The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, November 15, 1916, Image 2

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    ton h»vy
¿ it ÿ w t
» rig h i
tb . n r . ,
* 1
■ —
PAT f e r . M>
u ,.
Noe, «s i t eaui..-?» he au(«p"*ed CH4
The | m * i aererai «I ira ha* mode
th ey b u f i
it waaintended p ife a v * it a «ha»»- bai liltU tSiauge in Ibe Presklenlial
enforce th e P ro h it
M a I T-1-flL~r ’* ’*
«R sidsufany « n e iit,.* «iluuinut. ' U iia u n ’a eleethw. iagen
th e other
__________________ I _ ouW h . _ ti»"'*»«» w^akb ve Bilia, l i K*-« •«■«»!, cwwaded, yel Ihe geueral re»
•nfHirr'HvM tiw ur Wilson anrwvr tBek> • * *
,« u ll, and Ibe eleeti.u» in «ertral
C u n y co u n ty b e n i,y Hn, | i U„ g
y . g u«k Ex»
“A l W f f * 7
J h" i * ^ ‘r*- u u n tata, ita » 11>* <|Uo..vrry
'..«A » U le e p a i thè sw icb f H ab* e h . . * ? p i i » , , r . i n - r t ae m .rketl; * #* y
' M • " " * * * »“ .U g h i y rt
g M
,è h a . I . i k « - a w a h n n
^ I t in n o t fo r ue lo
-*1» you ara aleetad v ili you rto. £ 2 ?
ea »«•*•»«»• BUI *b M » bea q u ie ti/ !
’** * *
2 « ?
y- * « -
SfcV* 3.t:
Ameriean ¡ i h . Ode of yietury. Bug bea
» 1 i* * ‘«h.,»g b i. aongr.m l.uoa» io
i R ato * Bsaaaaaaan.
for ne to aay ss
, J 8 F « d .ra i S p o r t a fo «>».
( A II«.... « m il thè »eo li i . deSnitaly
Tbe word “*l....g'’ boa a auuto» aeuhiished.
. « .
(btHMtc.aiij Holt«, for tbe rrgulaiioi
wbai alaatio meeting,
a b ra ! Oregon weal for Hughes bv about
yiaable fo peaa tb e b o iio d ry ( ) ( lU r ,Ul4(>f
(a its Bluet teebnioal ' 8000; Waebingloa and California
am en d m en t a t t b it tim e , S u f-S h « N Y »lock Exchange,
«•"•»I and Ila meaning stuet in a for Wilann by about 10,000 an«l 4
f c . t o „ y t h « I t d id . p m I
greet mestare be controlled by
M ichigan voted d ry b y ov­
er 70,000 leaf weeh; p re g ó n
copgratolatee M ich ig an
i t was elaim sd in
quarters, before election, th at
Cooa eoupty wae dom inated
by a rio g of politician«. W
th e 1000,
and w ill soon beodne one o f
,,jg MU,j lrUB wy jeubjvct Better, the contest, en«i tbe
Shu laws of our State. A n d i,,g i0 y«.^,«« u. tbs challengr, »isril end ioteni » f ile oee.” 3 Cur
in th ia co n n ectio n th e T a i- ¡“bemu't to beat j”
pue fu r 1«, p, 114L
w w fthont fe a r o H a v o r w illj. Amj oow ler ,
Jt is, tberefure, tbe view of the
.■, • . -tp y
uow IO« A rOC'a orutfiwr. Jtl
oppose tbe re fle c tio n of a n v
y ¡a
I, ll cui.aciet.ce «uoh an mterpriee OuBrl that the weetern boundary of
C u n y county b m U cident with the
officer who does not oonaoien- ; ought to be deferred a n ti! after tbe
wwtern buundary of the State
tiously discharge hie duties
C..n»mi«eitoiSP lakes bis east,
within the norpi ^nd fouth bound
. ip regard to the en fo rcem en t
o/ ,en “
'* * *
ery line« of lh« cp u n lj, and that
o f O togon’a d r H « .
mmliy ’ F for road — macfalnesy
¡ p W » « * t e Satitie3 to the ¿.Minty
voters o f th a t coffin! V evid en t­
Z -
* . ;
M»»« “ » 2 « « *> • MlUd by bin,.
ly believed e n flR to ¥
tb o
T h 4 ,,iU m .in your %ohinin of! the amount to bs , warrant
cusc, as w herever they had
••Away Back * new» calls up memo ,« f the o u a ty and ttmU.W provid
ries o f «¿a limes« tlb t: tried 'Htbti'b: i * l th at the county shall ba reim
the flhanoe th e y ta m e d down
Doth Cone end Curry oounty ere
ils, whea wa wem-todumd to d i r t ! buraed one half tba amount by tba
¡p a d e c is iv e m a n n e r a ll of etfosgly Republican, end when
th e ir officers who
fpr rereleotiop, -
I n tbp la te «taction H o n .
