¿.A«,». -apfcqfr— COLLIES H. Jh *d *y atom u rofiul.» Cmumer- t i . l C lu b m eeting n t g h l Cold Beach, M et Dean returned M m tday from f S v ir il to Power», where b« repun» î everything rashiug. P- A. 80HMIDT, M Wttb Mr». A rth u r M ayer. J B unday School at » Preach in g a t T:X» by the T h e r . to » hot fight in Cooeenun- John JFromm’ « oottage on Oregon l J ®’ * the District attorney*« of •tre a t ia *W u ln g .iu a aow ooal o f floe- E x ooonty Judge John F . Langloia, Oregon ••in t. - I : H a ll to the D em o cratic nom ine« op Saturday « ig b t « a t a vary anjoya b ily d e buck thxt dn-roed fiSQ Ib.., and Tueeday une H O lb*,— both cea r to w n . A- , T h e .lance giwen by th e hand last 5 *" ,W« ‘ * * * * * ’« < » > « *'*» *$ . 1 * * ^ v1,1 bla a f j i r . L y n n Woodcock, J x s p ito a a rip p l. jed foot, was the lock ¡cal k u u t « to I « h * * Ul« « e a y * here. M«Ôd«y h« Fran k M . F ly » , who came toG ohl 1 Mottro to hereby given to all persons Fred G uerin M d h i , .{„ter, Ju lia <aot to trespass apoa what to known as Anderson, were y ia iio r. in town g h * FfiO»arar.Baoga, aaar the mouth from Langlois F rid ay. .of Brush creek, for the purpose of flak- 'J Jug, buntiag, qr otherwise. Open d a io n for buck deer closed W. T . W a i t , , gp. Leasee of the above rpentiooe,! land y e a U rd a j, a„d the boater who did Be,<'h * ’ 1878 "*«<»«» U » " f" F ra r * »« cm ploy of R. D . , H u m e, <,Ud M«««h*old laal weak «1 th o n g . n t 64 year*. H e had re- side.) on Cone Bay < » r M year«, a ad 1 te .w rrie e tj by a wife cad married T h e steamer Phoenix celled here Ce,M eouaty papers 4 m m been | U m latter pert of last wack and took giving much pub licity te « report I •w a y the wrecking gear th a t was tbatconae Lcnglois and Port Orford j boy, used on the Bandon. Judge P iiiter, who ha« announced | hie candidacy fur nom tnatiun by th e Republican party for ibe o ffio of Judge of th e C irc u it C o u rt for the Second Judicial (Mot rie l o f Ore gou, b a i .beeu a resident o f Oregon snodatfon o f the traveling public. a ll lito life. H e v m burn In the Boh C u lver 1s d riving tha ttage W illafrintte valley a short distance between Port O rford and Langloia, below Eugene on August fS , 1800 Proven Necessity M O N M O U T H . OTO- Jean M -— TMe Oaagoe Normal OSbeet evened thia weak . . . atadenla enroll«! 7«s, targ e « on record for state Normal In Oregon . . . . how to care for largo stadoat body « problem . . * • » batag crowded la to auditorium with «eatin g ca pacity of WO. QaUartee fitted with a a tia c h a ir , (a alataa. Moca than 1 H student* seat««! on platform •Meer hoarding huawro completed-. addition* to room lag hoeaee built and tents need One hundred « iris sleep oa upper floor wf school. Tho official achoel report glvaa l i t grade pupils 4a Moamoatk. fo r teacher practice. Bawd what t h o « you h a w elected to handle tho affairs o f y ea r state and who are thoroughly informed regarding school conditions in Oregon have. U eay re a r era tag nseaonre IBS on tfak ballot a t Ute coming recently « cache of i H I white lease T u rn e r to having a rest. H it father am i mothe^, W . A -x Pi«t. Elaaore 6 . Spurgeon reiiriqOiahid <r>*rts of boose on H u m b u g aaoun- Yisltbre to the T a ia u x s w ill And hia homestead near Edsun creek, an ! l **f« *"<* that a general hilarious ibe. front dear of the office at the 8ixes. last week aad the land was ti,n e wM ihe^resolt. Se far as are backside e f (be building. W alk filed upon by Georgs D ieh m . ¡can learn the story acd not tbs .