ton h»vy ¿ it ÿ w t » rig h i tb . n r . , *,». * 1 ’ ' ■ ■ — . PAT f e r . M> u ,. ■ I Noe, «s i t eaui..-?» he au(«p"*ed CH4 The | m * i aererai «I ira ha* mode th ey b u f i it waaintended p ife a v * it a «ha»»- bai liltU tSiauge in Ibe Presklenlial enforce th e P ro h it M a I T-1-flL~r ’* ’* «R sidsufany « n e iit,.* «iluuinut. ' U iia u n ’a eleethw. iagen th e other __________________ I _ ouW h . _ ti»"'*»«» w^akb ve Bilia, l i K*-« •«■«»!, cwwaded, yel Ihe geueral re» •nfHirr'HvM tiw ur Wilson anrwvr tBek> • * * 402. ,« u ll, and Ibe eleeti.u» in «ertral C u n y co u n ty b e n i,y Hn, | i U„ g y . g u«k Ex» Tb* “A l W f f * 7 J h" i * ^ ‘r*- u u n tata, ita » 11>* <|Uo..vrry '..«A » U le e p a i thè sw icb f H ab* e h . . * ? p i i » , , r . i n - r t ae m .rketl; * #* y ' M • " " * * * »“ .U g h i y rt Ui g M H A B IA T. «ÜIWPBIHTNON ,è h a . I . i k « - a w a h n n ^ I t in n o t fo r ue lo i aav -*1» you ara aleetad v ili you rto. £ 2 ? ea »«•*•»«»• BUI *b M » bea q u ie ti/ ! ’** * * 2 « ? y- * « - SfcV* 3.t: Jfac Ameriean ¡ i h . Ode of yietury. Bug bea » 1 i* * ‘«h.,»g b i. aongr.m l.uoa» io i R ato * Bsaaaaaaan. for ne to aay ss , J 8 F « d .ra i S p o r t a fo «>». ( A II«.... « m il thè »eo li i . deSnitaly o r n o t » wae «<fo Tbe word “*l....g'’ boa a auuto» aeuhiished. . « . (btHMtc.aiij Holt«, for tbe rrgulaiioi wbai alaatio meeting, a b ra ! Oregon weal for Hughes bv about yiaable fo peaa tb e b o iio d ry ( ) ( lU r ,Ul4(>f #Ild employed (a its Bluet teebnioal ' 8000; Waebingloa and California am en d m en t a t t b it tim e , S u f-S h « N Y »lock Exchange, «•"•»I and Ila meaning stuet in a for Wilann by about 10,000 an«l 4 f c . t o „ y t h « I t d id . p m I „„ greet mestare be controlled by M ichigan voted d ry b y ov er 70,000 leaf weeh; p re g ó n copgratolatee M ich ig an i t was elaim sd in quarters, before election, th at Cooa eoupty wae dom inated by a rio g of politician«. W th e 1000, and w ill soon beodne one o f wa# ,,jg MU,j lrUB wy jeubjvct Better, the contest, en«i tbe Shu laws of our State. A n d i,,g i0 y«.^,«« u. tbs challengr, »isril end ioteni » f ile oee.” 3 Cur in th ia co n n ectio n th e T a i- ¡“bemu't to beat j” pue fu r 1«, p, 114L - w w fthont fe a r o H a v o r w illj. Amj oow ler , wulh4r Jt is, tberefure, tbe view of the ,»». .■, • . -tp y r uow IO« A rOC'a orutfiwr. Jtl oppose tbe re fle c tio n of a n v y ¡a I, ll cui.aciet.ce «uoh an mterpriee OuBrl that the weetern boundary of C u n y county b m U cident with the officer who does not oonaoien- ; ought to be deferred a n ti! after tbe wwtern buundary of the State tiously discharge hie duties C..n»mi«eitoiSP lakes bis east, within the norpi ^nd fouth bound . ip regard to the en fo rcem en t o/ ,en “ '* * * ery line« of lh« cp u n lj, and that o f O togon’a d r H « . " * mmliy ’ F for road — macfalnesy ’ ¡ p W » « * t e Satitie3 to the ¿.Minty voters o f th a t coffin! V evid en t Z - * . ; M»»« “ » 2 « « *> • MlUd by bin,. ly believed e n flR to ¥ tb o T h 4 ,,iU m .in your %ohinin of! the amount to bs , warrant cusc, as w herever they had ••Away Back * new» calls up memo ,« f the o u a ty and ttmU.W provid ries o f «¿a limes« tlb t: tried 'Htbti'b: i * l th at the county shall ba reim the flhanoe th e y ta m e d down Doth Cone end Curry oounty ere •S ils, whea wa wem-todumd to d i r t ! buraed one half tba amount by tba ¡p a d e c is iv e m a n n e r a ll of etfosgly Republican, end when th e ir officers who fpr rereleotiop, - came «5 I n tbp la te «taction H o n . J o