J o b o S , C oke carried «very
pouuty in th is d is tric t io th e
ftve-oornered race fo r c irc u it
judge- I t te indeed a splendid
epdprsem ent by th e people of
big fitness for th e ju d ic ia l
hepph.. Jt w t n expression of
c o n fid e » » ip hl» n *tb w • » -
tiops, and an endorsem ent o f
his p o t action«, over w hich
Judge C oke m ay w ell feel
= = -— « i m
aecessity of driving prime b'kawF State.
all tba way nver to Roseburg,
J ohm 8. Coxa,
•iderable B ajurity in each coanty
over ftis opponent, It, f . Peirce, at
the poll« iaet week, it ie eafe to ae- o f getting two esnis a pooN» yog
eume that there wae aoina queetion THBMl That whs in tba early »(Pe,
at ieaue to vbuiit tbe volar« attached and ooincidea with the yeara when
oooeidereMe importance. Mr. fviroe the money circulation wha lees than
had been seat to the Ugi»letore l l j per capita In tbe United Slates.
Following ie the official result of
__ ____I t was during such time« that the
aevent! tim«e. gven hie eaemi
election iu tliiewxiutHy 1
a h « o u tire ^ *,irt,,b l *'*r ,F pf»pounded the
admit that ba baa gone
P um m orr:
ability, and hia various coaiuittae MQ uantatlre Theury‘,'W' money as
----- . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 2
appoin'ioenU prove it.
Having affeuiing prices, sad. wets ridiculed
had experience ae a legislator, It ie out of court for tb eit patna. Ji wet
H enley,
.................................... 10
quite ptweibb that ba could accom­
Bet^sn, . . .
»»., • 1 1 8
«-■ «!
W., .44, r
plish more than a aew memher balmed ia a > vuhfidte o f United
could. Yet, in view of those facie, State« history the positive assertion
Mr. Peirce, a Republican in a Re­ that tbe “Qtmnlaliva Theory was Hawjey, B . . . . . .
publican dielrict, is decisively de­ tbe emanation of Crude ignorsneet”
feated by hia Democratic opponent.
up Frank U. Ticht-nor received a con
I t is ppderetood th a t a large
p etitio n baa gone -in to the
pounty co u rt jreiponstrating
against th e purchase of a rock
» u s h e r, T h e re are m p n y i n
th ia cud of th e eoWnty w h o
d id not, and do nett believe
th a t the tractor v »s • good
in vestm en t fo r th e oounty,
w d Ih u M » n « i . n » i . p .r -
There muet be, and there Ie, a rea«a
on, and that reason ia summed up
in the oua word •‘ Prohibition.”
M r. Peiroe waa accused of being
wel, and ba practically admitted
the accusation, and ba was caught
____________ ___
in Ib ad ry. wara tpat^a^naalng ov
er Oregon
Oregon and
end «wept
swept down
down to da
it may ba th a t, Ms.^JTicbenor’«
oppoaition to «pinThg TnTb<ue riv-
,h„ ’ .
........ .
chance on drappng a “w h ite
elephant.” P u t regardless of
> p y tractor arg u m en t, th e
believes t h a t C u rry
COgPty pepds p ropk crusher.
I t is tru e th a t fro m P ort Q»>
fo rd n o rth , w lthsuoh streams
11th hoar mud elingipp tactic* o f
hie opponent, but regardless i f a ll
this it waa tbe strung, steady pn-
der current nf the dry wave th at
carried M r. Tichenor into the hells
of the Oregon Legislature.
Frank » . Tiehehor
a loyal and uneelfleh booster of
I l k , Sixes, W illo w and and Curry aounliea, and tba T g j
piorps creek to furnish g ra v - suss baiiavea that ba will be found
an effleient worker for their welfare
)sl, rook crusher is n o t bad­
in the helis of our legislature.
ly needed, b fl1 from here
south ^th,ere are m an y lo n g
atretphes wh,ere gravel can-
p o t be h»d- £ o p k dum ped
Thu foltevliiii'decIrtbri o f 'jaiTgk
p il, be ofiu'tereet to our yegif-
ara. I t has jdst Bran handed down
in the ceee of W a . Hunt«» ys. J. R.
