese »6 1867 to llteCrtoe BayfWog used in her profeseiou, end along hot passed away a few day« after tion and list your property Witin^se. on Road company with the pfcovje. thia line, as well ae in aeooial way, Arriving at (hat iuatitulion. ■w » ■ v. We wish to thank the Band Boys ion that it be «old foT not mot* (hwn she eaya that she was amply re AGENT for Urtderwood Typewriter. M r. Neely ia surviveil by a wid­ for their kindness in letting us use) All old machines «if any make taken ae paid for her trip. W hileeheenjoy- their hall free of charge a *A hw 'he 92.50 in acre and in parcels of not ow who for^lhe pa-rt few years »nr- part payment •*. ** rounded him with devoted care ed her visit and the elimnte in the excellent music they furnished dur­ more tha» 160 acres. ".‘" A ’ ’ 'i-vC'.-'’ The pt4|Mirt* la trf WtAta ink. the •w rif her own heSlth was impaired, “ sunshine state,” yet she came beck ing the evening, also Mrs. Dean for Carefnl aad prompt nerriea gbran the use of Her organ, and Meaart. haml« o fU .d ll« T . V titJ u g ta o . Le and now in her bereavement ehs to be» coxy home at Langlois strong­ the busineaa of I ' Bunch, Loucks and Larson for their has the svinpathy pf many friends. er than ever in Ibe belief that there assistance in making our entertain land Staniord and other.. Then I t The bodyps g ex peeled to peat through« was trauafarred to the present o«B j J’orl Orford today and will be inter­ fe no place quite to aloe ae old Ore­ ment a success. JF. B. T I& E N O R . n company, red in the Gold Beach cemetery. cem era, the southern Oregeo L abird ’ A id S ocixtt . gon. PortOrford, Oregon, ; Oregon DENMARK FARMERS - ,F - A h*ÁÍ Curry County U s triit- Rualt, Company. F u ll L in e o f D ry Goods, N o tio n s a n d F u rn ish in g s, F re s h G roceries, a n d in fa c t e v e ry th in g y o n w a n t A ll N ew a n d F resh , 4 ’9/ I a 'i « » i> .. _ tiXiq',Ue Ji, Wfcwfr- 1 t«»£ -a « F T alt «À ¿i A ---- y«*, Twr . ■ ^ètitsfd fl'. GwZmnwalt&Soiis Y >* -. - f ; - ;í; vbnooq ■ V -i- t* ', . i'» ,k i’i -.»w F ‘'"î ôf«'.? t i lari! MV - ? *< i: •»■!< M,-’. ■ ' - GENERAL B la c k s m ith in g ■if. W agons and B uggies for «ale, kept in Stock, also A gent for A ll R in d s of Farcqing i m ­ plem ents; M cCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work prom ptly d on e' at a' reason ab le price. Y our patronage solicited. ■mmwssm i P ort Or f o «ri J a, JESS .jo in r d , 9 O r e o ü o n • t gguv i t Ä* ífttb tfj ¿1 • • wr.{ 'e-ioilaoiiJij, ?á TET H SEASIDE - O pen U n d er N e w M a n a g e m e t Board by Day, Week or Month B u tc h e r Shop in C o n n e c tio n Choice Meats at a K< inonable Price - Y o u r P a tr o n a g e S o lic ite d W. IL J ‘HK80S, Prop. ; -n I i'S