«us. y ter and Loegy Zum w alt Fuller, ware early pioneers to Oreg<)b, O m i , w ill x m ta t la n la U u lu ,, « ing from the M idd le West id 1861, and were early member» and strong supporters of the Grange. , U a lv a rslty «f Tbecretim erjr at ttd ry W lx J s o e - „ “ ««roe lined a n ,lrrw e. r 6«c ,^ f gar m eat. M en’s U n io n suitafiLOO __. _ _ ¥ g There to better duck h u ttin g on Garrison ink« now than th e n 'bee * 2 J * X* rn J * * * " ’ ^ r ' ^ ’ "’ T wrought imegiuetiun o f ,on\e d r drum m er wbe was passing throng I these parts, been for a num ber of year», and some good bags are being brought . T h e Mgg«st fire io 4his sectim into town. d arin g th e present eaasao b u rn » A i ___ d . to . ov* r «kout 2600 acres <d land in lA in a n.xdtlun lo - * Een xie w . A. W OOD A TTO R VB r AT LAW M O bU B I A » « , O fifiO AX Or. F. A. Voge Resident Dentist « x i e c o n tra c t, for S" la a p - i u u n to m ake contrrots for the au-pply o f Oregon grape rout. a y per lb. F. O. B ., «and o n. M e A Gold Beach, Pnpgop. C Ü Q U IIL « , a a lervtgned, hereby give no tice th a t I have a conveyance from the P ateatee to tidelande aad water lota in tho H a rb o r o f P o rt O rfo rd , Oregon, oo a por.tion of which a p a rt o f the w h a rf teace,-xed witfaont m y oonseae. All , C,"rl W" re “ The Ladles A id w ill bold burned ovei dis. A , C. Woodcock end Honorable E. By Bryson. i n 1914 13 he wan President, of the Lane C ounty Bair* Cb« »learner M s I m o x I C ity , *r> < < rived a t fi t/cicek Wednesday, n»orn ing, and although the wind was H i * aeguaiatenem and «eighbera their Fu l ‘ he fire out. annual bsjaar on Jlov J O th . - There w ill be a fish pond at J0o a catch, , • C an C «M F a w t i« . Fort Orford, 0r*goh, G o id 1« Feed S table attached. K M A .P P P r o p r ie to r , Nettae te hereby given to a ll pereoas g h o u it may concern, not.to enter up oa or trespass upon the premises of L . Rnapp, for the purpose of bunting, nr flsblng w ith noox and line, »«id pre mises a n situated on Blk Klver, Carry Coenty, Oregon, and geoerally known ae tha "BumV/ place. Any perron or p a rr o t, ea i^ s pa»* lag for the purparo c f busting, »«M ug, or traveling through in any .hap«- form er manner, or tearing down tense«, M leaving oug aide gxtmupeu. of «ol«M- tex persQUAi property. Will <te pregeeu fid go th e fu ll e«tentgf the tow, Wgr R.JokjteO ". Lasveeef f r e +bore { named premise- . T h ,,c five tons of.freigh t. She ro lle d . in l«»ey are h*x fowl refer- sm all sage o f the m g h t hour lefo bji Con at Chetoo and fiiwh R ,« k .. b « t ».M enoe* F ra te rn a lly ba befoaga f» gre«e, b a * created a great demand u o a h le io ia a k a a ixc d tu g at.w U har ‘ ha \Voodiu.«n yd ‘ be W o rld , being Sehest kueerlntenUeete of Orsgon: U M Is t h , M O M Ut the C ounty B. huOt of tho K lxto of O r« « »". In <un»«nllun t h , host tntoroota of tho orhoolx of the locrooood fxctHtloo for U , trx lo in « of Wxl we. th e rxfuro, m d o o , the In ltlx U v a ihUM s N o rm a l Moliool x l J>en<li<ton " Or* * on BJn d v Board o f Urgents wf Orrgoi) N orm al School declare* that ih r ucocaaify fu r udditioiuii N orm al school fadJjiies ln Oregon js opitorcnt." Portland Chamber o f Com merer endorse* measure 308 and « y Pendleton moat logical location fo r N or mal school in Eastern Oregon. 3 0 8 X Y E S » a wie m rm childkn , • c h « w r member of Eugene^ternp, operator»., Puaitiuna place. Ooe caum o f the extrem eSaxsaitw 1 , 5 >’W » lni»’«l * • W f c be is ing the insid e o f hia store ue fru u t - paying a i l the way from 175 to 990 l o f “ Z w ; : x x r : street so as to give more shelf room. P«r aninth w ith good ehencM ' for i X peromai H e has been increasing the si^e^pf. advancement. I t w ill pay you ro .th e fact thro steep men b -vtP . t e t a W . H . Bennett hee been remodel telegraph h ie etnek, and expeele to be ^»ined » r ite The Railw ay Telegraph Io e ’l unable U M W lite an fitW h fi"««: th e ir in the agar fu tu re by, JltR^fcfollMr, ,,f Portland, Oregon for fo il pertio- when h ia bueinaaa w ill be a iili fu r ulare. - ■ ««of. The wtxdhmotofore^Mbgsp : Jher enlarged. g j’ ." •— — —— — ' Ah. mrona f p t e c i a g . r i . M a il order coaopetitiuo m et by W® • » » Besihmw Cang •irc u la u o n smong tfie P M pie than M uKenaie A Poole. G ive them I Stsng. A -------- ----- Jt is reported on good ° authority the mail order houses, F . 