, A. «ipn Ciiutj Abstract- ...h S iW i,, reft, •V- rtlat flaa the Only Set ef AMr^t jBooks in Carry County r ir r Eighteen Year# Experience Prompt, Efficient Serving W. A. WOOD, Manager >k ■r fp Mr*. Mel John »on, fell and fractured * ed uue of hia arms on the tab on I house 1 «1 steps lest weak. Ho is bask In »t scliool again thia week. u ef E. E HAIL Mrs. Harvey /antes and sad fanv * ily , who bad bean visiting with Mr. f A tty, at Law, Notary Public k, James and friend« here for a couple 1« of w eek* returned to their home at d Port Orford j . Gregs creek last week. * 0 • W ill White, manager of Ute Mae- * / W. A. WOOD A t t o b x k y A « A i | « O L D B & C H .Q B W O g ln»y ranch at Wedderhuru, was la y town Saturday having some extras n pot on hia Ford at tha local O»z«g« n to strengthen it for winter aervioa. j, w y r, F A Reaident Dentist M r, gnd Mr». Frank Uelm kin of Leoftlois, wars visitors in town Bun- I dpy. Mr. Helm kitf wss looking at , the dunkey engine that ie being used , to pull on tits Basdott with a view to buying it. ’ , JO. W . ROBBINS, Ml D. Jack Frost iuade his first v i i f t ’of tbs Mason to Port Orford last Sunday night, and Monday , morning ths sidewalks wars getter ously covered with their ooaling of whits. The lime ia drawing neah when Gust's name will be Mud. Dr. F. As Voge Physician and Suyrgeoa Sold Beach, Qrfigftp. J. J. S T A L E Y ton nndexelgned, hereby give no- tbat r have a conveyance from the u tm to Udelaftds and water lota fa tk>n of wbloha parto/the^w harf K*ed without m y oonaent. AU «■ are hembv warned not to drive o r trespaaa In any m anner what- Portland, Oregon; K N A P p HQTEL Port Orford, Oregon, G o >d Feed 8txb le attached H . j Let us figure ou yoqr winter eup- The Abwsnsda called in yaater.1 r. 'pliee. We *re willing to jto a you I day from Coos Bay with a shipment' a better deal than lb« n a il order of hay, grain sad Boor for Eugeue! , houses.— McKennie A P ool* Rohm ter. y A woodtbed will be built at the Get ready for winter. Lay io parsonage by donation labor tom or your winter’» provisions. See Mo-1 row. Those who oao »pare the Gut» Kenaie A Po ,le for, tha lowest prioas j * are invited to com» out and help. gad best tsrvior. The Aid w ill a w n dinner to the The .Ladies Aid meets thia week wockere la their hall. with Mrs. N. H . Larson. Annual V. B. Thibenoy, who has been election of officers will lake place campaigning in Got* ooonty fur tha and a full attendance la requested. "paat two weeks, era» in town Run day end went on to Bogue river tl«e following B ay. Be ¡» pleased with the eneouragemeol he has received Middle K lk , ia now employed at pointing to bis niscGon as Joint , •Cosmopolie, Wash. BepresentaUve. ’ Uon next Saturday afternoon, Oct. Eugene Suhetter a.id family ware 7lb , nt Lnngluis. vieitora in ou.r town Bunday, has Prof. W . A- Barr of the Ocqgo* lug driven down from Rendon In Agricultural Cuilege w ill ba present their oar to note the progress in t h r and will give ooa of hia iotcraaGug work on the Bandup. lecture,. He w ill he in Curry Co. . • •. ■ t Thia office is todahtsd 1» Beery for aeveral days a» he wishes to be-1 M. Axtell for a souvenir program o f come better seqminted with tbsj the Pendleton R o u n d u p . Mr. g g ., I dsiryoten of thr county apd their tell waa with the Red .Crovi Firet I problems. ■ ~ Aid on the grounds. I Alfred Jtffiuso^sap of