The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, December 27, 1916, Image 3

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    Local Happenings
found in
(M W« Have Feed.
Mro. Clarenoe W right came duwrf
from Bandon Munday, and ia visit*
ing in town.
On SUB day moralng W ill C larno' A b|g b U # muck m#ofc
Christmas weather here was oold,
Mias Jennie Clark w ill ascertain
worm. H a was up early that m&rn, B jfh t Th# d o b
# ^ 4 .4
with showers of rain and sleet, end
Ike ladies aid at tbs parsonage next
the snow line was down vary close
Friday, ••>*:
he fouadabtm l 9000 frat e f l u m b e r ^ , , in of OOB , w , , „ 4 Merle
to the coast.
that bad drifted in during tH#, Woodcock of tbe other. A Mg hunt
Rubber boots are fresh »tuck at
Mira Ena MrKensie, matron of
night. About half tbs lumbar *»4 ¡, ¡o progreg„ loprovide the meat
McKenaie A Poole’s. Trawler booties the emergency hospital at Bandon,
ftMxJ fw tb. p ^ u ro b . 80
(low ru t gu m t>>ute) 42 95. Duck »pent Christina» at her parent's round on the wharf beach sad halfyBn<,
are given for mussels,
boots, 46.60.
home on E lk river.
creek. The following morning E . | j BBM> oysters, trout, sea Sab, decks,
Mr». F. V. Uawkinacame up from _ Geo. , Sutton, a member of tba L . M bite picked up about 600 feet. jh icgeu, geese, turkeys, ale. The
Gold Beach to enjoy Cbi istma» with Cuaet Guard crow at Bandon, e a m .^ b e lumber waafa ll S x ll-
thal hM
,MBl BUB>ber «
team that has the least nu
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W . B. down to Port Orford Monday and is tevt long, add evidently came
ta Thursday »ftarauon w ill h a «
Ifurst, at this place.
• - .
spending a few days visiting wiib aome vessel that ba» loot her
cook the muck muck for the Mg
load in the late storms.
M r,. Fred JatniaMn came down h i, parent,.
'potlatch that aigbt. Iu the
from Power, several days ago to
Ford, the Marshfield butcher,
time, while the braves era out ou
spend the holidays with her pareota pasaedup the coast yesterday with
the chase, oftiekeiihousee in town
U r . and Mrs. A. Richard a t this about 40 h u d of beef oattle that he
are being carefully watahed...
bad bought ia the Rogue river aec
Last Thursday J. G. M ill caught j -n j
lion. '
t. q
Lori in Forty, who ba, been work­
t W . i Apchasmr After Naval Baas Far
a coyote in a steel trap and brougU,
M r. and Mrs. J. Q. Hassell, of the animal into town, srbero ij agw Part (Masd, ami AppaaMmanl
ing in one pi the machine shops at
Marshfield, was one of those who Langlois, are spending the holidays traded considerable attanlion,,manff
returned to Fort Orford to spend a t Gold Beach, where Munday they of our people having never seen one
attended the weddiag of Mr». Rus­ before. I t wae caught at lbe:edge * f
Christmas at home.
Frank B. Tiebanor rotorned to
sell’. sister, at the b. E. M ar*ter’« L Lnapp’s field on H u b b lrd ’s (walk
Amee 8. Johoslon was aleCted
Port Urfurd last week to epend
and is tbe second one trapped by Christmas with his fam ily, after an
school director at a special meeting
Note the following bargains at U r. H ill in that vicinity within the absence of about two weekk in Port­
in 'F o rt Orford last Saturday after
noon. He Olla the vacantly caused MuKensit <k Poole. Rain Coals, p u t three weeks, A 421 5 j bounty land. When be left Cuoe bey for
Mediuih length ia paid by tbe county
tbehr Portland be expected Io eoatine his
by the moving away e f T . B.' David slickers, $1.45.
raiiiooe's, 42 25 each, long coats scalps.
