The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, December 06, 1916, Image 3

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    T b n « w ill ba • regular business
m e aaste were also assessed to M r.
Mrs. Alice Masterson, from iowar Hawkins. The ease «eneed
» * , has been spending Meers I InterM t aod tho sou« mam w m wqmt m io s of-.British Columbia,
and In tbe farmer atty they had __
d a r t in town eialUngat the F . /
that they will probably
. * « W* , ^ o te « te A re,h “ <*k at Lindberg hoom.
giving notion of appeal. is said to ba
to tnspam «po* Wh« k
r some time. They
McKenxw A Poole's. Trawler booties
contemplating thia action. Much
rh e T illie o m «lob rolled o f ,
Feed and had
• * * * * " pnrpoM of Oah i X ew . S "
•igoor baa been bnmght io this part
w w
u* *
gentleman's8 3 5 outflt lest Saturday,
>•«. hpfting, or otharwjaa.
of Curry xsnunty In automobiles nod tboir 1816 license nusdfer. A Port-
consisting of a suit of clothes, shorn,
land policeman picked them up
W . T. W y ifa , fig.
the officials decided to test owt the
L « M * tf-toa shore mantlooad but d
Wm. MqPhWamay and bride of hat, ate. Ja»s Sutton was (be luoky
ownets of the c a t
right of individuals to transport Jt.
* '* • *
r* * ‘»ina theooof ra ta l,
■tan, with tbs high shake of 44.
Their explanation did not satisfy
‘ ions of their many faiends at the
him sod they m an token to detee
Ralph and L ola C u rl walked Out
•■n* Saturday night.
Ai«e headquarters fa r further griU
to the Pearae boms on Middle K lk
log. When they gave their names,
h u p v ria o r 4 . J. Marsh bed a Thursday morning, a dielanee of 40
fames Collier, of M anbfield, and nod residence aa Fort Orford, one
* * W O f » e a o n the road Sunday milaa, which 1« quite a walk fo r
Mias Haasl Man waring, of Langl+j^ of tha dvteetivM broke to with,
*n d Munday repairing the damage
youngsters ten and twelve years of
you're a ll right, some up to the
xtf Saturday night'» storm.
•ge. They returned home Monday. were married here yesterday * t the
M. R. South parsonage by Rev. f t . bouse end s m nae’’, and mush to
A government agaot „ „ ia toW0
Aheir relief the “auspicious charao-
Pave M cKentie was a Baodoo M . L aw .
night looking u««r thia see wiakor last week and returned in
£ e Oily Set of Abstract
M v,Puiliar w m a iGogujlb boy, A m o " found that they had met John
•Moo Xor horeee that will d o /o r the
JBwfcB Carry Conaty
Ahe Mg blow Saturday night. Limbs who baa a good p m ltto . In tbe richenor, a brother to our towns,
awwiee. He went s»u to Gold Beach ware ty in g about J . the green t i n
Southern F aeile nervine, baring
F. B. Twheaor. From that
bar tbie aide of Ifanm nrC find M r. hma employed M M ntly as foreman tim e on one conspinoons featura o f
fffehtam Yean Experience
Grover 0 . Cox w m fa Fort Orford Megenyie had to fa m * b i* hot— of a bridge oonatrualioa crew to the the toy'« jitu e y was Ila lieeaM No.
Salorday malting fivroyear proof on oyer Mvvral logs across the road
Willamette valley.
John baa beeu engaged by L.
frwapt, Efficient Service
his homestead near Langlois. R.
to have charge <d the letter’,
Tbsre w ill ba an alLnight danee
. Co« and Jas. Sypbar acted as
at Hen Franeieeo raaeatiy, came up dairy an R lk Hear. Louis remain
■1 Spurgeon's hall a t the
WOOD, Manager
I f t h e l i ^ Hl a,r < W * ,a * <UP- i « 1 io « • * ad in Coo, oounty.
bridge next Saturday night,
« • ¡ f a r tbv happy event. She is wall
H arry foarm . who has beau at weather permits there w ill
• * • known and popular la Coquille,
Cosmopolis, Wash., for the past two shooting a a tab all day Saturday.
E. B. H A lt
a t thrse months, returned Ao F o rt Beef and other things w ill ba shot having frequently visited here. The
Sentinel unites with their many
JUty, at Law, Notary Pubftg Orford last Friday, and will spend for. Ills “Sixes against the w o rld * frianda ia dongmlulations and bra : Copied from the Tmaunn of Novem-
the winter at his parent's home a t and the world is invited.
beraiat. ! » _ waiter Sutton, Editor.
Port Orford
wiahaa on thia suspicious o<«aai on.—
M iddle g lk .
| „
Cyrua Maddan paid Port Orford
wots the following bargains at Coquille 8eotlnal.
a visit Friday.
