TC»»«*'»- Always Sting “Put The B u m w Cl 4r H. T.STEWART Editor aud Publisher fiS u lM M 'rlp f I o » , 81.JSO fi ’ 11 UUMT * « A H I* , mJ U n i i B o a r i« « . The Leading Paper of (hurry County, ■ ’ I ’S aO B Afc' - , „ iM l 1 1 % l\ Special Featners which will Apptal to Too T IN SHOTS: -Double the number contained iu an oidi* uary revolver and two more than other automatics. ACCURACY: The pistol is so constructed that all powder ases are utilized insuring extreme accuracy, as well *S'freedom from foul'iu g W P U C lT Y : Fewer parUt ban any other automatic pis­ tol. Completely dismounted by hand without the aid of tools. No screws to work loose. • SAFETY: Breech positively and automatically locked during the time of discharge. Cannot be Bred un­ less the triggei is pulled. When the safety is on neither force nor folly cau discharge it. BALANCE: Perfectly balanced, e nter of gravity weP to the rear. Lies naturally iu the hand.. Will not flinch on the trigger pull. The only automatic which locks at the breech while the bullet traverses the barrel lis b every W ftW a i,'- if Pori Orford, Oregop ■ J TTMa. a a C A L IB R E A U T O A T IC P IS T O L The Savage Automatic smothers every adversary iu •be rapidity o, its Are. When the occasion comes you have ready the quickest, handiest and most accurate arm made. Give yourself every possible advantage. It means life or et. The laaaagen albo issne e 8aM>«Wz«Kt.Y, which is especially adapted «or people who do aol aere for a Deily, but want a good family paper. Any oftbeee paper, can he had in muubination with the P O R T OR- The exclusive right to handle this Clevis w ill ba «old by Ooentles o r States, o r aet ot throe o a * be purohaa. edluar S1.00. Address W . E. B u rrow , Corbin, Ore. PO R O T R IR U R R . S U M following ratea Daily and Tribune - • a n t i g ite WEEKLY OREGONIAN B otu P apers one y e a r Jor $2.2(1. The PORT ' ORFORD ■'TRIBUNE ----A N D ---- Daily Sunday and Tribune The New Idea Wcmai ’a Magazine 8emi Weekv. and Tribune BOTH ONE YEAR SFOR 1 78 . .tt. W . offer , 0 » . f e e / l o r . . 1 l « £ ! “ X J f " ' S ’ J S £ ‘ F T ¡»ereadineioran ad d itio nal coat of only Sf c t / * Samples free. *CB WEIGHT: 19 oz. including magazine. len g th over all inches. Price £15. Any wido-awake dealer will show you this m iniiture rapid Are gun. If he will not supply you, kindly adviseus and we will send it prepaid. Start to a $ Better 16761120 U T IC A , N E W Y O R K ‘"“d.Orog0“. Itle^T T ^L f"* "* »«»»paper published K i'Ä Ä Ä V S month. 1 S (*n.„ie m end *1] persons found trespassing upon the premises of the undersigned for the purpose ot bunting or Ashing or other, wise w ill be prosecuted to the fu ll ex- tent o f the lew. C. W. Z U M W A L T W A S H iN Ü T O N 0 . 6 . a>*afc ■*»> l» aneea« »aa». S . I U Y . ta !« e t that yo« win ba aurnrla^l at Iba la a lit. 5. n . » - I Uta b » n i-r that k»> k a it yoa tuudi Tha x rtta tasca«« U to • a j y Sd :a a ut n a it k • » taacaanoa baluw. I t « M e»«r Ut» »(«« : ' . • • ■ »»«»•w le tha eoujuut. oia-k X «H« • m o r > » w a o t t» « « ,« . ett in a a , a*ad Un usupoa to «s. 3> .«•ura m aq » e « tu t«>> »o» tu«» t » « « • aasflr. |»a«»ly, a o t ut rata» aparo data