Rlannard, ae Couflty}elerk., and wa*
put p p to tne Circuit' Judge as a
teat base. The aeele, or sealion,
mentioned ,n (be decision were kil|-
e j by Mr. H un ter ‘a t the Rogue
river reef Igat apripg. Th.- decision
. ” '
; . «Mt Coke
haps larg ely signed by those bot£s wgs popular, a d f I t may be
«rho do n o t care to take an y that peo|ds bad grown'tiied of tbe
Coo# B av Nora
The gasoline elOnp Tramp, which
been ja the Rogue river trade
p n th e rpad jp large pie*»»
during (he summer and fo il, was
pever gets smooth and sopn
laid ap fur the winter last week by
is rolled to one side and the
the owner, p e p l. John Swing.
B a n k in g
J d a il S o lio ito d
In te r e s t p a id on 8 a v ix ig JLcS’ts.
W ilton by about 900 la Minnesota.
Eugene V . Deba, several time«
Roeialist candidate for President,
has been eleeted Coogreasman from
’ -fc .
Kx«<M«vernor, H iram Jobnaon,
wae elected Senator in California by
a large m ajority.
California, outaide of San Fran»
pitoo, voted d ry, but that city threw
the state wat:
Oregon voted dowg, th e . Brewers
Amendnieui by about 47,000.
The bone dry amendment, pro»
bibiting the importation of a ll liq
unre for hev»rage porpoaea, carried
by about 3000.
The Single Item Veto; tbe 8hip
Ten Exemption; the Negro Suf­
frage; the A nti Compulsory Vacci.
nation; the Rural Credit, and the
State Wide Tax Limitations Amend
uientaaH curried.
The Pesilleton Normal; the Full
Rental Laud Tux went down with
the Brewers Amendment— the for
mer by 8,000 and Ihe latter by 82.
The Sunday Cioeing4Law*waa re-
pealed by 80.000.
i _
In CiMW county old officer« were
replaced by new men by a two to
one majority.
Qddy euoueeds Wataon ns Clerk;
Cage defeated Johueon for Sheriff;
Byers replace.1 T h rift for
H a ll beat Ltljeqviat for DRt A tty ,
and P hilip* i, elected over Coke for
Cotninteeioner. * '
■ '*
latiop ie now witbig- a fraction wf
< t
or S ta «
t* •* «5
941, and to which greet fact the Cnnnoa.S.
•••■••AVI’ S»*
Woodrow kVtlaoo mto points Ofcutt, R
» ’JL» • •/. •
with pride! A n8 b e é f-Stock now
‘JbSTtCK Soyáiuig Or:
brings 6 j cant» a pound!
S H g h t ,P . ., ,
........... ; , , i a 8
Langlois, Or.
Probihilioo Oarriatl in Alnrka,
Barnett, * R . . . , . . ............... . ,,»
, 559
. , .181 Montana, Soull? Dakota, Mtuhtgin
Hnemer, 8 .....................
. . . 4W0 j BoJ Nebraska, and wae defeated in
Moore, f t .'......... .........
Jud«« Cabe Haid« T W f e t f ,
r e s tiv e ly .
T a s ility
J fe m d lin g Y o u r E usinece
It ia n o t
S re ry
. . .812 California and Marylau l. A ll at
tempt* tc tq r^ d ry »tale» ae> faild l
P a | bt A F ood C om '«.
--- > ‘"M ■ .' Vs •
, ..
¿gM t iW i
McKinnon, M .. .V
—...... .. i. ■■■
M o t a a d C o l d Twt» am d « f o o w e r H a t h a
. %
Mrs. C. D . L am son , P ro p .
y .
>■ ^ S , e c . ,
Hardware of all Binds
Oliver, D . ' . . . , ........ ....
MieWe, R ; .................................
Rwnpel, P . . . . .
frleu.t-hlp liuke waa • WINNER
and we Want to thank all of you girla
for the interest that you have shown In
them. Judging by U>e orde» ' we a »
Crgpurr /troua
. 4 0 1 reoeiviag every day. qnite a number in
Carry oounty intend a
Coke. B . . . .
is» »
, 660 bmorfet nt onto.
n t
Hamilton, D . . . . •.r toe ................ .542
» M i Links In OoM or Silver At
Potter, R . . . . . . .
