XMAS, ouncement The Aid «Ul a First » b this week, d Class Jewelry Store ahouid Uw holiday*. Í carry. W rite and get awe **< event«— the »booting *•» to efonta-a«hool director to M M •» ‘be , •dderburn from . trip * ,Uthern •«“ » aaa‘ ern part of the ‘ p atate, returned here a few day. ago. P ‘ ’ .• -tap Tbheaor Gem T l Wi fa r H .r to fJ '7 nJ’íhe t 'ü « Tiebenor left ¡¿ .« h l t ¡ ,e n Mtr8hfleW lb ® ’ «War part of l« u , * . _ ” we*b. bin Aral return home after bo and nfuU^ '^ Ua * r* gOne ’T’ th ^ '8 brother, John, for e church o r c h L t « ”^ tb* ’“ ** • umiaer ° n • 'rip intoGan ml . f " *da end other north western district*, latter part of la .t week for isgton, D, C-, »hare ba w ilt with ‘ h« W ar »epartmeo I tfa ter of improving Port Orfori 8 .P . P .irR , . . . I . u , . „ „ „ J . , night enroute to Gold Beaoh, where ¡t U underehjod ba ha. gone for the purpose of getting an injunction to etop the Stxea Mining company from dumping their tailing* into Sixa* • • • r . r . r f « « „ .J . • uPP,Jr base, by the buildin| breakwater which will' ebelt barbor from the winter «torra colne fru,n ‘ he »ou'h. Wh«n M r. Tiohenor le ft f t and wifeatarted from r borne Monday to Port dra. Marsh goes for went. She hae been her aide for some to oetter facilities when gha cuwaa * Ha especia,to epeo^the wifttar w in - F X tmaa exereiiee is J»ort big on the beach in i,Jii« vicinity, *f M* " b ¿ £ 7 down L . R T Langlois, Oregon FelephoMPWJncption with mala line •»» > » * • , » a . t a S i i . Has the Oily Set ot Abstract Hoofcs in C rffj County Gigfcfceu Ke>r$ EyfeneaM Prompt, Effident Service ' rain o with coats, Good, “ear them that M r*. Rickman plaip lining moved to M y rtje ftú n t. nding at aeama, 18.50. . . . .« « u w . or . « ,r« n u d ■ dl W. A. WOOD, Manager An euj «round* that boom day she but of th * big je tty would he ln»vi and that aoy ¡naide improvao would only be wasted and dels l j.; larger improvement. - M r. Tichenor will- return Washington j n time t o . attend1 ° ® « « » tegielalure, of which h< elected a member a t tha late f: ween Ltnwloi« and j that it is onlv an that comae over m il between thoa« aw c a r r ie d h v h .r«« ..-.„ u ... K J S ngiots to Port Or and o th e /o a ro 10» M r. and Mrs. John Eastman and r ■ * • * * * » h" been In (be bua¡naM ha.alao followmi bl* aa an engineer. He . . . ygo W t, OU trou ‘ hat there are many people in Seattle who would like to “ get beck tlon, « ¿ . ~ Se» D ----------- - Kaet San Diego, Gal., Dec, 8, ] t for Siakiyon conn- »ere they have ppr Jr# Xrw‘ ° f l,n d For two yean past i* m ail contractor brd an¿ Bendon, hie family at thia dro. Davidson and va made a great o regrpt to see them taay well withe* eir new bom*. tp the to ll”, and that he could bring Editor Tai bunk : W ell, we ere settled at last, i f be popld |u d epi table locations thought I would let you know, fpr Hmm to bpy. had a good trip coming down. I Pepffty ah e rif R. RT. went Hutchesoo and tha chiidran i out to Sixes the ¿rat of tb* week to 00 Kliaabeth coming to fila an attachment oa the property Frenciaao. W * stayed ift Fr of the $ew fo r k Mining Syndicate days and then came down I Go.. The attachment waa brought' on lh* Governor and non« of by Tom Rielaon, of the Bandon w#re *'ck’ * ° h«d • fine trip fi Hardware oompany, to secure the *° 8 * ” DiAfcn."