M r. and ' «CIUuKVI» P r o p r ie tm * “ ,id ‘ “ nd ,,ld Bogue Biyer for a poupie <»f weeks, w h ile W i l l had juat. g u n * down a few day» previous io hia return, They were brought home by Frauk Uawkioc in hia Btudebaker. •1 --- 1--- ~------ ♦ -----■ ' ---------i n el J .O . Mock, known local.y aa K<’* t',ri or 11 a m JoTn « s t the B. U< Htar“ home». poiBt ol * li fl*1, bnl w l,,° ite< buok< lh ,‘ ’reki,l, proudly to a nioe | * k T flm t tor , ," lL ’7 p p e r,‘, , r r tb“ — ih- fhe fla m « threatened for . time tq lhan do get beyond control and »weep the L - ^ , . / , u « *. i. u . a„ f Bandon w.th.n a year. The build- lMn Ja#l * S t i i s i l t r i S i r o f, po* 1 B tnacler bweet o f tisiudon rd J W u < .. inauied. uur r* der* ‘ - things we saw on I I Mr». H arriet A. Lppgston ”han — ---------- J. a . U P T G K , <' KOTASY m u tu e , L ahw « o - ,, ptrapv Co,, 0« |» doing a W hila working over an emery wheel (gat Friday afternoon a frag- ment of the stone (lew and »track N. H . Larson ia one of hia eyes. H e did not think much of the accident at the tipia, kpt (ha following day the eye waa tropbling him so that he had to seek a doctor, and i t was with oonaiderabl« difficulty that J)r. Schmidt of LaogloU removed t|*« particle of stone which waa firm ly imbedded in ths eye to ll and bed started to work its way deeper. X P "DAVIS, Prop. N E W L IN E O F V A D IR S A N D G E O T X E M E M ’S F U R N IS H » IN G S , D R Y G O O D S, N O T IO N S , G R O C E R IE S *e o burned last Saturday morning It. lh, lr in . nfi \ f T ‘ lwo h‘o‘ y frau,,e bui,dlog ’rtu‘ rifle’ lu,o’' • m* and V Store lg Furgenaen raturned veal« r day o from spendiag the summer a» a look We’ wllb wUr d out for the Foreat Service. H e wea ed Im ‘ Fri<,“P fru fr itatione.1 on Graoite Peak, and te ‘ rip “ “ P*"« >» W * ork- Your Patronage Solicited be we ho M Mr. and Mrs. W . It Johnson and younger children, returned several days ago from visiting at Gold Beaph. Mr». Johnson had been at vitM itiig speaker, or Month Denmark Mercantile Co. h th e notion .tore of 8. R. Loeh. a ha ugh on 2nd »treat ia Raadon wa» a ^ , „ ¡ 1 la..„ _ J Notice h hereby given that W illis T. White Sr , the executor of the aet taut Jullue A. H. Koch, deceased, haa filed hie final aooodut in »aid «state to the Oounty Court of Cuny county. State of pregon. and that Mofiday the Snd day pf (fctolwf IfiW, «1 the hour of 10 ^o’clock A. M., haa b»en duly appolnUd by »aid couit for tha hearing o f abjec­ tions to sacb final account and the aettlemeat thereof, at which time any person lntere*ted in said estate may appear and file objections themto in prntlng snd contest tha earn«. by Dtj, Week C. W« ZUMWALT & SONS @ all and gee ©ur Line» M op 1 <»*■ In, his eew hot 1 been .pending tb . p a .t w m k in i Curry oounty working agaio.t the Brewer’S smindment, which will be voted on next month. 8be »pent several day» at Brooking», and ra lurm ug up the coa.t .toppml her. yesterday. ln> ths afternoon »he •poke in the phurcb to a congrega. tion of ladie« and in the evening •be add rawed a general »»»enibly. Mrs. Jxmgston h a logical «nd con Board y, u M Berets I of ths younger set about I town mads a Ouupls of auto pgrtlaa who attended a dance in the Spur- geon store building at tbs Sixes bridge last Saturday night. They retarnaJ in the «wea sued* houVt o f ths morning, and all reported an eo Joyable lima. t*orte