b o S , C oke carried «very pouuty in th is d is tric t io th e ftve-oornered race fo r c irc u it judge- I t te indeed a splendid epdprsem ent by th e people of big fitness for th e ju d ic ia l hepph.. Jt w t n expression of c o n fid e » » ip hl» n *tb w • » - tiops, and an endorsem ent o f his p o t action«, over w hich Judge C oke m ay w ell feel ¡tonorad. = = -— « i m aecessity of driving prime b'kawF State. risers all tba way nver to Roseburg, J ohm 8. Coxa, •iderable B ajurity in each coanty with not always thb*abto proepact Judge. over ftis opponent, It, f . Peirce, at the poll« iaet week, it ie eafe to ae- o f getting two esnis a pooN» yog eume that there wae aoina queetion THBMl That whs in tba early »(Pe, ©my at ieaue to vbuiit tbe volar« attached and ooincidea with the yeara when oooeidereMe importance. Mr. fviroe the money circulation wha lees than had been seat to the Ugi»letore l l j per capita In tbe United Slates. Following ie the official result of __ ____I t was during such time« that the aevent! tim«e. gven hie eaemi the election iu tliiewxiutHy 1 a h « o u tire ^ *,irt,,b l *'*r ,F pf»pounded the admit that ba baa gone P um m orr: ability, and hia various coaiuittae MQ uantatlre Theury‘,'W' money as Hughes . . . . ----- . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 2 appoin'ioenU prove it. Having affeuiing prices, sad. wets ridiculed I kt il son. . . . . . .514 had experience ae a legislator, It ie out of court for tb eit patna. Ji wet H enley, .................................... 10 then (het Woodrow XVilsoa am- quite ptweibb that ba could accom Bet^sn, . . . »»., • 1 1 8 «-■ «! W., .44, r plish more than a aew memher balmed ia a > vuhfidte o f United CoMcasaawAht could. Yet, in view of those facie, State« history the positive assertion ---------587 Mr. Peirce, a Republican in a Re that tbe “Qtmnlaliva Theory was Hawjey, B . . . . . . Rieberd«, S , > , 1 8 1 publican dielrict, is decisively de tbe emanation of Crude ignorsneet” Weatherford, D ........................... 297 Rut listen. The per a ip ita circn* feated by hia Democratic opponent. up Frank U. Ticht-nor received a con w I t is ppderetood th a t a large p etitio n baa gone -in to the pounty co u rt jreiponstrating against th e purchase of a rock » u s h e r, T h e re are m p n y i n th ia cud of th e eoWnty w h o d id not, and do nett believe th a t the tractor v »s • good in vestm en t fo r th e oounty, w d Ih u M » n « i . n » i . p .r - ih There muet be, and there Ie, a rea«a on, and that reason ia summed up in the oua word •‘ Prohibition.” M r. Peiroe waa accused of being wel, and ba practically admitted the accusation, and ba was caught ____________ ___ in Ib ad ry. wara tpat^a^naalng ov ar er Oregon Oregon and end «wept swept down down to da it may ba th a t, Ms.^JTicbenor’« oppoaition to «pinThg TnTb<ue riv- •- i ,h„ ’ . , ........ . it chance on drappng a “w h ite elephant.” P u t regardless of > p y tractor arg u m en t, th e believes t h a t C u rry COgPty pepds p ropk crusher. I t is tru e th a t fro m P ort Q»> fo rd n o rth , w lthsuoh streams 11th hoar mud elingipp tactic* o f hie opponent, but regardless i f a ll this it waa tbe strung, steady pn- der current nf the dry wave th at carried M r. Tichenor into the hells of the Oregon Legislature. Frank » . Tiehehor long a loyal and uneelfleh booster of I l k , Sixes, W illo w and and Curry aounliea, and tba T g j piorps creek to furnish g ra v - suss baiiavea that ba will be found an effleient worker for their welfare )sl, rook crusher is n o t bad in the helis of our legislature. ps a ly needed, b fl1 from here south ^th,ere are m an y lo n g atretphes wh,ere gravel can- p o t be h»d- £ o p k dum ped Thu foltevliiii'decIrtbri o f 'jaiTgk p il, be ofiu'tereet to our yegif- ara. I t has jdst Bran handed down in the ceee of W a . Hunt«» ys. J. R. Rlannard, ae Couflty}elerk., and wa* put p p to tne Circuit' Judge as a teat base. The aeele, or sealion, mentioned ,n (be decision were kil|- e j by Mr. H un ter ‘a t the Rogue river reef Igat apripg. Th.