journey to Waabington to present
U n tif recent years a coyote waa
42 60. Dressy rain coat», Good­
tbe merits of Purl Urfurd h e rb « as
E . L. White is prepared to t«sue
year broad, U n with plain lining acaroely aver heard of in this coun. a location for a naval baae, but ar
hunting and fiabing lioeoses for 1917
and leather binding at seams,43.50. ly , but of late tliey bav« been in riving in Portland ba found that
having received a set of blanks from
Plaid Maokiaaws with helis.
ereeeiog rapidly especially io the the V aral Base commiltoa would ba
county oierk Stannard,
I f you
tfawg city soma time during Jan
Forester J. B. Curl baa been show, upper Sixes aud Floras creak 00«n-
want to hunt or ftth next year, you
ing bis friend» a Christmas present try Where som e o f tbe cheep m en gary, and so ba was relieved of tbe
must have a new lioenae.
over which ha ia justly proud. I t have fiad to sail their Bucks aad go aeeeaeity of making tba trip east.
> : . •
Mr. and Mr«. A. J. Marsh return­ is a checkerboard on whits cedar, into the oattls business. And from
Another thing that Mr. Tiebanor
ed laat week from Portland, where done in burnt work by H arry the way these little auitbM« n H ap­ is going after in ap energetic m an.
they weat recently (or the latter’s Pearse. Its 'n ic e finish, -and the pearing on the ranges throughout ner, is tba appointment sa U. S.
health, We era glad to »ay that scroll work around II, makes It a tbe oounty, it may be only a quea. Marshal for Oregon. He 1s endors,
Mrs, Marsh oomea home with f**r work of art that anyone well might lion of lima before they will tu ia tbe ed for the position by tbe Detnocra
sheep industry,
: *
health much improved.
tic Central oommittees of Coue and
difficult a n i­ Curry sountie», 4a well aw by a
Miss Clue Buell, who ia one of tba
teachers ia tba Gold Beach school, 414,738,680 14. In 1900 the gross mal to trap. M r: H U I has follow«! number of tba prominent members
was in Fort Oxford one day last valuation of property in Coos county trapping a ll bis life, and fcasaoquir of bia party throughout tha
weeg enroute to her home at Myrtle was 42.914,614. The population of ad skill that to nfore than a rnatob I t ia « position that ba to wall fitted
Point to »pend the holidays with Coot county at present is about 20,* for the ouauing animal. He makes to fill, and one that ba warns in a
relatives there.
— - 000. lu 1900 it waa 10,824. .In I 8 ­ h<s own scents, diffetent amelia for fair way of landing despite tba
60 the population was 4,831; in 18. differon t aaimalr, to toll them into handicap of coming from an isol<t.
We are agents for ’-Quality” Tai
bis traps.
ed part of the state.
70, 1,644, aad in I8 6 0 it waa 444.
lore. Look tba line of u m p ire over
M r. Tic he nor haa dona yneman
Agents for tba Ripperiy Fish Co.,
at our »tore. Study the value and
for Port Orford in sailing
of Portland, and Macs it C o , of
you will see that you get quality
tba attention of tbe Naval Basa
New York, were bidding against each
for quality. You can m v , money
committee to our harbor. H a baa
other on the Umpqua laat week, with
The Christmaa egercieee held in
by buying tbe “ Quality” line. E v ­
A ^ »al|a»ftl4esl
XPs a
« » ^ffi^s^wg a^ffipwa^P —
A^U v^m a fiM
va T
the result that tbe price of ataql the church last Saturday avening ^
ery suit guaranteed. McKensie &
heads baa raised from 8 j oenta per were well attended end thoroughly
pound to 124 cent», f t is predicted enjoyed by those present.