20c enub.
Fancy Link» in Oold or Stiver at
26c each. Engraved with 3 Initials free.
T H R 8 T A T K O F O R B G O N , IN
A N D FOB C U R R Y . C O U N T Y .
Jojgy RgyBoaugTATiVS
IW n w f Ä . a.• . «.« a ¿4 g ^n’a* e e s , 89« M E N :
W illia m Hunter, PfoiatlfTl
rinlieuqr, I)
............. ..... .475
J. R 8iannard, as County
Van Cam p.8 ...........
Cleyk of Curry County,
Wa guarantee natiafactory work.
Dgrr. ApTr.
Oregon, Defendant.
Buffington, R .............................. 801
Two queetions have been pre,
;r ■.
X SuButrr
rented to the court under the «tipu
Ruaeeli, I ) .....................
..9 7 4
leted facte, vis;
Tolman, R . .
1. Were the sealion* in Sontroy
ver«y killed w ithin Curry pounty. \V ) I«on, S.
Rhchlel. R . .
Van Dreear, 1 ) . . ............./ ,
M rfifn ery A M ow ing' M a c h in e s .
Bntara« fox D a ir y in g ; O vboffnc,
M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . Z
P fltln u , o n *
S tu m p ln ^ P o w d e r
P ip e l in e o f G u n s, B a»eb atf p a r a ­
p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r t in g
gonde h e p t i n S to c k . 4 Z'i
-Ä "* ».
In v a r ie ty
hand. '
P ip e F ittin g » , P lu m b in g a n d T i n
w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t
lAOtf CQe
Cbeeverffi Bowman.
L a n g lo is , O r.
Í r O ulu, Or». • ;
road commences to break
The w ill nf Joseph pueob was and, 2. Is a aealion or hair seal a
th ro u g h . Eyen in n o rth ern
. . . . .87» Phage Ne. 5<4,
filed Saiurday St Coquille fur pro- “aaal,” within the Uteani'ng of Chap Stannarti, R . , .
C u rry »here are places where bale. The entire estate ia left to ter 174 p f tga lags hr 1915.
Tagtso BKg
p p ifh e d rock coujd be used bis widow, Alice A. G iacb ,to whom
Taking op these quest lone in in- I^-hnberr,Hailey, D
, ...........445
j. h . u rro N ,
. 7 ^ 7 «
atder, 1 th in k we may Safely Ca ugh el I, R .. ; y,
gS a foundation i o r gw,«', be bad been married about
and road wprfc m a ie ria iry yeayg, Tb* r“ ' Prwpoify’ foeeiima- (, diemi-a thi« queetion without aegu- . - .. -•*/•
ted io be worth IfO.OOO, and tbe menu *A H of the anibnritiee Sefjiie H u w k ,8 .,. r , . • e . . . • • • • • ■ ■ • • a^a
Lsaeio's. P to er O«,, Osane»
personal proper^ 85,000. This ia a “ sealion’' to bwaWyoneof tb«»c*
' . X
>»<** ' ;
Moorê, B , , , .
.fo0 "«*"' i
”VJ, c
what is left of tba JouSgb' Cuach era! large epcltobfiaeafo,
8 c « ool 8 o » t .
proywrly, which was worth a few
The s' bar qneenae to not free
D E N V I8 0UHIHV?, JR.,
Kam, R . ; . . , .ia t o 4 , •
, 7»0 1ft
• Ä 'S 'S o ^ a it o t
years ago over IRXMKN).
Mrs. from difficultis« ‘ , R f l ' ) i * > w ^ h a *
L e p . U , 8 , M io « !« ! S B r ie y m
/■ ■***>i< * * * - nna
|n g of good roads in C u rry Ooecbtsft for Rurttobd, ttalurday, adiipte^ the oonstruction which it Canfield, R '
for a abort yieR wjtb her eon,
aeeme to u« is the more reaeonahle C u n n if f ,D ..’ ; ÿ ‘ .'?.> S ? ;1; ¿ W 8
«urveypr for Hie Dietriot of O r.
uto A-.,'.
agon, .