- decision follows; . ” ' ; . «Mt Coke haps larg ely signed by those bot£s wgs popular, a d f I t may be «rho do n o t care to take an y that peo|ds bad grown'tiied of tbe Coo# B av Nora The gasoline elOnp Tramp, which had been ja the Rogue river trade p n th e rpad jp large pie*»» during (he summer and fo il, was pever gets smooth and sopn laid ap fur the winter last week by is rolled to one side and the the owner, p e p l. John Swing. Hughes For B a n k in g by J d a il S o lio ito d In te r e s t p a id on 8 a v ix ig JLcS’ts. leads W ilton by about 900 la Minnesota. Eugene V . Deba, several time« Roeialist candidate for President, has been eleeted Coogreasman from Iowa. ’ -fc . Kx«<M«vernor, H iram Jobnaon, wae elected Senator in California by a large m ajority. ' California, outaide of San Fran» pitoo, voted d ry, but that city threw the state wat: Oregon voted dowg, th e . Brewers Amendnieui by about 47,000. The bone dry amendment, pro» bibiting the importation of a ll liq unre for hev»rage porpoaea, carried by about 3000. The Single Item Veto; tbe 8hip Ten Exemption; the Negro Suf frage; the A nti Compulsory Vacci. nation; the Rural Credit, and the State Wide Tax Limitations Amend uientaaH curried. The Pesilleton Normal; the Full Rental Laud Tux went down with the Brewers Amendment— the for mer by 8,000 and Ihe latter by 82. 000 The Sunday Cioeing4Law*waa re- pealed by 80.000. i _ In CiMW county old officer« were replaced by new men by a two to one majority. Qddy euoueeds Wataon ns Clerk; Cage defeated Johueon for Sheriff; Byers replace.1 T h rift for ; H a ll beat Ltljeqviat for DRt A tty , and P hilip* i, elected over Coke for Cotninteeioner. * ' ■ '* latiop ie now witbig- a fraction wf < t or S ta « t* •* «5 941, and to which greet fact the Cnnnoa.S. •••■••AVI’ S»* Woodrow kVtlaoo mto points Ofcutt, R » ’JL» • •/. • with pride! A n8 b e é f-Stock now ‘JbSTtCK Soyáiuig Or: brings 6 j cant» a pound! S H g h t ,P . ., , ........... ; , , i a 8 lu Langlois, Or. «», Probihilioo Oarriatl in Alnrka, Barnett, * R . . . , . . ............... . ,,» , 559 . , .181 Montana, Soull? Dakota, Mtuhtgin ~ Hnemer, 8 ..................... . . . 4W0 j BoJ Nebraska, and wae defeated in Moore, f t .'......... ......... Jud«« Cabe Haid« T W f e t f , „ h r e s tiv e ly . T a s ility J fe m d lin g Y o u r E usinece It ia n o t A*»« S re ry . . .812 California and Marylau l. A ll at tempt* tc tq r^ d ry »tale» ae> faild l P a | bt A F ood C om '«. --- > ‘"M ■ .' Vs • , .. ¿gM t iW i McKinnon, M .. .V POWBES, OREGON ------ —...... .. i. ■■■ if...« G O L D BEACH, ORECON M o t a a d C o l d Twt» am d « f o o w e r H a t h a . % Mrs. C. D . L am son , P ro p . y . Hardware Store >■ ^ S , e c . , Hardware of all Binds »^sss^^amtonammBMnmimi Oliver, D . ' . . . , ........ .... Onr PUKE HEFEB MieWe, R ; ................................. Rwnpel, P . . . . . PUBUC SOKVICB COW'S. frleu.t-hlp liuke waa • WINNER and we Want to thank all of you girla for the interest that you have shown In them. Judging by U>e orde» ' we a » Crgpurr /troua . 