The while his efforts may not bring tha
y A t t y . C. H Buffington was in that the price will go to 15 MlltS ehildren acquitted themeslves in naval haw to Port Qrford, yet it
town last Thursday returning to per found, which is 7 ceut« higher their songs and recitations in a very w ill bring tbe attention of the gov­
b it home at Gold Beach ftom a bus than on tbe Columbia.
creditable mauner, which speaks ernment to our harbor io a tray that
will at least hasten its development.
ineaa visit to Coo, bay and Port,
Mia» Lida Marstera and Mr. F. M. highly of tha way io which they
Below ie a latter just received by
labd. Mr. Bnfflington is County Brown were united in marriage by were trained for the occasion by
Ticheoor wbfeb show* that thia
Attorney .elect, and while in Marth Justice Potter at the home of the Mra. M . B. Rios. Each one did eo
ik recognised by,the«ommiilee
field he consulted with representative
bride*» parents in Gold Beach on wail that it to difficult to praise one
a t a possible location for the naval
A. K Peck with tbe view of having
Christmas day. Tbe bride is one without doing an injustice to anoth­
the salary of his office ratomi from the most popular and worthy young er, yet there to one, Mias Jennie Mo- baae. And a particular encouraging
feature about tbto, fo, that Rear Ad­
it , present rote of 150 per month.
ladies of tba county seat town, Julian, whose gift ae an »iooutiocist
iral Halm , then Lieutenant Helm,
Lloyd Knapp returned from the while the groom is a steady anfl in- clearly entitles her to apeoial men­ was with tbe engineers wbu made
Coluitibis Uhiveroity at Portland, dusirious young man front Langlois tion. Tba future holds many pass tba survey of Port Orford harbor in
ibilitiea for this young lady if aha
Friday, to »pend the boiidaye w ith , and both the young people have
1880 and waa here for three weeks.
his parent» in Port Orford. Ju»l host of friends to wish them a Christ cultivates her natural talent.
Knowing tbe harbor as ba does, tbe
Tbe musio by M e m . Pearse, Lar
before starting home Lloyd waa elect inas gift of peace end happineet.
following letter to evidence that ha
son and Woodcock, accompanied by
ed captain of the Columbia Univera
After sn absence of severe! years Mrs. H . T . Stewart at tha organ, was4 recognises at least » m s merit in it
ity football team for 1917. In Paul Petersen returned to Port O r,
fur a naval base location;
speaking of the event the Evening ford last week. He baa employed tba subject of much fayuiubie com
ment by tboaa wboltsd uot heard CoMsruaion om N avt Y arm A nd
Telegram aaye that he wae the etar several men apd gone to his mining
N aval S tatiars ,
Center of this year’s team. He will claims, near G . W . A xtell’s on Mid this quartet play togetlter before.
One hundred bags of bandy and
Sau Francisco, Calif.
return to school shortly.
(lie E lk , where he will do»aseeetnent
December J 9 ,1916.
nuts were passed around, but many
Jasper Turner spent Christmas work for tbe yeare 1916 and 1917. of tha older ones were left ont, as Mr. Frank B. Tiebanor,
with his grandparaats, Mr. and Mrs About 7 years ago Mr. Petersen and tba number of people badly out­
Port Orford, Oregon.
bis brotbera spent considerable mon­
Walter Sutton, at Port Orford. Ha
numbered the number o f candy Dear S ir:-
ey developing their property, and
is returning to bin home at Gold
aanks, however there were big rad
Tha Commtoslon is in rooeipt of
have since bean doing assessment
Beach from attending school at the
apples for everybody, and the even a letter from yon ee a oowmittee
Columbia University at Portland. work. The Petersen property 00O. ing was an enjoyable one for the repreaanting tha Fort Orford CouV
i-Jap’’ says that ha likes Portland sistt of four claims on E lk river, older folk» and youngsters alike.
mercial Club, dated December 14,
and prospect well. I l is planned at
all right, but that it doean’t fill th»
1916, giving information relative to
Following ia tbe program:
some future time to pick tbe river
bill like Gold Beach does, and }•> ia
Port Orford and inquiring as to tha
up in a flume and clean up its chan­ Selections by tba Orchestra.
coming baok impressed with the
data that tba Commission expects
nel. Mr. Petersen’s home is in Se­ Prayer by Rev. My era.
thought that “ there is no place like
to be in Portland in order that you
attle, but ha alsy owns town proper­ Recitation— Ins» Woodcock.
may put before it the merits of Port
Frank Dean.