« We all li) payment of * b ill of something over fine here. I t ba* been nearly ¿300. f t wa* reported that (hoce • “ “•b in * eo far, just two an operating the mine were about to *howera, end it ha* been foggy o or three week* iaa been bringing » Friday* and sell- IQma^pound. H e oe»»e work and laaye for San F ra n . few times lh« ®<>rning but 4 * » . h e n « the ttkSotAke to lew by «”“• before ten o’clock,., »i . M r- NMaon to proteot hie interest«. 1 ,fc «°i®8 tuhaveiLloyd op* Thiacopjpeny oommenoed opera. ‘ *1 «» lur lonaila an«j ndenoid* i and fam ily started m *“ y of hit friends to Curry county OMQV IIJ L B , f»»maoN H lttS S X fe S Meé W a t f b a v e l qo,.veyáq^7ró*C the K S 0* ar» flnianing op a fair «aed building, with the dance ball on the second floor and Henry Aklolphsen aq # noonced that ha and Rnht. MgReo , T bad ja .1 completed cfoaring , a 12 acre Bald for the p fo w ‘ d ib th e # big McKensie dairy form a t the mouth of E lk river. ■. f g converts.. # lion with M r. Adolpbeen wa learned f that thia makes 80 acre* of.rich hot» , l»ni land that baa hmm.put uinfor cultivation on thia raoob within the , the past three year«. The /giid had , at one lim e been covered with large »prune trees, and waa ojeeied with 'he gjd of a donkey engine. Juat aoroee the river from the Mo Kentie farm is the dairy ranch of L. Knapp, aud in the past 3 year* many obangea bavebed/i made here. i Considerable new land hae been broken to the plow and Tong ditoh- ee have been run to drain low land*. Mr. Knapp ha* «pent eeyeroJ tboua and dollar* improving tka piece, and is going to continue the work, At the present Um* be is building a barn to take the place of the one lately burned down.' .,1 , Adjoining these twofaem* further up the river i* the old .Joe Nay plaoe, now owned by M r. Sweet late pottmuter of Bendon. 8ome land has been cleared recently, and it ia understood that (ixfonsive im • _ ” . Wagvps and Buggiea for 8*1«, ] al»o Agani for AU ^ inda of , plemeutof McCoryiofc Mowers, Wood and Iron Work prompllj i'easonablp price. Your Datroi provemeuta are planned for the fu tu r n ■'**'•*' fu « -r K N A P ft HQTEI. . Port Orford, Orogon, G o jd Feed 8 ta b la attached. U. H N A W I»rops-let«*i\ CVMTCOÖWTT.«AL^AT1 dwelling on north Oregon street ia* nearing completion, and will be j ready for oocupauey before the Brat of the year. D. D. (fp G iil and son have been doing the work, and have b uilt one of >¿8 nfon and tnbstaa* tlaj ¿ome* of the town The bun gajow fa flflxM feat, including an fl foot porch on the east and south, and hae eight room* with a hath ___ ____ The Laaglni« gng men 1 have tarday and it re considered their decision npt to hold a Christmas shooting-tqatob, and are aow planning p mafoh that w ill laat tbrqqgh tiro deyse^Dec. 28rd pod f# th . Beef and virions kind* of fowls p ill be offered as prises. Marksmen from any where io C o m aad Carry a rt invited, and the Lang *0d hypepent. Mr. Mroeton own* Joi* boy* a n going to try aad dp shoot I»* ncroa of ground wbeye Rp bettor thpn their nefohboro at Rigas ia building, whfoh will tome «Jay fo did last Ralurday «Ren viaiting 1Be the OtoM cuynetive »qota ia markwpen carried away all the the radadjan Open Under New Managem et that ia the t baydjy aee . n j J am going ba< aud see all of i joMice to it in Can you ten bero of my p»p for 1 wpnt to « fog a io o I left Board by Day, WfleR ay Moath Gen. Drijyery, keep it oomfofl W itb in g tv die neighborhood qf town aa it it pripaa. A big danse will takepl.ro Christmas and Healy toasted on the herder of Ger- in the Langlois hall eo th« night of 1 reman», Ye«r Butcher Shop in Connection Choice Meats at a Reaaonable Price • Yowr Patronage Solicited W. b . J ohnson , prop.