0 . B. th a t the JAsumark farm erV termed Portland or hen Francisco, cash a cooperative company recently aad with order.. You can get iwtter eer- have bought the Denm ark Mercan tftcc at home a t a saving io raoaey.' tile ooo.pany «tors from J . 8. Capps “W in te r eupplice have been o rd e r-ia tfi will" »hortry ae,um e mansge- ed for ti>e wireless station at Cape m clil o( the business. Blanco. I t was expected th at th iu j A f Langlois M onday night the ^r l * a||J X L iX lh . LanP| <hM | D U (r Broum . Curry. an(J tem perament .n d legal train ing to perform the <luii«« T b # ¥ M ‘,*»al GHy erriypd. from o f Judge o f (b e C irc u it Q uart. Gone Bey about dark Satenfoy o v - l ie t e ah Oregnu product? h avin g ening, and after tak ia g o r fraig b t hseo b u r* and roared in the W i!- ieft for P renkp ort, where .aim bad Ham etta vaHey, aad edaaatad in (I m considerable freight. 40 d iroiprg«, Oregoe schools. H is inclinsttees inclu d in g fu rsiW re*god k'Hirobnld wad energy bsvs been dlfoated to rfiixM« o f jf ? A . Btenmrt, who H m o y - wards tbe w aifare and development N E W l a p ® o r L A D IE S A N D O E N T L E M ^ N ’S F U R N IS H IN G S , D R Y G O O D S, N O T IO N S , G R O C E R IE S ing fro m B e tp iru J o - hto sgheb- a * o fth e if art h weal and especially h£ G reg » creek; but it» the Cri«r»e o f Oaegoe. H te in teree tau B rth o s s of C. W. ZUMWALT A SONS - thia fa ll, whsrs a more powerful gaalxsd, and have bargained for the > w p f r three bom» tha fom iHaf loot Ib e State o f Oregon aad Oregon’s p lant to being b u ilt, but the laying purchase o f the general «uaohandiae o f liar whistle wag again heard, aud intereata are bis.— Oregon Grange I in of w inter supplies would indi I store of J£. B. T h rift. Jt to under she came alongside our w harf and B u lle tin . A d v. cate that the proposed change w ill stood that this deal w ill be closed discharged the fre ig h t, H . teanapir- not take piece u n til next summer. w ith in the next day or two. ing th a t M r. F ra n k had given or Por the past few months, and per W herever tried cooperative stores Here to hie men to receive IW freig h t at his w h a rf d a rin g the night. T his look# like ea unilCrasssyy o«der. on frieadablp U n U was a fiflfiN E B *nd we want to thank all of yop gfrto failieg in h ealth, and last F rid a y • to rw m’ rk • « » * « P « for the interaat that you have shown Ja ate was token to (be Emergency end progmsstv« them. Judging by the orders we a n boapital a t Bandon where Dm . H m farmers o f northern receiving every day, qaite a aamber la Horsfuii and M an n held a consul -------------- ------- Curry oouhty intend completing a tstion over her case. H ' f condition L a # Acpdsat «1 tbs Baa bracelet a t ones. , Qallaad See 0u r Lines Our FKEE OFFEB was found to be attrib u tab ie to a goiter. She w ill be treated * t tha h ro p tta lfo ra tio»-, and p e rh .p i operated upon later. w W at Fart O rf ----------- — P laiaL io k s Ib Qold Or Silver at L « t week the T a ia p , Denmark M TW a, aecid#uU and „ Forest Supervisor, M cD aff, from that happened here d br G rants Pac», spent « day or two at of pulliog the Bandon < the Ranger Station on M idd le rK lk but it waa n o tu g U I la« tost weak. M r. M c D u ff d a tn e iitis . the final chapter was at Eden valley and Power», and ro- story of the several m il turned up Rogue river. Me .»aid was when the last o f tt th a t there had been very little dam gear wee beitig load« age in his district from fir« durin g steamer Pheenig and a the pferont season, and that the rolled on a swell W m . moat a f thia < a e d u rin g the last two got his hand caught I weeks in October and w«» oonfined ' whip and a heavy t w j* almost en tirely tq CliHTCUHTTKLU EJTATI iaTuta 2u’i£»"sx>»-rx^xtnr^U~m MHs?" tbe county co Madly, frws friian M o w in g a gate from ibcr'syfith» « « « » g whom he has span* bis file . «belay a t the whagf. and lan d'd ,n O ’*« ® » . « • < * • A m high a number of psesangers-Md .th irty , o harM ler^sbilU y aad ph-akug per ^ . d hg w