SaSsam i& iSvu, 2
■- ■ / I ly in Texae and w ill leave for that
Orford as a suitable plaoe for the
• M r. enirM ro. D. Quellen went to stats as soon as ba gets through with
Mildred Pitnar.
location of a naval basa..
tbe K. J. Beker home near Corbin his work here.
Bong— Brave L ittle Fairies.
Tha e x » t data of tbe visit of tba
Saturday to spend Chrislmae with
Recitation— Alice Jess,
K- A. Lindberg, of-tha Inoel ga
Commiwion to the Columbia River
the hospitable peopleefit^tjiroman.
Alfred Johnson. ■
rags returned last Wednesday from
region eaimot Row ba Band but due
tio place. Itver since Mr. and Mro.
Leona Clarup.
Montague, Cel., to whiah place he
wifi be given tbe Port Orford
Lottie Fdrtyi
Baker came to Curry, aofij4 • or 10
Commercial Club end !opportiil»lty
had driven tba Davidson fam ily i
years ago, three two families have
their Studebaker Six. ’ When he Song— Away in A Manger,
affonled it to present-tile cUims of
bean anting their
l | eft hero M r. U n fib e q / did not ex Recitation— Laura Jess.
Port OrfRrd during the in v e s ti» ,
together, and the wet weather an d)
fulUler thaB Coquille,
R n y O m ,- —”
tioe of tbe Commiwion in tbe
th * report that wsv fix inch«.
Luette Johnston.
of snog at thpif desttnation, did aot
D, ri)lfon f„und lb at H WOuld
Lola Curl.
Herewith to a copy of e oircular
detar Mr. and Mro. Quellen from
cost him 4250 to ship hin nato and Seng— Saata Clans is Coming.
outlining infurmalion desired by
making the trip , it beieg their lure
go by troia to bis destination, ha Recitation— Carlos W h ile
the Commission before it investi
to break bread at their friends' ta
Inea Woodcock.
engaged <>1. to drive them through
gates any particular s it* that may
Me. '----------------------------------- in tbe cat. The tri p wu qearod e Melody In t — Orcheatra. . --------- be wfleted for navaT put
Recitation— Helen Stewart.
Mro Anna Gauntlet» and dsugh withoat mishap nr e partiale of au
you « ill have the information indi
Newt Curl.
I . « , Mr». C. W . Uanntlett 10 trouble, An idea of tha kind of
caled ia thi« circular prepared
E*ton Tfohenor, Bessie
hualiapd dir**
,e' , road» they had to contend with in
tsent lu lh» Commission at tbe St,
Stone am) Dorothy Stewart.
were in town Ta«t week while »nine pieces can be gleaned from Ihw
Frawns Hotel, Sue Frenetomi, you
cp ntlf,
Marian Ticheoor.
on tjieir way to visit friends and (act that going down the Siaklyeu
will faeilitaia further considéra lion
Byron Stewart.
rylatlvee at Qold ' Beach. “ Aunt mountains Into Qorohrnok thev
of ?-wt QrfoM ai b-s.
Leona Clarno,
.^nna’’, as Mrs.
ia famil were four hours going three miles
Bong— Nellie M ill, Laura and Alta
. J M. H kwl
iarly known, to » !» • )■ k*P* ,H« 7
when here trying to greet all of h e r' fenders and block tha wheels, and
Rear AAmiral, U. B. Navy,
friends. Bh« « • * * . Porl G ^ d when it wan nlearad tha oar would fbcitathHi-r-Anna Tiebanor.
! Seliior Member of tbe Cummiaefou.