4 0 1 reoeiviag every day. qnite a number in Carry oounty intend a Coke. B . . . . is» » , 660 bmorfet nt onto. n t Hamilton, D . . . . •.r toe ................ .542 » M i Links In OoM or Silver At Potter, R . . . . . . . 20c enub. Skipworfb, 50I Fancy Link» in Oold or Stiver at JbtMT SUNAtOB IN T H B C IR C U IT C O U R T O F 26c each. Engraved with 3 Initials free. 8m itb , R . . . , l9 »^trirrr- ■ * * * • ,««A T H R 8 T A T K O F O R B G O N , IN A N D FOB C U R R Y . C O U N T Y . Jojgy RgyBoaugTATiVS IW n w f Ä . a.• . «.« a ¿4 g ^n’a* e e s , 89« M E N : W illia m Hunter, PfoiatlfTl rinlieuqr, I) ............. ..... .475 **• J. R 8iannard, as County Van Cam p.8 ........... .205 Try ua on WATCH R EPA IR IN G Cleyk of Curry County, Wa guarantee natiafactory work. Dgrr. ApTr. Oregon, Defendant. Buffington, R .............................. 801 Two queetions have been pre, -J ;r ■. X SuButrr rented to the court under the «tipu Ruaeeli, I ) ..................... ..9 7 4 leted facte, vis; Tolman, R . . . ..6 7« 1. Were the sealion* in Sontroy 95 ver«y killed w ithin Curry pounty. \V ) I«on, S. Rhchlel. R . . , „ Van Dreear, 1 ) . . ............./ , 414 .......... , M rfifn ery A M ow ing' M a c h in e s . Bntara« fox D a ir y in g ; O vboffnc, M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . Z ’ P fltln u , o n * A S tu m p ln ^ P o w d e r P ip e l in e o f G u n s, B a»eb atf p a r a p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r t in g gonde h e p t i n S to c k . 4 Z'i ■»»Tv -Ä "* ». In v a r ie ty hand. ' P ip e F ittin g » , P lu m b in g a n d T i n w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t lAOtf CQe Cbeeverffi Bowman. L a n g lo is , O r. BOYLE JEWELRY CO. Í r O ulu, Or». • ; road commences to break CUCBK The w ill nf Joseph pueob was and, 2. Is a aealion or hair seal a th ro u g h . Eyen in n o rth ern . . . . .87» Phage Ne. 5<4, filed Saiurday St Coquille fur pro- “aaal,” within the Uteani'ng of Chap Stannarti, R . , . C u rry »here are places where bale. The entire estate ia left to ter 174 p f tga lags hr 1915. Tagtso BKg p p ifh e d rock coujd be used bis widow, Alice A. G iacb ,to whom Taking op these quest lone in in- I^-hnberr,Hailey, D , ...........445 j. h . u rro N , . 7 ^ 7 « atder, 1 th in k we may Safely Ca ugh el I, R .. ; y, .59fi gS a foundation i o r gw,«', be bad been married about NOTARY PUBLIC, and road wprfc m a ie ria iry yeayg, Tb* r“ ' Prwpoify’ foeeiima- (, diemi-a thi« queetion without aegu- . - .. -•*/• ted io be worth IfO.OOO, and tbe menu *A H of the anibnritiee Sefjiie H u w k ,8 .,. r , . • e . . . • • • • • ■ ■ • • a^a Lsaeio's. P to er O«,, Osane» 947 personal proper^ 85,000. This ia a “ sealion’' to bwaWyoneof tb«»c* ' . X •/ >»<** ' ; Moorê, B , , , . W*F .fo0 "«*"' i ”VJ, c what is left of tba JouSgb' Cuach era! large epcltobfiaeafo, " 8 c « ool 8 o » t . proywrly, which was worth a few The s' bar qneenae to not free D E N V I8 0UHIHV?, JR., Kam, R . ; . . , .ia t o 4 , • , 7»0 1ft • Ä 'S 'S o ^ a it o t years ago over IRXMKN). Mrs. from difficultis« ‘ , R f l ' ) i * > w ^ h a * L e p . U , 8 , M io « !« ! S B r ie y m /■ ■***>i< * * * - nna |n g of good roads in C u rry Ooecbtsft for Rurttobd, ttalurday, adiipte^ the oonstruction which it Canfield, R ' for a abort yieR wjtb her eon, aeeme to u« is the more reaeonahle C u n n if f ,D ..’ ; ÿ ‘ .'?.