OeoaPeiroe and Mel Fitxhugh iMcKeoaie ft Poole. R»in Coals
Tha bride ie aa expert cheese
warn Sixes marksman who attended (dic k e r,, 81.48.
Medium length maker, and has worked in some of
I»am W alker has moved from the
the turkey shoot in town last week, rainooete, 82 24 each, long eoata
the factories oi
— ----------
Corry, Bond plaM to Blscklook Point,
Pane q u it ha «Magnet after the Bret »2 K . Dressy rain coate, Good. ,r,d * f 8 ,r * f ° » « the heed cheese
I a grippe la making it, annual
HOLD BRACK. o p i e o s
afternoon, bat Mei staid over tbv year brand, ten with plain lining ¡ * ”Uter »■ “ »a factory at Eucbre
and a number of severe
next day and took home a couple and leather binding at seams,I8.&0.
of birds.
Plaid Maeklnawa with belts.
the T illic u n clubtomor-
avsning, Members are request
. «A *
. G «W
4 o l4 B « a e f c ,O r « g e *
H r
fA e D e n m a r k r a r m e r t J S t o M , a t D t t ^ r k
‘COMtde Co. Stone, uAieh carried a fu ll line
^f^veryihint u^taU yfou^d in a ¿ Z o fa l
»lore, eefrom the beginning we are able to
^ p p ly y o a r want» and »ace you money
- n i ordar. m taken f . r a n ^ k i a f ^
notearrg—we kindly ask year patnenage.
we are oMe to meet the prices of all maU
order houses and, give yon a hotter article
fo r your money—try u s a n d he ^ r i nged
>. A
our price, before
a n d t a e w d l k e ef y ^ ,
a t home.
Denmark Farmers Store
Dr. F. A. Voge
Resident Dentist
Sam Malehorn was dowa from
Bandon with bis Ford Monday, the
tree, that were blown In tbv road
Saturday night haring bees cut out
Sunday. H e said that tbe wind
blew oat plate glam windows in
three Bandon »topes.
One of onr oallars greatly regret,
ted that ha bed not written to tbe
John Lindberg and Wm. Logan
have been engaged in patting a new
A telegram received yesterday by roof on the Blank look building.
C. W . Huicc of this ally, from Salem,
The DIvelMm M ining Co. will
Oregon, w m to tba effect that his
hulld a tramway fifteen hundred
mother, Mrs. gHga J, Boioe had
died. Tha body w i« .roivs hnns to, feat fang to connect the mine with
the m ill.
venerable J. ff. U pto«, of Langlois,
before he died. M n U p lo u ia
M ill
Will make periodical visits to Langlois,
vary m«nh alive and poatributes ah
and Part Orford. All work guaranteed.
•rU a le o fU m M y topics WMkly
tbv F ort Orford T bib u m x . H e Is
Wa am agents for ' Quality" Tai one o f thv lew men who have had a
Interment w ill he in a local em
Chas. 8. Winaor, R. D. Hama's
lore. J/tok tbe Hue of samples over eh*nos to read their own obituaries.
at Rogue river, cams up on
at ooTstore, Study (be value and — Coquille Senljnel.
Fbyatelw s a n d Surgeon
KHxa J. Boins eras born October j ^ e Areata, Friday morning, from
yon will s m that you get quality
Tbe marksmanship at iba Thsnfce- 1 , 1800, in tbe slate of Missouri, the city, and left Saturday morning
0oJ4 Bes/ifr, Oregon.
for quality. y«u can save money
giving shooting match at Fort O r. and died in Saiem. Orogui., h o v e « for G o ld Beach.
k g buying the “QueSty” line. R *.
ford was not quite up to standard. her 28, lBlg, being about 66 yaera
r y n ub guaranteed. MeKsuxie f t
F « h n W f «tonAmtbedmfc,
rted to M T 7 ^ a 0
cloudy weather. However, at «0 Bowe » the Middle Western Bute.'
o’clock. The big raft started out
The dam » given by the bead Inst yards.with a rest ona usually had to they coming Io Oregon in Wfl,
na Saturday aveaiog’v lids, and tba
get within half an ¡neb of center to settling nt Langlois where the fam ­
P O Q U IL L J C ,
v . OBrOOM
Captain of tba Arcata reported that
enjoyable danoee that has been bald win. Tiro moat consistent shooting ily has since made its borne. Her
— ——
in Fort Qrford for some time. Sev­ w m done by Bernal Forty, who won husband died February 18, 1816, when be crossed nut the reft was o„
the soptb spit boginning to hrs»k
To W h o m I t
eral automobiles loaded with young the oqly turkey shot off string meas­ and tba wifa naver rscorered from
The tug Ranger wan out over
folks came down from Denmark and ure on a string of I f inobas far three tha skunk, bar mind being affected
tba bar, doing her bmt to haul it
Langlois apd everybody bad a good
» M U a o w ,i
to e«eh an extent it w m deemed
off, but with small hope of sucoe»»,
- * - totldalauda
- ^ J , d a and
a s d water IW
tote to
beat to tend b«y to the ¡stale hospl.