.... parol Jubnaon.^
girl heroelf one time *" d haa friends run a abort djatanoa and then lb»
Ralph Curl A Nasta Forty.
without number.—Mbs and her hus mod cleaning process would haea to
Du« Curl.
hand have a email traatoflAnd near ba repealed. A aucoesafull trip on
Evelyn H ill.
Seattle, w h ic h .th e y fera»,
M r. der such ooodiliona speaks highly
Cassie MoCleilaa.
Oanntlett to a l » on bia way *o visit of M r. Liadbarg;aS kill w|th an an
Song by all— America.
at Gold Beach.
Rub «i a
} - ^,11! > ■».. ,
W e h ave ev ery th in g -a First
C lass Jew elry Store should
carry. | W rite and get our
prices on any article
yo u ¿pick from t o y
catalogue and we
AGREEABLY Surprise You
DO IT NOW a id sec for sure
8 6
EXPERT watch repairing
Bandon, On.
V . - lU s a w y e r ' -- --*-•*
Gold Beach,
A. SC H M ID T ,
M. D-
Ffijrafelan A Burgeon
Langlois, Oregon
Telephone «unneetfon With main tine
Bunt) Ahtraet*
. Company. J
e l d B r e a c h ,O r e g o n
B m the 0«ly
Bet of Abstract
Curry Coegty
« J ****
I -s
Eighteen Years Experience
W. A. WOOD, Manager
----------------------- “
;! E. B. HALL
JUty. at Lew , Notary Public
P o rt Orifird
— x •
----- -
A T tO a rS Y AT
Dr. F. A .Voge
Resident Dentist
Baudoa, Drogen
Will make periodical viafts to Langlois,
and Port Orford. All work guaranteed.
C. W. B O B B I S , M. D.
P h y s ic ia n an d 8nrgeon
3.1. fcTAiXY ~
UT ’
O O Q U IIL ® .
<fw W hen, I t M a y Couewrw.
, file nn-lersigned, hereby giv» "°-
1 S a t I ha»« • <*«• veyuooe ,ro® J
«u*ee to Mdolande and water lots in
Harbor of Port Orford, Ortgon, on
»rtion of which a part of the wh"*f
.«prod without my « *» *« “ •. .AJ!
Use srp hereby warned not to dj-i ve
Hue. Asa» O- Daer.
Oakland, Oregon.
rjiA Pe
K l
-Port Orftrd,
OOMl Fapd •!**»»• »»»»eh««!-
F r .sp r t» * « » ’-
Vissa-atops lu prtdy isapnt.
Hqderwood ‘Pyi’fwritee.
« I gay make Ukon a»
sarvina given to
ik» HifA
To eu4
Cost of living wo have -,
inoorporatod into a company known as
tho Denmark Farmers Stor?, act Denmark,
Ore., having bought the Denmark M e r­
cantile Co. Store, which carried a fu ll line
of everything usually found in a general '
store, so from the beginning we are able to
supply your wants and save you money, _
and orders are taken for anything we do
not carry—we kindly ask your patronage. \
YTe sell fo r oash only, and by doing so
we are able to meet the prioes of aU mail
order houses and give you a better O rtM s
for your m o/tey-try us and be convinced.
: v-.- ■
r .r
? J
' 0< ♦
• .
. .{ ,
. • - 'it . -
Come atfA investigate our priees befbre
sending away for your Christmas gooils,
and you will keep your money at home.
Denmark Farmers Store
'.y - * v
'■ i-,-
**1 W Î-’
W e w ill w ra p , r e a d y
f o r m a ilin g a ll X ’m as.
goods b o u g h t a t o u r
s to r e a f te r Dee. 1 3 th
s á m d í'i
B la c k s m ith iu g
W agons and B aggies for 8ale, kept in Stock,
also A gen t for A ll K inds of Farm ing Im ­
plem ent«; M cCormick Mower«, etc.
2 c .
Wood and Iron Work prom ptly done at a
f easonable price. Your patronage solicited.
P o r i , O r f o r d, O r e g
------------------- — ■■■ —
_ .