> S ? ;1; ¿ W 8 «urveypr for Hie Dietriot of O r. pounty. uto A-.,'. agon, . Dirpotobea »fofo that Steve Beil* and w|kich must here been tbe CottOMBM mesning intended 8^ Ibe I/egiala O*M Hough. ey bad bee*, betting heavily on W jl • • <>m<n Newman, D . . . . . ...............17» i*a election at Senttfo. Hi» (fste lure, vR; that 2o 8| of I/w d a Ore Robbia«, R . . . . . . , . , , . . . . . . . . 8 0 6 on tba stale nf Waebtoffon »nJ on gon L “ ?s. defining tb a ; boundaries <M»ly G u rry county, but HAHQY T , STEW A RT . CuvoTy <Oa»g> r . Qf CurrJ oouuty a t .s / . “Tbence general result« amoqub-d U»t week CaeUlloe, 8 . ........... . . . . 308 t r . to. o o : Oregon. « *¡4 e m p h a tic a lly a t tu 9 2 7 jx n ,a n d b» atii) htd weal Io tbe Paoifio H e iberger, B . . . .,..7 8 » »he I ’ oils pn Novem ber 7th north along tba line of I»«>st O«-fl>«-<|, on hand li Facifio coast to tba place qf begin »¡let th e booze business m ust oa Cooa Bey w ill Qn the Amendment«, Corry aoqa be slum ped o u t o f th is State, who was a lha fota J»«, ning.'’ it gas iptanded to inniude tv yoted much the angle ae tip Stats A fte r Jan u ary 1st j t w ijl he Ferry ia Ibe RlanSp bwtel, yhep j t that pgn of tbe Pacific ocean 6M , «tying a decisive mejurity Theuoderaigned heget», g f ^ noWe, was belli | n Marshfield in, tlie egri» .]•? » * ,<rlb* to the » veetorn •* boundary of sgs|ii«t lha Rrewars Amendment that they w are pie owner« of the Booth p u le w fu l jo sh ip i t ¡U, Jngny J(P«. He left here fur'Seen le early 1- *•» it would Q u an tity whatsoever fo r bev in tba ^0*e, awd geiqad nuneidgrabla ttoennabla Io bold thai the hegisla and a email one in favor of the bona'half of fiaptto» is, Township thirty firy M IL {three. Soqth range foorteap pptqriyfy by toging a n d !% ld ln g g , I,,r* «W t” erage purposes. tore '"»W intended to leave foave a atrip age Willamette meridian, Oregon. All par l*"g“ S in » v ltb . «nd egteod C a lifo rn ia he8 « U id wet >, ¡lidelagd plaiq, there, fje grae a ! ties aye Famed not io — - , spasm ___a.^_A __ a a j , ln»3orrti O ms uttnih tto k«ta«4m»w find thia megns th a t tlje o ffi-l «abler fr..q( bepk aed h»d io« norltl fn>m fr" n’ »ta.tofith boundary mane an , loegtlena, either pfoeer • • 1 plenty nf narge, am) the railroad ¡ ® ^ e e t i r e l F u f i t o * ^ bf « ■ / Quarts dhiMA At their amv IL piala o f th ia p o an ty nouaj be D .K a x u g a a t ffon p sny'fh ieh wanted thp fond M H » « * J Owners. filu rta a d v ig ilg fit elaa through » S.ICaAgwaJ A p o to o k y case, ia fipally paid biqi u P»'œ lor it. p a r m id st a boot-lagging tr a f 1 fifi», (M d that WA. i t * fiogodary Portland, Ore ile w ill flow. L it t le haa been lines ,,f ^efftraoe and nll;er counties 4: O r U O H N ß O N RCSKNt F IL M CUBffi do not pqrpqrt to eg fend to Ihe «net1 4o n u ¡0 tb « p B d to atop the A T I ’O I I N K Y A 'l I . A W line of ike Ifentueky riygr. «nd Uto •a to m o h ile boot legger. B a t l ì Taars :ou«BOF, » boandary lim a of Fayette an<) Oth pew officers have haeo elected er counties do not purport tq ex 'c tw ia by a people th a t voted over* u n d to the weal lina, it w a Port Orford Furniture . < pheapened. W ith graft c a t p u t o f its pprphj^e apfl M ire believe th a t a rock crush- p r is essential tp thp b u ild h >F. tok, «O- 4 " ’W k le S tu m p in g P o w d e r Mto ■ » ; T- W l. G ILLIN G S, PROP. »0 Whom I« ffifeF Coueera. tot it ^ - ¿ A f u l l lin e of » S to v ç ï and R anges, S u e rn « « ;, M U m in u r n , i '^ g . a n d D / ú t , ■ u, g b t t o t a t b r d iy ? Thefie yq- A t^ » ^ tu r r y c<. « n g , S h ta tti C u ttU r s ,. ¿ a n il m s , E u • J