iy young' « j. . station would he moved toC oosbey 4 farmers o f that srotioo met and or knapp hotel h are been d riv in g their beef cattle School in Portland where he g ra d . to d ie r«ilroa<L .where they receive Mated and w m adm itted U Aha .Bar li) ,1890. H a baa been engaged tw u oeiila per pound oo foot* aince th at time in praotioiitg his E d w in March and wife returned profession. last week from th eir visit to Dowg- In 189« he wee defiled -County las county. They bad a pleaaaol Judge of Lane county, an office vtoit, but «dry dtoagreubfortMeather which be held for four years. Fur iu which IN tra v e l. •,'■« n - . > the pest fifteen years he has devoted Stock insprotor C ro a k returned ail h i, tim e to the pmctioe .of law Wednesday from hto inspecting mitA hie offices in Eugene, and at «rorroaniug She sheep of northern various tim es d u rin g thia period ba C a rry . HA rdporta a il tha lo c k s of bae been associated wash Honorable a was covaeed w ith oak brash, and lit t le or no damage was doue. Raia ye ar order. T hey w ill supply you w ith grooeriee a t the te«,« p rim as 1, th a ' * “ ‘7 M rr . It alter Sutluq, while returning Must of tile country to h l* home at.G old Becob from trip to M y rtle P o ia u sandwiches w ill be sold et a xshtftge. m m xi____ j „ e° ' “' w #rden , )e>1 . . , * 7 .“ a’ * * * “ 1 , * , “ the tim ber, and bad assist lag them P a t T u rn e r spent several days John and George From m , Weston d u rin g the peat week vietUng a t the £um w alt,, Paul R ickm an. W . B home o f hto grand patents, M r. and ' S m ith , C «il W hits and Steve Spoerl ,.i,. Phyalelwn and Burgeon gH * " ‘1 R ,,c k r Pool«. .laundried tiackages at 25c, ,„ d va, rUu>a kin ds o f needle work at price» a W. ROEBiîfS, M. » 8^ ' linoea to (urn out a uensidatable u n til be cwit«pU the (Juivrt'sity of q u a n tity of butler. I t to a „»Upceaa Oregon from which b»’ graduated in ¿Very particular- - with the das» of lfit»7' Jeter going Several o f the ranchers o f Eckley to lb« U n iv c ie ity o f Qr«gn*i Law second growth liiu lte r. D r. Jns. Moors, diatriet supsrin Try ue iin W A T C H B E t d l R j i n u W p guarantee rotfofactery w o r li at home, i t te not k h q v " , to ire unf derstand, how (be 4*S ortgiuafod. The lass couejsts .o f bis o H ' rroi- dence, which was a good house, bis was hoisting on deck, ai uew re*M gU *> a fins and subutac tis l structure^ w ith 'a ll household of tbyte of hto fingers a fu rn itu re , a large burn, which A fte r lb s captain o f I MIX JEWELtY CO was fo il u f hsyt tegetbsr w ith outfrmtfies, tools. Implements, e ta The loro to a sarigus owe eijd a heavy M p ' w . .| o Dave and hto fam ily, naming as It dero rig h t a t the beginning of . g in te r, and it to A lqc« from which i t w ill-take thgm years to recover. D e ro to ea energetic^ hard- working . iTo better'Aceomrowda’e out growing trade find increasing number of patrons we have been compelled to add to oar* general slock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, a» follows: Hardware,'Diary Supplics^Stump- ing Powder, Oil* and Paints, Farming Im plement* of all kinds, including McCormick Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web ber Wggons, Me., etc. And don’t overlook oar up-to-date slock of Men’s and Boys' Cloth ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cigar«, Pjpes, Tobacco, Candy, Nats a fd o- tions, Rolled Barley, Grrs* Seed and Seed Grain. O itD S B S T A K B 3 ..F O » A N Y T H IN «) NOT j ON HAND m an, aad haa striven bard to build h i m * I f g good jp m e aad gather ' h a . a ° . d W u i r f ’l i't ^ f o n about h im tbe aoptforts o f lift-, and f « » £ o o w ,{u s tg e b s w«g beginning to^foro Hrody T. Htetrart, V . l anfoy tbe rewards o f hie l.bora, t o ! • ’«»«', u tile p M ro u t Port (j w b ieir.fr» W s J fr ju e tie ewfltfod, a ii i r o Sftn™ is swept aw ay ia • aroneot, sad be * » * » “J « * * * w ill be foroed to begin anew. f b r t Orford. Oregon, ■LW T b s John Bow tnim /of ,’P' CAPPS. Prop