Umv—a time unspoiled by diaortler
or of Port Ovfayd.Orswoa^
Orford, Orfaaa, on
M r. and Mre. ? , B. Davidson re
M r. 8linsen, who took a ranch up
tei at Salem, wham she could be
of ^htoh a part o f the wharf of any kind, the m u lt of getting
turned Friday from a trip to Grant*
«u <riuu><» my aonaaat.
_____ Aft
Hubbard’s Croak, tbrM miles from
given expert oare.
booge further and farther in tbe
are hereby warned an*
to <Mm
Pars and northern California pointe.
The Boise fam ily ant numbend Fort Orford, just about one year
r treepeaa to nay ma near wbat- beck ground.
found a location in Stokiyou
on Mid tidelanda or water tote.
tbe pioneer residents of the ago, haa certainly performed a sur
For Mveral Sundays past, 0 . H . coupty, Cak, that suited them, and
Mae. Aava 0 . Dear.
Langlois end Bandon eommnnity. prising amoent of work, for so short
Portland, Oregon.
Faeroe on the viotin, N . H . Laraoe w ill leave with their fam ily je
DeoMstd it survived by Mveral aont a time, He baa built a good wagon
on the Horn«, L /« n Woodcock with few days to asks that plaae their
■■■■ —
gnd daughters, among them A. H , road to the pisoe, hauled In lumber,
the clarinet, and Mrs. H . T . Stewart future home. They will make the
Bofae of Langlois and C. W . Boioe and built a oommodious, comfort­
at the organ, have been playing trip there by auto. Mr. David»on
of tbe local Cuaat Guard Station.__ able end neatly finished nuiJencei
special mnsic at (he preaching aer- said when they left Siskiyou oounty
Port Orford, Oregon,
olesred and fenced a field of several
Western World.
yioM ip the evening. I t is musie tba roads wart dusty, and tin
acres; cleared, fenced and planted a
Q o m I Feed S ta b !« a tta c h e d .
that U worth coming out to hear. had bean scarcely any rain there
sufficient, to supply the fam­
I .
P r o p r ie to r
M r. Woodcock was the champion thia fell.
ily with more potato« and veget­
whistler o f thero parts when he took
He has
Posters are out for a big dance g l
The home of Prof. F. H . Robinson ables than they m d use.
First-elaM in every respect.
UP clarinet work with the band
to grass a large aroa of hill
Langlois on Deosmber 26th- The
1 Bixes yaa bqrnsd fast Friday
tome two ymrs ago. H e is gifted
Lnnglois hoys were intending tn night, and scarcely any of its non lend, enolosed bis roeidenee with a
for tbe inetyument be playa, and i f
N o tic e .
giro • shooting match a t tbe same tents ware saved. The fire happen, neat fence, built outhouses, corrals,
he follows it w ill some day be up
time, but hare given up the idea. ed Io th . evening when M r. Robin •to- M r. and Mrs. ffiiasen are ju s t­
NoUoeiabeyeby given fa nU persona among the heft.
Wbethsr fear that the 8ixm and •on acc:de«tel|y knocked • lighted ly p r o w r ti tbeir borne and their
phorn It may ponccyn, not to enter up
F. B, Tiebvoor, Joint Represents Port Orford boys would carry away
lamp from ■ table. Tbe lamp broke aohlevameuts. Curry county needs
M er treepoag upon the premises at L .
Rnapp. tor tbe perpnee of hunting, or 11 vs slept from Coos and Curry, was tba prises bad anything to do with and the (fames scattered over the more of such people, to transform
■gar nqrth on yMterday’s thia dmiaion we are unable to M y ,
Usbln. with noon and line. Said pre-
wild lands into pomfortebls sod
By the time Mr. Robinson
p lsM are aitostod on Blk Rivey, Corry
H e intends to stop a day or however, If the northern Carry boys
could get a bucket of water the Qra pleasant bomm,
Coaaty, Oregen, and generally knpwn two io Langlois and also ylait aav-
ean still shoot as well as they did a had caught in the paper on the wall
From Gold Besoh Item«( Several
»« the “ Bond” place.