Dirpotobea »fofo that Steve Beil* and w|kich must here been tbe
mesning intended 8^ Ibe I/egiala
ey bad bee*, betting heavily on W jl
• • <>m<n
Newman, D . . . . .
i*a election at Senttfo. Hi» (fste lure, vR; that 2o 8| of I/w d a Ore Robbia«, R . . . . . . , . , , . . . . . . . . 8 0 6
on tba stale nf Waebtoffon »nJ on gon L “ ?s. defining tb a ; boundaries
<M»ly G u rry county, but
CuvoTy <Oa»g> r
Qf CurrJ oouuty a t .s / . “Tbence
general result« amoqub-d U»t week
CaeUlloe, 8 . ...........
. . . . 308 t r . to. o o :
Oregon. « *¡4 e m p h a tic a lly a t tu 9 2 7 jx n ,a n d b» atii) htd
weal Io tbe Paoifio
H e iberger, B . .
. .,..7 8 »
»he I ’ oils pn Novem ber 7th
north along tba line
I»«>st O«-fl>«-<|,
on hand
Facifio coast to tba place qf begin­
»¡let th e booze business m ust oa Cooa Bey w ill
Qn the Amendment«, Corry aoqa
be slum ped o u t o f th is State, who was a lha fota J»«, ning.'’ it gas iptanded to inniude tv yoted much the angle ae tip Stats
A fte r Jan u ary 1st j t w ijl he Ferry ia Ibe RlanSp bwtel, yhep j t that pgn of tbe Pacific ocean
6M , «tying a decisive mejurity
Theuoderaigned heget», g f ^ noWe,
was belli | n Marshfield in, tlie egri» .]•? » * ,<rlb*
to the »
boundary of
sgs|ii«t lha Rrewars Amendment that they
w are pie owner« of the Booth
p u le w fu l jo sh ip i t ¡U, Jngny
J(P«. He left here fur'Seen le early
1- *•» it would
Q u an tity whatsoever fo r bev­ in tba ^0*e, awd geiqad nuneidgrabla ttoennabla Io bold thai the hegisla and a email one in favor of the bona'half of fiaptto» is, Township thirty
firy M IL
{three. Soqth range foorteap
pptqriyfy by toging a n d !% ld ln g g , I,,r*
«W t”
erage purposes.
tore '"»W
to leave
foave a atrip age
Willamette meridian, Oregon. All par
l*"g“ S in » v ltb . «nd egteod
C a lifo rn ia he8 « U id wet >, ¡lidelagd plaiq, there, fje grae a
! ties aye Famed not io — - , spasm
__ a a
j , ln»3orrti
O ms uttnih tto
find thia megns th a t tlje o ffi-l «abler fr..q(
bepk aed
io« norltl fn>m
fr" n’ »ta.tofith
mane an , loegtlena, either pfoeer
• •
1 plenty nf narge, am) the railroad ¡ ® ^ e e t i r e l F u f i t o * ^ bf « ■ /
Quarts dhiMA At their amv IL
piala o f th ia p o an ty nouaj be
D .K a x u g a a t
ffon p sny'fh ieh wanted thp fond M H » « *
J Owners.
filu rta a d v ig ilg fit elaa through
» S.ICaAgwaJ
A p o to o k y case,
fipally paid biqi u
P»'œ lor it.
p a r m id st a boot-lagging tr a f­
1 fifi», (M d that WA. i t * fiogodary
Portland, Ore
ile w ill flow. L it t le haa been
lines ,,f ^efftraoe and nll;er counties
4: O r U O H N ß O N
do not pqrpqrt to eg fend to Ihe «net1
4o n u ¡0 tb « p B d to atop the
A T I ’O I I N K Y
A 'l I . A W line of ike Ifentueky riygr. «nd Uto
•a to m o h ile boot legger. B a t
l ì Taars
:ou«BOF, »
boandary lim a of Fayette an<) Oth­
pew officers have haeo elected
er counties do not purport tq ex
by a people th a t voted over*
u n d to the weal lina, it w a
Port Orford Furniture
. <
pheapened. W ith graft c a t
p u t o f its pprphj^e apfl M
ire believe th a t a rock crush-
p r is essential tp thp b u ild
>F. tok,
«O- 4
k le
S tu m p in g P o w d e r
■ » ; T-
W l.
»0 Whom I« ffifeF Coueera.
it ^
- ¿ A f u l l lin e
» S to v ç ï
R anges,
S u e rn « « ;, M U m in u r n , i '^ g . a n d D / ú t , ■
g b t t o t a t b r d iy ?
Thefie yq-
A t^ » ^
tu r r y c<.
« n g , S h ta tti C u ttU r s ,. ¿ a n il m s ,
E u
• J