eral days in tba various Coen cdun year ago, they need aot hesitate to eed had run vp to tbe oai|iag «nd
were in town Saturday to attend
anrpereeaer peyaoca m > tntopa««-
i»s tor the perpoM 9 f b ittin g , fishing, ty towns finding out what the peo­ (patch tbejr skill with the brnt.
w m beyond control.
the danne and shooting maioh. The
or traveling tbrQegh 1» gny shape tone ple of thia dUtriot want iu tbe way
The fire spread ao rapidly that prije for tbe »hooting match w m a
L m I Saturday night this eection
pr manner, or tearing down fences, el of lagislttion. H e ia killing two
M r. Robinaon saved but very little beef put up by J. H untley— five
leaving out aide g«fae open, er molest birds «1th one stone by doing spec­ was visited by one of the heaviest
of bie belongluga. I „ addition to chance»; first chance one hind qusr
Ing personal property, will be praeecu ial work far tbn Oregon Journal. windstorms of reosnt year». The
hie bouMbold fixtures bs leet bie ter, 2nd, one bind quarter, 3d,
pd to tbe fell s tte p t qf the lew.
M r. Tichannr w ill return to Port wind blew a il night with grant vio­ library, bis winter’s provisions, and
fort quarter, 4th, one fore quarter,
JW» 1. fghnaon.J Orford and spend Christmas with lence, and tbe following morning
tqt the above
even his teeth, lying on a table, end 6th, hide, tsilpw, etc. Like all
his fam ily h*rv, (raving again abort the bavoo it wrought ooqld be sm o
were overlooked ia the excitement. matches of that kind, the shooting
Jy for Salam where the legislature on all sides. Yard fences ware
Through his fa bora as one of the * “ ’ • / i* ble'
o o fiy W s s J in lT iry ttli
nountyVlrading school-teachers Mr. Hedrick Wilson walked oft with
government telephone lin t
g u m c o u y rr r o t
t„ ,
.„ „ 1
Robinaon bed acquired a pomforta- first prixe, George Meservey eecond,
I n , .b m n b
. 0 ™ r l." d down iq mapy plaoes, P , J. " Lind
bums and Its hws to him now, Hediiok
. . . o m J l - ,h .n L h .h . «
' ’ “ • k 'P r *
«utomobiles when both tbe ma
ia bis advancing years, te a heavy ehsnee; Frank Bailey got awe,
pieces, the ruade were blocked TIM»
• 4 a .
phi nee broke dnwe and were put in
timber both aides of inqrn, and tbe ona, and ona over which ha baa tba with third ebsnee, W m. Geuntlett
' Ä
- ’ S K Ä . ' storage hero. Recently R. A. L p d
• with fourth obanee and A lf Gaunt
country generally bed a wrooksd sympathy of thv eommnnity,
berg received word to put the cars
A ------
latl fifth and laat oh«nos. Tbs dis
appearance, pne pufTof wiod re
Call •nd see dm , or eend fall fa»«
in running order, and |aat week M r.
wav sixty yards net and forty
H ow’x T h b l
corded a 14J m ilt aa boar velocity
(ion and
xl list yo^r property wftfe me.
Brasfia arrived to take them anay.
off hand— all rested.
et Cape Blanpo. Thia ia M id to ba
Ha «as inclined tp Jet tba garage
AGENT for U a _ _ „ , • • • t — •
Omrdb Adfattm ft tb. K S. Qmdt,
* H old mMhiro. $ f fay «fakq fake«
u i ko
aerarrd by Ju»tios W right that l w
at C * m F l . t t . , .
part payment
bosieeas way Apt done that way amj
“ « » » « • •*
Bunday 8chonl at 10 o'clock
Preaching nt 7:JO by tba P » « ,^
that i f be to o | hie pays be ipnet pay
w i « tortfap fh*»
W. H . Mrxna, Psetoy,'
far tbeir r o p e ir , b» firrangad a «ak-
— ■
..fa . .
tJetpMrt. F rid fiy, with H arry Peane rtald o«.w tU
Jr. Wan
ro» B2SL
• “ • * * *” • . wwmb.
driving 00a « f tbe earn as far aa
puMfar M b
B la c k s m ith in g
Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock,
a so Agent for All Kinds of Farming I m.
plemeoU; McCormick Moyera,eto.
Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a
easooable price. Your patronage aolicitod.
P o rt O r f o r d , O re c ro a
Open Under New Managemet
Board by Day, Week or Month
Ypttr Patronage Solicited
J. P- DAVIS, Prop. ~
“ " - A« s r j r s = ;
j* >m]Mi'¿'¿a ’
aw. •
- i ? 1'
t- "* '
G E N T L E M E N ’S
F U R N IS H *
— C . W , Z(J M W A LT & S O N S
©all and gee @ur Lines
' ''t
A*r- •